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i.~jir%«lv*"N#lT ■•nrtiljMEjGREATER THAN EVE5jKWLJ MY ADVERTISEMENT APPEARS 365 DAYS A YEAR— WIN OR LOSE I am certain that I can prove conclusively the true value of my service over a period of time. Anybody can pick a winner now and then — but the real, bona fide test is a profit after six consecutive days. LET ME CONVINCE YOU. YESTERDAYS PARLAY RELEASED TO ALL WESTERN CLIENTS: POLYGENY .48, WON LEVAAL .82, .74, 2ND *n view of the fact that all my releases are long sho ts, I strictly advise a separate play on each horse ■ftjlrfj m r-/ r- _a% i " addition to the parlay play. You will find this method very profitable. ||f BELIEVE IT OR NOT ffWft3yfflgg|kg A Two-Dollar Parlay on S. R. KINGS 21 Consecutive Winners Would Have Paid wRj|rCS§r 3,072,201 ,333,240,484,557.26 Erm* Appeared in 257 Newspapers Throughout the Entire World on May 30 and June 2, 1930. xr wMh % THE HORSES I RELEASE ARE THE HORSES I ADVERTISE W V iCT uftj fPl NO BUNK — NO DELAY — NO RED TAPE — NO FICTION Ba£La G? Terms Daily •£* Iwvlli IIU/Ml City clients unable to call in person may Phone Franklin 6723 for messenger service. Out-of-town hw. |jW5ffl*r Si» tftfJV///and!tMwf I clients, wire money via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. ffmmMj s R. K|NGf 10 North Clark St., Room 706, Chicago, III.