untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-10-08


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11 r1 vt t m f I MAN WHO ROUTED theH I MYSTEk IfiU CHICAGO BOOKIES $ ; In lr wr m acciwmed by every newspaper n thi SI A .tAfc.t m COOKTRY FOR MY SUCCESS r . V ; II nR. SULLIVAN now ready again and bookies dont like it ? SW-AGAIN WE $ YESTERDAY! f" nfK i wu i V HERE IT IS "READ EM AND WEEP1" SfilK WOULO YESTERDAYS LAUREL PARLAY: wp?? tfflandZrZl pOuweo GLASTONBURY, .10, WON " ?SvNi- MERRY FOX, .70, WON jW 1 wouuNT BE 6RQK NOW.? And they say the racing game CANT BE BEAT. , Ask any SULLIVAN follower about this? ? ? 1 VOW T LET this HAPPEN TO YOU And Thursdays Parlay: POLYGENY, .46, Won UNCLE DONALD, .60, Won What more can you ask for . I pay thousands of dollars for "INFO" and it only costs you . GIVE ME A FAIR TRIAL and I WILL CONVINCE YOU that I HAVE THE "GOODS." S3 "MR. PLAYER," WOULD YOU GIVE TODAY FOR 0- WIN PARLAY? "9 Sure you would. WHO WOULDNT? Then dont let stop you from getting my PARLAY TODAY. W 00 HORSEMANS SPECIAL TODAY FREE" 5- at Lincoln Fields, and YOU CAN GO THE LIMIT, WIN ONLY. This is today NUFF SED. TERMS, A DAY CHICAGO PLAYERS, "STOP-LOOK-READ" It will pay you to drop up to my office and see whats going on. YOURE UNDER "NO OBLIGATION." I will show you PROOF that I have the GOODS. IF YOU CANT COME, PHONE ME RANDOLPH 9195-9196 and I will send you my PARLAY in sealed envelope with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR MESSENGER SERVICE! Out-of-town players, send your and you will get my PARLAY by FAST WIRE. NO WAITING. Parlay sent immediately on receipt of your subscription. "Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St., Room 1327, Chicago, HI. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY 35 CENTS A COPY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Todays Free Code: LINCOLN FIELDS June-2-1-1-14. SMASHING ALL RECORDS WON AGAIN YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: ALMA S., 7.84, Won BIOTA, .98, WON TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: LINCOLN Bell-7-13. LINCOLN Canoe-29-12. The chief is sending them out day after day, so takt our advice and string along for - LIMIT WIN PARLAYS W You cannot afford to miss this valuable inside information that shows a profit week in and week out. Try it and be convinced. Todays Trackmens Parlay Consists of Two Dark Specials That Should Produce Today to tha Tune of 00 for Dont Fail to Participate for Winning Results Terms for Trackmens Parlay and for full details on Trackmens Parlays, see page 5, SUPREME FLASH. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Room 407 New York City FREE! TODAY! FREE! This three-year-old brown gelding will break hii maiden today. So get a "STRONG WAGER" on HIGH SOCKS 2nd Race Laurel Today See my ad in these columns tomorrow for "SENSATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENT." THE PHENOM Laurel Race Track, Stable 42 Laurel, Maryland CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE, 15 CENTS SATURDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: LINCOLN FIELDS Colt-44-28-43. FAIRMOUNT PARK CoIt-34-39-30. To Decipher Free Codes Buy a Telegraph CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail Paxons Improved Code Card Now Ready RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio and receive in return mail my handy code card. A code enabling you to decipher each releasa will appear in this paper daily. TODAYS TWO HORSES: LAUREL Harold-25-1-16-8. LINCOLN FIELDS Dewey-1 9-24-23-11. RAY PAXON is known America over as th best turf informant in the business. If you dont believe it, give his service just one trial. Mail me this ad and you will be rewarded with a free copy of HB "THE SECRET OF BEATING I THE RACES" IH J. K. WILLIS 5122 N. W. 18th Ave., Miami, Fla.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932100801/drf1932100801_22_3
Local Identifier: drf1932100801_22_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800