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CHURCHILL DOWNS LOUISVILLE KY MONDAY MAY 24 1926 Churchill Downs 1 Mile Fourteenth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Weather clear Stewards Charles F Price S C Nuckols T C Bradley and Elijah HOJ HOJShelley Shelley N JL McClelland and E B AVebb Racing S McClelland Starter AA Hamilton Racing starts at 200 p in Chicago time 300 p m W indicates whip S spurs B lilinke ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of ho weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance ft OrTO FIRST RACE C 12 Furlongs Oct 17 1921 117 4 112 Purse 1500 3yearolds Vr JLO 6 O and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1150 second 225 third 125 Index Horses M Str Fin Jockeys v Odds Strt 01770 DOLLY BAY w 101 i 2 2w 1 1 1 I3 1 J AV Garner J T AVeaver AVeaver7i 015H2AILEEN P w 9 9 7 7w 7i r 2 2 S Steele Penthorn Stable Stable6J 01469SMACKER w 110 I 8 8wit 6J 4 2i 3i E Legere AV E Applesate Applesate5i 96829 STEINWAY wit 110 4 4 5i 2 4i 4 J Heupel I A Lyno Lyno4J Ol74lTHK ENGINEER w 108 2 4J fint 5 51 M Skyrm E B McLean McLeanS3 01070s SUTLEI v 102 S 9 S3 7i 6 J S D Dubois Bloomfielil Stable 96879 OVERDRAFT B 109 12 1 1A 8 = 7 7 N Barrett J AV 1arrisli 01582 DISCIPLE A B 103 t 9 J Si S E Renhuin M Goldblatt 01543MEB it 95 11 12 12v 111 W s JJ1 L Fischer Auilley Farm Stiibh 01469 SEA DRIFT w v 10 103 10 it iti 12 115 10 10 R Finnrty H P Hon Hoailey ley 1150110 01810 SOBKOSE i wit u 103 5 10 10J 12 12 11 J Keileris AV H Snearley 2010111 91698JACK 201011191698JACK KNIGHT WB n 110 7 2 5i H1 12 D Neal I B Draun t tMutuel field Time 23 46i 112 119 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Dolly Bay 420 straight 280 place S22O show Ailcen P place SN show Smacker SO show uivnlint booking oihN Dolly Bay 110 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 10 to lt0 show Aileen P 90 to 100 place 41 to UK show Smaiker 0 to NI show showAVinner AVinner 15 f by Colonel Aennic Annie Welles by Dck AVellea tniined by J T Weaver bred by Mr Jerome B Respess RespessAVent AVent to pixt at 202 At post 4 minutes Start good and slow AVou easily second and Ihinl driving DOLLY BAA lucky at the start began fast and showing the most speed led for the entire rare and was easing up at tin end AIIKKN P began si iwly hut moved up steadily throiiuhiult iml finished gamely SMACKER closed a big gap and was goi ig well at the end but was ivt nt tiiiri STEINWAY ran a good race SUTLER and THE ENGINE R tired badlv badlvSent Sent t chiil M545 Miekey Free IDS 01710 Margate 15 015S2 Bulklin 110 tll tlli0i i0i inii JHI IIMH David I 110 01770 Anona Jl JlOverweight Overweight v Dolly Bay 1 pounds Overdraft 4 Sobrose ft Or7 SECOND HACE 58 Mile May 20 1912 59 2 113 Purse 1200 2yearolds Maid UJLO i A ens Colts and Geldings Allowances Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 1CO 14 i Str Fin Jockey v Odds Strt 01736 RUANE RUANE01840FLOKIDA w 113 2 2 2w 2 2s 1 in K Scobiu Floomfi ll Stablu Stablu1U 01840FLOKIDA GOLD w 115 S 4 1U in 2 = 2 H LVford H P Heallev Heallev5h 01773 HOLY FRIAR FRIAR0184O 113 4 6 5h 5J i 2i D Frogtte Southland Stabln 0184O STEP IN INMARSHAL 115 5 4 = 21 4 E Blind FM Grabntrr Grabntrr2i MARSHAL NEY 115 r 3 2i 4 5 o3 F Chvetta Ploomfiehl StabK StabKr DR MAXON 113 I 1 r f 4J ri j McTajjt F M Grabnur GrabnurS3 01683 CREEIC INDIAN 115 7 7 S3 8 7 = 7i