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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesWOODBINE WOODBINE PARK SATURDAY MAY 21 AVEATIIER CLOUDY TRAGIC GOOD Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago daylight saving time 130 130WOODBINE WOODBINE PARK 1 Mile MileFirst First Race 34 Mile MileTrial Trial Plate Handicap HandicapPurse Purse 1500 added tycarolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Carmaadale Sept 27 1922 111 = 5 3 117Todays Todays 117 n TInrspPcstPos Wt Itcc AWtHnn 13005 Nirhavo 9 Jam 118 113 4 115 743 1380 Itolls Itoyce 11 HdG lOG 112 4 103 740 127731 Harry Baker 14 DP 101 113 = 5 5 103X733 13184 Lieutenant II S Pirn 103 112 7 116 730 13229 Devonshire IBel 127 112 5 103 723 723133E2 133E2 Sunsard GJam 110 111 5 109X720 12803 Hole Card SIIav llli 1 105X715 13136 I ctaritiK 12 Pint 103 114 3 100 715 13185 Dignus 101IdC 109 114 3 101 710 13332 Sun Forward 3 Ilm 113 113 3 109X705 99451 Worthmoro KUSol 123 111 G 122X703 074S01 Ace of Aces II 2 1111 J4 113 4 ICO 700 07583 Dick Vhittiugton 4 Dor 115 113 5 100X700 13151 Patricia J 7Sar 113 113 4 104 700 700Second Second Race About 2 12 Miles Fortyfourth Running Woodbine Steeplechase SteeplechaseHandicap Handicap 7300 Added 4yearolds and upward upward13042s 13042s Gun Boat 4 5 139 733 13042 Autumn Bells C 7 147X730 12501 Attila II 1 4 133 725 13133 = Maureen Bawn 5 12 135 720 13042 Ovsttr Bed 2 9 135 715 13042 Pole the Scribe 3 0 137 710 710Third Third Race 12 Mile MileGoodwood Goodwood Plate fl500 Added 2yearods Maidens Foaled in inCanada Canada CanadaTrack Track record recordDiaderna Diaderna May 21 1921 4S 2 113 113Gold Gold Era 1 11 Ktd Ridge 2 118 Mary vale 3 lir Odette 4 11 11Miss Miss Wisdom 5 11 Anushka G 11 Suncrest 7 11 Dushka 8 113 113Mirth Mirth 9 113 Young Kitty 10 115 Bonnlhgton 11 115 Furrow 12 115 Son of Light 13 118 Wilhelmina 14 113 Merry Mount 13 115 115Fourth Fourth Race 1 18 Miles MilesSixtyeighth Sixtyeighth Running Kings Plate 15000 Added and Fifty Guineas the Gift of His HisMajesty Majesty King George IV of England 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Canada CanadaTrack Track record Spot Cash May 23 1923 131 0 103 OG937 Taurus M 13 Wdb 112 201h 4 127 740 OG2G5 Mr Gaiety M 9 3 112 735 0758 Gems to Let 5 3 117 730 730OC265 OC265 Ierlapldwf IM 2 3 112 723 07587 Troutlet 3 3 112 720 07587 = Listerine 12 3 112 715 07587 Capitol 1C 3 117 710 05248 Gay Parsiian G 3 117 705 06991 Eliza Jane 8 3 112 700 07537 Bloomtip 1 11 07536 = Itex Muscarum 18 3 117 695 07536 Tippance 4 3 112 690 075361 Lazibones 7 3 117 690 96365 Quartzite 10 4 132X685 07381 Miss Content M 11 3 107 685 07536 Lady McXeill 13 3 112 G85 06845 Southern DawnM 14 3 107 685 68506S17 06S17 Meeran M 17 3 112 685 685Fifth Fifth Race 58 Mile MileCavendish Cavendish Plate 1500 Added 2yearolds 2yearoldsTrack Track record recordLady Lady Vera June 2 1900 100 2 99 119X73512S01 13383 Maurice 14 Jam 122 10114 119X735 12S01 Prince Bulbo 2 114 730 13134 Knight 101im 112 102 116 725 13225 Sweepesta M 11 107 720 12271 = Blind Cast 5 112 715 13292 Dtirbcrvlllc M 1 112 710 12690 Iteigh Olga MJ 8 110 705 13045 Springald M 13 110 700 13295 Rhubarb 7 110 G95 13176 Redbridge M G 110 690 13131 Omars Double DoubleM M 3 Jam 119 103 110 630 630Cosmetic Cosmetic 4 107 Black Kriar 9 110 Guest 12 107 Sixth Race 1 116 Miles MilesBarriu Barriu Plate 1503 Added 3jcarolds ClaimingTrack and upward Claiming Track record Edisto May 27 1926 144 4 122 13009 Arno 1 Dor 105 147 5 128 735 12771 = Dancing Fool 8 FG 112 148 0123X730 13048 Trapstock 3 a 112 725 13262 Goldbeater 2 CP 114 147 5 125X720 13230 Alletache 6 Pirn 107 148 4 113 715 13277 Pat Caluoun 5 Aqu 113 145 4 122X710 12312 Fatal Dart 7 Bow 100 14G 4 112 705 09142 Jeb 4 Lat 99 146 3 112X700 112X700Seventh Seventh Race 34 MUe MUeCarletou Carletou Plate 1200 Added 3yearolds ClaimingTrack and upward Claiming Track record Carmandale Sept 27 1922 111 5 117 13133 = GYMKHANA 9 Mia 113 112 5 117X735 13226 = Ka Kee M 2 3 104 723 125581 First Edition 8 Mia 105 114 4 120X720 12601 = Nimrod 12 Huv 101 112 G 121X715 12334 Matilda B 1TJJ 93 114 3 106 710 12734 Grazer M G 3 1061705 07586 Jimmy Brown 13 Win 103 116 4 114X700 03525 Sarmadowa M 10 Thf 109 119 4 107 695 06525 Ugo II M 3 3 97G1M 08652 Natures Darling M 5 lrl 103 116 3 97 690 07125 Soubrette II M 7 CP 91 115 5 109 G85 075841 Sotcria4 Wdb 113 115 4107C85 4107C85Elope Elope 11 3 101