untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1933-05-10


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■"■■■■— """" ""JTTTTTTTTTin Tuesdays Sportsmans Parlay: iTEOCmAIRLAYJCINCj p0|yphotej $ 7.56, Won I f W*l j| Mi ■ 1 11 BittV Barrett, 6.68, $ 4.92, 2nd I a A m II iV I H I | 111 Mondays Parlay: M» 3JS1UUJ WAYWARD LAD, $ 636! WON B*~YES, SIR! WHAT A "SHELLACKING" THOSE "BOOKIES" TOOK AGAIN ! .-*■ when MONDAYS PARLAY stepped down In the easiest sort of fashion. As Tve often told you, the only way you can beat this game is with real inside info — the guessers always wind up behind the "8" ball. . SWSpecial Offering Wednesday — Limit Win Louisville Parlay FreelP© Dont go down to the track today unless you have my limit winners marked on your program. You can go down with "little" and come home with "plenty." Dont say I didnt warn you. I know plenty today. DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRD3E NOW! TERMS, DADLY! City clients, call in person or phone— FRANKLIN 0596— for messenger service i absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay ! ! JACK FIELD, 85 South Dearborn St Room 708, Chicago, HL WON AGAIN YESTERDAYS OCCASIONAL CODE: AEGIS .60, Won Again we collected on the %2 code. Dont miss todays Occasional code. Code Churchill: Toy-Oil-Shy-Sun-End. Free Code Pimlico: Top-Bab-Red-Red-Dig. Free Code Churchill: Ted-Lap-Ice-Sea-Em. 100 PER CENT THE TRUTH BROKERS TIP, 9.86, WON BIG BRAND, 4.80, WON Above was our 27TH DERBY OFFER. Dont miss Saturdays Specials. Code: July-Pear-31-99-99-99. 514 Congress Bank Bldg. Chicago, III. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Readers in the following cities, call accompanying numbers: Chicago Readers, Call Wabash 7124 Cincinnati, Ohio Main 4200 New Orleans, La. Main 3678 New York, N. Y Bogardns 6900 San Francisco, Calif Market 1624 St. Louis, Mo Garfield 4739 Cleveland, Ohio Kenmore 1153 or 1965-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the daily releases of Carmac and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR WEDNESDAY: PIMLICO— Rain-49-35. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR WEDNESDAY: PIMLICO— Now-51-51. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF MAY 6 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Subscription Rate— One Month, .25; Six Months, ; One Year, 0. 121 Plymouth Court Chicago, 111. HIHJiUHhllH 60 CENTS DAILY— ON NEWSSTANDS YESTERDAYS SPECIAL: WISE COUNT, 1.60, WON Another Goes Today — Wire ANDY, 145 West 41st St., New York City SYSTEMPLAYERS-- - NOTICE! A aew d»co»erv that really beau the race*. Will ieod oui new Kentucb Syrterfon :0 days free trial. Must pick 3 winnetntairy at each track 01 you owe us nothing Send for your free copy today. Write SECOB PUB CO. Dept. 5 AURORA. ILL. CLOCKERS REVIEW PUB. CO. For Sale or AM Stands— 35 Cents Per Copy Todays Free Code: CHURCHILL— White-10-17. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: PIMLICO— Cap-19-11. CHURCHILL— Spurs-6-6. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY 35 Cents a Copy— Sold at All Newsstands Todays Free Code: PIMLICO— March-6-16-7-6. PIMLICO DAILY RELEASE: PIMLICO— Rail-18-14. GRAND STANtTtURF WEEKLY FOR BALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS— 35 CENTS Todays Free Code- CHURCHILL--Grand-16-24-24-13. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: PIMLICO— April-52-43. PIMLICO— Aug.-34-34. rSl* «»■« fit* ■ I iTHE MAN WHO ROUTED THEl SMYSTEkIOU% • CHICAGO BOOKIES • i MWm Hr ■ ■*■• W%wr m acclaimed by every newspaper n THE M SI country for w success * B . m .