untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-21


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TURF WEEKLY 35 cents per copy 10 weeks 3 3For For Sale At All Newsstands New Weekly Out 1000 Free Code Today TodayCHURCHILL CHURCHILL BrazilRopeWood BrazilRopeWoodThis This one has been in hiding for a long time Clocker Spike Wilson sends this one in as his workout horse for the week also has the OK of connections who arc going after the kale this afternoon and remember rememberSPIKE SPIKE WILSONS MONDAYS WORKOUT HORSE HORSECreek Creek Indian 3020 Won WonFor For name of the above 1000 free code get the new weekly at your nearest newsstand newsstandYESTERDAYS YESTERDAYS FKEE CODE CODEMISS MISS LEE 680 Won WonLAST LAST WEEKS BOOK WINNERS Flat Iron 1990 Won Gaffer 1740 Won Alletache 1620 Won Aleader 960 Won Lieutenant II 920 Won And a Batch of Other Winners WinnersANOTHER ANOTHER CONFIDENTIAL Rogers Parlay Goes Today TodayTerms Terms 5 5Tloth Tloth horses received their final O K Friday morning One horse goes at Churchill the other at Aurora For full particulars and big guarantee on this parlay see page Clocker X Rogers Weekly No 17 17Terms Terms Wire money Postal Telegraph or Western Union UnionROGERS ROGERS PUB CO 1674 Broadway New York City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927052101/drf1927052101_19_6
Local Identifier: drf1927052101_19_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800