T Murray Aulley Farm Stablo CAPUCHIN w 115 9 9 3 7i C Si J Dlleu K S Clerk S 100 01773 BEAU GALANT w 113 5 S 7 7J 9 S 9 L Geving J N Canulen 344itniO fCouplcil as Bloomfield Stable entry JF M Grahuer entry entryTime Time 23 474 l01i Track fast 2 mutuels paid Bloomfield Stable eu place 240 show Holy Friar 350 shov shovEquivalent Equivalent looking odds Illoiiinffchl Stable entry 150 to 100 straight M to 100 place 10 to lX Hliow Florida Gold 4O to 1OO place 111 to 100 show Holy Friar JM to 100 show showAVinner AVinner It c by Buhavc Yourself My Boots by Granite trained by B B Williams bred by Mr Phil T Chinu ChinuAVent AVent to ost at 232 At post 3 iniuutes Start good and slow AVon dr viug second and thin the same RUANE moved up with a rush when reaching the stretch and mnk ng a game finish out ¬ stayed FLORIDA GOLD Tim latter raced into the lead s ou after tlur start a d held it gamely until right at the end HOLY FRIAR ran a good race DR MAXON was ridden vide most of thir way MAKSIIAI NKY was done after going threeeighths and will improve improveScratched Scratched O180r = Wolfv 115 0173W Finn Guard 115 O1SW Little Gilinra 115 01CS3 Miles Priir 11 f Qf K THIRD HACE 1 316 Miles May 25 1916 l59i fi 105 Purse 1300 4yearold Vr JLO 4 J and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses V li Str Fin Jockeys Kiniiv Odds Strt 01 86UJRTA BROOKS w 4 101 5 f c 31 z = in w Garner Miss L Brooks OI8453 LADY AON witSJC 2 3 1 Ill JS 2 S teelo K II Von Rothm 01 714 PHIDIAS wi 5 107 3 4 2 Z I3 3 D Dubois J B UeViKs 72 nLAnXKY STONE w 101 4 1 4J 4 4 4J 41 U Cheliam Harnwl Bros 5120100 01714 SFLAMES wn i 110 7 S R 6 f 5l 53 K Pool n T Cooper 040100 040100616R6 616R6 BATTLK FIELD w 4 10G S 7 6i C 6 C 6 11 Finnrty S A Cowan 289V100 1U07 LIEUT UUST w 4 1ft 12 5i 8 S 7 = 7s c Legnon Southland Stable f05 0lfx 1714S IOST DISPATCHw 5 IOC fi c 7 71 7 = S S K Benhani J li Cloher WO100 WO100Time Time 24 49 114 140 154 201 Track fast 2 mutuels paid lonlta Brooks iSOO straight 720 place 340 show l ady Aon 1140 place 120 show rhiliis S2 show showEquivalent Equivalent hooking odils Ioretla Brooks 550 to 100 straight 200 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Lady Von 470 lo 100 plaio 110 to 100 show 1liiclins 0 to 100 show showWinner Winner B f by Kalph Thaka l y Sir Huon trained by 1C P Brooks bred by Mr George J Long LongWent Went to st it tlUll At post 1 minute Start gixxl and slow Won driving seeond and third the same I OK ETTA BUOOKS meed close up from the start and gaining on LADY VON steadily in the last sixteenth wen in the last stride LADY VON showed the most speed anil was racing gamely at the end IHIDIAS was in close quarters all the wav and would probably have won with a stronger rider BLAKNEY STONE ran a good race FLAMKS had no misha s 1OST DISlATCH finished badly lame lameStraUhed StraUhed fllfil1 Chiva 102 OIKO Greysfone 04 01811 Mac OBoy 102 FOURTH RACE 58 Mile May 20 1912 59 2 113 Charleston Purse Purs 13 138v 8v 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Net valiw to wiwier 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses J Str Fin Jockeys Kiiuir Oddu Strt 01709 KUICK w 109 4 S SI 15 I4 1 W Pool E J Holland CO100 01580 KDKX wn 112 1 1 2 2 S 2 2 J McTaRt H P Whitney 500100 01503 AQU1TANIA v 100 75 4 4 3 3 1 Gevinir J N Camden 1170100 1 685 = 010 LACB v 105 C 7 7 51 5 41 G Johnson J Randolph 