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1 Daily FoLrScaps Racing LATOliLA Track Fast The horses which seem best in todays races are: Trackmans Selections. 1— McCulloch, Broad Axe, Uncle Bert. 2— ANTIQUARIAN, Miss Hume, Watchful. 3 — Ortlieb, Hydromel, Beggar Boy. 4— New Gold, Phidias. lady Myra. 5 — Prince of Wales, Teak, Rosebec. 6 — Porridge, Sincerely, Port Star. 7 — Dolly Bay, Kublai Khan, Spanish Rose. S. Brown. Dally Racing: Form Selection*. 1 — Broad Axe, Nell Jo, Selective, Colimore. 2 — Bother, Little Cook, Atossa, Massey. 3 — Ortlieb, Coohogan, Florida Gold, John William II. 4 — Tamper, Phidias, Lawsf Myra. Alloy. 5 — Take a Chance, Prince of Wales, Devon, Rosebec. 6— PORT STAR, Sincerely, Gold Mint, Porridge. 7 — Longchamps, Fuo, Kublai Khan, Xtra. Han o* War** Selections. 1 — Broad Axe, Belle of Eiizabethtown, McCulloch. 2 — Little Cook, Bother, Kid Boots. 3— Beggar Boy, Ortlieb, The Code. 4 — Phidias. The Leopard, Loretta Brooks. 5— PRINCE OF WALES, Teak, Take a Chance. 6 — Porridge, Comrade. Sincerely. 7 — Dolly Bay, Xtra, Longchamps. Consensus. 1— Broad Axe. McCulloch, Nell Jo, Belle of Eliza bethtown. 2 — Bother, Little Cook, Antiquarian, Miss Hume. 3 — Ortlieb, Beggar Boy, Hydromel. Coohogan. 4 — Phidias, New Cold, Tamper, Iady Myra. 5 — PRINCE OF WALES, Take a Chance, Teak. Eoseliec. 6 — Porridge, Sincerely. Port Star. Comrade. 7 — Dolly Bay, Longchami s, Kublai Khan, Xtra. FAIRMOUNT PARK Track Fast The horses which seem best in todays races are: Trackmans Selections. 1 — Sandalwood. Nimrod. Post Mistress. 2— Kum Kalessi, Frank Andrews, Captain Applejack. 3 -Talequa, Elias ., Lee Adrin. 4— SPATS, False Face. Odd Seth. 5 — Fabian. Jubal Early, Eight Sixty. 6 — Geo. Croom, Bride o the Wind, New Hampshire. 7 — Coyne, Vorick, Lew Pope. J. L lVnipsey. Dally Racine Form Selections. I — Nimrod, Post Mistress, Sandal wood, Dukedom. 2 -Captain Applejack, Kum Kalessii, Com motion, Frank Andrews. 3 -Elias O., Talequa, Marsdale, Foolscap. - - i 4— Spats. Lester Doctor, False Face, Odd Seth. 5— FABIAN, Eight Sixty, Little Glorv, Jubal Early. G— Geo. Groom, Bride o* the Wind, Choice, Rundark. 7— Coyne, Lew Pope, Yorick, Delysa. Dick Welle* Selections. 1— Sandalwood, Nimrod, Dukedom. 2— Captain Applejack, Kum Kalessi, Frank Andrews. 3— Elias O., Talequa, Lee Adrin. 4— SPATS, Lester Doctor, Odd Seth. " — Stampdale, Fabian, Jubal Early. C— Geo. Groom, New Hampshire, Rundark 1 — Coyne, Yorick, Lew Pope. Consensus. 1 — Nimrod. Sandalwood, Post Mistress, Dukedom. 2— Captain Applejack, Kum Kalessi, Frank Andrews, Commotion.- 3— Elias O, Talequa, Lee Adrin, Marsdale. 4— SPATS, Lester Doctor, False Face, odd Seth. 5— Fabian, Jubal Early, Eight Sixty, Stamp-dale. C — Geo. Groom, Bride o the Wind, New Hampshire, Rundark. 7— Coyne, Yorick, Lew Pope, Delysia, FORT ERIE Track Fast The horses which seem best in todays races are : Track 111 mis Selections. 