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AURORA AURORATrack Track good The horses which seem best in Mondays races are Trackmans Selection 1 Senor High Joy Who Knows Me 2 My Valet Flora Le Breton Over Lord LordKathe Kathe E izabeth Seth Sligo Branch 4 Quin Chin Love Pirate Fighting Cook 5 Balboa Jack Alexander Paula Shay 6 Treasurer Willies Maid The Roll Call 7 GILMORE Waponoca The Wire WireF F J May Dally Racine Form Selection 1 Who Knows Me Senor Sunny Girl High Joy HighJoy 2 Topango Clem Theisen Tamale Dick DickAlleden Alleden 3 Elizabeth Seth Kathe Meddling Seth SethPolycarp Polycarp 4 Fighting Cook Pelion Hidden Jewel Love LovePirate Pirate 5 FLORENCE MILLS Jack Alexander AlexanderGeorge George de Mar Balboa 6 Little Ammie Outlawed Panorel Nose NoseDive Dive 7 Gilmore Donna Santa Brown Leaf LeafMaimonides Maimonides MaimonidesDIcIc DIcIc Welle Selection 1 Who Knows Me High Joy Senor 2 MY VALET Topango Tamale Dick 3 Elizabeth Seth Meddling Seth Kathe 4 Quin Chin Fighting Cook Love Pirate 5 Balboa Florence Mills Jack Alexander 6 Treasurer Nose Dive Lady Braxted 7 Waponoca Gilmore Delphi DelphiBuilds Builds Selection 1 High Joy Sunny Girl Pay Hour 2 Topango Clem Theisen Flora Le Breton 3 Riot Kathe Polycarp 4 Quin Chin Fighting Cook Right on Time jC Balboa Jack Alexander Florence Mills 6 Panorel Nose Dive The Roll Call 7 GILMORE Waponoca Clapper ClapperConueuin Conueuin 1 Who Girl SunnyGirl Knows Me High Joy Senor Sunny 2 Topango My Valet Clem Thiesen Flora FloraLe Le Breton 3 Kathe Elizabeth Seth Meddling Seth SethRiot Riot 4 Quin Chin Fighting Cook Love Pirate 1 Pelion ip Balboa Jack JVYexahfler Flqrence Mills MillsPaula Paula Shay C Treasurer Ncse Dive Panorel Little Ammie LittleAmmie 7 GILMORE Waponoca Donna Santa The Wire FAIRMOUNT PARK PARKTrack Track slow The horses which seem best in Mondays races are areTrackmans Trackmans Selections 1 Shasta Rock Pocket Mouse Head Cover 1 2 Audley Farm Stable entry Golden Bird Crystal BirdCrystal Queen Kendall Outing Flames Reputation Traymore Romp 5 Huntsman Rejuvenation Sea Rocket 6 HORNSBY Purple Pirate Ennui 7 Open Fire Rebeck Manzana ManzanaJ J L Dempsey DempseyDally Dally Racing Form Selections 1 Foretell Pocket Mouse Gareth Shasta Rock ShastaRock 2 Dancing Classy Lassy Halicore Chero ¬ kee Maid 3 Gay Hallie Flames Moss Fox IT Beau Galant BeauGalant 4 REPUTATION Montello Romp Tray more 5 Huntsman Martha Washington Traveller Rejuvenation RejuvenationC TravellerRejuvenation C Purple Pirate Hornsby Montello Mal ¬ lards Memory 7 Rebeck Open Fire Marengo Begonia BegoniaDick Dick Welles Selections 1 Foretell Colonel Winn Gareth 2 Dancing Halicore Classy Lassy 3 Flames Kendall Johnny CampbclL 4 REPUTATION Montello Alborak 5 Martha Washington Huntsman Sea Rocket RocketC SeaRocket C Hornsby Purple Pirate Montello 7 Open Fire Good Night Rebeck RebeckIJ IJ mlds Selections 1 GOTHAM Gareth Pocket Mouse 2 Dancing Cherokee Maid Halicore 3 Outing Moss Fox II Kendall 4 Reputation Traymore Pleasant Smiles 5 Rejuvenation Huntsman Sea Rocket 