1550100 155010098146S1NCKRKIA 98146S1NCKRKIA v 103 56 3 4i 53 R Zcchini J T Weaver 870100 870100CANDY CANDY I AIY v 109 S 2 51 7 6 6 B Pool H T Archibald 3180100 1700 MAKY BBVERLT v 109 2 4 Cs C 7 7 X Barrett G F Croissant 10120100 10120100Time Time 23 47 101 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Krick J20 straight 240 place 220 show Eden 360 place 300 thow Aquitania 0 show Equivalent liooking odds Krick CO to 100 straight 20 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Eden 80 to 100 place 50 to TOO show Aquitunia XI to 100 show showWinnerCli WinnerCli f by DelhiFirst Ballot by Ballot trained by D T Morris bred by Messrs J D Carr Jt Ilro Went to post at 334 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving KItICK raced into the lead with a rush after going the first eighth and drew away in the Ktrctch to ivin in a canter KDKN began fast and raced in closest pursuit but began tiring l adly in the last eighth and barely lasted to save second place AQU1TANIA was going fast at the end OID UACB stumbled soon after the start and i losed an immenoe gap CANDY lADY was taken back sharply ia the first sixteenth and was never prominent afterwards afterwardsOverweight Overweight Candy Iady 4 iwmnds FIFTH RACE 1 Kile and 70 Yard Kay 30 1919 141 r4 110 Dbcijuui Purs Purso 1600 3yearolds Fillies Allowances Net value to winner 1200 second 250 third 150 Index Horses AWtlPSt Str Fin Jockeys Eiinir Odds Strt 1713PAUCO w lOSt 2 1 r 43 Si 2 = 1 K I egere A B Hancock 239100 239100J I71 = FLOKENCB MILLSwi 110 S 4 2 li I1 2 = J Heupel J L Knight I3MOO I3MOOJ 1810ILAKMK w 107 5 5 3 3 3w 3l 4 4 3l J Kederis K Cehrian 570100 570100E 01547 MAHY O w 103 C G 41 5 5h 5 5l 4 E Scobie J C Milam 1450100 1450100AV OIH81 BAUBAUA wn 103 ct fl AV Garner Coldstream Farm Stable 27SO1 00 00D 111740 = BOUNDS lh 22 2i r i C3 I D Dubois Koeneland Stable 1790100 01800 1800 LADY CAHOLYN w 102 3 S S 8 S 7J 71 11 Finnrty Hartings nlthardson 7570100 01713 BLONDE BEAUTY w 102 1 7 73 73 71 8 S E Berham Parkview Stable 14960100 14960100Timo Timo 23 47 112 140 145 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Paroo C 0 straight 280 place 240 show Florence Mills 2CO place 220 how I ikme 200 show Equivalent booking odds Paroo 2T0 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Florence Mill SO to 300 plaee 10 to KX show Lakme 0 to 100 show ° V inner Ch f by Omar Khayyam Partheuis by Ajax trained by A lltaker bred by Peliir Stud StudWent Went to post at l03 At i ost 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third Hie same PAKCO suffered from sharp interference on the first turn and was ridden wide on the turns but line fast in the last quarter and outstayed FLOKKNCE MILLS The latter was meed at her best siMed in paeemakiug in an effort In raee IN BOPNDS into defeat and tired in the last sixteenth IJVKME raeed well and finished gamely MAKY O closed a gap in the last quarter IN BOUNDS showed minli speed before tiring Overweights Pano 3fc iKiumls Mary O 4 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards May 30 1919 141 4 110 Elks Hotel Purse 1700 Added 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 1300 seconH 389 third 176 Index Horses AWtPPStJ4 14 a Str Fin Jockeys r Odds Strt I3S3SHELENS BABE w 3 90 4 4 1 l k 2 lh I1 D Dubois H P Headley 160100 01741 HUNTSMAN ff S 97 1 32i2s 1 21 2s L Fischer Jj C