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JUAREZ SUMMARY First Race 8 Mile Horse Wt Jockey Strt Piece Show ShowJack Jack Colinet 91 W Imig 500 2CO 2 0 0Princess Princess Ahmed 105 ItNorton 420 00 00Fairy Fairy Itose 97 J Carroll 280 280Time Time 102 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Traveling Star Uichard V Aggie A Cascade and Little Itcb ItcbWent Went to post at 227 At post t minntes Second Race 58 Mile MileHorse Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowWinchester Winchester 112 H Carpcnter 580 r00 340 Wikiup Papoose105C Crnwd 920 ll0 ll0Cleiizar Cleiizar 10l S Hignera 12GO 12GOTime Time lC2ri Track fast fastAUo AUo ran Itapid Traveler MoMurphy Solid Color Little Hum and Jiminie Steward StewardWent Went to post at 30 At post 10 minutes Third Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsHorse Horse Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowLittle Little Ituck 10 K Collins 1420 700 SSO SSOCocksure Cocksure 111 L Neal 340 SO SOFlagman Flagman 111 C Andes 80 80Time Time 54i Track fast fastAlso Also ran Dartaway Jago Shasta Sol Itittern and Milda MildaWent Went to pot at i8 At post 1 minute Fourth Race 34 Mile t Jockey Strt Place Show ShowKlilserose Klilserose JIT K Donahue J20 420 500 500Kvelvn Kvelvn ISrown 10S C Corbett 720 TOO TOOLuke Luke Martin IKt C Andes o80 o80Timo Timo 115 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Lilliputian Pigmy Iouie Kalloti My Ilrain Light and St Peter PeterWent Went to post at 404 At post 1 minute For remainder of results at Juarez call telephones Wabash 5187 and 5188 or Harrison 2037 The omitted results will likewise appear in the follow ¬ ing days edition of Daily Racine Form FormFollowing Following is a summary of tho last two racos at Juarez Mexico Tuesday TuesdaySixth Sixth Race 1 18 Miles MilesHorse Horse Wt Jnck r Strt Place Sliow SliowGloom Gloom Cirl 105 G Collins 1420 90U 480 480Ginger Ginger Pyl 110 K IVgg 500 400 400ISiulls ISiulls Meteor 102 M Hum 440 440Tima Tima 154 Track fast fastAlso Also ran Weary Dirk MtfMahon Jolly Ophas Manella Hoy and Litisha LitishaWent Went to IKJSI at 5iH At l Jtt 1 minute Seventh Race 1 Milo Iliirxc Wt Jockey Strt Place Show ShowItomaldo Itomaldo H 5 It Jackson 2540 0 52O 52OU U rena L KW C Yates 420 420Tight Tight 113 B Curycntcr w Timo 144 Track fast Also ran Monopoly Ponza Kay Castle and Nornin NorninWent Went to iwst at 53 At post t minutes