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1 BEULAH PARK 4 COLUMBUS, OHIO, MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1930. Benlah Tark 1-2 Mile. Eighth day. Beulah Tark Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 19 days. Weather cloudy. Stewards, J. T. Ireland, II. D. Shepherd and W. Dangman. Judges C. Stand, AV. R. Norvell and J. T. Ireland. Starter, G. R. AVingfield. Racing Secretary, AV. R. Norvell. Racing starts at 2:13 p. m. Chicago time, 2:13 p. m.. AV indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. flfiOdQ FIRST RACE 3-4 Mile out of chute. Purso 00. 3-yoar-olds. Maidens. Claiming. WtFiJO Net value to winner 400; second, 60; third, 0. Claiming price, ,000; if for Aprll-28-30-Beu 700, allowed 4 pounds. Index Horses AWtPPSt . Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4 6757 JOHN GREENER wb 102 3 3 l1 l3 l5 1 J Sandoz I S Shafcr G0-100 46799 RUBE SAMELSON wb 107 2 2 2" 21 23 21 J Danaher A N Sacre 930-100 46900 MARIE STEAENS w 103 5 5 51 y 43 33 L Madden M J Daly 990-100 43123 DOCTOR T. tv 105 7 4 4nk 33 31 43 S Grnberg T P Barnes 770-100 46382 3 LUNACY w 100 1 6 8s 8s 61 5 T McDott Mrs D Hicks 1530-100 46900LADY EDJELO w 1021 4 1 3 41 51 GJ AAr Clevley . J Bronnenberg 2310-100 46756 IDA LEE wb 1121 9 7 6 61 72 73 D King Mrs F Sheldon 2500-100 UNCLE CHARLIE w 109J S S 71 7i S1 S T Shaw K G Marlman 2500-100 46799 AAISIIING BILL w 107 69 9999A Yerrat Lloyd Bros 2680-100 Time, 1:15. Track fast. ,-2 DONATIONS PAID- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING JOHN GREENER 3.20 $ 2.80 $ 2.20 60100 40100 10 10tt RUBE SAMUELSON 6.60 4.00 230100 100 10O MARIE STEVENS 3.20 60100 AVinner Ch. c, by Malamont Bula B., by nanbridge trained by I. S. Shafer; bred by Mr. J. D Sharp. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST 2:19. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third handily. JOHN GREENER took command after going the first quarter and, opening up a long lead, won with much in reserve. RUBE SAMUEI.SON, a keen factor throughout, was doing his best at the end to stall off MARIE STEVENS. The latter closed fast and gamely through the stretch and finished fast. DOCTOR T. displayed speed, but tired. LADY EDJELO was close up in the first quarter, but suffered serious interference on the first turn and tired. LUNACY Closed ground. Scratched lG75GLady Chatterton, 109; 412G9 AValmac, 103. Ovcrwcights Doctor T., 3 pounds; Lady Edjelo, 2; Ida Lee, 3; Uncle Charlie, 2. A fSCJbCiC SECOND RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs out of chute. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. t3yyJ Claiming. Net value to winner 100; second, 60; third, 0. Claiming price, 00; ApriI-28-30-Ueu if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to 300. Index Horses AAVtPPSt V Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46833:W1ND FLOWER w 5 106 9 6 21 21 2k l1 J Sandoz J Gleason 160-100 46833 DR. CHARLIE w 7 100 4 3 4" 3 3 21 D Burney E D Russ GSO-100 4G002 FRANCES E. wb 4 107 1 1 1 ll 1 3 G Seabo C Drake 560-100 40904 APOPKA w 6 107 2 2 7U 73 51 43 L Madden S Hostler 2110-100. 46754 FLYING LULA w 8 107 10 8 51 6 6 5 E Fator Short and Schmidlin 3210-100 46901BEA w 5 104 5 5 10 10 SI O1 AV Clevley T Hart 1430-100 34747 ;LAFAYETTE w 5 109 7 9 6 5 71 71 E Goodich AV A McKJnney 2110-100 43705 HAILSTORM w 3 113 3 4 SI S1 93 S T Shaw J McKeon 360-100 42919 GEOANDED w 4 1111 S 7 31 41 41 93 AV McIIaey Hellickcr and Brewer 3210-100. 