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AKRON AKEON OHIO FRIDAY MAY 27 1927 Northampton Park 34 Mile Eighteenth day Akron Racing Association Spring meeting of 19 days Weather clear Presiding Steward A G Leonard Presiding Judge S S Bender Associate Judge II J Kohl Starter W Harris Racing Secretary E C Knebelkamp Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs It blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horso and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance Or rrO FTBST RACE 78 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value JLO 4 4 O to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt 13248 MACK GARNER WB 11 113 6 8 71 z lh Il R Paulcy Mrs E T Miller MillerI1 750100 13658 SANCHO PANSY w 7 112 10 2 I1 Il 24 2 R Parker Osage Stable 1930100 136595 SHADOW DANCE w 5 IDS 11 1 21 42 3 31 P McCabe Mrs V M Smith 440100 13563 DR HUFF wn 5 113 19 10 104 5J 43 C Jackson A Allen Sr SrG 430100 13479 POOR PRINCESS W 5 111 7 7 G 3h 4 53 C Landoit Nicol Co TS70100 13659 THE ULSTER w 7 11 4 5 31 61 C 63 J Jeffries O Stewart 620100 620100tirooioo 13612 MARGTE CONLLw 3 100 311 9 9 71 74 L Hardy C E Davison tirooioo 13205PIERRE RHUE w 8 103 9 3 4 5 83 S C Grassia J J Kenny 3000100 13658 RICHD MURRAYw 7 10S 8 84 4 5 7l 9 9 J Smith Sunflower Stable 190100 13348 IIONEYKINS w 3 103 5 C S Sk ° k S 103 10i V Moore J Aran t 13406WILLOW TREE wn 9 113 2 10 11 11 11 11 G Collins Triple B Stable 49SO100 IField 49SO100IField Time 25J 53 121 136 Track slow 2 certificates earned Mack Garner 1700 straight 620 place 480 show Sancho Pansy 2120 place 7 CO show Shadow Dunce 380 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Mack Garner 750 to 100 straight 210 to 100 place 140 to 100 show Sancho Pansy 9CO to 100 place 280 to 100 show Shadow Dance 90 to 100 show showWinner Winner B g by Setli Flarney by Grcenan trained by E T Miller bred by Mr F A Breit Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 233 AT POST 2 roinuttss Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving MACK GARNER raced In the best going oir the extreme outside passed SANCHO PANSY on the t re tdi turn and won coins away SAXCHO IAXSI set a good pace but tired SHADOW DANCE came again in the stretch and finished well wellScratched Scratched 13659 Sagamore 113 13701Dalton 108 13324 Harty M Stevens 108 135GC Sua Turret 108 13402 Phelan 113 113Overwright Overwright Marguerite Connell 2 pound t Qr7r7f SECOND HACE 78 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value JLO 4 4 TC to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Ilorses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt 13656 MCALAKAUA w 4 103 G 8 71 2 1 I1 L Hardy R Hardy 1SO100 13705 TERRIBLE MAX WB 4 113 5 4 4 3 21 R Pauley Neihaus Wedderstrand SfiO100 13707 ALEXINA WB 4 IOC 93 I1 51 5 = 3i I Bellini J A Parsons 3G30100 13659 CUM SAH wn 12 108 12 1 21 I1 2 = 4h C Landoit K Platt 740100 13705 GARISH WB 5 IOC 8 6 G3 G 5 C Grassia F II McDonald 920100 13247 WHITE WASH WB 5 113 11 7 41 3k 4 Ci K Hoffmn Estate of W Perkins 1760103 13609 JUST CLARE WB 4 111 72 5 = 7 71 C Jackson S E Parks 3500100 3500100135C1 135C1 HAMPTON MISS WB 4 10G 1 5 S1 8 Sc S P McCabe A Miller 32SO100 13707 FAIR BREAK w C 113 3 9 9 95 9 D1 J Jeffries Mrs J Price 620100 13659 HENRY S WB C 113 10 11 10 10i 10S 101 S Kirk T Wilson f 1210100 1210100135CGJ 135CGJ HUTCHISON w 8 113 2 10 11 = 11s 11s 11s L Madden S S Friedlein t 13707 GOLD BOY w 5 113 4 12 12 12 12 12 F Munoz E J Winn t ttField tField Time 25 53 120 J 135 Track slow 2 certificates earned Kalnkaua 400 straight 400 place 380 show Terrible Man 440 place 400 show Alexina 3800 