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TWELVE IN INAUGURAL HANDICAP Await Bugle Call at Exposition Park for Beginning of TwentySeven Days DaysSport Sport Indications Point to Best Meeting Ever Held at the theFox Fox Valley Oval Abundance of Horses on Grounds AURORA 111 May 19 After a long wait Chicago racing oiice more comes in for its own at the beautiful Exposition Park Jockey Clubs course at Aurora aiul it promises to be the best meeting ever held there All of the many details incidental to staging a successful meeting have been completed and when the bugle sounds tor the first race today those who journey out to the course on Fox River will find everything in tiptop shape shapeThere There are slightly over 1000 horses stabled at the track or in surrounding lerritory Only fit horses that are ready to race were allotted stalls and as a consequence entry lists are apt to be quite large all through the meeting The seven races down for decision today attracted no less than ninetysix entries It vas necessary to throw out no fewer than thirtysix entries Twentyone were excluded from one race fourteen from an ¬ other and one from another race raceThe The feature race carded is the Aurora Inaugural Handicap of 1200 at one mile Twelve highclass performers were named through the entry box and from all indica ¬ tions it should be a fine race Handicapper Martin Xathanson has assigned George de Mar with top weight while Scoop Johnny Jewell and Elizabeth K come in close order behind The rains of Tuesday night and Wednesday morning were all that was needed to put the racing strip in fit condition With the sunshine which prevailed yester ¬ day it dried out considerably and horsemen and trainers alike are loud in their praise of the course It is common gossip that more than one of the existing track records will be broken when the season gets under way way3IODIFIED 3IODIFIED 3IUTUELS 3IUTUELSThe The certificate form of wagering which proved such an instant success last year will be employed again at this meeting This method of wagering is a modified form of the mutuels in use at the Kentucky and Maryland courses A separate division is also made for the female patrons of the sport who feel speculatively inclined The popular certificate board that stands in the infield where all may read the probable odds and later the pay off prices is looking spic and span in its new coat of paint paintAll All indications point to an immense crowd being on hand to view the races and with the excellent facilities for reaching the track from Chicago it will look more like the lat ters meeting rather than Auroras The Burlington steam road will offer the same train service as was given last year while the Chicago Aurora and Elgin line is also well equipped to handle the large crowds The latters trains leave from the Wells Street Terminal at Chicago and connect with their own busses running direct to the gate Many patrons are expected to drive out in their automobiles For those who prefer this mode of transportation the Ogden Avenue and Roosevelt Road highways are the most popular popularThe The management seems to know that they are in for their biggest season of thorough ¬ bred sport and has this year provided for the wants of all The only thing lacking here is sufficient stables to take care of the scores of horsemen who had to be denied stable C03IPETEXT OFFICIALS OFFICIALSThat That the racing will be under the watchful eye of competent men is best expressed in the list of officials They are as follow Stew ¬ ards M Nathanson C F Henry and M X Macfarlan Judges II A Leigh Francis Dunne and A E Blanchard Racing Secre ¬ tary C F Henry Starter Harry Morrissey Patrol Judges Wm Martin and AVm Doyle Clerk of the Scales Francis Dunne Paddock Judge C C Campau Timer James Thomp ¬ son Track Superintendent Tim Smith Gen ¬ eral Manager Clifford R Trimble TrimbleAmong Among the more prominent stables quar ¬ tered here are the following Drinuliellcr O Skcczix Hyack Konnlc Omar Mar Kit 1C 1at Tall Grass Skootin Sarazee and Imma Hoadaml Durnoll C M ISoots ISoIton Smiling Gus and andeight eight others othersHerman Herman 15 anil Kverman J Wild Itee Out ¬ lawed