40C76GEIIEIM w 4 105 6 10 9l 9110 10 M Morrow Mrs J C Gillem 4S70-100 Time, 1:09. Track fast. ,-2 DONATIONS PAID- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , WIND FLOWER .20 $ 3.80 $ 2.60 160100 90100 30100 DR. CHARLIE 4.00 3.20 100100 60100 FRANCES E 3.40 70100 AVinner B. m, by Star Master Gladiola, by Dark Ronald trained by J. Gleason; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. AAinner entered to be claimed for 1,000. WENT TO POST 2:48. AT POST 51 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon handily; second and third the same. AVIND FLOWER forced the pace to the stretch, came fast on the outside and won going away.: DR. CHARLIE saved ground all the way and finished gamely on the inside in the stretch. -FKANCES E. displayed fine speed to the turn for home, hut tired in the final drive. APOPKA gained much ground GEOANDED went wide on the first turn. OEIIEIM also raced wide. Scratched 383393Sport, 101; 4G902 Hole Card, 114; 4G902 Drastella, 107; 4G833 Grierson, 111. Overweights Geoanded, 2 pounds; Geheim, 3. A F7flfand THIRD RACE 0 1-2 Furlongs out of chute. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. dfc A VVV Claiming. Net value to winner 100; second, 60; third, 0. Claiming price, 500; April-28-30-Rcu if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 100 to 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt J,4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46G91LADY LE BAND wb 10 102 4 3 11 IS 2l lnt E Goodich J Bronncnberg 1070-100 46832 3 ADORABLE w S 102 9 4 21 21 l1 21 J Sandoz J Mussallo 1110-100 46901FOLLOAV ME w 9 104 8 7 5"k 4: 4J 3l L Cunham C E Davison 2100-100 467G0:ArANDION wn 4 10S 7 5 3i 3 31 41 S Grnberg J McBrido 60-100 468003PARISETTE w 4 104 3 1 6l 5 51 and AV Clevley C Thelps 450-100 12483 3LOTIIARIO w 5 110 5 G 4l 71 61 61 D Burney Mrs I C Dillon 6SOO-100 46754 PREROGATIVE w 4 112 10 9 S 63 1- 71 G Seabo G Clous 2200-100 46760 LITTLE MARTHA w 5 107 6 8 71 S1 Sl 81 A Yerrat E Thornburg 8200-100 38450 FIREBUG w 5 109 1 10 10 10 91 91 L Toamino Hillman and Meyers 6S00-10O 43003 PET CAT w 8 109 2 2 91 9 10 1 0 E Fator F E AVink 9300-100 Time, 1:09. Track fast. ,-2 DONATIONS PAID- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING LADY LE BAND 3.40 S 8.40 5.60 1070100 320100 180100 ADORABLE 8.60 4.20 330 100 110 10O FOLLOW ME , 7.00 250100 AVinner Ch. m, by J. II. Houghton Myrtle Ledi. by Campus trained by J. Bronnenberg; bred by; Dr. J. A. Blackwell. AVinner entered to be claimed for ?S00. WENT TO POST 3:19. AT POST 41 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon driving; second and third the same. TjADY LE BAND displayed fine speed throughout, came again in the last sixteenth and outgamed ADORABLE. The latter raced close up, took command on the stretch turn, but tired in the final drive. FOLLOAV ME steadily improved his position and came fast on the inside in the stretch. AANDION showed early speed, had no mishaps, but tired in the final eighth. The others were outrun. Scratched 1G901 Sun Dance, 108; 4G798 Dare Devil, 109; 4G79S Garrison, 104; 4G3C8 Cleve Pierce, 109 Overweight Lothario, 1 pound. A FOURTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs out of chute. Purso 500. 