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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesBELMONT BELMONT PARK WEDNESDAY JUNE 2 2WEATHER WEATHER CkEAlVs TRAGIC FAST The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the test time of each horso at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or pood track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 3SOS7 IS FinST IXPFX OF 102C C218C IS FIKST INDEX OF JUNE Kacing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mini runner x Good mini runner runnersi si Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice Mown nee neeTlic Tlic following abbreviations nre used to dcsi dcsitrack track at wliicli time records shown in entriei entrieiwere were made madeAkron Akron Akn King Edward KE KEAqueduct Aqueduct Aau Lagoon Lag LagAurora Aurora Anr Latonia Lat LatBelmont Belmont Park Bel Laurel M MBlue Blue Bonnets BB Lexington L x xBlue Blue Grass BG Lex Colored FairLF FairLFBowie Bowie Bow Ling Branch LB LBBrooklyn Brooklyn Bkn Maple Heights MH MHChurchill Churchill Downs CD Marlboro Mar MarClarksburg Clarksburg Cla Miami Mia MiaColumbus Columbus Ccl Mobile Mob MobColwood Colwood Park Clw Mount Royal MR MRConey Coney Island CI Niagara Falls KF KFConnaught Connaught Park CP Orlando Orl OrlDide Dide Park DP Omaha Oma OmaDelorimier Delorimier Park Del Phoenix Phx PhxDevonshire Devonshire Dev Pimlico Pirn PirnDorval Dorval Dor Raceland Rac RacDufferin Dufferin Park Duf Reno Rno RnoEmpire Empire Emp Salt Lake SL SLErlanger Erlanger Erl Saratoga Sar SarFair Fair Grounds FG Tampa Tarn TarnFairinount Fairinount Park FP Tanforan Tan TanFort Fort Erie FE Thistledown Tdn TdnHamilton Hamilton Ham Thorncliffe Thf ThfHavre Havre dc Grace HdG Tijuana Tij TijHavana Havana Har Timoninm Ti TiHawthorne Hawthorne Haw Toledo Tol TolHuntington Huntington Htn United Hunts TTH TTHJamaica Jamaica Jam Wheeling Who WhoJefferson Jefferson Park JP Willows Park WP WPJuarez Juarez Jua Windsor Win WinKempton Kempton Park K P Woodbine Wdb WdbKenilworth Kenilworth Ken Yonngstowa Ygn YgnBelmont Belmont Park 1 12 Miles 6 14 Feet First Race 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course CourseGraceful Graceful Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 2yearolds Fillies Claiming Track record May 29 192C 51rs 2 117Todays 117 Todays Todays1ml 1ml Horse Wt Itee AWtHan 02074 = Viitris M Kel HK 52 i 110 735 73502C11 02C11 Ixis Kimhart Kel 110 56M 1127tn 99789 Daffodil 112 71 01729 Mcnnv Dan 107 720 01323 Ibby 715 01729 Maid of India 112 710 01676 Sturdy Stella lir 711 02074 Kandoline M Kel 105 54 = i 103 700 02069 Star Light M 15 1 108J 54 101570C 01831 Cliaru M Kel 115 54 11570 11570Gnomes Gnomes I ass 112 Siimns Kiss 115 Second Race 1 Mile MileGlenwood Glenwood Purse 1200 Added 3yearolds Allowances Track retord Sept 3 1923 135 = 3 113 02006 Aralv Kel 102 l39i 104X735 01944 = Washakfi M 100X730 01796 Son Ami Lrl 102 1425 10IX72T 02156 Mayiie 101 720 02114 Ianton Kel 118 14116 114 715 02156 IJane 109710 01945 Flat Iron Itel IIS 140 I1170 01829 First Aid 100 700 700TappyIappy TappyIappy m 103 Third Race 1 Mile Ken Itrnxh Handicap 1 1Track 500 Added 3yearolds anil upward Track record Sept 3 1923 135 3 113 01915 02010 2010 Spot Cash Kel 11 130 0 122X735 122X73518S3 018S3 18S3 Acrostic Kel lll 142 = 3 108 730 01899 Croyden Kel 11 140 3 114 72 01844 1844 SunsiMro Tij 1E 139 121 X 720 j 02070 2070 Washington Sar 102 138 7 112X715 112X715J7134 97134 Flagshil Aqu 113 138 4 112 710 710J1278 01278 Florence Nightin gale Aqu 117 138 4 108 70 12006 Kocky Ijine Kel 108 140 3 106 700 700TappyLcppy TappyLcppy 3117 Fourth Race 1 Mile Twentieth Running Harlem Claiming Stakes 2000 Added 3yearolds aid upward Track record Sept 3 1923 135 3 113 02070 McAPMFFK Kel IIP 138 5 111X740 02006 King Jimmy Aqu 111 138 4 114730 02156 Applpcross Iim 10T l42s 3 98 72T 02009 Kuland Kar 102 l3S l3Ss s r 1 OS 720 02009 Montferrat 3 110 11071r 71r A raliy Kel 102 139 4i 3 103X710 Mayac 3 95 70 Zeebrugge Aqu 114 139 4 110 700 Fifth Race 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course CourseMoon Moon flower Pnrwr PnrwrPurse Purse 1000 2yrarolds Maidens Track record May 27 192 2 117 02115 = Tipstaff Kel 115 2 117 735 02069 Manwell Kel 112 54 117 730 01476 = Ixig Joe 1172T 91864 = Kcstonian Kel 116 55 i 117 20 01828 James A Farley Kel 112 M 117 I 02154 Fable Kel 110 54 54s s 114 10 01193 Revolver 117 OT 02115 Taboo Kel 115 53 i 117 00 00Sublime Sublime HJ General lec 117 Grey Mist 114 Funny bunny 117 Sixth Race 34 Mile Widecer Course CourseXorthport Xorthport Purse Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June I 192G 110K 3 107 01912 = Fiddlesticks Kel 115 110 3 113 755 01865 Indian Trail C 116X730 019423 Zero ero Hour Kel 111 111 4 110725 01419 Unfurled 3 100 720 01607 Sox 3 103715 01098 Scorcher 4 112X715 01674 Marygrace 3 108X715 00808 Iximbardo 3 113 710 01477 Pralite 3 108 710 01573 Ited Tennant 4 120 710 01761 Insulate fi 107 710 01187 Mungo 5 120x705 01757 Commissioner Ca Cahill hill 3 113 705 01942 l ream Maker Kel 114 112 111 705 013921 Johnny Campbell 4 112 700 01757 Kode 4 110X700 01942 Aragon Kel 119 112 C 112 700 01912 Papa Klinks M Itel 110 112 4 110 700 01640 Keach Maid 4 105x700 95163 Gold Kiltton 5100X700 02152 Skit 4112X700 78336 Saint Illiers M 183700 81533 Wether M 100 TIM 01674 Janetta 3108X700 90225 Hoot Mon 4 1O3700 01898 Mill wick 4 120X700