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CONEY ISLANDS MEETING General Manager Halpin States Cincinnati Course Will Open on July 22 — Derby Is Feature. LATONIA. Ky.. June 22.— William Halpin. general manager of the Coney Island Jockey Club. announced today that the second an nual summer meeting at the Coney Island track will be inaugurated on Thursday, July 22. and continue for thirty days. There will be six days of racing during the week, according to Mr. Halpin. who emphatically de-, nied the reported program of five days. Mr. Halpin augmented the announcement with the declaration that the Coney Island Jockey Club will add 0,000 to stakes to be run during the meeting, the principal feature being a renewal of the 5,000 added Coney Island Perby. at one and one-quarter miles, on Saturday, July 24. Scale weights will prevail. The Coney Island track was introduced to devotees last season when a fifty-eight day meetittg was conducted under the auspices of the Exhibitors and Breeders Association. The track is one of the finest in the country with stable accommodations for more than 1.200 horses. The plant is in good shape and ready for racing at the present time. Daily purse- distribution will total 0.." 00, no purse of less than ,500 to be offered, according to Mr. Halpin. Mr. Halpin will announce the conditions for the stakes and a complete list of offiitls to be in charge of the meeting within the next few days.