4-year-olds and upward, Uvi Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, G0; third, 40. Claiming price,; Aprll-2S-30-Bcu 750; if for 00, allowed 4 pounds. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi ft Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46802FALLEN LEAF w 6 107 5 3 2i 21 21 ln A Yerrat Missouri Stable 340-100 45233 ESPINOZA w 4 103 3 1 11 l1 lh 2i G Seabo S C Deatley 920-100 46172AArEGA wb 5 102 2 2 41 41 41 31 J Sandoz Jones and Keating 510-100 46150 PAN w. 5 109 7 6 3l 31 3 41 L Madden L Clous 510-100 46869 IDEALTA w 5 107 1 5 63 5 53 58 D Burney Mrs V Cloud 200-100 43125 ARABELLA w G 103 4 4 51 6J 61 61 E Goodich J Bronnenberg 1000-100 46935SYRENE BOY w 7 103 6 7 7 7 7 7 L Toamino P Huddelston 2700-100 Time, 1:08. Track fast. DONATIONS EQUIVALENT BOOKING r- FAHK t i FALLEN LEAF 8.80 $ 5.00 $ 3.80 340100 150100 9O10O ESPINOZA 6.80 4.80 240100 140 10O AVEGA 4.00 100100 AVinner Br. m, by Honey wood Thistle Belle, by Knight of the Thistle trained by O. Johnson; bred by Nevada Stock Farm. AVinner entered to be claimed for 1,200. WENT TO POST 3:48. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon driving; second and third the same. FALLEN LEAF closed gamely on the outside of ESPINOZA in the stretch and got up in the final stride. The latter set a fast pace all the way and held on gamely in the final drive. AVEGA finished resolutely through the stretch and was going well at the end. PAN showed early speed, but tired. IDEALLY raced wide on the first turn when carried out by ARABELLA. The latter quit badly and prefers mud. Scratched 4G901Unlucky, 103; 43833 Lady Herbert, 103. A r7rfifkfJ FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile out of chute. Fair Sex Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and a Jyd upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 0; third, 0. Claiming ApriI-28-30-Beu price, ,800; if for less, 3 pounds allowed for each 200 to ,000. Index Horses AAVtPPSt U Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 46870 MY BEAUTY w 4 101 3 4 l1 ll l3 l3 A Yerrat J Hayes 370-100 46938 3 DARK ANGEL w 6 102 5 5 4 41 21 23 J Sandoz A L Taylor 210-100 46694 3 SHORTY O. wb 4 101 1 1 6 51 53 31 E Goodielf J Bronnenberg 360-100 46835 A. P. CANALE w 6 103 7 6 21 21 3nk 41 L Toamino J Oran 900-100 46938 MOTE w 6 106 6 3 3 3 4 5 G Seabo R E Scholl 070-100 4 69 0 3 2 IGNITE wb 3 104 4 2 51 6 6" 61 AV Clevley Mrs C Garrigan 1030-100 46725 PANOREL w 9 103 8 7 7 l 71 73 73 S Grnberg Aldrlch and AVinans 29S0-10O 4 694 0 3 SUNSET wb 4 93 2 8 8 S 8 8 T McDott II B Reether 10200-100 Tini3 115. Track fast ,- DONATIONS PAID- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , MY BEAUTY $ 9.40 $ 4.60 , $ 3.20 370100 130100 60100 DARK ANGEL 3.40 2.40 70100 2010O SHORTY O 3.00 50100 AVinner B. f, by Porte Drapeau Trade Mark, by Broomstick trained by J. Hayes; bred by Dr. I. E Clark. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,700. WENT TO POST 4:19. