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RACING FORM CHATS JAMAICA Copyright 1926 by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co NEW YORK IT Y WEDNESDAY KAY 19 192G Jamaica 1 Mile Nineteenth clny Metropolitan Jockey Club Spring meeting f 20 days Weather clear Stewards W S Vosburgh J K Cowdin and G II Hull Steward Representing the National f t M pleclias and Hunts Association J K Davis Judges K C Smith and C Cornehlsen Starter liars Cuxxidy Assistant to Stewards tit the Start K C Totter Racing Secretary F Rchlierger Kacsng starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs IJ blinkers Fig in parenthrKs following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST RACE 5 Mile May 16 1923 E8i 2 111 Purse 1000 2yearoUs Claim ias Net value to winner 703 second 200 third 100 Index Horse AWtrrSt Vt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners 01 BOH AVISACK IT WB 109 C 4 4wn 2 21 I1 I1 I Fator X Loscalo S5 115 95 710 13 JJ9828CAITAIN JACK wn 117 12 3 3WB 1 1 2 2 K Sande J J Mack 4 G G 2 C3 C33J 01537 POP BELL WB 117 4 5 5w 3J 3 31 3J H Carter Mrs J Sciaclugra4 C 31 75 710 O147G LASKA w 112 S SWB J ChalmrsP H Faulconer 15 15 8 3 S5 OI420 GREEN RACK WB 117 3 9 9v 10 7t Gl 5 II RichdsMirasol Stable 10 12 12 5 21 21SS OlfiOa SlKY v 109 7 11 11WB SS 6 51 G l K HBlandF Johnson 20 30 20 8 4 411110i 01109 ATHEL WB 11 2 12 11110i Si 7 H Long F Johnson tO 30 20 S 4 008ft MAlD OP INDIA w llfl 5 2 411 rnt 71 Sii sharpe SwinRalone Sta f G 5 2 1 01420 REGULATION w 112 11 12 12 10 9 = A SchugerJ Wlialen DO GO GO 20 10 10C 100143XMENXY 0143XMENXY DEAN w 111 11 5 C Si S 1IO F ThdykeMrs F A Clark 12 15 10 4 2 01542 ROCKSAL w 109 S 10 5 k 9 111 H1 W Smith J A Harper 30 40 T 12 6 6OOKG1 6y OOKG1 LUFIAN w 109 W S 9 y Il tl2 12 12 K Barnes S Ross 20 SO 30 12 G GtCoupled tCoupled an F Johnson entry entryTime Time 23i 47 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner P f by Leonardo II Itastante by Oddfellow trained hy J T Tuzzi bred by Messrs Rltck t Keenel KeenelWent Went t ixist at 232 At post 2 minutes Start Rood and slow Won easily second and third driving AVISACK II followed CAPTAIN JACK under restraint to the last turn Ihen moved up fast after uterine the stretch into the lead and drew away to win easing up CAPTAIN JAOK swerved over toward I In inside at the start and riiusctl a jam then drew away into a Ions lead but tired in the final eighth POP PELL ran a SIMM race and finshed gamely I ASKA was in close quarters in the early running and closed a sap GUKKN HACK wasthuffled back and finished fast MAID OF INDIA bad n rough rare rareScratched Scratched 9H7SlDaffodil 111 01537 Whiskey Kiin 11 01400 Contemplate 112 OlfiOO Iji Duse 10 Forebode 1OI flt fT T SECOND RACE 34 Mile May 21 1925 111 3 120 Purse 1000 3yoarolds and VJL 4 O upward Allowances Net value to winner 00 second 200 third 100 Index Horses it i Vs Str Fin Jockevs Owners O H i 014G4 CELIDON w 3 1 4 4 2 2 I E Sande Rancocas Sta tlG 14 29 out ai502NEDANA WB 4 120 2 2 2 = I5 lt 2 L Fator Rancocas Sta 1G 11 29 out 01 4G7 GREEN DRAGON w S 115 r 5 y 3s 3 S J ChalmrsMrs F A Clark G S 7 85 25 CARLOMAN WB 3 100 1 19G598KOCKY 1 lii 4 41 4J F Weiner L Waterbury 50 100 100 20 G GG 9G598KOCKY LANE TV 3 112 3 301540EUCLID G G G 51 5 D McAffeJ E Madden 20 30 30 6 2 01540EUCLID wn S 122 4 4Coupled 3 5 5 G G F Kharpe J P Smith G S 8 2 12 Coupled as Uancoeas Stable entry Time TimeWinner 