1— Bloomtip, Attica, Fleur-de-Lis. 2— Eda C, Reigh Shot, Master Maid. 3— TIMELESS, The Fenian. Rhinestone. 4— Alletache, Ace of Aces II., Last Cent. 5 — Cold Rock, South Wind, Martingale. 6— Tamarind, Theo. Fay, Midinette. ! "— Pixola, Lady Essington, Clear View. G. Snow. -Dally Undue Form Selections. 1 1— Fleur-de-Lis. Bloomtip, Attica. Mr. Gaiety. 2— Reigh Shot, Eda C, Looney, Sol. 3— Jacques, Links, Timeless, Marial Barton. 4— Alletache, Ace of Aces II., Last Cent, Merry Man. 5— SOUTH WIND, Nine Sixty, War Man, Martingale. G— Tamarind, Theo. Fay, Skirmisher, Midinette. 7— Norseland, Clear View, Pixola, Best Shot. Peuatlcks Selections. 1 — Fleur-de-IJs, Bloomtip, Attica. 2— Eda C, Reigh Shot, Sol. 3--Timelcss. Links, Harp of Prophecy. 4— I ast Cent. Alletache, Ace of Aces II. 5— MART I NG ALE, South Wind, Wlieatstick. 6— Theo. Fay, Skirmisher, Tamarind. 7— Norseland, Pixola, Clear View. Consensus. 1 -—Fleur-de-Lis, Bloomtip, Attica, Mr. Gaiety. 2 -EDA C, Reigh Shot, Sol, Master Maid. 3 --Timeless, Links, Jacques, The Fenian. 4— Alletache. I.ast Cent, Ace of Aces II., Merry Man. 5 — South Wind, Martingale, Gold Rock, Nine Sixty. 6— Tamarind, Theo. Fay, Skirmisher, Midi-nette. 7- Pixola, Norseland, Clear View, Lady Essington. Continued on eighteenth | a?". * "* DAILY RACING FORM SELECTIONS i - Continued from second nsge AQUEDUCT Track Fast The horses which seem best in todays races ore: Trackman* Selection*. 1-SAPIN. Athel. Pop Bell. 2--Jolly Roger, Jasper, Cun Boat. 3 — Harrovian, By Hisself, Sir Stuart. 4— Millwiek, Prince of Bourbon, Storm King. t— Tea Ball. Delhi Boy. Sabina. 6 — Mariner, Tipstaff, IHgnus. C. J. Connors. Dally Rnclns Form Selections. 1— Pop Bell. Master William, Double On, Daffodil. 2 — Jolly Roger, Gasper, Gun Boat S— HARROVIAN. Sir Stuart, Hardwood, By Hisself. 4— Claptrap, Storm King, I-oved One. Mill-wick. 6— Delhi Boy, Sabina, Papa Blinks, Diagram. • — Dignus, ITncle Hood, Pillotta, Mariner. Sweeps Selections. 1 — Master William, Sapin, Double On. 3- Gasper, .lolly Roger, Gun Boat. i— SIR STlART. Harrovian. By Hisself. 4- tlaptrap. Storm King. Prince of Bourbon. 6--Little Dave, Delhi Boy, Sabina. 6 — Incle Hood, Crystal Domino, Pillotta. Consensus. 1— Sapin, Master William, Pop Bell, Double On. 2 — Jolly Roger. Gasper, Gun Boat. »— HARROVIAN. Sir Stuart, By Hisself, Hardwood. 4 — Claptrap. Storm King, Millwiek, Prince of Bourbon. 6- -Delhi Boy. Sabina. Tea Ball, Dittle Dave. C Uncle Hood, Dignus, Mariner, Pillota. OMAHA Track Fast The horses which seem best In todays races are : Trackmans Selections. 1— The Nephew, Mary Dear, Miss Parnell. 2 — John Hoshor, Olympian King, Brown Dick. 3 — Porter Ella, Matinee Idol. Tubby A. 4 — Quiet, Runpreeerve. Black Mask. and — Cherokee Lee, Brilliant, Rockford. «— Martin 1... Ruddy. Red Mill. 7— PINKCRKST, First Call, lady Finnell. J. J. Murphy. Daily Racing Form Selections. J— uota. Wahkeena. Mary Dear. Whirlwind. 