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IS WANTED IN FHANCE FHANCEColumbia Columbia Place 43 Avenue Kgle MR G A PFIZER MaisonsLafitte 1arc 1arcHotel Hotel Knickerbocker Seine and Oisc Frana New York YorkI I have not beard from SareTheIIorse people Tbe Remedy has been gone for a week It will do all and more than they claim I would not be without it at any price See what it has done for Arbrort he is as sound as he ever was I have raced him right along and he will run again Thursday Enclosed yon will find their address Very sincerely sincerelyJOI1X JOI1X S CAMPBELL CAMPBELLHotel keeps horses on their toes Guaranteed home treat Hotel Knickerbocker 42d St and Broadway tnent ends spavin splint bich ringbone capped boclr New York X Y tboropin all shoulder leg and foot troubles troublesHorses Troy Chemical Co Binghamton ff Y Learning Horses work under treatment You lose no time In What SaveTlieIIop e was doing on thoroughbred Tcsh season Saves money and worry Keep it handy I Biz FREE bookillustrated clearly shows how to end running horses in this country I bought a half dozen 62 different horse troubles Bookaamplegnnrantrcaad bottles from a dealer last year as a trial My horses rvet advice are all FREE Write today II IITROY are in charge of Mr Campbell At first I rould not TROY CHEMICAL CO get him to use it Now be would not be without it 550 a bottle KBthwntoa NY NYGood Send him six bottles the first of every month for Good drmcvitt ftlt and enmrmittt Sa trn ° n or IM cwi the next twelve months Address enclosed Bill for it dinct Jft CUKAfKST lulpt JUrMVMX tatd iio t whole order to above Yours truly G A PFIZER