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Kalakaua 130 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 00 to 100 show Terrible Man 120 to 100 place 100 to 100 show Alexina 1800 to 100 show showWinner Winner 15 g by Eastertide Jr Mangonel by Carbine trained by J R Carlock bred by Estate of Mr A W Carter Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 306 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingKALAKAUA KALAKAUA moved up rapidly after rounding the far turn and taking the lead held the race safe in the stretch TEKIUBLE MAN gained steadily and was going fast at the end ALEXINA came again in the last eighth and outfinished CUM SAIL SAILScratched Scratched 13G57sFrances Louise 11 13G58 Dr Mac Millan 108 13707 Recoup 111 13400 Jim Sanda 108 135GG Uockwork 113 THIED RACE 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses Vt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt 13657EARL POOL WE G 106 12 4 I1 I3 1i lh J Smith Richards Miller Miller10J 13281 THE PLAINSMAN w 7 109 1 6 10J 91 4J 21 R Pauley J Krause 13072 STAR GIRL w 5 111 4 1 2 23 2 31 F Munoz H Torriente 13437 SISTER HELENE w 10 107 9 5 51 42 s 41 v Moore W E Kelley 135C3 ROYAL DICK w 9 113 10 10 10128GGJANE 9 51 CJ 51 P Cogan F McClintock 128GGJANE ELIZBETHwu 3 100J 2 12 71 7 7 61 L Hardy C D Thompson 13439LORD YORK w 4 104 811 81113G08 11 10 = 71 C Grassia P Dwyer Jr 13G08 LYDIA DREW w 5 102 7 72 2 31 3 6J S X Wall O Tuggle 4S40100 4S4010013705PUEBLO 13705PUEBLO WB 10 113 11 8 G1 61 SI 91 P McCabo J Stillman 1760103 176010313G09 1360 13G09 FUN MAKER ws 5 111 53 4nk SMO 10 F Armstg H E Brown Stk Fm Sta 450100 13438 13438ROTARIAX ROTARIAN WB 5 113 3 37 7 8 II3 II3 US J Jeffries H W Moore 1SSO100 1SSO1001343G 1343G LADY SLIPPER WB 4 1091 69 12 12 12 12 L Madden J McNamara t ttField tField Time 25 52 120 Track slow 2 certificates earned Earl Pool 940 straight 400 place 460 show The Plainsman field 380 place 340 show Star Girl 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Earl Pool 370 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 130 to 100 show The Plains ¬ man field 90 to 100 place 70 to 100 show Star Girl 150 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Delhi Bonnie Carrie by Ogden trained by C Richards bred by Mr Thomas Piatt Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 334 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameKAUL KAUL POOL set a pood pace but was tiring and driving hard at the end to retain his slight advantage THE PLAINSMAN closed an immense gap in the last half and finished fastest of all STAR GIRL although tiring outgamed SISTER HELENS HELENSScratched Scratched 132483Stargo 109 11990 Peace Pal 109 13704 Midday 109 13657 Herbier 109 12758 Ritola 104 13501 Chile 104 104Overweights Overweights Earl Pool 2 pounds Jane Elizabeth 2 Lady Slipper 2 FOTOTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtlPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book Strt 13564 CRSTWOOD BOY w S 103 11 4 413610DORA 51 yk 2 ij c Grassia M Katz 13610DORA LUTZ w5 102 12 2 2 11 lh 2 ° L Hardy Miss D Hicks 130271 KLAXON WB C 101 4 9 912713ONE 91 Cl 3nk C1 C Landoit J Kramer 12713ONE GOLD BUCKw 4 109 7 8 61 93 1 41 G Collins Mrs P M Sturm 13G5G DR CHS WELSwsu S 109 3 11 1110141FEIGNED 71 43 41 5n C Jackson W Bakos Bakos8l 10141FEIGNED ZEAL w 8 106 10 5 513705SEE 8l 71 61 61 F Armstg Southern Park Stable 13705SEE IT THROUHwB C 10S 8 1 4 SiS3 71 I Bellini M Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick11s 13205 TULANE w 8 109 1 10 11s 105 95 Si R Pauley Mrs A Miller Millerlh 13072 ARLENA w 4 107 6 3 lh 21 61 9 J Jeffries H Venters 13GGO LANK WB 