Wissinjjer 1330100 1330100O1740 O1740 PRESIDENT wn 5 107 3 1 3 i 22 3 3 3 G Johnson Idlo Hour Stk Fm Sta I24010C I24010C017743OL1 017743OL1 SLIP wn 4 111 C 5 5 41 43 42 42 E Pool L T Cooper 170100 1 01740 PANIC AVH 4 113 6 C 41 fi1 C 5l J Heupel F Musnnte 20 0100 01684 OVERALL wn 4 111 2 2 6 5J 51 C3 C E Benhani H P Whitney 900100 900100OI650 OI650 MIKE McLUKE wn 3 99 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 L Canfield Keereland Stable SStO100 SStO100Timo Timo 23 47 111 J l38 i 143 Track fast 2 miituels paid Helens ISabe 520 straight 350 place 20 show Huntsman 760 place 020 show President 50 show showKquivalent Kquivalent booking inldt Helens Babe 1CO to 101 straight SO to 100 place CO to 100 show Hunts ¬ man 280 to 100 place 210 to 100 show President 180 to KM show Winner B f by Hruwii Prince II Helen Uarbee by Peep o Day trained by W Curd bred by Mr Hal Price Headley Went to iMist at 42 At i ost 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third ie same HELENS HA UK favored by her light iniiost showed the most speed and after being headed headedinie inie again in the stretch after seemingly being beaten and oiitfiniehed HUNTSMAN The latter raced well all the way and finished gamely PRESIDENT raced more prominently than is usual with him su the early running and finished close up OLD SLIP began slowly and was far back for most of the ray OVERALL tired after going a half mile Scratched WOOSHount Sprack 105 Overweight Mike McLuke 2 1 Kill mis 01879 2 nd upward Claiming Net value to winner 1150 second 225 third 125 AWtPPSti li vi Sir Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01713 BENEFICENT v 3 9t 3 4 2h 5 31 2i U G Johnson Idlo Hour Stk Fm Sta 10 100 100li 11585 = DAY TRAP li 5 101 S 9 8 G 4 S4 2 D Dubois J Lowo 100KW 100KWv 4174 Is MAHENGO v 3 9J 1 3 I1 21 2i l 3s S Steele F Musanto i60100 i60100H U84 1 WATCHFUL H f 10J 5 7 3h 1 1 1 4 43 M Skyrni C Harridan S20100 1 8CK1N TUT v 5 104 9 C 7l S C 5J 5 R Finnrty W S Heato 1A8G 7 ADV MYRV v C 10S 2 S 1 9 S C C R Wliams E B McLea 0 1737 DUSTY MARY 107 C 2 C = 4i L Canfield J H Downing 7422SKUBLAI KHAN w 4 101 4 5 4 7i 7 = S S W Garner J AllKeyer 2730HO 2730HO9973S 9973S VALLEV LIGHT w 5 104 7 1 5i 3i Pull up E Benham G V Barnes lOlOO lOlOOTime Time 24A 48 113 140 147 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Beneficent 2300 straight 720 place 440 show Day Trap 300 place 240 Fhow Marengo 400 show showKquivalent Kquivalent iKuiking odds Beneficent 1050 to 100 straight 250 to 100 place 120 to 100 show Day Trap 50 to 100 place 2 to KX show Marengo 100 t 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by North Star 111 Fortitude by Magellan trained by H J Thompson bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Went to jMist at 502 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third jiue RKSKKICKXT suffered from interference in the early running but came fast in the stretch ieldthe nice safe after WATCHFUL boiled DAY TRAP closed a big gap and made a fast finish MARBNCO ran well but began tiring in the last eighth WATCHFUL was leadingand seemingly had life race won when he boiled in the stretch KUItLAl KHAN was almost thrown in the first quarter DUSTY MARY quit VALLEY LUIHT raced all over the track finally bolting after going threequar ¬ ters and was eased up in the stretch stretchOverweight Overweight l idy Myra 4 pounds