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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesFAIRMOUNT FAIRMOUNT PARK MONDAY MAY 30 30ER ER CLOUDY TRACK SLOW Racing Marts at 200 p m Chicago daylight eaving jtlme 300 f fFairmonntPark FairmonntPark 1 Mile MileFirst First Race 34 Mile 51000 Added 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Mv Colonel June 1 1928 1115 1 104 104Todays Todays TodaysInd Ind HorseIo tros Wt Rec AWtIIan AWtIIan114G6 114G6 Foretell 7H8T 94112 4113X725 11675s Pocket Mouse 12 CI 101 112 = 5 113x720 13464 Garelh 15 Mia 10SJl13s 4 113 715 12210 Shasta Rock ITij 103 113 3 110X710 13238 Jtybuix UP 108 113 4 113X7O5 05400 Spraro 3 Jam 115 114 4118X700 03770 = Colonel Winn 2 Aur 115 114 8 113XG95 11805 Head Cover Win 104 111 118X695 08541 Mulligan 11BB 109 114 4 118XO 13316 IU ots I st 4JT 102 116 3 105X685 13027 Miss Iteulah 5 7 113 685 10200 Mentou M 8 3 10JGS5 13331 Gotham M 10 XU 105 115 3 110x085 08633 Spartan Boy 13 FP 111 110 10 118685 118685Killjoy Killjoy 14 3 105 Second Race 4 12 Furlongs 10 W Added 2yearolds Killies Maidens MaidensTrack Track record Candy Light May 29 1926 55 2 113 12504 Darnin 5 HdG l3 50is 115 725 725Classy Classy Lassy 3 115 Haitiore 1 lli Golden Bird 2 115 1 1Clieifikee Clieifikee Maid 4 115 Altura 115 Crystal Qneen 7 115 Third Race 34 Mile 1000 Added 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record My Colonel June 16 192C 111 1 101 Gay Hallie 13LK 98 113 3 105X725 Flames 15 6 118X72U Moss Fox JL 12 Tij IOC 112 112Beat Beat Galant 11 Mia 110 113 3 110 710 Kendall 7 Hav 110 112 7 113X705 Foxmore 6Rac 102 113 5 113X700 Johnny Campbell 4 Mia 109 113 113Fallen 5 118X695 Fallen Ixaf 5Aur 95 115 3 105 OI Harry B 1UP 107 112 10 113X690 Firth of Forth 2 DI 116 113 113Cliff 5 113X690 Cliff 3 JI 110 111 4 11 3 685 Bootsie 8 CI 89 113 = 3 4 103X685 Bonny Castle 9 Kac 98 115 115Loyal 4 113X685 Loyal II 10 JI 108 115 115Outing 4 118X685 118X685y Outing 14 Jam 116 115 y 3 105X685 Fourth Race 5 12 Furlongs 1000 Added 3yearoIds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Doctor Glenn Nov 3 1925 106 5 108 13804 RRlUTATrONY 8 i iCI CI 110 105 5119X725 134331 Montello 6T1J 110 109 3105X715 11650 Romp 9 Tarn 107 106 5117X710 13501 Traymore 10 5 119 705 12643 Alborak llHav 101 107 4 111X700 12183 Rnane li Win 110 108 3111X695 13186 Pleasant Smiles 3 Bow 113 l09sy 3 116X635 13038 Folymel 5 Mia 112 107 3 106 690 13372 Anaconda 2Aur 114 10 4 114 685 12986 Bowie Clark 4Lrl 110 107 4 113 685 13604 Henry Sommcrs 7 1 i Lat 112 109 3 106X685 11415 Dorothy K M 12 4 101 685 685Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile Deroratiou Day Handicap 2COO Added 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record recordKdward Kdward Gray Oct 23 1926 139 6 112 13591 Huntsman 1JP US 133 4 99X725 12844 Martha Washing ton 2 Bow 100 140 4 105 720 13019 Traveller 3 JP 101 139 4 102 715 13501 Rejuvenation 4 CD 107 138 4 10G710 12557 Sea Rocket 5FG 103 143 4 101X703 Sixth Race 34 Mile Forest Park Purse 1000 Added 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record My Colonel June Iti 19 0 111 4 104 08791 Purple Pirate PirateM M 1 Lrl 115 113 3 103 725 72513498s 13498s Hornsby 2Lat 106 113 3 108 720 134331 MontHlo 5TJJ 102 111 3103X715 13044J Mallards Memory Memoryi i Pirn lOt 114 3 108 710 13299 McCulloch 9 CI 102 112 5 116x705 12350 Bluefish 10Tij 93 113 4 116x700 09100 HI Burke 4 CI 112 112 4 116 605 11187 Thaddeus 3 FP 115 116 3 108 6SW 08726 Lucent 7 LF 105 115 4 116X 85 13492 Ennui 8 iliui 105 114 3 103 683 Seventh Race 1 116 Miles 1000 Added 4yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Captain Hal June 12 1920 145 1 137 13347 Rebeck 7 Rac 100 l48s 4 1110725 111072513S971 13S971 Open Fire 1 LF 103 147 5 108X720 12898 Marenso 2 Mia 109 140 4 110X715 110X71513067s 13067s Begonia 3 rGI 1O1 145 6109 710 11651 Buck 4 Mia 115 146 6 112705 129031 Happy Bob 8 LF 102 141 4 109X700 13277 Manzana 9 FP 100 146 5 110X695 13051 Bright Tomorrow 5 Lat 105 146 7 110 690 69012236s 12236s Gou1 Night G JP 112 140 7 110 635