untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1926-06-23


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PUBLISHED WEEKLY— 36 CEKT8 PER COPY 10 WEEKS SUBSCRIPTION, .00 Todays Star Paddock Free Code: FOBT ERIE— QUEEN-8-6 "Liberty," all that the name implies: FREEDOM Freedom from all your trials and worries in quest of winners. Winners regularly in Liberty. Put the bookies to work for you. As Liberty goes on and on. week after week, there are more and more dividend declarations for Liberty subscribers. Saturdays Free Code: BROOMSTER 8.80, Woi Fridays Free Code: PORT STAR f 4.00, Won Thursdays Free Code: PORRIDGE $ •*«•, Won Mondays Free Code: COBWEB 113.80, Won There is no other service to equal that provided by the LIBERTY WEEKLY. It is issued just often enough to keep you provided with the best there is available at all tracks, all that is worth while from confidential sources of information and from a clocking; staff that is without a peer in point of efficiency and result -getting; knowledge and experience. Recent Winning Free Code Horses: DISCIPLE 6.60, Won PEACH 4.80, Won FIREWATER 0.00, Won SANDY HATCH $ 6.40, Won THREE OCt ASIOVALS GO EACH W KEK— Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays Occasional Service Winners: SINCERELY 9.60. Won KITtl.AI KHAN ».80, Won GOLDEN RULE $ 0.20, Won An exclusive service for players who make an occasional wager. TERMS— .00 per occasional. SPECIAL TERMS — Three occasional, 0.00. LIBERTY RATINGS .00 weekly; 0.00 monthly, are the talk of the turf world. Send all remittances to LIBERTY PUBLISHING CO. ROOM 406, 799 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY HARVEY AMES, Inc. EARI.E BI.DG. BROADWAY AT 52D ST. SEW YORK CITY POSTPONED The last "HARVEY TRANSACTION" was postponed for reasons best known to this office. This office never guesses or substitutes, hence action was deferred. "HARVEY TRANSACTION" TODAY Subscription, 00.00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" are not always everyday occurrences. Todays "HARVEY TRANSACTION" should compensate those who have waiting qualities. All must harmonize before action is advised. TELEPHONES: CIRCLE 2591-2592-2593-5749-1434-1435 HOMER D. TAYLOR 5 COLUMBUS CIRCLE NEW YORK CITY TUESDAYS HORSE: ROSETTA STONE 9.60, Won MONDAYS HORSE: COUNT SPRACK 8.20, Won SERVICE WITH SAFETY Lonfj experience insures a better service and a good reputation is conducive to safety. Service and safety are the two main points to be considered in the arrangement of all financial relationships. I am in a position to give you EXCELLENT SERVICE WITH SAFETY TERMS— FIVE DOLLARS DAILY A tea dollar straight bet on the one horse each day. BANK ROLL TODAY ,061.00 WATCH IT GROW TELEGRAPH .00 TODAY AND WATCH YOUR OWN BANK ROLL GROW TOO Honest, Bona Fide Information COL. RICHARD MITCHELL Purveyor of Sensational Turf Information SPECIAL NEW TERMS AND CONDITIONS: One horse a day for the nominal snm of 0.00. DO YOU RACE FLAYERS REALIZE THE VALUE OF COLONEL MITCHELLS LNFORMATIONI •y* **■ Player, my information has been a gold mine to many an unfortunate player, for I ha.ve been releasing winners, and plenty of them. It is a service that is not only worth ten dollars a week, but a worth a thousand times as much, as the caliber of my information cannot be excelled at any price. MY FAIR AND SQUARE DEALINGS HAVE BEEN RECOGNIZED BY THE INTELLIGENT RACING PUBLIC. ! ! ! ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! ! ANNOUNCEMENT ! ! ! 1 wi*B $■ inform all my clients and all concerned that commencing today my terms will be ten dollars a day. This is due to the fact that mv connections demand more money for the quality of this information. Old clients on my books will receive my regular weekly service they have been getting. I cannot afford to give weekly clients the same service as the daily clients. