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4 12 Furlonps IVMencr Course Kccnc Memorial Stakes 2year 3rd Race olds Allowances Track record Bostonian June 5 1926 51 2 117 Index Crs DisTime Tr Odds WtSt 31 StrFin Jockey Started Order of Finish ARIEL blk c 2 125 By Eternal Adana by Adam AdamTrainer Trainer 8 C Hildreth Owner Bancocas Stable Breeder H F Sinclair 13288 Jam 5S 69 ft 1120 117 3 2 li 1 L Fator 9 Stephanus 112 Mowlcc 117 Kirkover 112 13131 Jam 5 101 gd S10 IIS 4 1 1 1 I Fator 12 Groucher USEAIiearn 118WarKold 118 13037 Jam 5S l00ift 75 12011 13 12 10 L Fator 14 Swizzlcxfk 117SpyGls 1171ronCrown 120 NASSAK ch c 2 117 By John P Grier Ethel D by Box Trainer B C HQdreth Owner Bancocas Stable Breeder J I Carrick 13418 Bel 44 f S2Hsy 12 120 4 2 31 2i I Fator 11 Groncher 117 1rate 117 Sun Fire 114 1317C Jam 68 l00im 12 118 1 1 1 1 Il L Fator 7 Skavar HSMKMrWilson llStpi a ion 119 12798 Jam 6S l01 ift 32 118 4 1 1 1s L Fator 7 SshlVcess 115HyToity 115IIIopcSo 118 12636 Jam 5S l00ift 8 117 8 8 3 7 i L Fator 10 OAdcle HODistracfn 117Complican 122 CROUCHES ch c 2 117 By Whisk Broom H Calamity Jane by Pennant PennantTrainer Trainer J Bowe Jr Owner H P Whitney Breeder H P Whitney 13418 Bel 4Jf Ksy G 117 1 1 1i I1 K Benhamll Nassak 120 Trate 117 Sun Fire 114 13288 Jam tS S9 ft 12 117 Left at post K Benham 9 Ariel 117 Stopbanus 112 Mowlee 117 13222 Jam 5S 101 cd 3 IIS 4 2 2 1 E Benhamll Iron Crown 118 Silenus 118 Trappy 118 13131 Jam CS 101 cd 2 IIS 7 2 2 2 E Bcnhaml2 Ariel llSKddieAhcarn llSWarorliold US MOWLEE br c 2 117 By Lucullite Epinglette by Sardanapale SardanapaleTrainer Trainer S C Hildreth Own ir Bancocas Stable Breeder H F Sinclair Sinclair133X3 133X3 Jam fS 53ft 25 119 1 1 I1 1s L Fator 7 GdenAuburn 115EdAhearn HOCybk 111 13288 Jam 5S 59 ft 1120 117 7 5 41 3 F Catrone 9 Ariel 117 Stcphanus 112 Kirkover 112 12764 Jam 5S 101 gd 75 US 2 1 1 1s L Fator 7 AVonderful USOTurk USIIumdlnser 118 12598 Jam 5810 ft 10 IIS 5 4 5T 5 L Fator 11 Dice US Stephanus llSFrincess Tina 115 CATSPLAY LembergTrainer ch f 2 114 By Fair Play Catspaw by Lemberg Trainer C Phillips Owner Graentree Stable Breeder Payne Whitney 12937 Jam 5S l007tft 3 117 2 1 1 1 G Ellis 13 PrVsTina 117 Valkyr 117UoityToty 117 DICE b c 2 117 By Dominant Frumpery by Chicle ChicleTrainer Trainer J Fitzsimmons Ownir Wheatley Stable Breeder H P Whitney 12598 Jam 58100 ft 4 US 1 2 2 = 1 D McAffell Steplianus HSPriacess Tina llaGlade 115 WONDERFUL ch c 2 M 114 By John P Grier Ionia by Martinet MartinetTrainer Trainer J Hastings Owner B C Winmill Breeder T Piatt 12882 Jam 5 l0frft 4 IIS 2 4 4J 4s C Zoeller Kosinante US HighFlior 118 Sunfire 118 12764 Jam 5S l01gd 4 IIS 1 2 2 2s C Rails 7 Mowleir 118 OTnrk 118 Humdinger 118 12549 UH 4J t 57 ft 12 IIS 7 7 7 J 3s V Catrone 7 Nitouche 1151 Td You 123 Rendezvous 118 12498 1711 abl2 4S ft 10 IIS S 5 510 5i E Fewell 13 Miss oyd 115 Wrackeen 118 Aloha 118 POLLYWOG b c 2 K 114 By Whisk Broom II Polly Flinders by Burgo ¬ master masterTrainer Trainer J Bowe Jr Owner H P Whitney Breeder H P Whitney 13418 Bel 41 f Ksy f 114 S S 9 = 6 A Abel 11 Groncher 117 Nassak 120 Prate 117 13290 Jam 58 5 ft 12 US 10 12 12 12 E BenhamlS KddieAhraru USSilenns USSublevado UK 13131 Jam SS 101 cd 2 US 5 C 5 ° 6 J A Abel 12 Ariel 118 Grouclier 118 KddieAhearn 118 6UNFIRE ch c 2 X 114 By Olambala Sunburst by BanasUr BanasUrTrainer Trainer T J Healey Owner B T Wilson Breeder B T Wilson 13418 Bel 4if Ksy 12 114 7 C f 45l W Fronk 11 Grouclier 117 Xassak 120 Prate 117 12882 Jam 5S lX ft 32 IIS S S 5 i 3 W Fronk 9 llosinante USHipliFlier URWderfiil US 1263C Jam 58100Tt 20 117 9 7 5 4s W Kronk 10 OAdele llODistracfn 117Complican 122 ONE CENT b c 2 M 114 By Last Coin La Mode by Peep o Day DayTrainer Trainer X Smart Owner 8 Boss Breeder Miss E Daingerfield 12386 Bow 12 4S ft 7 118 5 C 7 i 7s E Barnes S Toanna 118 Polar Sea 118 Tiappy 118 ALWAYS b c 2 X 114 By Eternal Lady Ward by XcGee XcGeeTrainer Trainer T Bedrock Owner X E Hitt Breeder J T Ireland 13418 Bel 4if JZxy 30 114 6 4 6 11 E Ambrscll Grouclier 117 Nassak 120 Prate 117 12888 Pirn 41 f 55 ft 13 12212 12 12 11 J E Barnes 12 Itose Eternal 119 Tiffin 122 1olish 122 122First First start for the folloxvinc FETBUCHIO b c 2 M 114 By Dominant VVaro by Fair Play Trainer C Phillips Owner Greontree Stable Breeder Greentree Stable StableCATCH CATCH HIM b c 2 M 114 By Captivation Briar Sweet H by Harry Melton MeltonTrainer Trainer W Hogan Owner W Hogan Breeder W Hogan