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J AURORA MEETING NEAR Chicago Racing Season of 1930 Begins Next Thursday. Over 600 Horses at Exposition Park and More Expected j Improvements Completed. Just two more days before the opening of the Chicago racing season, and the thousands of turf fans are anxiously awaiting the first bugle blast. The first of the numerous spring and summer meetings will get under way at Exposition Park, Aurora, on Thursday, and from that time until October 31 Chicago will have almost continuous racing. The Aurora meeting, which is under the management of Clifford It. Trimble, gives promise of being a good one. The latest checkup of the stables show that over GOO head of horses are on the grounds and many more are expected by opening day. The latest arrivals were the large stables of C. N. Freeman and Miss Blanche Watson. Freeman brought fourteen, while an even dozen were in. the Watson string. Some good runners are in the lot. Martin Nathanson, one of Americas outstanding racing officials, is presiding steward at Aurora. He arrived in that city on Saturday and was at the track office yesterday morning looking over applications from trainers and jockeys who are anxious to participate in the meeting. It is likely that upwards of forty riders will be given permission to ply their vocation. Richard Jones, manager of the mutuel plant, and his assistant, Al Biela, are among the busiest men on the grounds. Jones arrived from Columbus on Saturday and found his desk littered with applications from clerks, cashiers and sellers. Every request will be given consideration and as usual a capable mutuel crew will .be on hand to serve the Aurora bettors. Several improvements have been made since the last racing session at Exposition Park. Continued on nineteenth page. AURORA MEETING NEAR Continued from first page. The infield, in particular, will catch the eye of the fans. For many years this space provided little in the way of beauty, but landscape artists have at last made it rather attractive. Flower beds and trees have been installed and, with grass growing in abundance, it presents a pleasing picture. The paddock is being resurfaced and the plant in general is being brightened up. The plan of broadcasting the races will again be carried out at Aurora. Station "VJJD will have its equipment at the track and the running of the races, as well as other interesting data on the sport, will be sent over the air for the benefit of those of the fans who find it impossible to attend. Racing will start each day at 2 :15 Chicago time, and it is expected that large fields will go to the post in most of the events. The Aurora Inaugural Handicap will feature the opening days program, and other attractive races will be run off during the ensuing days. Track superintendent Tim Smith, who has worked tirelessly on the racing strip, promises a fast track for opening day. Sam N. Holman, prominent turfman, arrived with the string of aiiss Blanche Watson.