Itilly llrush Al Itoyd Southern Melodr Double iaiiibow Miss Maggie I Iester ester Doctor and The Wire WireFreeman Freeman C N Suppliant Had Luck St Nich ¬ olas TeUlnirsh Abbey Power Tistcr ICelario Comedy Millie May 1rosper Waukeas Al ¬ bert I Ueluctant Variation Wilmer the Wiz ¬ ard Carlos Knrique and ltoyil Dick Haughton MorningYoolioo Morn Caligula Monday Morning Yoolioo Fehrah Monteasle Dick and McVickar McLain It p Delante Dust Flower Sentimental Tommie Kills Hope Miss Ida Itrown Im Mack Kiillforuia Smart Guy Dust proof MOTC on Seth Apres Mci Ilarberry and Kiddor Nicholson J II Slice Seven Sixty Venus Itacket ItacketDr Dr Iliokiiiin and Ilolison IlolisonIadgctt Iadgctt t Dougherty Myrtle Kell Topango Tnas urer Iolyrarp Am I Farly Normal Cay l y II and William Tell II Continued ou twelfth yage RACING AT AURORA TODAY TODAYContinued Continued from first page Shafer C B Bullet Proof Gunsiglit Suncar Black Sand Kitty B Keel Foot and Weather vane vaneSallee Sallee W It Orestes II Balboa Duckweed Ossie II OKeefe Lady Bountiful and Amy A ABcrnhardr Bcrnhardr I Bally Craigtie Bassorali Barliary Bush Kscarra Huon Pine Mayor Behniian Ian cly Rumbling Top Lady Ited Heart and Tippity Witehet WitehetAbranis Abranis J El Astro Pelion and Wonjr Hok HokBaroni Baroni A A Cross Bow Kacliel Potter Irving ton Ixla Monte Polo Star Extra Edition Handsome Star Star Whins Mission Beach and Athelingood AthelingoodBernard Bernard J Duck Pond Star Dust Bathilde Seth and one twoyearold twoyearoldBarnett Barnett li Belle Wood Baggage King and Polly Atwell AtwellBoyle Boyle F J Stevens Demijohn Invigorator and Strut Miss Lizzie CaMlc IJoberts Slanderer Neptune Delphi and one twoyearold twoyearoldChock Chock T Bed Galusha and Major Domo DomoCain Cain AV M Dr F T Adams Julie May Shan ¬ non My Biddy Floy Lillie Chestnut Girl Firth of Forth Lavinia Ethel Galigher and New Moon Crecelius MoonCrecelius E A Indian Tales Moonbrook Miss TopsyCrist Fountain and Topsy Crist T E Ball Gee Dizzy Blonde and three others othersDunlap Dunlap A C Queen Towton Woodland Queen Almirantc and Eve Fox FoxFarrar Farrar Airs F Leroy McCrimmon Sol Double Tip Mayronea and Lena Kinehart KinehartMurnan Murnan II C Tick Tock and Xanthos XanthosGillem Gillem G C Down Town Louisville and Nash ¬ ville Brier Hill and Kliixon KliixonGarrigan Garrigan Edwards Silver Song Tiercel Claudius Bridget Buttercup and Seths Lemon LemonJessop Jessop A French Canadian Margaret Gaut Grandson Jaegar Little Parcel and Hampton Lady LadyJenkins Jenkins R C Silent King Breakers Ahead and Invictus InvictusJacobus Jacobus A M John T D and Broken Toy ToyHoward Howard J W Green Blazes Maclean Batter Up Chink and Harvey Stedman StedmanKelltr Kelltr J Bosh Sincere Elizabeth K Kionda RuckMfConnell Running Fox Mons Meg Wapiti and Doc Ruck MfConnell II G Jack Alexander Jack Jr Whiff Freeciittcr Josie Hartman Rubinette and Mis ¬ souri Roy RoyMcCown McCown E Tom P Clarence Private Seth Shuf ¬ fle and Runaway RunawayMcKJnney McKJnney W A Ranock Illustrator Erlanger and Red Weed I IMcDonnell McDonnell J G Prince Regent Hawkeye Kcrrv Girl Babbling and Anna H HMartin Martin V V Venture Arabella Alice Lang and Red Seth SethMoshier Moshier F C Statler and Max Brick BuncliNash Neal BrickNeal G H Brazen Our Boy and Mart Buncli Nash M A Settee and Crosswise CrosswiseAViggins AViggins J S Agnes Call Colleen O Bobbie Shea Volley Welly Claude Charlev Ball and Liberty LibertyPruett Pruett G Brotherly Love Darius Kilauea Just RochesterPross Clare Voorgold anil Miss Rochester Pross G P El Cid Rob Roy Ninon and Hrp notie notiePellcteri Pellcteri A Monastery Pan Son Star Red Huntsman Counsellor Connolly Billiken and The Spa SpaRoss Ross Short Frank Gailor Rosamond Metal Miami Sands Sister Josella London Smoke ChocoSuhr AVrangler Lucky Dollar and Lidy Choco Suhr P Miss Emmert and Meddling Seth SethDetroit Detroit Stable AAoody Kitten on the Keys Geo Dever Possie and Smooth Ice IceNechamkin Nechamkin J Hidalgo Happy Birthday Galatia uid Buddie Brown BrownAVhitehill AVhitehill L T Louis A Pickpocket Booneville Scarlet Bugler and Kockbomh KockbomhAAelsh AAelsh J P May Buddy Round Robin Judge Lynch Mary Connors A J Buja and Chief Curry