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Entries and Past Performances BEULAH PARK * FRIDAY, APRIL 22 ■ • WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK GOOD. $ 1 The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1926. no matter where it finished. No timt records are shown for a beaten horse over any distance when he is fifteen lengths back of the winner. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. and - 10088 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1927. 12289 IS FIRST INDEX OF APRIL Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 1:15. 0 Superior mud runner. X Good mud runner. Fair mud runner. M Maiden. * Apprentice allowance. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries wer made: ! Akron Akn Lagoon Lag Aquednct Aqu Lansdo wne Park L. P Anrora Aur Latonia Lat Belmont Park Bel Laurel Lrl Beulah Park Beu Lexington Lex Blue Bonnets B.B Lex. Colored Fair.L.C.F Blue Grass B.G Lincoln Fields L.F Bowie Bow Long Branch L.B Brighouse Park B.P Maple Heights M.H Brooklyn Bkn Marlboro Mar Chinook Park Chin Miami Mia Churchill Downs CD MobUe Mob Clarksburg Cla Mount Royal M.R Columbus Col Niagara Falls N.F Colwood Park Clw Omaha Oma Coney Island C.I Orlando Orl Connaught Park C.P Peoria Peo Cranwood Park Crd Phoenix Phx Dade Park D.P Pimlico Pim Delorimier Park Del Polo Park „ P.P Devonshire Dev Pompano Pom Dorval Dor Raceland Rao Duf f erin Park Duf Reno Rno Empire Emp Salt Lake S.L Erlanger Erl Saratoga Sar Fair Grounds F.G Tampa Tarn Fairmount Park F.P Tanforan Tan Fort Erie F.E Thistledown Tdn Hamilton Ham Thorncliffe Thf Hastings Park. H.P Tijuana Tij Havana Hav Timonium Tim Havre de Grace HdG Toledo Tol Hawthorne Haw United Hunts U.H Huntington Htn Washington Park . . .W.P Jamaica Jam Wheeling Whe Jefferson Park J.P Whittier Park Wer Juarez JUa WiUows Park WU Kempton Park K.P Windsor Win Kenilworth Ken Woodbine Wdb King Edward K.E. Youngatown Ygn Beulah Park 1-2 mile. First Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Track record: Carrie Moore, April 23, 1923— 1:05% — 7—104. Todays Ind. HorseandPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 12442* »Rose Mary Ryan, 7 Haw 97 1:09 3 97. .725 12442 Jim Smick, 4 3 114.. 720 11829* Pippin, 12 ..Lat 115 1:08% 3 102. .715 11739 Coney Island, 2 Mia 110 1:07% 3 109. .710 12466 Honey kins, 8 Hav 112 1:10% 3 102. .705 79135 Outcross, 3 6 109. .700 12442 Tim OBrien, 9L.F 109 1:08 3 104.. 895 12091 Vain Lady, 14Hav 107 1:09% 3 102. .690 08211 Royal Jane, 15... 4 107.. 690 12442 Col. Thatcher. 5 Tam 112 1:00% 3 99. .690 09470 Grace Larsen II. , 11 8 102. .685 12466 Lady Lena, 6. D.P 108 1:10% 3 107.. 685 09680 Sugar Loaf, 1.. 4 109.. 685 11743 Johnny Baker, 10 Hav 110 1:10 3 109. .685 10661* Clent, 13 J.P 106 1:09% 6 112. .685 10871 Smile Awhile, 16 3 102. .685 Second Race— 5 1-2 Furlcngs. Purse 8500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Carrie Moore, April 23, 1923— 1 :05V5— 7— 104. 12378 •FOXMORE. 11F.P 103 1:07% 5 112X735 11774s Stargo, 2 ...M.H 106 1:07% 6 109x725 10870» Dean H., 16 Haw 116 1:07% 5 114x720 12443 Escape, 8 ...Hav 114 1:09 5 114x715 12185 Marquesito. 5 J.P 102 1:09% 5 100x710 10870 Albert L., 10.M.H 117 1:00% 7 109x705 04345 Carpenter, 7 | 109X700 12493 Tender Seth, 15 Aurll0 1:ll%h 7 109x695 12443 Facet, 4 Win 10441:07% 4 109. .690 12107s Gentry, 9 ...Hav 106 1:09% 4 104x690 12443 Davis Jr., 1 4 104.. 690 07603 Furor. 12 Aur 100 1 08 6 107. .685 12467 Dr. Sisk, 6 ..D.P 99 1:07% 5 104x685 10513 Wood Fawn, 3Sem 106 1:08% 4 107.. 