untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1932-11-15


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For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" Ask Any "Old Timer" Hell Tell You Starting Bowie with a "Bang" ! ! SSM WARNED YOU NOT TO- MISS THEM -W ST WERE THESE TWO W WORTH ? -W Mondays Bowie Parlay: DYAK 3.50, WON DEEDIE .80, WON WHO SAID THE RACING GAME CANT BE BEAT? I have proven time and again that a man connected WITH THE PROPER SOURCES Is bound to get WINNERS. ASK ANY "FIELD" CLIENT. DONT SIT BY AND LET THESE WINNERS GET AWAY FROM YOU DAY IN AND DAY OUT. REMEMBER THAT OLD ADAGE: "NOTHING VENTURED NOTHING GAINED." LET ME PROVE MYSELF TODAY Ill prove conclusively the wisdom of Investing DOLLARS TO MAKE HUNDREDS sounds like the bunk, doesnt it? Well, force my hand and MAKE ME PROVE IT ONE TRIAL WILL POSITIVELY CONVINCE YOU THAT YOU CANT GO WRONG ! ! TWO LIMIT WINNERS TUESDAY They will help you play with the "bookies" money for the rest of the week DONT MISS THEM. DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS S3 DAILY TERMS CHICAGO CLD3NTS, Call In Person or Phone Franklin 0596 for messenger service no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Service sent by fast telegram. JACK FIELD So South Dearborn, Room 708, Chicago, 111. Weekly Racing Guide DAILY CODE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Two Great Free Information Services One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest Experts CARMACS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: BOWIE Two-33-22. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: BOWIE One-39-50. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF NOVEMBER 12 MONDAYS COMMISSION HORSE: DEEDIE, 5.80, WON MONDAYS CARMAC RELEASE: DDLE STEFAN, . .70, WON MONDAYS ASA POWELL RELEASE: SOLACE, .10, WON SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL TODAY 57 Per Cent Have Won Over a Period of Four Years TODAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL IS: SAUSAGE Violin-20-23. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 Plymouth Ct. Chicago. HI. MARYLAND SPECIALS With the closing of the Latonia meeting Saturday, the thousands of PAXON followers are assured of a successful season at MARYLAND, where my representatives have been tabbing many likely looking prospects at nice odds. Two horses will be released in code appearing in this paper daily. DONT MISS THESE MARYLAND SPECIALS. RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION NOW. Two Weeks for One Dollar Mail or wire one dollar and you will receive two code cards by return mail. A code enabling you to decipher each release will appear in this paper daily. You dont want to miss the many GOOD THINGS during the balance of the MARYLAND meeting. DONT DELAY Send in one dollar today. TODAYS TWO HORSES: BOWIE Lake-8-14-9-14. B0WI E Stream-1 8-6-1 6-1 1 . MONDAYS CODE HORSES: IDLE STEFAN, .70, WON AVALON, Scratched RAY PAXON 320 Easi Third St. Suite 401 Cincinnati, Ohio If IX IX iXivTt DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASE FOR TUESDAY: BOWIE 0-18-15-11-11. WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILL MEW WONDER SYSTEM! II WINS ON FLAT BET Should average 0 per week net profit on flat bets. Will send this new syatem to you abtolutely free. No obligations, nastnngs attached to this offer. Get your copy today! Write SECOR PUBLISHINO CO., AURORA, ILL. 5 COMPASS 9, THAT WONDERFUL TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS 35 CENTS TODAYS CODE PARLAY: B 0WI E No V.-C6-32-36-32. B 0WI E J une-62-32-32-68. Todays Free Code: GREEN Eddie-22-12-32-22. Todays Clockers Code: BOWIE Dodge-43-31-49-29. PARAMOUNT TURF BUREAU 175 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK TODAYS PADDOCK PARLAY: BOWIE Key-16-10-18. BOWIE Charm-24-2-10. Christians Code Parlays NOTICE CONTRACTS SIGNED FOR THE ENTIRE BOWIE MEETING I Have Agreed to Pay Over ,000 to the Shrewdest Turfmen at Bowie for Strictly Two Horses Each Day-Sensational Winning information THE MOST SENSATIONAL OFFER EVER MADE TO THE RACING PUBLIC PAYS FOR THE ENTIRE BOWIE MEETING CODE CARD GOOD EVERY DAY OF MEETING 13 DAYS REMEMBER NO TELEGRAMS, NO PHONE CALLS, NO SPECIALS, NO ADDED EXPENSE YESTERDAYS CHRISTIAN CODE PARLAY: MAD FRUMP, WON A LA CARTE, 