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148 148AURORA AURORA 111 May 28 Todays trainin trainingallops gallops here included the following AURORA Weather cloudy track heavy j 38 MILE 142 African Dsy 44b 145 Litte Ammie 45h 137 Cross Bow 45h I 12 MILE 130 Bunthorne 55h 140 Hec 55b 55bBroadview Broadview D8 b 112 Mday Mning 56h 139 Fred AYtham 55 h 144 Oympic 55b 58 MILE Cor de Lionl08h 124 Scofd Feverl14b 139 Porto do Orol13b 138 Win Tellll 111 b 34 MILE 140 Rival 123 b 133 Senator Sethl25 b 1 MILE MILE14C 14C Balboa 151 b Coeur de Lion went handily Balboa liked the going COLLINSVILLE 111 May 28 Todays training gallops here included the following followingFAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT PARK Weather clear track heavy 38 MILE 132 Bowie Clark 37 b Postillion 38b Black Elm 40b 51 Van Dusen 41b Lord Assagai 39h 12 MILE 127 Alice McLuke 50 h ISO Mais Memy 49h 58 Coney Island 52h Hi Matt Carr 5Gb Dble Entdre 57 b 117 Pricemaker 5S b 74 Drama 55 b Pl Madeline 51h 51hMy My Sister 51 h 58 MILE 143 Bombay 104 h 50 Dorothy El03 h hBetty Betty Bning l07h Minnah Hawal08 b 34 MILK 123 Beggar Boyl22h 103 La noil 128 b 78 Blah 121 i Miss Beulahl24 b 13 Clay Pigeon 120 i 143 Matador 121 b 139 Ennui 121 b 5G Orbit l18h 144 Fth of Forthl23 i 137 Polymel l18h 342 Fenman 119 i 41 Pocket Mousel20 h 59 Goldpioce 121 120 Pay Sand l22b l22bGreyface Greyface l19h 127 Plst Smilesl20b Smilesl20bGO GO Golden G 123 b G2 Ruth Gold l27b 121 Happy Bobl21Mb 58 Romp l18h l18h38Jy 38Jy Campbelll18h Shasta Rockl21d Little Glory l22 = 5b 143 Ursa Major 120 lib 1 MILE 143 Btk Pantherl48b 130 Rcjnvenation 149 b 139 Mtha Washnl48b 123 Pcess Doreenl48b 120 Rama 151 b bEarly Early morning bad track conditions cur ¬ tailed training operations to a large extent Black Panther and Martha Washington went about their task in handy style Princess Doreen is training well LOUISVILLE Ky May 28 Todays training gallops over the local courses in ¬ cluded the following CHURCHILL DOWNS Weather clear track muddy 38 MILE 145 Assr Charley 38h 132 Lily Sue 39 b 146 Hazel Spears 39r 146 Little Visitor 38b 146 Gold Orient 39li 141 Ly Paramour 36d 146 Eth Sherlock 39 b 147 Ohio 37h 139 Emma Helen 38 b Owena 39 b 146 Georgia W 39b 143 Peace Star 37 d 145 Isaac L 38h 146 Retort 37h 144 Jock 37b 146 Tiger Flowers 38b 145 Kublai Khan 37b 141 Wild Mary 39 b 12 MILE 145 Annie Laurie 53h 145 Lemnescate 51 b 145 Refraction 53h 146 Miss Frbelow 52b 145 Canberra 507sh 139 Mike Hall 51n 51n13G 13G Gincstra 54b 145 Percussion 51b 145 Handy Mandy 50h 141 Sola Mia 51li 140 Jessica 52b 142 Silent Jack 52b 144 Louisville Lou 54Ssb 145 Wisdom 49h 58 MILE 145 Cornwall 104 f d 143 Little Doris l03d 145 Capuchin 103 b 144 Motor Boat 104 h 145 Crooked WorklOGb 146 Mally Janel02h 145 Guillotine 103 b 113 Norwester l07b 145 Geo McCrannl04d 155 Iloycrofter lOGb 140 Julia Lane 104 h 145 Rocky Cliff l03b 129Loret BrookslOSVfb 34 MILE 138 Battle Field l24b 138 Peekaboo l17h 144 Cheval l20h 143 Philo 120 h 146 Chris Mornil22b 144 ProConsul l17J4b 144 Despard lisyh 142 Palm Court 120 b 140 Flat Iron l18b 147 Peter Prim 123 b 138 Girl Scout 