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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesBELMONT BELMONT PARK MONDAY MAY 30 30WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Racine starts at 230 p m Chicago daylight saving time 130 130Belmont Belmont Park 1 12 Miles 6 14 feet feetFirst First Race 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsWidener Widener Course CourseBlue Blue Kidjze Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 2yearolds Maidens MaidensTrack Track record Bostonian June 5 1920 51 2 117 117Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind Horse WtRec AWtIlan 135371 Timekeeper Bel 110 r3Ky 110730 13750 Muriatic Bel 118 T7m 110 723 136332 Pondy Bel 118 54 11GX720 13750 Montanic Bel 118 rG s 11G715 134621 Alsernon Bel 117 54m 11GX710 13497 Crows Nest Bel 114 54 11G705 13789 Cherry Brook Bel 114 j 54 116 700 13333 King Lehr 116 693 12498 Monte Carlo 11CC90 11CC9013G33 13G33 Cenacolo 11K690 13633 Burning Bush Bel 117 11GG90 13533 Vulnerable Bel 114 53 11GC90 13494 Petruchio Bel 114 M 11G085 13458 Otto Bel 108 58m 116 085 13681 Flitting Day Bel 112 50h lliC83 13045 Goulash 116 685 13437 Sour Mash Bel 114 rw 11GC83 13633 ElKazidah Bel 118 5Gh 11GC85 11GC85Black Black Patti 113 Intense 113 Judge Bartlett 110 The Tartar 116 Charles B Hall 110 Second Race About 2 Miles MilesSheridan Sheridan Steeplechase SteeplechasePurse Purse 1500 4yearolds and upward Allowances 13630 Captain Careless CarelessM M 7 137X735 13678 Lighthouse 5 141 730 13493 Creenhorn M 5 141 725 134931 Volunteer 4 141 720 13224 Endicott M 4 137715 13493 Crimson Dawn 8 141 710 13678 Xomad M 4 132 705 05687 Mantonian M 4 130X700 13630 Caisson M 5 137 695 13493 Jlight Time M 7 137 690 12546 Dignify M 4 133 GDO GDOThird Third Race 78 Mile MileMemorial Memorial Day Handicaps First Section 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record recordRoseben Roseben Oct 1C 1900 122 5 120 13460 CELIDON Aqu 119 124 4 122X750 13536 Dangerous Tij 107 125 5 1200740 13419 Pompty 4 11G735 13495 Copiapo 7 115 730 12804 Triton 3 115 725 13419 Cheops 3 11CX720 13631 Cartoonist Bel 119 124 7 116X715 13221 Byrd 3 109 710 13255 Brown Bud 3 112X705 13007 Flambino 3 10G705 09282 Maid of the Mist 3 10i700 06061 Royal Play 3 112X700 13535 Incrid Bow 10S 12S 4 106X700 13535 Poly 3 1100700 13535 Shuffle Along Bel 111 124 7 105X700 105X700Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile MileThirtyFourth ThirtyFourth Running Metropolitan Handicap 5000 Added 3ytaroldb and upward upwardTrack Track record Cherry Pie Sept 3 1923 135 3 113 13496 Black Maria Sar 115 139 4 116X750 13790 Macaw Aqu llo 137 4 122 745 Ofinand CD 118 139 3 110X740 Sweepster Bel 118 l40h 3 112X7t5 Valorous Pin 122 141 3 107 730 Editli Cavell CavellCopiapo Be 112 137 4 104 725 Copiapo Be 118 139 7 10G720 Montferrat Lr 108 139 4 100X71T Amberjack Be 10G 140 4 111 710 Ingrid Lr 102 139 4 103X703 High Star Be 100 138 4 105X700 Cartoonist Be 113 136 7 107X7CO Fifth Racs 78 Mile MileMemorial Memorial Day Handicaps Second Section 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Roseben Oct 10 1900 122 5 120 Termagant 3 12 J 745 Color Sergeant SergeantBumpkin 4 122740 Bumpkin Bel 11C 124 124Gormond 4 120X735 Gormond 3 117 730 Son of John 5 115X725 Frilette 3 112X720 Sankari 3 120X715 Accomplish 3 112 710 Mill wick 5 109X705 Gun Royal 3 110 700 Flechita Sar 114 126 126Bonnie 4 109X695 Bonnie Maginn 3 112XG90 Joe Marrone HI CD 108 125 125Clearance 5 115X690 Clearance Bel 103 128 128Melmor l28m 3 112X690 Melmor 5 107 C90 Sixth Race 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course Purse 1200 2yearolds Fillies Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Bostonian June 5 1926 51 2 117 135851 Swizzlestick Bel 117 52m 117X735 13537 Dicing Bel 113 53sy 114X730 135853 Flower Girl Bel 117 Ii2 m 117725 13421 Bonniebclle Bel 115 55sy 110 720 13185 Princesita 114 715 13421 Spanish Princess PrincessM M 110 710 13421 False Modesty M Bel 113 55 110 705 13092 Royal Fern M 110 700 13537 Girl Friend M 110 700 700Black Black Patti 110 Circe 110 Revue 110 Giggleorum 110 Clytie 110 Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesGettysburg Gettysburg Purse Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record Dot Sept 7 1923 142 3 100 12837 Botanic 4 116X735 13384 Clondland Jam 104 145 5 112730 13460 King Solomons SolomonsSeal Seal Bel 113 143 7 112X725 13581 Revolver Bel 100 l48m 3 110X720 13631 Neddie Gun Lrl 110 145 5 11GX715 13177 Priceman Mia 107 146 4 119x710 11770 Hayward Mia 110 145 5 116 705 13460 Mariner Bel 108 l50m 3 110 700 13460 Architect Jam 107 146 3 107XC95 13416 Beau Geste 3 103 COO 13634 Ward OWay M Bel 1101151 4 116 G90