2— Dovesroost, Olympian King, Voorflor, Tiet. 3 — Porter FUa, Tubby A., Shasta Sol, Matinee Idol. 4— RUNPRB8ERVE, Hence, Quiet, Collie Tokaloii. B-Cherokee lx-e. Brilliant. Nose Dive, Polvo. • 6 Jail Ford, Ruddy, Zealot. Perhaps. 7 — lidy Finnell, Weary Dick, Pinecrest, Yibra. Cniiirnsm. 1 Mary Dear, The Nephew, Quota, Wah-keena. 2 — Olympian King, John Hoshor, Dovesroost, Brown Dick. 3— Porter Ella, Tubby A., Matinee Idol, Shasta Sol. 4 — Runpreserve. Quiet, Hence, Black Mask. 5— CHEROKEE LEE, Brilliant, Rockford, Nose Dive. G— Ruddy, Martin L.. Gail Ford, Red Mill. 7 — Pinecrest, Lady Finnell, First Call, Weary-Dick. AKRON Track Fast The horses which seem best in todays races are : Trackmans Selections. 1 — Razon, Millie G., Feu de Joie. 2 — Gussie P., Tease, Dora Lutz. 3 — Freedoms Call, Jim Daisy, Lady Abbott 4 — Charette, Vernon, Mary Hausman. 5— THE PLAINSMAN, Ranock, Lally. 6 — Turnberry, The Spa, Winnipeg. 7 — Slanderer, Madam Vennie, Baladin. F. H. Sproule. Dally- Racine Form Selections. 1— Search Light III., Mack Garner, Millie G., Razon. 2 — Dora Lutz, Briar Sweet, Tease, Gussie P. 3 — Jagger, Hootch, Padlock, Crestwood Boy. 4 — Vernon, Snuffy, Mary Hausman, Spring. 5— RANOCK, Lally, The Plainsman, Fun Maker. 6 — Turnberry, The Spa, Winnipeg, Queen Navarre. 7 — Hickory, Slanderer, La Kross, Baladin. Consensus of Handicaps. 1— Millie G., Razon, Search Light III., Mack Garner. 2— Dora Lutz, Gussie P.. Tease. Briar Sweet. I — Freedoms Call, Jagger, Jim Daisy, Snuffy. 4 — Ranock, The Plainsman, Lally, Fun Maker. C— TIRNBERRY, The Spa, Winnipeg, Queen Navarre. 7 — Slanderer, Hickory, Baladin, Madam Vennie. DUFFERIN Track Fast The horses which seem best in todays races are : Trackmans Selections. 1— Ed McCabe, Seapen, Chef. 2— PlFF BALL, Mexican Pete, Kellys Queen. 3 — Gen. Ginockio, Smackover, Superfine. 4 — Arendal, Venizelos, Note o Love. 5 — Cave Woman, Nayarit, Convent. C — McTinkle, Grass Maid, Hot Iepper. 7— Shanghai, Cabin Creek, Duckling. N. Charlton. Daily Racine Form Selections. 1 — Ed McCabe. Chef, Typecutter, Flying Ant. 2 — Puff Ball, Isobel C, Kellys QtMtJa, Mexican Pete. 3— Smackover, Gen. Ginockio, Blossoms, Sandpile. 4 — Arendal, La Belle, Note o Love, OTrig-ger. 5 — Lucky Run, Cave Woman. Consent, Nayarit. 6 — McTINKLE, Grass Maid, Hot Pepper, Bob Mayes. 7 — Cabin Creek. Duckling. Shanghai. Devon-ite. Penstlcks Selections. 1— Ed McCabe, Chef, Seapen. 2— Puff Ball. Kellys QujsU. Mexican Pet*. I "i~ B!os: oms, Smackover, Superfine. 1 — Arendal, Venizelos, I.a Ilelle. 5 — Cave Woman, Nayarit, Convent. •;— McTINKLK, Crass Maid, Hot Iepper. 7 — Shanghai, Devonite, Cabin Creek. Consensu*. 1— Ed McCabe, Chef. Seapen. Typecutter. 2— Iuff Hall, Kellys Queen, Mexican Iete, Isobel C. :j — Smackover, Gen. Ginockio, Blossoms, Superfine. 4 — Arendal, Venizelos, La Belle, Note o Love. 5 — Cave Woman, Nayurit, Convent, Lucky Run. 6— McTINKLK, Crass Maid, Hi»t Pepper, Hob Mayes. 7 — Shanghai, Cabin Creek, iHuklintj, Ikvon-! ite.