23 i 47 113 Track fast fastby Winner It P by Negofol Adana AdanaWent by Adam trained by S C Hildreth bred by Xalapa Farm Went t i st at 25S At post 5 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third thirdleaders driving CKI1DUN followed the early leaders under restraint to the stretch then came through en the inside into the lead and was casing up at the end NEDANA passed CAKLOMAN after going a half mile then vva brought wide throimh the t retrh and was rased up through the filial sixteenth CKEKN DKA N ran a good race all the way CAltLOMAN set a fast early pace and was not persevered with Vhen h tired verweisht Carlcman 4 pounds THIRD BACE 34 Mils May 21 1925 111 3 120 Purse 1000 3 3yearolds and OJL upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 U ii Str Fin Jocke 010K5 SMKUMAN WB 5 118 3 2 2wsn 1 I F CollettiMrs A Swenke 12 15 S 9 2 7 IIKLHI 11 HOT liu wsn 4 4 IIS us 5 a 3 3w s 4 4s 4 1 2 = F CatroneH Hart G G 4 4A15ALOO 7 4SHILLA15ALOO 4SHILLA15ALOOO14li2 A15ALOO w 7 US 2 21 1 1WB 1 1i 2i ri II Carter W C Clancy 3 3J 3 3WB O14li2 SKIT WB 4 US G G 5 5h G 41 F Sharpe Swin alonff Sta 20 25 r rTHKKWOOD 01fi40LEATHKUWOOD THKKWOOD w 5 122 S 5 5Ojr7r 3J 3 54 E Sande T Rowan G5 S5 i Ojr7r DONKTTA TTA w 3 107 4 S S01fi0 7 GS 71 fr H llichMs P Jordan 15 20 12 12N 01fi0 = I ONNAVIDEO N A VIDEO WB 3 10S 7 4 401040SHIiAX PI 7s 51 71 F ThMykeH A Hollis 10 12 12 12AX 01040SHIiAX AX w 3 101 1 7 S 8 8 S C Powers W L Oliver 20 20 20 20Time Time 23 J 47 113 Track fast Ch K by Trap K ck Sous Marine by MarvovII trained by A Swenke bred by Mr Vcnt 1 post at At post minutes Start sood nnd slow Won easily second and third 1rivin SIIKUMAN forcid the iwce fr n the start ami timing fast after entering the stretch passvd liriLAlAIllO ami was xoijic away at the end DKLIII ItOY was outrun for the first half hut finished with a rush IlIIIAItAIOO showed the most early si eed but tired near the end and pulled Up lame SKIT finNi l Mtiifly IKATHKllWOdD was cut off and was forced back when he tried to come through next t Hie rail on the stretch turn turnScratihed Scratihed Oir 7 iKspanol II O14R2 Voshell 110 110Overweights Overweights Donctta 2 ptiundK Shiran 4 V PTOO FOTTRTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards May 15 1925 141 i 4 124 Merrick Handi VrJL OM cap 1500 Added 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 1260 second 200 third 100 Index Horse AWtPPSt X = 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O II C P S 01 iOSSAKFOIin iOSSAKFOIinItOU ItOU CHAIR w 5 115 1 t 1 Il 1 = 2 2 E Kande C R FleischmannlO 10 7 21 1 10122R 0122R LIANK w 3 18 2 3 31 3 3 3 3 H ThurberFal de St PhIelO 15 15 4 85 01394 SEVENTH SON WB 3 103 4 4 5 5 5 4 41 K HBlandF Johnson 4 41 41 G5 25 25014X4 014X4 OPPERMAN w 7 111 5 5 44 4 4 5 5 B BrninsF M Kelly 587 8535 8535Time Time 24 4Si 113 138 143 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by Sir Martin Affection by Isidor trained by IJ F Carman Jr bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenWent Went t4 post at 53 At i st 1 minute Start fair and slow Won driving second and third tint same SANFO1JD followed the early pacemaker closely and coming fast after rounding the stretch turn was biimiMd by the leader but responded gamely to hard riding and was drawing clear at the end BOt CHAIR a nishid into a clear lead and setting a fast pace finished gamely but tired right at the end LIANE