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! What I gave to my 0.00 daily clients yesterday. I am on a new winning streak and prepared to break my previous record. YESTERDAYS 000 DAILY SPECIAL: Minna Deen, 7.10, Won TODAY will be a day long remembered by my clients, as I have a horse that I am going to release to all my clients that will tow-rope all the way — WIN — and pay LIMIT ODDS, yes 0.00 FOR .00 IS WHAT IS EXPECTED TODAY And under no consideration should you fail to take advantage of this extraordinary proposition that I am offering you today, for if you fail to take advantage of it you will regret it as long as you live. STOP LOSING YOUR GOOD MONEY— DO NOT BE MISLED There is one service you can depend upon. Rush your subscription fees at once to COLONEL MITCHELL and you will obtain the most accurate and dependable turf information in the country. My previous transactions and notice the caliber of my information: MONDAYS ONE HORSE: THE JANITOR -. Third SATURDAYS ONE HORSE: B ARCOLO 3.80, W on FRIDAYS ONE HORSE: PERCUSSION . . . I I 2.00, Won THURSDAYS ONE HORSE: LADY BRAXTED 3.90, Won WEDNESDAY S ONE HORSE: SHASTA BUTTE . . . . 4.60, Won TUESDAYS ONE HORSE: GEO. GROOM 7.00, Won MONDAYS ONE HORSE: CUP BEARER ;. 0.20, Won FRIDAYS ONE HORSE: JfORE ASTER 2.20, Won If you desire this service, if out of town wire ten dollars by Western Union or Postal Telegraph, or if in city, come up to my office, open 9:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. RICHARD MITCHELL, Room 1218, 1480 Broadway, New York City LEE HANLEY SPECIAL TERMS!— NOTICE!— SPECIAL TERMS! I 99" 5.00 FOR 15 PARLAYS -pg I Room SIC, 117 North Dearborn Street Chicago, III. NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! All out of town and city clients receive the advertised parlay upon receipt of subscription. No waiting, no delay — service. TUESDAYS PARLAY* ROSETTA STONE 9.00, Won EUPHRASIA 6.60, Won MONDAY S PARLAY: PIGEON WING II $ 9.40, Won CANDY STAR 9,60, Won SATURDAYS PARLAY: KNOT GRASS 9.60, Won SIXTY .60, Won FRIDAY S PAUL AY * REALIZE 3.80, Won YOOHOO $ 8.20, Won THURSDAYS PARLAY: MIGHTY 3.20, Won SMOKY DAY $ 9.40, Won WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: SPORTY McGEE 3.20, Won TANGARA *40, Won TUESDAYS PARLAY: MAS8ILLON 0.00, Won ATOSSA $ 9.20, Won MONDAYS PARLAY: COBWEB 3.80, Won BATTLE ON : *.60, Won Each and every one of the above horses are legitimate winners. 0 TO WIN PARLAY TODAY RELEASED TO OUT GF TOWN AND CITY SUBSCRIBERS Two winners today. Bona fide information. No guesswork. Subscribe today for these two releases. Do not miss this big limit win parlay under any consideration. Parlay released to all out of town ar.d city subscribers. No waiting, no delay. PARLAY RELEASED TO EVERYBODY Subscribe to this office. Receive a fair and square deal. Fifteen dollars 5.00 pays for fifteen parlays ia losing parlay does not count. Prompt and courteous service to everybody. If in city, call in person; if out of town, remit 5.00, via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Office open 9 a. in. to 4 p. m. LEE HANLEV, Room 316, 117 North Dearborn Street, fhieago, 111. WEEKLY N. ROGERS *»**/**wx* T*m**MM*M* TODAYS FREE CODE: A PICTORIAL OF THE TURF ArnrV*7;1"5/- AQUEDUCT— Cuba-Lead-Candy. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly on its __ =~— — merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN. f" • 1 f"J • g- • « SELECTIONS. CLOCKERS SPECIALS. BEST I JAllV KAPlFICr I «lliriA WORKOUT8. TIMELY PICTURES. DAILY CODE *****J *.»*%*mmig VAU1UC SERVICE and ether valuable data for race followers. ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS wj . ..., FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR WEDNESDAY: llSlS til© W llUlCrS AQUEDUCT — Secretary - Finish - Start. LATONIA — Secretary -Stable -Bit. . . __ FORT ERIE— Jockey -Mile- Start. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE M£?BP MAJAJ1AAJA 1U1V111U VIU11SAJ LATONIA— Dunkirk-Petard-Latent-Lagoon-Monnt 25 Cents a Copy == =— = DAILY RACING CHART, Inc. GARS WEEKLY IT It 1. 1 SHE RS TODAYS FREE CODE 1*7 East 32nd Street New York, N. Y. LATONIA— Florida -Boy -Light -Sun FOR RESULTS ADVERTISE IN THE DAILY RACING FO :M

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926062301/drf1926062301_19_1
Local Identifier: drf1926062301_19_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800