4.30, LOST Saturdays Christian Code Parlay: . Fridays Christian Code Parlay: HAMILTON, 20.48, WON FOLITEN, 3.20, WON PINK SLIPPER, 3.24, WON DONYA, 2.10, WO? WE HAVE ONLY ONE SERVICE CHRISTIANS CODE PARLAYS, THATS ALL Todays Christian Code Parlay: BOWIE FilIy-7-23-23-13. BOWIE Mare-25-24-11-4. Western clients, remit by telegraph or P. O. money order, , which pays for the entire Bowie meeting. I will wire you to days parlay prepaid and mail you your Code Card, good for the entire meeting. EDWARD V. CHRISTIAN, 949 Broadway, New York City JOCKEY WM. MUNDEN "Americas Sensational Money Rider" Now Releasing a Daily Two-Horse Parlay in Code Form. No Telegrams. No Suspense PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE ERf- ACCLAIMED "9S By My Many Friends and Followers as a "Wizard" in My New Chosen Profession as a Turf Informant! Yes, sir, folks, I am releasing a brand of information that is second to none. Startling players from coast to coast and making bookmakers sit up and take notice. Come on, all you doubting Thomases and skeptics, let me put you on your bookmakers payroll. Im doing it for thousands of others, so why not you? YESTERDAYS TWO CODE HORSES: DYAK, 3.50, Won BAND WAGON, S6.70, Won SATURDAYS TWO CODE HORSES: HAMILTON, 0.48, Won P0LITEN, 3.20, Won W WIN 00 OB MORE WEEKLY "W on small wagers following my service daily. I advise a straight play on each horse and make a across-the-board parlay on my two code horses each and every day for six days, and I assure you that you will S" WIN 00 OR MORE WEEKLY "m. DCMy Followers Are Doing It, So Why Not You?"3 Start off today with two long shot winners. My buddies are doing the riding. Here they are. Go to them with confidence: BOWIE Larry-19-3. BOWIE George-11-G. My terms are within the reach of all. pays for six days service. Rush subscription immediately. As special inducement, todays limit win parlay w.ill be sent you by prepaid telegram and code card will follow via air mail. Wire your subscription at once. Dont delay. JOCKEY WM. MUNDEN, Earl Bldg., Broadway and 52nd St., New York, N. Y. 26 YEARS OF ACTUAL TURF EXPERIENCE "Darky" Bob Williams YESTERDAYS LIVE WIRE 2 HORSE PARLAY: HAPPY SCOT 5.50, .70, 3RD MAROONED ! .20, LOST SATURDAYS LIVE WIRE 2 HORSE PARLAY: MUD BAKER, 2.14, WON MIDSHIPMAN, $ 8.10, WON FRIDAYS LIVE WIRE 2 HORSE PARLAY: ANNIE ORMONT, 4.80, WON FRIGATE BIRD, 4.90, WON THURSDAYS LIVE WIRE 2 HORSE PARLAY: SILK FLAG, 2.10, WON LADY OF GRACE, $ 6.82, WON LIVE WIRE 2 HORSE PARLAYS ARE BC TAKING THE COUNTRY BY STORM "Wl with the most SENSATIONAL WINNING INFORMATION being released daily to the racing public. HERE IS WHAT YOU GET !W 15 TO 1 AND 10 TO 1 TODAY m Be sure you get both horses and make a -RS with this opportunity today. Terms for Live Wire 2 Horse Parlay per Day Wire your subscription via Western Union or Postal Telegraph at once. Make all remittances payable to BOB WILLIAMS 123 W. MADISON ST. SUITE 600 CHICAGO, ILL. . . . . . i CLOCKERS REVIEW 35 Cents a Copy Sold on All Newsstands Established 1910 For 22 Years The Players Friend YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: IDLE STEFAN, .70, WON Todays Free Code: BOWIE Blue-14-48. COL. MATT BRADYS INFORMATION $ $ PHENOMENAL $ $ YESTERDAYS COL. MATT BRADY SPECIAL: DYAK, 3.50, WON I tell you the Colonels followers are getting plenty $ DOUGH $ these days. Todays Brady Special: BOWIE Pod-12-22. For Colonel Matt Bradys Special see page 11, Clockers Review Turf Weekly. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: MAD FRUMP, .20, WON BUBOLA, 7th Bowie BIG LIMIT PARLAY GOES TODAY Both good things go at Bowie and it looks like a SURE WIN PARLAY. Terms for this parlay, ?3, by wire or in person. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. 1674 Broadway Suite 914 New York City Supreme Flash Turf Weekly On Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents Per Copy Todays Free Code: BOWIE Aug.