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FAIRMOUNT PARK The following lays early edition f TQETjO SEVENTH RACE 1 116 Miles Helens BafcejTune 16 1928 144 5 111 Purse TC C OtPIP 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 650 second 100 100I I May2330Fr third 50 Claiming price 1500 Index Horses Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 17719ETHL GALL1GEU w C 105 3 3 2 21 li li 1 C Pegs W 31 Cain 5i7iOO 47718 KING AT ARMS we 4 103 2 4 5i 41 21 2 2 A Belyslti K C Stable ISOlOO 17772 ROBIXA SETH w 4 103 3 1 3 Ci 4J 4s 3i K AVimmer E E Major 77100 7710047G8G3SWEEPNET 47G8G3SWEEPNET w 7 110 1 C 7 7 7s 71 4 D Dubois Blue Star Stnblo COO100 17772 LIGHT HAMPSN w 4 110 S 7 6 = 6 C1 Ci D Smith Parkview Stable 14SCO100 14SCO1004763G 4763G LANSQUEXET w 4 115 6 3 4h 5 ° S5 3 C = R Wliifkr W L Johnson 911100 17178PEGGY w 4 100 4 2 I3 1 3 5l 7 ° W Day F E Fennemnn 11710100 47080 3GR1FP W wit 4 113 7SSSSSSJ ParmIec J O Williams 493100 493100Ime Ime 45 i2 MUTUELS PAID EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS ODDSETHEL ETHEL GALLIGER 1234 S 520 308 517 100 160 100 54 100 100KING KING AT ARMS 320 258 G5 100 29 100 100ROBINA ROBINA SETH 320 60 100 100Winner Winner IJ in by Seth lll h Note by Hirrigan trained by L Kindle bred by Mr B A Jones Winner entered to be claimed for 150X 150XWENT WENT TO POST 459 AT POST 2 J minutes minutesStart Start Rood for all but Griff W out of machine Won easily second and third driving drivingKTIIKL KTIIKL GALLIGEU followed the pace under liflit restraint responded gamely when called on and savins much ground drew awiy to win with speed in reserve KING AT AIIMS hard urccd from the start mnde a chnllciiRe for the lead hut was no match for the winner H01SINA SKTH had no misliaps and ran well SWKKPXET tlosil an Immense gap to finish fast LIGHT HAMPSON made up some ground LANSQUENET tired after getting into contention PEGGY showed good speed for a half tlien tired Scratched 17771 Parnell 110 17C30 = Elfrieda G 103 13701 Wefscr 110 477CS Ocean Current 110 Corrected weight Griff WJ13