122 b 144 Pindar Peell19b 143 Kindred l17h 145 Qn of Allahl20h 145 Lost Lady l21 li 121 Bonaire 122 b 145 Lady Sonel17h 147 Sir Peter l19b 141 Moms Boy 1181 141 Warfield 120 h 145 Oh Susanna 118 li 1 MILE 143 Alloy l51b 88 Pandosto l49h 144 Choice l53Ssb 145 Quesada 153 h 141 Fk McMahonl53 b 141 Resolute l49b 147 Heed 146 d 143 Royal Sweepl47 b 145 1dy Carolynl47 h 143 Turquoise l50h 140 Longchamps l534h 145 Thelma O 148 h 125 McComas 1501 1 18 MILES 147 Cuittagong 2OGfb 2OGfbDOUGLAS DOUGLAS PARK Weather clear track sloppy 38 MILE 14GMgie Walters 39 h 145 Sun Dance 38h 146 Rainstorm 8 h 146 Torrent 38 b 147 Rainfall 38 h 147 Vase 38 b 12 MILE 140 Cloudburst 52 i 141 Theo Red r 2li 145 Strn Maiden 54 b Undergroth 54b 58 MILE 138 Sir John Kl067fh 34 MILE 144 Pata Marianl23b 147 Watts l19b 1 MILE 137 Day Trap 153 d 141 Pompano l55b 145 Mysterious l53 b Topsail 156 d dTORONTO TORONTO Ont May 28 Todays train ¬ ing gallops here included the following followingWOODBINE WOODBINE PARK Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 137 Blanco 40 h Jamie 39 li 139 Davenport 40b 139 Lazibones 40 li 107 Fly Hawk 39b 147 Maurire 37h 14G Fairbank 6d 14 Me Too 140 Grey bourne 38h 85 Reprove 12 MILE MGAtlantida 51vi 141 Siberian 51h 51hFinless Finless Queen 52 d lllUgo II 50 d 143 Inquisitor 52 li 58 MILE 143 Bucephalus l02d Peeress 108 e 139 Dignus 106 e 120 lied Bridge 103 e 147 Kings Court 101 d Sotcria 107 h 34 MILE 144 Blink Bay 117 d 143 Play On l18h 127 Knockany 121 h 146 Stanisar 118 d My Alasnaml17h 138 Tippance 117 h 138 Mr Gaiety 122 e 144 Venizelos 119 d 146 Miss Gaiety 119 h 145 War Gold 118 e 1 MILE MILE14GBley 14GBley Squarel47 d 147 Sphericity 146 h 141 Lactarius 147 h 147 Trapstock 144 o 144 Lady Sphere 149 c 147 Woolworth 149 d dBucephalus Bucephalus went handily handilyLactarius Lactarius went handily handilyTrapstock Trapstock was ridden out outBerkeley Berkeley Square went easily easilyReprove Reprove went easily easilyWar War Cloud went handily NEW YORK N Y May 28 Todays training gallops over the local courses in ¬ cluded the following followingBELMONT BELMONT PARK Weather clear track good 38 MILE 145 Alopa 37 b CO Miss Hogan 36 s 141 Be Fair 35h Pledge 37 b 141 Fried jf Nsn 38 b 145 War Path 3Gb 12 MILE 133 Candy Pig 51b 146 Jug of Rnm 53 b Catch Em 49h 147 Noon Joy 49 h 146 Espino 54 b 146 Our General 54 b 146 Fght of Time 50 b 130 Paige 51b 139 Fly Around 51 b 146 Rcine Rideau 53 b bFred Fred Parker 50 b 141 Rose Eternal 49h 143 Golden Powr 52 b 146 Son o Battle 53 b bGerard Gerard 49h Sirdar 53 b bGirl Girl Friend 52 b 137 Sunf ire 52 b bIrish Irish Star 48b 146 Sambeau 51b 141 Julia H 50b 122 Sonato 52 b 146 Jug o Rum 53 b 145 Violet B 50 h 58 KILE 145 Bonnie Belle 105 b 146 Rich Port l04b 147 Gumdrop 108 b Revue 103 h h14GIngrid 14GIngrid l02h 142 Spy Glass 103 b 147 Kentucky 11108 b 143 Sailfish 103 b 145 Me Militairel02h 146 St Genevievel02h 145Polyangel 105 b 34 MILE 143 Air Service l17b 145 Jove 118 b b136Atwater 136Atwater l16b Liza Crump 120 b b142Bucky 142Bucky Harrisl18b T14G Miss Crump 122 b 146 Bynl 124 b 136 Color Sergentl15h 147 Cry Pennantl21 b 146 