raced well and had no mishaps SEVENTH SON and OPPEUMAN were always out ¬ paced pacedOverweight Overweight Oppennan 1 IK und 01733 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt U i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 01423s DOUGHNUT WB 7 118 1 1 1 l k 21 2h 1 K HorvathE J Morrow 21 4 4 85 1 O1C40 PLAY HOUR WB 4 118 12 5 3h 3 Il lk 2j p ThdyktC Bergman 15 15 12 G 3 3wn 01 496 COST1GAN wn 7 121 4 9 7k GU 41 3 3 k F Reilly Mrs J D Misick 15 20 15 6 3 01i40imOTHKtt BILL WB 4 115 13 13 125 Hi Gl 4 4 R HavandP S P Randolph 5 OlfilS VALLKTTE ws 122 U 813 M S 5 5s E Sande G C Denny 4 4 185 S5 45 01497 COOLAGH BOY wn 3 111 2 IU 10 9i 7 G5 G J BrunnerW Hogran 20 20 12 5 21 21OI OI 40 W1LL WELLS wsn 4 116 G 12 11 12 10J 73 71 H GofrupH Newman 10 10 10 4 2 2OirCl OirCl PARK HfLL vuG121 7 G 5 4 5 S SI R MthewsMra J Johnson 12 15 12 G 3 3OIfi75 OIfi75 TEMPESTO VB 2 109 311 6s 7s 91 91 9 L Fator MrsH M Pearson 15 15 10 4 2 01541 CORK ELM WB G 11CJ S 3 2s 2 10 10i L Barcene F Williams 50 10010040 20 20OOOGO OOOGO KlMONIN wn 4 119 5 7 9 S ll05 II3 C RobsonR Scherrer 10 12 12 G 3 3OIK74 OIK74 GLOKIANES WB 3 lOSilO 2 4 5J 12 12 12 H ThurberBelairStdFmSt 12 12 7 3 S5 01571 OCORRA w G 121 9 4 Si 13 13 13 13 F Weiner J Shaushnessy f2 15 12 G 3 3fCuupIed fCuupIed a Mrs J Juhuson ami J Sltauglinessy entry entryTime Time 24J 49 115 142 140 Track fast fastWinner Winner 15 g by Sive i Fascination by Buck Massie trained by A M Merz bred by Mr E C Christian ChristianWent Went t post at 413 At post minutes Start good and slow Won handily second ami third driving DOIKIHNIT took the lead at once and kept it to the far turn then was passed but came gamely in the stretch ami otilgamed PLAY HOUR in the final drive The latter raced into the lead after passing the far turn but tired near the end COSTIGAN ran a good race and mude a game finish RKOTHEU BILL closed a big gap VALLETTE also worked her way up on the outside and finished fast GLOKIANES tit badly badlyScratched Scratched 00313 Dr T S Dabney 121 01572 Mite 108 108Overweight Overweight oolagh Boy 2 pounds Cork Elm 2JA 5orianes 214 fL rWO A SIXTH RACE 58 Mile Kay 1C 1923 58 2 111 Purse 1000 2yearolds 3 fjJL 4 OTC e s Net value to winner 700 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt VI Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 01S7GSVEEPi TER w 118 1 1 1 1 1 1 L Fator Rancocas Sta 35 910 710 14 out outAKTEIIGLOW AKTEIIGLOW W 113 5 3 3 1 3 21 2 I McAte H P Whitney 2 115 115 12 1G 1GOHARUSAN OHARUSAN W 115 3 3 5s 5 5 3 1 AVtsiner G W Loft 15 20 20 G 21 21RECREATION RECREATION w 115 S 7 4 4s 31 4 1 Sande J S Cosden jr G 5 G5 25 25EVADER EVADER w 118 4 4 2 2 2 k 5 I Barnes G D Widener 30 40 40 10 4 4MARYLANDER MARYLANDER w US 36 7J C G G W Smith J S Cosden t C 5 G5 25 25ARDEN ARDEN w 118 7 8 8 f IRICELESS w 118 G 5 G k 1C upIed as J t Cosden entry entryTime Time 23 47i 100 Track fast fastWinner Winner B c by Sweep Oktibbena by Itock Sand trained by S C Hildreth bred by Mr Edward I SimuiK SimuiKWent Went iff Plst at 444 At post 2 minutes Start good and sow Won easily second and third driving SWEKISTEK took the lead at cuce and making the pace fast won in a canter AKTEltGIOW nn well throughout but did not menace the winner OHAKISAN ran an excellent race and finished Xaiit RKOItKATION ran out when entering the stretch EVADEK ran well for a half mile tfcralchid OOCU Mariner 113 011S3 Poti ourri 118