___ - —-. -. - .w* ;■ m tH, SULLIVAN ml NOWRfAtrfACAIN BOOKIES tJONT LiKC.T fl |P1 ■ T WATCH MY-* SMOKE. J| TUESDAYS CHURCHILL PARLAY: i "LOOK," WHAT WE DID SATURDAY! VOTAN, 1.22, .14, 2ND BROKERS TIP, 9.86, WON FINGAL, 0.28, .98, 2ND JESSIE DEAR, 5.62, WON Remember, PARLAYS PAY BIG MONEY. Only Every SULLWAN follower was told to PLUNGE, small capital needed to play SULLIVAN parlays [ WIN ONLY on th« Derby winner. BROKERS TIP, every day I and BOOKIES were sure SLAUGHTERED Saturday. WARE YOU SATISFIED TO WIN 00 WEEKLY WITH A BET ON MY PARLAYS EVERY DAY?-»» 9T TWO PARLAYS TODAY FOR THE PRICE OF ONE -*E| Parlays at Sportsmans and Churchill, and SULLIVAN advises every one to GO THE LIMIT on both jarlays. TERMS, A DAY. City clients, call at office or phone RANDOLPH 9195-9190 and parlay will be sent. to you with messenger. NO EXTRA CHARGE. OUT-OF-TOWN players, telegraph . Parlay wired to you, "Mysterious" MB. J. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St. Suite 1325-1327, Chicago, 1U. BSffTEiifKfii The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents ON SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS Sun Worship, 6.02, Won THIS SPORTSMANS PARK WINNER was a "hot horse" In the "Pink Sheet* Monday. He was tipped by BOTH BASSETT AND McCARTY and was one of th« Advance Forecasts printed exclusively in Chicago Daily Telegraph. Some of the McCarty and Bassett Winners CALOME, Paid 1.12 FIRE MASK, Paid .94 POLLY E. Paid 8.80 WAYWARD LAD, Paid 6.56 FORTUNATE YOUTH, Paid 6.38 NED O. Paid 5.80 LADY PAL, Paid 7.84 SYENITE, Paid 9 to 5 UNCLE DONALD, Paid 7.20 WEDNESDAYS TWO FREE CODES: CHURCHILL DOWNS— Poor-34-48-26. PIMLICO— Rlch-30-37-41. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH Ml PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mall per Month by Air Mail 1 WILLIAM BROTHERS 207 FIFTH AVE. NEAR 29TH ST.. SUITE 601. NEW YORK CITY OUT OF EACH 00 WON PAY US 5 SPECIAL OFFER: WIRE S3 FOR YOUR SHARE OF EXPENSES— TEN DAYS SERVICE There are no strings attached to this offer. For ten days we will wire you a two-horse parlay. A ten-day trial should prove that we handle the best information obtainable at any price. Our connections assure you real information which should prove sensational. YESTERDAYS PARLAY: MORPRIN, .68, WON S0EUR BLANCHE, tth P-mlico TODAYS PARLAY SHOULD WIN AND PAY 50 FOR RECEIVE TEN DAYS SERVICE— START TODAY— NO WAITING LIST We know that if you are on the square you will send in your share after we show you the above profit. Those not fulfilling our requirements will immediately be taken oft our telegraph fist. You play a win parlay for ten days on the two horses we wire you. When the teu days are up, wire us 5 out of each 00 you have won and we will continue. Overhead expenses obtaining this information are enormous. In order to help with same, we require you to teleeraph now via Western Union or Postal Telegraph, which amount may be deducted from our share at the end of ten days. RAY PAXON WINNING SYSTEM AMERICAS LEADING HANDICAPPER AND TURF », Wmn]ng System by Elmwood Jmuy h , INFORMANT weekly department in which various types of systems WIRE SPECIALS SHOW CONSIS- are anal zed or Put int0 Play for vour information and BuU*nce- TENT PROFIT THREE OF THE LAST FIVE WINNING. ONE SECOND JLfSft. £ Ss" isITn 2 «7 nZZ AND ONE LOST stands May 13th, the setup or structure for such sys- WEDNESDAYS WIRE RELEASE: terns is clearly explained and given in detail. BARNEY SEXTON, :18, WON Many exampIes from pby you OTHER RECE WIRE SPECIALS: to learn in a minute how to play such systems. ON" SIR. *72 2ND eFTWCRATinT toil?