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A RACING MIRACLE THE INVENTION OF THE AGE Considered the bet and most unbeatable method of making racing pay In the world. It givei you winner alter winner. It it almost a racing certainty. No figuring no handicapping no doubling up after losers flat bets only. Should average from 5 to 0 per week net profit on flat bets. Small Capital Required. You can start out with a bankroll of 0 and sail right along. If you have lost money on the races heres a chance to get it all back and plenty more besides. Copies of the New Wonder System will be mailed out absolutely free. No obligations. no strings attached to this oflcr First come, first served. Cet your copy today I Start winning I Send name and address to CLOCKERS REVIEW 35 CENTS A COPY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Saturdays 00 Special: LUCKY JACK, 2.84, Won Special Offer: AH those subscribing to 10 weeks subscription at of Clockers Review Turf Weekly will receive absolutely free, three 00 specials. Get your in immediately and play Mondays long shot 00 Special. Saturdays Free Code Withdrawn. And last week we gave 6 straight Free Codes, one horse daily. Mondays Free Code: LAUREL Gray-15-31. For key to code, see page 2, Clockers Review. This horse should pay an 8 mutuel. Mondays Brady Special: LAUREL Bran-1 0-1 2. Last week the Colonel gave 3 BIG WINNERS. The previous week 6 STRAIGHT BIG WINNERS. For Col. Matt Brady?s Specials, see page 11, Clockers Review. SATURDAYS PARLAY: Blind Cadet, 317.72, Won Colonial Belle, 4.86, Won Yes, SIREE, we gave out THREE STRAIGHT PARLAYS. Our parlay INFO is GOING GREAT GUNS. BIG LIMIT PARLAY GOES MONDAY TERMS, Dont miss it, for we have TWO WINNERS. Take our advice and go the extreme limit on this parlay WIN ONLY. Terms for this parlay, , by telegraph or in person. For special proposition on our Parlay Service, see pages 6 and 7, Clockers Review Turf "Weekly. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO., 1674 Broadway Suit 914, New York City. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY 35 CENTS A COPY SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS m SCORED AGAIN NOT ONE LOSING DAY LAST WEEK SATURDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: LUCKY JACK, 2.88, WON COLONIAL BELLE, 4.86, WON Mondays 00 Free Code: LAUREL June-18-12-19-10. MONDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: LAU REL Field-41-7. LAU R Et Stick-46-5. The chief is sending them out day after day, so take our advice and string, along for LIMIT WIN PARLAYS. You cannot afford to miss this valuable inside information - that shows a profit week in and week out. Try it and be convinced. START THE WEEK RIGHT, PLAY MONDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY FOR A BANNER DAY. Dont fail to participate for winning results. Terms for Trackmens Parlays and for full details on Trackmens Parlays, see page 5, Supreme Flash. SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 799 Broadway Room 407 New York City .1 1 1 ix iv rx DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR MONDAY: SPORTSMANS PARK X-4-20-17-17. FAIRMOUNT PARK X-1 8-15-1 5. Saturdays Kelly Code Release at Lincoln Fields: MALEDON, .08, WON Saturdays Kelly Code Release at Fairmount: FLORIDA GOLD, .00, WON WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT, CHICAGO. ILL. FREE 100 to 1 I prove it to you. Beat the mutuels every day. Mention "Double Keys." Let trie show you what I have found. "Its new," and not to be fouad in system collections. L. C. WOODS, Dept. 865, Urbana, Illinois T, RILEY, Presrdent J. CANNON, Secretary T. McPHERSON, Treasurer General Turf Agency Authorized Turf Commissioners, Established 1918 The racing game cannot be beaten by guesswork. You must have legitimate Information. Stop being fooled. Protect your money. Dont be misled. We ore affiliated with a number of horsemen who are furnishing us with the most sensational turf information ever released to the public Our terms" are within the reach, of the smallest as well as biggest player. SSF- DAILY STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY "US Everybody positively receives the same two horses no exceptions. You receive exactly what you pay for when you subscribe to this office. SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: GIFT OF ROSES, 3.88, WON FLYING CADET, 7.22, WON Our Two Horses Are Advertised Every Day, Win or Lose THE TRUTH AT ALL TIMES MONDAY TWO BIG WINNERS MONDAY -UB DO NOT FAIL TO GET MONDAYS PARLAY SUBSCRD3E TWO WINNERS Remit three dollars immediately for Mondays two advertised horses. All releases sent by fast wire. Our office open every day from 8 a. m. to 6 p. m. GENERAL TURF AGENCY 1452 BROADWAY, SUITE 509 NEW YORK, N. Y, 26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE "Darky" Bob Williams SATURDAYS 11TH HOUR PARLAY: BAR HUNTER, .96, .24, 2ND AMERICAN QUEEN, 7th Lincoln TWO LONG SHOT WINNERS MONDAY 50 FOR S3 Be .sure you have plenty on both horses on the nose only. Got extra strong word for BIG CLEANUP MONDAY TERMS FOR 11th HOUR PARLAY. PER DAY MONDAYS DAILY DOUBLE CODE: SPORTSMANS Aug.-17-42. LAUREL Sept.-6-19. Connections sent extra fine word for QC TWO WINNERS MONDAY W 0 TO OR BETTER TERMS FOR DAILY DOUBLE in CODE FORM, 50 cents daily or send for six days service, which will be sent to reach you the first mail in the morning. You may have this information wired you daily if you desire. Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph- Make all remittances payable to BOB WILLIAMS 123 W. MADISON ST. SUITE 600 CHICAGO, ILL. SPECIAL PARLAY WIRE ONLY ENTIRE LATONIA MEET 0 Latonia opens Wednesday, October 12, and continues nntil Saturday, November 12, riving 28 racing days. Latonia is OUR MANS HOME TOWN, when it comes to getting winners hla record there being ELEVEN STRAIGHT WINNERS. We will send our Two-Horse DAILY PARLAY and daily "Best" for the ENTIRE LATONIA MEETING for only 0, and also mail ABSOLUTELY FREE the complete Duo Scale System for straight, place, show and parlay operation. You can cither mail or wire us your subscription. Just send 0 with your aame and address and say "For Special La- tonla Service." "We are telling you: "Dont Miss It." r A I I OPQ 219 8. DEARBORN ST. UALiLiUr iJ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE, 15 CENTS MONDAYS FREE CODE HORSES: FAIRMOUNT PARK Rich-26-35-36. LAUREL CoIt-34-37-31. To Decipher Free Codes Buy a Telegraph CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: LAUREL Five-6-36. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: LAUREL Eight-43-27. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF OCTOBER 8 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 Plymouth Ct. Chicago, III. Paxons Improved Code Card Now Ready TWO WEEKS SERVICE One Dollar A code enabling you to decipher each release will appear in this paper daily. Mail all remittances to RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio MONDAYS TWO HORSES: SPORTSMAN S PA R K Marc h-1 5-23-5-2. JAMAICA J une-25-14-23-4. RAY PAXON is known America over as the best turf informant in the business. If you dont believe it, give his service just one trial. DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES Play horses that figure .to win. Accurate handicap-pins is- simple when you know how. There is no ex-, cuse for anyone not knowing how to handicap. Full particulars fret1 no strings attached. Secure your free copy of. "Pick Your Own Winners." Learn to handicap and be n winner. Write today. E. J. BELL, r. O. Box 416, Cleveland, Ohio MASTER CLOCKER MONDAYS FREE CODES: LAUREL Lima-High-Star-Flow-Gear. FAIRMOUNT Cord-Less-Bard-Hard-Fold. SPORTSMANS PARK Reed-Riot-Seed-Fold-Celt. "Americas Premier Turf Ace" PARTINGTON 118 JOCKEY WEST 44th ST. S NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. BELOW ARE A FEW OF THE MANY WINNERS I HAVE RIDDEN: FEU DE J0IE. 97.60. Won; ROCK SUGAR. S140.40, Won; MANDY, S89.00, Won; DANDYBRUSH, 0.60. Won; SYMPATHY, S62.20, Won-; CERES. 