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MAY SEE ANITA PEABODY UlinoisBred Filly to Be Starter in Debutante Stakes Expected to Carry Mrs John Hertzs Colors ColorsIn In Juvenile Feature to Be Run at atUomewood Uomewood Course June 4 Chicagos racing patrons may have the opportunity of witnessing1 a speedy juvenile filly bred in this state capture the Debu ¬ tante Stakes at Homewood on the afternoon of June 4 The filly in question is Anita Peabody which races in the colors of the Ixona Farm Stable StableAnita Anita Peabcdy is a handsome daughter of Luke McLukc The Tetrarch and is owned by Mrs John Hertz of Chicago During her brief turf career she has scored two triumphs in as many starts including victory in the the rich Debutante Stakes at Churchill Downs DownsAirs Airs Hertz recognizes the sterling quali ¬ ties of Anita Peabody which won her two races on successive days and is so confident that the filly will continue her string of vic ¬ tories that she will be hostess to a large number of society patrons at Washington Park to witness her colors represented in the big race raceAlthough Although Anita Peabody doubtless will rule the favorite for the Debutante Stakes sht will be forced to her best endeavor to score and she will be opposed by some of the fleetest juvenile fillies in the West A large field is certain to face starter Harry Morris sey in the Debutante Stakes StakesThe The complete list of eligibles follows DEHUTAXTE STAKES fOOO ADDED KOK FIL IIKS TWO YEAKS OLD Hy subscription of 20 each 100 additional Jo start 55000 added of which 800 to second 400 to thinl and 1K to fourth AVinners of 200 three pounds 5000 five pounds 2000 three times or 5000 twice seven pounds extra Non winners of three races allowed three pounds two races five pounds Starters to be named through the entry bor the day before the race by 1030 a in Closed April CO 1927 with eightynine nominations Five and onehalf furlongs JSpst Spade March Violet Sister Ship Clcnnic 1erfect Model 1each Star Itonny liasil Lady Basil Kair jinita Fair Justitia Fair Iark Kair Cold Ilomewood Jade Madcap Princess Lenny Jacksonville Anery Mood Moneague Cloriuda Vendeuse Canbcria Martinique tarin tarinFlying Flying Kosc Memoria Mountain Miss Stitches ItUck Spot Jiirtituclo Sossona Thistle Flo Thistle Ilaby Thistle Clad Ctnevieve Forbea Ceoelia rob Ia Dentelle Mima Dear Kosc ftlush Clacclifals Marie Itlanchc II Sandrlnc Xetta Uun KhnondillAmerican Khnondill American Thunder Miss Torch Dolly Veddcr Philosophy SupposeSupper Suppose Supper Time TimeSuperstitious Superstitious SuperstitiousAll All Callao CallaoClade Clade CladeLatvia Latvia LatviaRny Rny Fairy FairyEchollght Echollght EchollghtSun Sun 11 ussy ussyGera Gera B BWorthy Worthy WorthyMoilic Moilic Dear DearKentucky Kentucky Babe BabePolita PolitaSarah Polita Sarah Alethe AletheAnita Anita Peabody PeabodyKuKiedoodles KuKiedoodles KuKiedoodlesPortia Portia PortiaAliaier Aliaier AliaierRosalia Rosalia RosaliaBucktye Bucktye Belle BelleSweepesta Sweepesta SweepestaAfrican African Daisy DaisyWind Wind Flower FlowerScarlet Scarlet Star StarIidy Iidy OXeil OXeilItocKer ItocKer ItocKerClint Clint o Gold Busy Lassie LassieLittle Little Punkins PunkinsPostage PostageTeco Postage Teco TecoFlying Flying Dust DustIilla Iilla R RDreana Dreana Leo LeoScotland Scotland Belle BelleScotland Scotland Girl GirlCross Cross Play PlayEtlilh Etlilh Alice AlicePandalc PandalcCuddle Pandalc Cuddle CuddleQuicken Quicken QuickenDomesticated Domesticated