1st Race [1st Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-20

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1st Race 84 JIIIc SjTarolds Fillies Claiming May 24 1SCJ1 111 Mcx Cr DisTime Tr Kids WtSt StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish DOLLY BAT b f 3 99 99Trainer By Colonel Vennie Annie Welles by Dick Welles WellesBreeder Trainer J T Weaver Owner J T Weaver Breeder J B Resnesi ResnesiJohnsonl5 01645 CD 34 l12Wft 10f SJ JO 2 21 2 G Johnsonl5 Pof Wales 107 MomsBoy 100 Banter 109 1549 CD l70141ttft 41 100 1 1 1 il F Maguirell IorettaIrooks 105MrsMoorelJ Allaire t 3 01425 CD 34112ft SJf 100 2 1 7 7 S F FD3535 Maguireir Hauler 109IryMoon lOSMuiniilioy 109 D3535 Col 5S 101 ft 45 102 2 2 2 2 1 Dillea 8 IomiiGohl lOiLvShaw lOSHClifd 103 81168 11C8 Lat Clfl07 = gd 20 110 C 4 4 2 V Moore G Kosehec lOSHelensllabo 113lsStar 103 90771 Lat 61fl07 = sft 31 106 223 4 = 1 II Meyer S Kyrock lOSIIarryAVills 991Min 95 95Moore 90345 Lat 68 l00ft SJ 100 3 2 1i 1 V Moore 11 Aceulator 110LitCook lOSTKnger 103 INDIANAPOLIS ch f 3 108 By King Gorin Day Dream by Ballot BallotTrainer Trainer R C Frakes Owner S K Nichols Breeder S X Nichols 1469 CD 170 l4Csgd 1 10S 3 2 V 4 1 McCoy S Sea Drift 101 1rodigal 9S Smacker 111 01106 Lex 1 l42 ihy 95 107 5 1 1 1 J McCoy 8 BlueTeh 10IKlygSpk 104IIappyItoh 107 97449 Lex fc 111 ft S 11110 5 5s 5 1 D Connlyll SpanishLay lOOTnlladega 5TomP10G 5TomP10G9740fi 9740fi Lex lcl12 shy 6i 112 4 4 35 3 G Johnson 8GtSport llMassillon llPsPan 11 97351 Lex fc l13m 115 10911 S 7 S D Connlyl2 Huntsman 1021t drigo UOLittleCoot 97128 CD 34 I16 hy2710 112 9 7 3J 3 E Pool 10 GMIost 115GdKing liriIarbara 112 95290 Lat 51 f l09 sl 25 112 6 2 U 1s E Pool C IyLynn lllDinclla 112BylJmhill 112 PANI ROMA blk f 3 97 By Pagan Pan Donna Boma by Light Brigade BrigadeTrainer Trainer A D Steele Owner Keeneland Stud Stable Breeder Keene Bouse 01582 CD 34 l13 ft 7f S3 4 1 11 2 R Jones 13 Aileen P 3 Kuth Cold I4 Marengo 110 90967 FP 34 l15gd 1710 105 C 4 4 1 Z l L Geving 9 SrSpur lOGJkAlexder 107MaryMc IOC IOC9G343 9G343 FP 34 l16m G 105 6 1 1s 11 E Gialoni S M Maggie 103irylSoli 11 IMI lirown 110 96170 Aur EJ f 111 hy 33 103 4 1 I1 I E Gielloni Neatness 112 ToyPride 103MMaggie 112 95294 Lat 34 115 si 10 101 IBS5 S = G Noel 11 MyraM107LNational HOWmUns 100 BLABBERMOUTH b f 3 104 By Helmet Acutissimo by Forfarsbire ForfarsbireTrainer Trainer W Hurley Owner Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable Breeder Idle Hour Stock Farm 00998 Lex 1140 gd 10 121 C 7 10 10010S1 = 010S1 G Johnson 10 FceMills 121Helcnslabe 121MyO 