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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXIH. NU2CBFR 109 Entered as mimd cl.s matter. April 2. 1896, »l tli* | o«t -office ut llilmto. Illinois, under Act of M.iiil: 3. 1S79. W. J. McMurny. Publisher and General Manager I a i ! Purine Winter Months. Daily Except Sunday Italance of tlie Tear. A daily reflection of the American turf by telecrapli. DAILY RACIN FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COTJKT - CHICAGO. ILL 157 -la9 EAST 32nd ST., NEW YORK CITY. N. Y 60 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. 305-307 DECATUR STREET. NEW ORLEANS. LA. 2014 2016 MIAMI COURT. N. W. MIAMI. FLA. TKI.BIMIONK 2087 HAItltlSON. For himim-sa ;iud circulation purpose* only. telephone lias no connection tvilh the new* or editorial detriments and cannot be naed to rmrmiiiiK-.ite with them. SrittUltllTION IIY FIRST-CLASS MA II,: May to Novemlter. inclusive $.VO0 per month I e«enilMT to April, inaluaire .00 per month IAYAIUJJ IN ADVANTB. HACK MMltKltS IIY MAIL I.". CENTS EACH. 10083 is first index of 1927