6 Hornsby Pirate PurplePirate Mallards Memory Purple 7 Manbana Buck Marengo MarengoConsensus Consensus 1 Foretell Gareth Shasta Rock Pocket Mouse Continued on seventeenth pace EACING FORM HANDICAPS Continued from second page 2 Dancing Halicore Cherokee Maid Classy Lassy 3 Kendall Flames Outing Moss Fox II 4 REPUTATION Traymore MonteHo Romp 5 Huntsman Rejuvenation Martha Wash ¬ ington Sea Rocket RocketC C Hornsby Purple Pirate Montello Mal ¬ lards Memory 7 Open Fire Rebeck Manzana Marengo CHURCHILL DOWNS DOWNSTrack Track fast The horses which seem best in Mondays races are areTrackmans Trackmans Selection 1 Phil Foto My Sunylan Swordsman 2 Clutter Runanelf Hush Dear 3 Mount Beacon Almadel Superfrank 4 Royal Pennant Tiger Flowers Pink Lily 5 Pandera Candy Queen Mary Jane JaneC C Flat Iron Hydromel Rolled Stocking 7 Pandy Lady Stone Midnight Rose RoseS S S Brown BrownDally Dally Ilaclnff Form Selection 1 Phil Foto Chief Sabattus Swordsman My MySunylan Sunylan Ethel Sherlock Clutter Golden Fair FairRunanelf Runanelf 3 Mount Beacon Piccadilly Superfrank SuperfrankAlmadel Almadel AlmadelTiger Tiger Flowers Royal Pennant Lady Para ¬ mour Pink Lily 5 PANDERA Mary Jane Candy Queen QueenFair Fair Star C Flat Iron Rolled Stocking Hydromel HydromelCotlogomor Cotlogomor 7 Pandy Midnight Rose Royal Sweep Pan Pandosto dosto dostoDick Dick Welles Selection 1 Phil Foto Swordsman My Sunylan 2 Ethel Sherlock Clutter Runanelf 3 Piccadilly Mount Beacon Superfrank 4 Tiger Flowers Royal Pennant Lady LadyParamour Paramour 5 PANDERA Candy Queen Krick C Coventry Stable entry Flat Iron Rolled RolledStocking Stocking 7 Midnight Rose Pandy Royal Sweep i TVr Selection 1 Forbearance Frenchburg Phil Foto 2 CLUTTER Golden Fair Runanelf 3 Mount Beacon Superfrank Piccadilly 4 Royal Pennant Tiger Flowers Katharine KatharineAV AV 5 Pandera Fair Star Handy Mandy C Flat Iron Coventry Stable entry War WarEagle Eagle 7 Pandy Royal Sweep Parole II IIBadd Badd Selection 1 CANDY ROCK Caroline Carter Phil Foto Swordsman 2 Clutter Hush Dear Ethel Sherlock Run ¬ anelf 3 Mount Beacon Royal Omar Piccadilly Port Star 4 Royal Pennant Katharine W Tiger Flowers Pink Lily Fair Star Pandera Mary Jane Candy CandyQueen Queen 6 Rolled Stocking Hydromel Flat Iron IronBoon Boon Companion Parole II Royal Sweep Pandy Pandosto Consensus 1 Phil Foto Swordsman My Sunylan Candy Rock 2 Clutter Runanelf Ethel Sherlock Hush HushDear Dear 3 Mount Beacon Piccadilly Superfrank SuperfrankAlmadel Almadel 4 Royal Pennant Tiger Flowers Katharine AV Pink Lily 5 PANDERA Candy Queen Fair Star Mary Jane 6 Flat Iron Rolled Stocking Boon Com I pan Ion Hydromel 7 Pandy Royal Sweep Midnight Rose I Parole II BELMONT PABK PABKTrack Track fast The horses which seem best in Mondays races are Trackman Selection 1 Montanic Timekeeper Muriatic 2 Lighthouse Captain Careless Volunteer 3 Pompey Flambino Celidon 4 Edith Cavcll Sweepster Black Maria 5 TERMAGANT Color Sergeant Sankari 6 Spanish Princess Dicing Swizzlestick 7 King Solomons Seal Priceman Needle Gun GunC C J