121 89311 CD 4J f 34 si 5J 119 6 3 CJ i J H Meyer 17 Epsomite IMUelle llilPanola 119 87149 FG 3S iSTJgd 5 115 3 21 I1 D Hum 12 SilKinn lliiNthnMiss lllSpecAct 114 87041 FG 38 35 ft 95 11C 3 2 i I3 D Hurn 12 PansStar 117MissMaggib HUHcllCat 11C 11C8G910 8G910 FG 3S 35sl 13 115 5 3 3 H Myers 12 MyBGirl llGSepoy lllVleasSands 114 114MARY MARY KINKEAD ch f 3 112 By Peter Quince Hermosa by Oddfellow OddfellowTrainer Trainer M J Ayers Owner J S Wallace Breeder J N Camden 01382 CD 34 l13ft 103 3 7 f1 G M Skyrm 13 AilecnP 93 Pnulltomn 93 RutbGold 94 00221 Tam ll4J sl K 104 Z C 7 1 719 R Finnerty 7 McTinklc IMSkivesdale 107Kasuli 107 001 GO Tarn 34113 s = y SJ 35 C 3 3J 3 M Caruso 7 SethsAlibi 112Nassau HOAgnesCall 107 99995 Tain 34 l14 = ift 11 97 4 4 55 Ce M Caruso 7 HysToncy 1091tasnli lOSMyMorng 112 D9947 Tarn 51 f l06 ft 1C 97 C 2 44 51 C Barnett G Columbia 117McTinklc 971JyVroney 110 9957G Tarn 170 l4SVaft 1910 111 C 4 C41 C c J McCoy G McTinkle llGBolton lllDrCarl llli 894GO Tain 1 11C I si 7Jf 112 4 2 2 2l J McCoy 12 Tordier 117McTinkle 112MyKva 117 98803 FG 51flOSigd C 116 1 4 5 = i 61 G Ellis G MsPAVgly 102ThSirr lOllSotWd IOC IOCROSE ROSE MIST b f 3 97 By St Rock Lady Algy by Ormondale OrmondaleTrainer Trainer J Lowe Owner J Lowe Breeder J E Madden 01680 CD Gl f l20ift 2710 SO 5 3 7 77J D Dubois 10 GranileWare HOMassey 99Waponoea 110 110942G5 942G5 CI Clfl06 = ft 10 93 0 5 4 r1 S Hebert S QnClara 102Iowncast OCllyCross 100 94007 CI Cifl07 ft 41 10510 4 43 3 = 1 G Noel 14 LdJulian 113Estin llSQnAnnaMnrJe 107 91823 CI 5iflOSsft 5 107 9 5 43 4 = 1 H Stutta 9 IlotheWind 102Selective 112LStone 108 91G43 CI 58101K l S5 109 2 1 1J 11 H Stutts G Twister lOOStellaKinc 105Murky 107 81458 CI 5S I03 I03shy29l = shy29l 114 3 2 2 21 II Stutts G Poliby 114 Murky 114Clieerlp 114 91273 Lat CS l03liy 19 1071 4 4 45 4 1 H Stutts G Socket In 1131elcoLiRUt 107lisciple IDS CLARICE R blk f 3 By Tea Caddy Siraona by Watervale Trainer C R MiUer Owner C R Miller Breeder C R Miller 97297 CD 3411C s 4110 112 2 1 1s Il W Pool 9 Cockrill HSWashakie 113NotaBene 115 97199 CD 341147iKd 6 12 5 1 11 4s V Pool 11 Mayfair 112Peaches 112ShenaniRan 112 112S709G S709G CD 34 16sy37lO 112 3 1 1 2k W Pool 7 JlisSwecp linSkivesdle linKidBoots 115 96925 CD 34 l14sl 0 116 3 1 21 3 = W W Torl2 CritMent 112Preccdce 11211 Barton 112 96781 CD 51fl08Vift 12f 113 5 2 4l 7 1 F Maguirel Pandy 113MarialI5urton 113HoseH113 90143 Tlif 41 f 5Cft 7 112 1 1 11 4 1 M Schwtz 8 Kink 114HanfcMonk 115IIelenT112 89540 CD 41 f 543jft 27 115 2 3 G m W AV Torl2 ISotAVind 115Wildwood 115Spices 113 1132INDERETTA 