7 104 9 7 101 H1 103 105 C Ksland E E Waterman 13G5G TIM OBRIEN WB 3 106 5 G 3i 51 11 11 J Smith J Ulmo 3180100 13523 GALIANO w 3 103 2 12 12 12 P up P Cogan S McNeill 620100 620100tField tField Time 25 52 120 Track slow 2 certificates earned Crcstwood Boy 740 straight 420 place 380 show Dora Lutz CCO place 420 show Klaxon 400 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Crestwood Boy 270 to 100 straight 110 to 100 place 90 to 100 show Dora Lntr 230 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Klaxon 100 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch g by Boots and Saddle Crestwood Girl by Transvaal trained by M Katz bred by Mr C Bruce Head Winner entered to be claimed for 700 700WENT WENT TO POST 402 AT POST minute minuteStart Start jjood and slow for all but Galiano Won driving second and third the same CUESTWOOD BOY challenged the leaders after rounding the far turn and taking the lead in the stretch outfinished DOHA LUTZ The latter raced AltLENA into defeat and raced well in the vinal drive KLAXON closed up much ground and finished gamely ONE GOLD BUCK came fast thror i the stretch AULENA quit quitScratched Scratched 13660 Tender Scth 104 I3G59sHarp of the North 104 13405 Gee 109 13522 Priceless 105 11918 Will Wells 109 13707 Little Itomper 109 109Overweight Overweight Tim OBrien 2 pounds g OHTr7 FIFTH RACE 5 12 Furlonps Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net JLO 444 value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Book Strt 13114 ZOONA w 7 107 9 2 11 I3 1J I1 R Pauley J S Baldwin 450100 13319 TRAFALGAR w G 100 5 8 4h 3 23 2 J Morar Cragin Cowell 3330100 333010013G09 13G09 BUSH BUCK w 6 109 7 3 51 51 4 1 3 V Moore M P Spicer 7000100 7000100135G1 135G1 CARBONELL WB 7 109 2 1 2 2 3 41 P McCabe J Oran 7340100 7340100119GG3 119GG3 JACOBEAN w 9 101 10 G 6 61 51 53 I Bellini M Kirkpatrick 3S40100 132451 SPONTANEOUS w 6 102 8 7 71 71 61 6 F Armsfg R E Scholl 210100 21010012990COL 12990COL PAT w 7 104 6 4 3 4 76 7s L Hardy J R Carlock 740100 74010013010RIVULET 13010RIVULET w 10 103 3 10 93 9s 9s 81 C Ksland H Proud 1C20100 1C2010013G103M1TZI 13G103M1TZI McGEE w 5 103 1 9 S1 S3 SJ 9s J Smith A B Jessop 180103 13520 BOMBARDIER w 4 112 4 5 10 10 10 10 G Collins G W Kinsey 4180100 4180100Time Time 25 51 112 Track slow 2 certificates earned Zoona 1100 straight 560 place 500 show Trafalgar 2020 place 1220 show Bush Buck 1480 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Zoona 450 to 100 straight 180 to 100 place 150 to 100 show Traflgar 910 to 100 place 510 to 100 show Bush Buck C40 to 100 show showWinner Winner B m by Vulcain Umatilla by Clifford trained by J S Baldwin bred by Mr Gary T Grayson Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 431 AT POST 7 minutes minutesStart Start drivingZOONA good and slow Won easily second and third driving ZOONA drew away into an easy lead and kept it to the end TRAFALGAR raced close up all the way BUSH BUCK ran well and outgamed CAUBONELL CAUBONELLScratched Scratched OC94G3Brown Hock IOC 1020C Adorable Ill 13G09 Lady Newtown 107 135193Roma IOC 11760 Blossom House 104 13564 Mediator Jr 112 112Overweights Overweights Kivulet 1 pound Mitzi McGee 3 f OTfTC SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value JLO 4 4 O to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses J4 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Book Strt 13G08 FLYING LULA w 5 108 99 9k 6 3 i I1 X Wall Mrs J S Heilsheimer SOO100 13438 DR JN KENNEYw 4 115 8 1 lnfc I1 I1 2 = J Picrillo R J Farris t730100 t73010013G083HENRY 1100100129982MR 13G083HENRY FOX w 4 115 32 5 41 2 31 R Pauley Mrs E Stillman 1100100 