Connors ConnorsDaily Daily Racine Form Selection 1 Timekeeper Muriatic Pondy Montanic 2 Captain Careless Lighthouse Greenhorn Aolunteer 3 CELIDON Dangerous Pompey Copiapo 4 Black Maria Macaw Osmand Sweepster 5 Termagant Color Sergeant Bumpkin Gormond 6 Swizzlestick Dicing Flower Girl Bonnie belle 7 Botanic Cloudland King Solomons Seal Revolver RevolverSweeps Sweeps Selection 1 Montanic Cherry Brook Pondy 2 Lighthouse Volunteer Captain Careless 3 Pompey Cheops Copiapo 4 Osmond Sweepster Valorous 5 Color Sergeant Termagant Sankari SankariG G SAV1ZZLESTICK Spanish Princess PrincessFlower Flower Girl 7 Cloudland King Solomons Seal Architect ArchitectBadd Badd Selection 1 Algernon Montanic Timekeeper Cherry Brook 2 Volunteer Lighthouse Captain Careless Endicott 3 Pompey Triton Celidon Brown Bud 4 Black Maria Aralorous Osmand Sweep ¬ ster 5 Son of John Bumpkin Termagant San ¬ kari 6 SWIZZLESTICK Flower Girl Bonnie belle False Modesty 7 Cloudland Priceman Architect Revolver Continued on eighteenth pace Daily Racing Form Handicaps Continued from Seventeenth page 1 Montanic Timekeeper Muriatic Alger ¬ non 2 Lighthouse Captain Careless Volunteer VolunteerGreenhorn Greenhorn 3 Porapey Celidon Copiapo Flambino 4 Black Maria Osmond Sweepster Valor ¬ ous 5 Termagant Color Sergeant Son of John Sankari SankariC C SWIZZLESTICK Spanish Princess Dic ¬ ing Flower Girl 7 Cloudlarid King Solomons Seal Price man Botanic THORNCLIFFE PARK PARKTrack Track fast The horses which seem best in Mondays races are TracUmans Selection 1 Erin Go Bragh Blind Cast Shorty 2 Sunsard Saratoga Maje Dignus o Ever More Backrope Contemplate 4 PANDORA Hoi Polloi Solidity 5 Arno Lieutenant II Aucilla C Trapstock Canister Great Rock 7 Moxie James Stuart Kosciusko KosciuskoT T K Lynch LynchDally Dally Racine Form Selection 1 CAYUGA Blind Cast Toanna Shorty 2 Hole Card Mr Pepp Dignus Knockany 3 Sun Forward Backrope Kamakani KamakaniHawk Hawk God 4 Taurus Pandora Eliza Jane Forecast II 5 Penstick Lieutenant II Lactarius LactariusAucilla Aucilla C Dancing Fool Trapstock Great Rock RockVoshell Voshell 7 Maxie Graylings Lady Kosciusko Wool worth worthPenatlclt Penatlclt Selection 1rCayuga Blind Cast Toanna 2 SUNSARD Mark Master Hole Card 3 Sun Forward Contemplate Backrope 4 Taurus Pandora Eliza Jane Arno Penstick Lactarius 6 Trapstock Canister Comet 7 Maxie Kosciusko Graylings Lady LadyBuild Build Selection 1 Cayuga Toanna Blind Cast OTurk 2 Dignus Sunsard Mr f Pepp Knockany 3 Contemplate Sun Forward Backrope BackropeHawk Hawk God 4 TAURUS Pandora Innkeeper Solidity 3 Penstick Aucilla Arno Lieutenant II C Trapstock Comet Dixie Smith Canister 7 Graylings Lady Maxie Typecutter TypecutterKosciusko Kosciusko KosciuskoConena Conena 1 Cayuga Blind Cast Toanna Erin Go GoBragh Bragh 2 Sunsard Dignus Hole Card Mr Pepp 3 Sun Forward Contemplate Backrope BackropeEver Ever More 4 Pandora Taurus Eliza Jane Solidity a Penstick Arno Lieutenant II Aucilla G Trapstock Canister Comet Dancing Fool 7 MAXIE Graylings Lady Kosciusko KosciuskoJames James Stuart