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third handily. MY BEAUTY was much the best and was never threatened. DARK ANGEL came fast on the outside rounding the stretch turn and finished fast. SHORTY O. was forced to work his way up on the. outside through the stretch, but finished gamely. A. P. CANALE and MOTE displayed early speed, but tired in the final eighth. Overweights A. P. Canale, 5 pounds; Panorel, 2. A rTffeffc SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Purso 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net y a value to winner 515; second, 15; third, 0. Claiming price, ,200; if for April-2S-30-Reu less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to 00. Index Horses AAVtPPSt Its Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4642613BOZO w 4 113 2 2 1 H li 13 ij A Yerrat Missouri Stable 170-100 468703TIIRACE w 6 104 5 G 21 2 21 21 21 AV Clevley B Johnson 520-100 3 468353SPECTRE wb 4 113 6 5 4i 3 31 3 3 G Seabo H A Brooks 440-100 46973 PATERNAL ws 5 105 3 4 53 5 41 4 4 E Fator M J Daly 5CO-10O i 46654LENA M. w 4 100 4 1 3 4k 5 5 53 J Sandoz A Dufauchard 4SO-100 . 46977 FARGO - wb 5 105. 7 7 6 63 G3 G3 G3 L Toamino Mrs C Meyers 3260-100 i 1G803 LE VOYANT wn 7 105 1 3, 7 7 7 7 7 E Goodich Mrs R F Trico 1830-100 Time, 1:60. Track fast. - DONATIONS PAID , EQUIVALENT BOOKING BOZO ...........V........ $ 5.50 $ 3.80 .40 170100 90100 70 10O THRACE 4.60 3.00 130100 50100 SPECTRE .V;: .v.., 3.20 60 JOfl AVinner Gr. e, by Royal Canopy Simmy, by Neil Gov.- trained by 0. Johnson; bred by Mr. K. N. Gilpin. "Winner entered to be claimed for ,900. WENT TO POST 4:48. AT POST 6 minutes. Start good and blow. Won handily; second and tliird the same. BOZO was well rated in front throughout and drew clear during the stretch drive. THRACE made a bold challenge rounding the stretcli turn, was not good enough, but was, best of the others. SPECTRE raced into contention in the first half, but could not overtake the leaders. PATERNAL finished resolutely. LENA II. tired badly. FARGO, LE VOYANT and PATERNAL suffered interference on the first turn. Scratched iCSCGRashful Bean, 305; 4G975 Doctor Tucker, 105: 45073 Spanish Aster, 100; 4C835 Nnekols Roy, 102; 40975Twelvc .Sixty, 105; 46936 Rock Abbey, 108. A FVfThfhi SEVENTH RACE 1 3-16 Miles out of chute. Purso 03. 4-year-olds and upward. 4 VVTC Claiming. Net value to winner 5515; second, 15; third, 0. Claiming price, Alril-2S-30-Bcn 00. Index Horses AWt.PPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4G837AVARBLEU w 4 10G 2 2 3 3i 2J 2i lh E Goodich W J Marlman .120-100 4G940INFANTA w 5 1.06 3 1 1 1 li 1J 2J J Sandoz V Swanson 220-100 4 CO 10 HEATHER WINE w 7 101 1 4 4s 4J 4 3J 3 S Grnberg P Angelino 2410-100 4083CWEST POINT iv 7 113 5 5 5J 51 0 4 4J E Fator P M Sturm 460-100 46937 FAIR JUSTICE wr. 5 102 4 3 2 2 31 55 5 J M Jones C E Hudson 1220-1CO 4C325NOBODY HOME w 6 102 C 6 C 6 C C C L Toamino J Oran 1760-100 Time, 2:0354. Track fast. r-2 DONATIONS PAID-, f EQUIVALENT BOOKINGS WARBLER $ 4.40 $ 2.20 S 3.00 120100 10100 50100 INFANTA 2.20 3.20 10100 60100 HEATHER WINE 4.20 110100 , Winner R. f, by Craigangowcr Merle, by Light Brigade trained by W. J. Marlman; bred by Mr. J. NV Camden. Winner entered to be claimed for ,400. WENT TO POST 5:18. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. WARBLER came fast on the outside on the far turn, wore down INFANTA in the stretch and got up in the last few strides. INFANTA set the pace from the beginning and held on courageously in the final drive. HEATHER WINE moved up fast entering the stretch and easily disposed of the tiring FAIR JUSTICE. The latter had no mishaps. WEST POINT gained some ground in the last quarter. Scratched 4C7COJJoa Adams, 104. v