129982MR PLAID w 3 100 10 10 G1 71 4 = 4U L Hardy L C Everitt 620100 1370G3OIL 6201001370G3OIL 119010013482SAX LADY w 5 113 5 5 4nk 2 5 51 S Banks Sunflower Stable 1190100 13482SAX SAX w 6 106 7 G 10 91 71 6 = 1 F Armsts A Miller t ISGGlWHITE 154010013G10 CAPS w 4 115 H 11 S S 6 71 C Jackson W Bakos 1540100 13G10 = STEINWAY WB 4 113 1 8 II 11 10 k S2 H Hay S D Hudson 550100 55010013G13WINE 13G13WINE JUG w 5 108 G 7 3 3 1 81 91 P McCabe M H Jordan 450100 135G33AIR 450100135G33AIR MAIL w 4 1051 4 4 71 101 11 101 J Smith Mrs X B Davis 6501CO 134383 FREEMASON w 5 110 23 21 5 9h 11 C Ksland C A Davis 13SO100 tField 13SO100tField Time 25 51 119 Track slow 2 certificates earned Flying Lula 1800 straight 780 place 700 show Dr John Kcnney field 000 place 5CO show Henry Fox 460 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking Flying Lula 800 to 100 straight 290 to 100 place 250 to 100 show Dr John Kenucy field 200 to 100 place ISO to 100 show Henry Fox 130 to 100 show showWinner Winner B in by Libyan Sands Flyaway by Kjng William trained by J S Baldwin bred by Mr O A Bianchi Winner entered to be claimed for 900 900WENT WENT TO POST 505 AT POST 6 minutes minutesStart Start drivingFLYING good and nlow Won handily second and third driving FLYING LULA steadily improved her position and finishing fast on the outside won going away 111 JOHN KENNEY set a good pace and tired when challenged HENKY FOX made a game finish MR PLAID closed up ground in the last quarter quarterScratched Scratched 13G36 Prince Theo 115 13657 Viking 100 13G14yThe Peruvian 113 13483 Buckaroo 107 Overweights Mr Plnid 2 pounds Air Mail IV SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 500 4yearolds and upward Claim ing Net value to winner 400 second 70 third 30 Index Horses AWtPISti Ji i Str Fin Jockeys Ountrs Equiv Book Strt 135GCJHOHORRY WB 6 1031 2 11 2k 2 23 I3 I3 C Landbit J B Payne 13GG213WARWICK w G 112 9 4 7ok 8 = 31 2 2 S Banks Sunflower Stable Stable13G59 13G59 SUPER LADY WB 5 103 12 10 S1 3 P3 31 C Ksland Mrs C C Pool 13GGO = RAXDEL w 8 107 4 7 91 711 5 4h 4 = R Pauley J S Baldwin 13660 SHIlK FLOWRwB 9 107 10 G 5 1 31 Gl 51 51 J Smith H T Palmer 13182 IRISH PAT w 7 107 11 5 C Gi 71 7l Gi V Moore J Price Price13G5G 13G5G RACING STAR w 7 109 G 1 I3 I3 1 3 = 7 7k k C Jackson Mrs B Ferris 13G08 = YOUNG APRIL WB 5 107 3 3 4s 5 4h S3 S1 P McCabe M H Jordan 13662 LA KROSS w 11 112 51212 11 10 9 9 J Picrillo J W Pinkham Pinkham13378JIMSON 13378JIMSON w 6 102 8 2 3 4h S 10 105 C Grassia R Cooper 1338 13 FAIR TRIAL w 6 112 7 S 103 103 11 11 11 L Madden G H Stocking 136141DEMIJOHN wn 7 107 1 9 11 12 12 P up L Hardy C D Thompson tField Time 2G 53 122V4 148 152 Truck slow 2 certificates earned HoHorry 380 straight 3CO place 320 show Warwick 740 place 020 Dhow Super Lady field 300 show showEquivalent Equivalent Iroking IIoHorry 10 to 100 straight 80 to 100 place CO to 100 show Warwick 270 la 103 place 210 to 100 show Super Lady field 50 to 100 show Winner B g by Smoke Hotisc Lightfobt by Fair Play trained by C W Chappell bred by Mr Rody P Marshall MarshallWENT WENT TO POST 538 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start drivingHOHOURY good and slow Won easily second and third driving HOHOURY forced the pace to the stretch then took the lead and won going away WA11WICK closed up much ground in the last half mile and held second place to the end SUPER LADY finished with a belated rush on the outside outsideScratched Scratched 13662 2Padlock 107 135GC5Lady Finnell 103 13659 Ballybell 107 11924 Slanderer 107 13524 Barrister 102 I37073Ivy 105 105Overweights Overweights HoIIorry IG pounds Warwick 5 Racing Star 2