* wfiN In lhe Postposition systems, which will be given to S «yTt *Lis won w«* you durin« the raonth ou do not play horses- Y°«* YOUNtx BILL, 5S.1 * J play post-position numbers only, and the names of Paxon has a number o other winners of this kind pu horses are considered mad ft lined up for his clients for the next few weeks. A tr.rh. „„„ „_ , . _ „ . , * are , , , ",r number of racers have been working out at both 1°"J rll °" ""* ,n whlch from four t0 seven horscs are Churchill and Pimlico, and all appear to be in the ™nnlnS-prime of condition and ready for winning efforts. Dont fail to read the article in this weeks issue, as Several of the racers have not "faced the barrier you will need it to begin play next week on a money- during the past winter and will start at good odds. making system. ANOTHER WIRE SPECIAL WEEKLY RACING GUIDE SATURDAY 421 Plymouth Court Chicago This racer will start at Pimlico and, from the word ■ ■■■ , my trackman sends, the horse is ready and cant possibly lose. Other connections I have in various I JF I Jf M JF cities claim a large amount of money is showing for MmA— -L_-L__ the horse, and it comes from a clique which has put ulUALuAHUIltliiiJ over a number oi betting coups during the past winter. I L | k j k RUSH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AT DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION f , As I am allowed to release the name of this racer to TWO HOTSeS 3. Day In Code Form only a select few. I am taking this opportunity to warn you that when the quota is filled I will be required $ PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE to return all su! scnptions over this amount. WINNING CODE CARD SERVICE tadster Code Rdease Xwon Not only is the wire special showing a consistent profit, but the daily service has released a good per- BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR WEDNESDAY: centage of winners at good odds. CHURCHILL DOWNS— G-19-20-1-1. Mail or wire and you will receive two Code Cards ,, , AUKOHA— am on da K-Zand-ZU-Z4-1. D« M eood for two weeks, by return mail or Saturdays If desire both send .00. Start Wire Special. you IA/M RIIDIP kPI I V in today beating the races with the help of Ray H OLIKIS.C rvCLLT , Paxon. «23 PLYMOUTH COURT. CHICAGO. ILL, TODAYS TWO FREE CODES: — — cpcrHr!LLrB/i;5i9d70;!?- *** WAR PIMLICO-Sand-11-14-7-13. Todays Free Code: PIMLICO— Bridle-24-12-21-14. RAY PAXON Code Parlay: AURORA— Robert-25-53-43-21 and C. D.: 320 EAST THIRD ST. SUITE 401, CINCINNATI. 0. Sidney-43-27-83-49. Jockey Code: HORSE— Fator-48- 1 42-26-29. i CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY, 35 Cents _ . . J „„,..„ .„ „ ..,-.,. Sold on All Newsstands r0"1"" tft tS ""V3? S3 Free Lode: RED Bill-16-46-24-20. — Code Parlay: i TnnAVs ti nnn prit rnnr- CHURCHI-eSm AURORA-March-54-44-76-60 and CHURCH.-June-46- 44-32-48. Clockers Code: AURORA-Dodoc-35-51-35-27. See page 2. Carl Brady Turf Weekly. l TODAYS PARLAY: mm • PIMLICO— Blue-18-4-6-26. CHURCHILL— Brown 9-5. MAKE 0 A DAY FOR LIFE! : For win parlays, see page 4, Carl Brady. T •■ Ke,i a limited number of ««pie« of my 5 Com- jVaot RRAnv mon-Senw __ System fully oopynchtedK at per com- C-akl dkaui ,,jetP Send at onl,e, stnrt to win, proof mailed 1841 BROADWAY SUITE 1006 NEW YORK CITY FttS! G. Dudley, 2314 Gilbert Ave., Cincinnati, Ohiq,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1933051001/drf1933051001_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1933051001_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800