-4-15-11-17. For cipher code, see page 2, Supreme Flash Turf Weekly, 35 cents at your newsdealers. YESTERDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: DYAK, 3.50, WON IDLE STEFAN, $ 4.70, WON Supreme TRACKMENS PARLAYS arc the talk of the country. Folks, they are going over every day. TODAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: BOWIE Basket-19-24. BOWIE Lemon-6-21. Here is another limit parlay. Terms for Trackmens Parlays, pays for Code Card good for six days. For further details, see page 8, SUPREME FLASH. SUPREME PUBIJSHING CO. 799 Broadway Suite 407 New York City THE CHICAGO WEEKLY TURF BULLETIN AND SPORTS RECORD Price, 35c On Sale Everywhere Price S5o TODAYS TUESDAYS FREE CODE: BOWIE November-Mars-Atlanta-Buffalo. llffp AMf i ATHE HAN WHO ROUTED THE 5 MYandTlLKlflU CHICAGO BOOKIES $ I in lF wr m - accwimed by every newspaper in the 1 -.- . m COUNTKT FOR MY SUCCESS , Im m rH. SULLIVAN now ready again and bookies dont like it j 0MR. PLAYER-"ST0P-L00K-READ"I I TO I" D WB All "ye hoss players" who are SKEPTICAL and SZJ ff fgk jgi- think the racing game cannot be beaten, listen and y V jg-Jt fsttandr ye shall hear: ON THIS "Ad" yesterday I SAID I LkandSlr fe-V3R "STAKED MY REPUTATION" my parlay would WIN. IWfffi ffl ftZfcV YESTERDAYS PARLAY: V il ViAill iGfc h i PrKJl t DYAK, 3.50, WON A S pKi TSJ . BAND WAGON, $ 6.70, WON 1 TT - A roar went up in every pool room yesterday after "SULLIVANS" PARLAY WON, and everyone rushed t the pay-off window, which those BOOKIES did NOT LIKE. Were YOU one of them? IF NOT, WHY NOT1 WARE YOU SATISFIED TO WIN 00 WEEKLY WITH BET EVERY DAY?"?B Thats what thousands of SULLIVAN followers are making. WHY NOT YOU ALSO? ST" YOU NEED MONEY LETS MAKE IT FOR YOU FOLLOW "SULLIVANS" PARLAYS m 3F- "SULLIVANS" PARLAY WILL "AMAZE" YOU TODAY m. Two horses at Bowie should be eood odds and pay over S50-S1 in parlay. LOOKS A CINCH. W Also a "Paddock" 00 Special Today "Free" Should Pay "Limit" Odds If you paid S100 you couldnt eet BETTER than this is. and YOU GET IT FREE. ST" TERMS, A DAY "TWO HORSE PARLAY" No More No Less . CHICAGO READERS: Call at the office. IF YOU CANT COME, PHONE RANDOLPH 9195-9196 anc we will send you todays parlay in "sealed envelope with messenger boy. No charge for messenger service. Out-of-town readers, telegraph your subscription. You get my parlay by fast wire as soon as I receive youi subscription. NOW, LETS GO. DONT MISS A DAY YOU WILL BE LOSER IF YOU DO. LETS GO I "Mysterious" MR. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St., Room 1327, Chicago, HI. A. J. McKEEVER THE PIONEER OF AMERICAN TURF PAYS FOR CODE CARD GOOD FOR SIX DAYS Remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive todays parlay by PREPAID WIRE. Also code card, good for six days service 6 parlays. Start today. YESTERDAYS CODE PARLAY: DYAK, 3.50, WON BAND WAGON, $ 6.70, WON Strictly Two Horses a Day in Code Form An Honest and Legitimate Turf Service TODAY TWO BIG WINNERS TODAY 9 Here They Are: BOWIE Nan-16-21-4-8. BOWTJE MolIy-18-23-5-1. Remember that I release horses that are trying horses that are out to win. Legitimate information. NO BUNK. NO HUMBUG. Remit immediately via Western Union or Postal Telegraph and receive todays parlay via PREPAID WIRE. Also Code Card good for six parlays. OFFICE OPEN EVERY DAY FROM 9 A. M. TO 7 P. M. A. J. McKEEVER 1440 BROADWAY ROOM 1958 NEW YORK, N. Y. The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents WE TOLD YOU TO FOLLOW PINK SHEET SPECIALS THROUGH LATONIA MUDRAKER, Bassetts X Special, paid, 2.14 PHAELDALE, Weekly Winner Forecast, paid, 7.16 LA FERIA, Weekly Winner Forecast and McCarty Tip, paid, 5.60 VESEE, McCarty Tip, paid, 6 88 CRESTA RUN, McCarty Tip, paid, 4.44 YOU WILL HAVE THE BEST LINE ON BOWIE by following the Bold Type Specials in the "Pink Sheet," the Free Code Specials and the Weekly Winner forecasts, which are "hot-off-the-wire" stuff from our Maryland clockers. TUESDAYS FREE CODES: BOWIE Poor-32-30-35. BOWIE Colt-34-3G-26. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH Ul PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL per Month by First Class Mail g per Month by Air Mail FREE TODAY FREE GET YOUR S XMAS S MONEY WITH BOTH THESE GOOD THINGS MABLA, 2nd Race Bowie QUARTER DECK, 7th Race Bowie PARLAY STRAIGHT AND PLACE We know that both horses running for the are money today. So dont pass up this opportunity. E. JAMES AND COMPANY OFFICIAL MUTUEL TOTALS AT BOWIE Monday 3 Races, 55.70; 5 Races, 87.50; 7 Races, 39.20

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1932111501/drf1932111501_7_1
Local Identifier: drf1932111501_7_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800