2INDERETTA ch f 3 103 By Campfire Yvette by FitzGrafton FitzGraftonTrainer Trainer F Musante Owner F Musante Breeder W A Shea 01471 CD 34 l12 gd 171 S5 3 7 7 7 J Jones S Teak 99 South AVind 102 Lareen 107 97493 Bow ll45itt IS 100 7 S Sel S9 V Stott 13 Haze lOSCompromise lOlTcmpest 107 97452 Bow Cl f l21Vsft 29 107 5 5 6 953 T Finn 13 Stardale 107Ttmpest lOGCIaudius 105 1059G789 9G789 Lrl 34116m 12 108 1 5 4 4 V Stott 10 Swoop 109Mcliester 102Gettysburg 103 1039G653 9G653 Lrl 1 l42 ft 41 104 3 5 5 Ti R OBrien 8 BestSliot 9SJGnI51azes 1001lieasant 101 96525 Lrl 34 l16rKsl 6 107 1 6 C 5J G HudginsS Toyland 114Majuba 102Oompromi8e 110 110GLADRAGS GLADRAGS b f 3 99 By Paicines All in Black by Peter Quince QuinceTrainer Trainer C C Van Meter Owner F J Kelley Jr Breeder Frank J Kelley Kelley0103G 0103G Lex fc l10ft 65 96 2 3 Il 1 E Benhaml2 liobbieShea 112Secrets 9GUnlucky 97 92908 CI 51 f I OSgdS210 102 3 1 3J 32 S Hebert 7 FlyingSpark 98Rootsie tSIx rdMeise 110 92799 CI CS103 si 1710 1C 7 3 CS3 6 ° S Hebert 9 Flicker HOJoyPride 102Traplin 10G 92269 CI 5S 1 01ft 1110 109 3 1 1 2 H Stutts 7 DofTomorw lOOUMcCann 99Hl ert 102 5iflOC ft 115 114 4 3 2 471 G Fields 10 Swanee 114DaiidyAnne 114Jet 114 SETHS PREMIUM b f 3 By Seth Miss Waldo by Waldo Trainer D D Bopert Owner Mrs J W Smith Breeder B A Jones 97948 JP 34 114 ft 43 102 C 3 7 J 7i J Mann 12 Frcesltock llOltilliken 99Ma elSeth 102 97777 JP ll43 hy 75 104 3 7 7 7 = J Mann 9 HellCat lOOGrdDad 107G ldenMac 107 97G34 JP 34 l13ft 8 IOS 7 5 5s 35 J Mann 10 GrnlUazes 10SJessieI e 10911 Carroll 10S 97524 Thf 5J f lOGft 23 111 2 5 4 4J1 J Mann 11 AileenP109ToinP115Gettyslcirs 105 95K89 Thf S4116sl 6J 103 1 2 J Mann 7 Clapper 105iarcks 1011yEgsinston 101 95747 AVdb 34 lUft 101 3 3 4J 3 = 1 J Mann 4 Display 114 HotPepper 103 Lisab 102 ANONA blk f 3 99 By Negofol Toujours by Eyebrow Trainer W Covineton Owner Parkview Stable Breeder Xalaca Farm 01582 CD 34 l13 = ift 33 95J15 12 71 7 R Finnerty 15 AileenP 93 PaniKoma 93 RutbGold 94 1 l46hy 17 101 2 2 L Gevins S PefiKyHledsoe 9SLiberty 9SSIxSixty 103 97274 CD CJfl23m 3 4 4 A Mtensn 7 LtleCook 1051fdAxe 105ScdForever 110 79 CD 34117hy 7f 10514 n 9 1 95 H Thoinanlo Overdft 109lGranitc lllSRebeeca 103 96351 Lat 1 l43m 22 100 11 9 S C1 M Jolly 12 LadyLynn 991atience 9SSnKebecca 104 1049G030 9G030 Lat 34 l14J ft S5 107 5 2 11 AV Garner 12 MyDestinatn 110StLiz 1121arceuse 112

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926052001/drf1926052001_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1926052001_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800