untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1930-05-26


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TURF WEEKLY Single Copy 35c 10 Weeks 3 3For For Sale at All Newsstands AND 20 NORTH CLARK ST STNEW NEW ISSUE OUT MONDAYS 300 FREE CODE WASHINGTON PARK Augr22H2614 Here is a grand opportunity to sink it in on one of the surest 500 FREE CODES that Supreme has ever handed out to its followers For cipher code see page 2 Supreme Flash Turf Weekly sold at all newsstands 35 cents a copy THURSDAYS FREE CODE CODEWITTORA WITTORA 722 WON WONSupremo Supremo Flash gives you but THREE SPECIAL PREPARED FREE CODES WEEKLY not a collec ¬ tion OUR FREE CODES are inside information not stabs or guesses FOR WINNERS YOU MUST FOLLOW SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY WEEKLY1OCO 1OCO COMMISSION HORSE GOES TODAY Terms 2 For full particulars see page 2 Su ¬ preme Flash FlashSUPREME SUPREME PUBLISHING CO 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1930052601/drf1930052601_23_6
Local Identifier: drf1930052601_23_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800