Punjab 118 b 146 Caricature 118 b 135 Post Time l16b 142 Dumbeatu l18b 14GPolycrates l17b 146 Etheral 118 b 138 Recreation 120 b 145 Fantastic 118 b 146 Skedaddle l16b 147 Flippant l16b 141 Shuffle Alongl20 b 145 Fiancee 118 b 144 Sweepster 116 b 146 Faddy l19b 144 Stimip Cup 117 b 141 Hobcaw 120 b 145 Sandy l16b 142 Happy Argo 118 h Sandcliff 120 b 143 Joan Grier 120 b 146 Teheran l19b 146 J Mrone IIIl16b 139 The Code 120 b 78 MILE 146 Crossfire 134 b 146 Washakie 130 b 146 Judicial l31b 1 MILE MILE138Athel 138Athel l45h 146 Hayward 150 b 146 Adjutant l44h 146 High Star 144 h 145Beau Gestel4775b Hal Brush l44h 146 Bizarre 147 b 144 Houston 145 h 146 Copiapo 147 b 145 Houseboy l47b 143 Circlet l42h 142 Ken Crosbyl45h 147 Colorful 159 b 143 K Sols Seal 148 b b145Chlum 145Chlum l45h LaPe de Llel45h 141 Flora M 147 b 146 Lhinff Lady 147 b 148 Festival l44h 143 M of t Mistl4G b 143 Frillette 146 b 146 Peanuts 147 b 139 Guinea Hen 146 b 146 Powhatan 149 b 144 Grey Leg 146 b 146 Seventh Son 148 b 130 Ginger Mint 152 b 146 Supersede 152 b 146 Half Pint 150 b 145 War Fthersl45h 1 14 MILES 143 Needle Gun 201 h hAQUEDUCT AQUEDUCT Weather clear track fast 38 MILE La Ferte 42 b Gertrude N 38b 142 Artilleryman 37h 140 Gen Auburn 40 b 132 Diavolo 38 h Manuscript 37 b bMGDeep MGDeep Sea 3Sjb 138 Mtha Martin 42 b 147 File Maker 37 d 124 Ridgeway 37 h 133 Fire Fighter 3G h 141 Whisky Run 38 d 137 Galafinn 38 b 143 Wakeful 37d 12 MILE 146 Baldpate 53 b 146 King Lehr 52 b 139 Baby Gar 49 b 127 Mercedes E 50 h 144 Cockney 50b 142 Pncess Mona 49h 141 Eastern Star 50il 146 Sneltpn 50d 50dGold Gold Dust 50 d 142 Santa Sweep 53 b 142 Irene L 51t b 138 Washington 49h 58 MILE 146 Lon 103 d 144 Tkeys Neckl09 b 139 Morbelle 103 b 146 War Queen 104 d 127 Palm Beach 105 d 34 MILE Belle de Nuitllilb 146 Red Spider 117 h 147 Esteem l18h 146 The Vintner l20b 64 Le Voyantl19b 146 Wing Stone l19b 143 Lodi 120 1 78 MILE 143Amberjack l30h 142 False Pride l32h 106 Billy Black l33h 140 Zonite 137 b 146 Crimdus 137 b 1 MILE MILE132Agefi 132Agefi l40 h 146 Dolan l47b 146 Account 144 1 137 Feu Croise l4GVh 138 Curveur 150 b Mustapha 142 b 143 Captain Dickl50 b 147 P Bello Goldl42d Goldl42dJAMAICA JAMAICA JAMAICAWeather Weather clear track fast 38 MILE 139 Charm 38b 133 Gussie Bain 39 b 129 Belphrizona 38 1 Kinkaijou 37 143 Brushaway 37b 142 Muster David 39b 142 Golden Argy 3Sb 14G Titan 35h 143 Grace II 375fb 12 MILE 146 Afton 4SMd 144 Highbridge 50 h h13G 13G Dublin Show 51 b 14 Hildretli 48b 130 Dr Wilson ri2b 143 Just Folks 51i 140 EXIerlP 4Jd 140 MMi Maker II 50Jfh 146 Fast Wind 50Vfh 146 Saratoga 49d 146 Jiant 49Vs 58 MILE 141 The Lure 10473 34 MILE 144 Boyard l18b 145 Quandry l227ib 142 Gnome Girl 130 b 14t Kamoneiir l30Ii 144 Hang On 112 b 144 Scat 136 b 145 Hike 11 1 145 Sam Jowl l23b 144 Lle Kid Carll20 b 144 Vagabd Kingl20 b 141 Monks Wayl15Vih 1 MILE 141 Agnate l4 l4ifh ifh 146 Reminder 145b 145 Jk of Clubs l41h 14U Sliann Shore 147 b Ramoneur went handily handilyJack Jack of Clubs was not extended Monks Way worked cleverly Gnome Girl could have worked faster Hildreth and Afton were in company Titan has his speed