685 12494 Peter Decoy, 13.. 5 109x685 94224 Bob Prater M, 14 7 109.. 685 Third Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Carrie Moore, April 23, 1923 I MM. 1 104. 12311 Scorcher, 2. . .Mia 115 1 :07% 5 112x725 11425 Kalakaua. Hi Hav 105 1:07% 4 104.. 720 12493 Bes Pardon. 9Sem 108 1:08 !t 107x715 10508 Red Seth, 3.. Sem 105 1:07% 5 109.. 710 12465 Blennerhasselt. 1. Tam 105 1:08 | 109x705 11828 Miles S., 12. .Tam 112 1:08 8 109x700 11896 Hampton Miss. 5. HaV105 1:07% 4 102x695 00269 Walespa. 16 s 109 09O 12090 Sun Silent, S.IIav 107 1:08% 6 102. .090 12422 County Times, 11. M.H 101 1:09, | 107X6S5 10659 P. Moody, 4.. Hav 110 1:07-5 10 109XKK5 09492 Dr. Hall. 6... Tij 104 1:074.-. 10 101#08r» 11941 Piedmont. 15. Mia 114 1:07% 7 109 685 11514 Betty Craig, 13.. Tam 105 1:08 4 102. .685 11999 Clean, 7 5 109X685 08271 Frances Sharp, 14 6 Wff#4MI Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 1927.sh00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Poland, Aug. 7, 1924 1:13—3 109. 12446s Charette. 1 ..Sem 109 1:14 101.. 725 12113s Welty. 6 Hav 102 1:14 100. .720 12466- Press Gang, 15.. Tam 100 1:15% 108. .715 12446s Amy A., 14 ..J.P 107 1:15% KM.. 710 12463s Priceless. 9 ..Sem 103 1:15 108 705 12446 Mr. Plaid. 3.. Hav 101 1:14 99. 700 11869 Atador, 8 .. .Hav 110 1:13% 100.695 12466 Dr. Ed Keefer. 13 J.P 112 1:16% 95XC0O 11897s Silver Tips, 11.. Hav 98 1:15 95 0.90 12446 Embryo. 4 ...J.P 100 1:10% 101X085 06440s Oxalis M, 7 97.. 685 10607 Argali, 10 ...Sem 102 1:17% 100. . 085 12446 Boots Last, 1ZF.P 102 1:16% 104. .685 12522 Fickle, 16 ...F.G 1K 1:18% 98. .685 12113 Buckaroo. 5 .Hav 108 1:14% 104.. 685 12180 Old Foxy M, 2 F.G 107 1:16 100. .685 Fifth Race — 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Spinaway, Aug. 21, 1923 1:21%— 6— 102. 12494 Al Hotfoot, 7... 6 112x725 12443 Wish-ton -Wish. 8 ---- ._ Aqu 110 1:23% 5 111X720 12465s Summer Time, 3 Aqu 111 1:21% 5 107x715 12491 Malthus, 11 6 112. .710 12464s Castlereagh, 12.. 9 10MS705 12493 Whiff, 5 ,; ioo • Too 12468 Drummond, 4 ... 11 100x695 12446 Messines, 2 9 1A0 K90 12491 Rivulet, 1 io 8SX0M 12464 Southern Pacific, — - 8 6 103 685 12468 Perhaps, 9 | 8Sx«BB 10907 Soanso, 10 4 100. ii 5 Sixth Race— 1 MUe and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Lieutenant Perkins, Aug. 9, 1924 1:4C% 7 107. 12494s Jet. 8 Hav 94 1:45% 4 101*725 12468s Sleepy Head, 2... Jam 125 1:44% 6 111-720 12468 Coquina. 4 r, MSXTI9 12447 Pepperette, 3Hav 93 1:48 5 HH 710 10240 Royal Queen, 6. . Tij 05 1:45% 6 100x705 12464 Sudan Grass, 5... 5 1O«x7O0 12468 Lieutenant Perkins, 10 10 lt v . »H5 12426 Joy Pride, 13. F.G 105 1:54% 4 101 .• 690 12096 Pentecosts Last, 12 8 101. t.90 12468 Demijohn, 14. .lam 110 1:45 7 His «!H 12447 Swim, 15 Hav 106 1:49% 7 10.;:::085 10026 Dr. Mac Millan. 16 Mia 105 1:47 B l«.8*i:85 12498 Timeless, 7. .HdG 116 1:45% 7 10::. .085 12491 Ballybell, 11 io MSXMI 12096 Prince Lightfoot, 9 4 lm;..tV85 12447 Jim Sanda, l.F.G 112 1:50% 6 1UV 085 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Lieutenant Perkins, Aug. 9, 1924 1:40% 7 107. 12469 Slate, 8 Lrl 101 1:45% 5 111x725 12469 Cano, 3 Tij 96 1:43% 6 10.: x 720 10910 Sea Fairy, 7-. .Dor 107 1:45% 5 105x715 12425 The Flying Finn, 4 M.H 105Jl:52%m 4 108.. 710 12494s King Jack, 5 4 lot!.. 705 08660 Billy Walz, 2. Aur 96 1:47 5 lO4A700 10626 Gunny Sack, 1 Bow 91148% 4 11 Ox 095 10623 Courser, 9 6 112.. 090 12497 Steinway, 6 4 ! *• ■ t;90