8.90, Won; JEAN CREST, 1.20, Won; MERULINA, 5.30, Won SATURDAYS PARLAY: VLADIMIR, 8.24, WON THISTLE PLAY, See 6th Race Fairmount STRICTLY THE ONLY TWO HORSES RELEASED SATURDAY 20 TO 1 AND 6 TO 1 MONDAY . TWO GENUINE SPECIALS MONDAY. They come out of hiding in good condition and both should lead from start to finish. One horse has worked six furlongs in 1:15 flat with a heavy boy in the saddle, and theres no doubt but that hell better that time by a full second in Mondays race, as he carries comparar tively little weight. HORSE NUMBER 2 has shown very little in his last few races, but they MEAN NOTHING MONDAY. Should win by more than three lengths. MY ADVICE TODAY IS: PLAY THEM TO WIN ONLY AND GET DOWN FOR ALL YOU CAN. I play every horse I send out. 1 never made a promise that I did not make good ask your racing associates about my ridine record. Do you need further proof of my reliability? Ill prove to the most skeptical that I never misrepresent or resort to subterfuge. If you want to get in on the ground floor if you want real inside information if you want to join hands with a reliable turf connection dont hesitaU. RUSH YOUR ORDER TODAY. TERMS A DAY JUDGE THE FUTURE BY THE PAST. My record is an open book investigate It. My office Is open every day between 10 and 4. Come in with me today and convince yourself. Send your subscription by Western "TJnion or Postal Telegraph to JOCKEY PARTINGTON, 118 W. 44th Street, New York, N. Y. COL. E. G. THOMAS FORTY YEARS ON THE AMERICAN TURF 158 WEST 45TH STREET NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. The consistent character of this service has been demonstrated during the past three days. Out of six horses released, five have "won, the other running second. A 0 flat play and parlay on these horses SPF- WON 92.60 -US SATURDAYS INFORMATION NOT INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE FIGURES SATURDAYS TWO HORSES: LUCKY JACK, 2.88, WON OATEN, 1.66, WON Genuine inside information is CHEAP AT ANY PRICE. It pays to deal with a reliable connection. Forty years of turf experience qualifies me as one of the outstanding racing authorities still in action. I have beaten the horses and lived off them for a good portion of the past forty years. If I can do it, SO CAN YOU. MONDAYS TWO HORSES 15 TO 1 AND 8 TO 1 Just go out nd get all the money you can on this parlay, as it deserves, every dollar you can secure. The odds will be away above the limit. Play it with confidence. Monday night will once again prove the true value -of this unusual service. SERVICE CHARGE DAILY. . , Wire fee by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. All service by fast. .wire. No waiting. Prompt .and , courteous treatment. . - FIRST TIME IN CHICAGOTHE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE AT THE PRICE and BgVQND ALL DOUBT. THE MOST EXCLUSIVE ADVICE EVER OFFERED ANYWHERE ATA MODERATETfIT -Never the history of racing has a servicefloepual these two advices from really reliable and dependable sources beenoffered at the surprisingly low price.made possible by"UNlTED SERVICESand never before has he moderate player been diven the opportunity to participate inthese hih-class, and profitable advicej. Dont confuse these advices with handicapping, clocking and mere selections -they are more than that. A fair trial will soon convince you that UNITED SERVICES is your BEST BET and worth many times more. .PERDAV- 2 TRANSACTIONS A DAY OneGood Investment isworthManyDaysofLabor United5ervices" Are Good Investments Come up and c-et acquainted wtthUNITED SERVICES Us worth while -Office hours I 2to 2. Room 4I4- 82 West Washington St. Chicagp.Ill. OUT OFTOWN SUBSCRIBERS SEND TELEGRAPH-EXPRESS or P.6.MONEV ORDER - andJI FOR FASTiERVICE.USg THE tELEGRAPiT LATONIA R AC E S 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE AS RAINER-CLOCKER You Can Employ He, to Wdtk for You 0 for Any Ten Days Sly niaay clients mlll vouch -tor- my marvelous isuc- ces at., Kentucky ravfcs.., .Consult a specialist of- the! game., I wire one or two horses daily at 11 oclock., Telegraph remittance ,or remit by express order in letter. Propositions ri6 considered: Strictly cash only. COE. J. J. SCIIREINER Hotel Broadway Cincinnati, Ohio. Mail mo this ad and youwllHeB rewarded with a free copy of "THE SECRET- OF BEATING I THE RACES" J. K. WILLIS 5122 N.W. 18th Ave., Miami. FTa.