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THISTLE DOWN PARK j The "Daily Double" on the Winners of the Second and Third Races j j at Thistle Down Wednesday Paid 38.80 for j 1 " . - - -- -- -- -- --4 CLEXnwJNTDl.0HIr0.KWEc?NESDAY AUGUSTo9 1933--stle Down Park 1 mile. Tenth day. Thistle Down Jockey Club. Summer meeting of 32 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather cloudy. Sf,rw WrFdn a"d R A1Ishouse- JdS, E. W. Bury, B. H. Held and C. C. Campeau. Starter, G. R. w-V3 Wingfield. Racing Secretary, E, W. Bury. m Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers Fieures " carried. cnaSnt?SCr f,,l0Wmg lh.e- di5t,f " f e3chc raCG 3ndicate horse datc track recordageof horse and weigh? Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; 7 pounds; 10 pounds. 85540 FIRST RA,jE-3;4 Mile- Lady Menifee. Aug. 5, 1933 1:11 5 105. Purse S300. 3-Aug.-9-33-Tdn ClaSng JJiceS Claimin9 Net Value to winner 5225 ; second ; third index Horses EqtA WtPPSt iA Str Fin Jot-ktys Owners Egniv. Odds Strt 85066 CHLO BOY wb 6 112 4 10 9l4l31 ll MartinJ A Pana Pminn 85248-ALAMAE wb 6 103 7 2 1 1 1! 2 DayJ L E Bowlen SlOO 5 !rBLFUTCTK?ApR0SPER0 WBf4 8 5i 6i 41 32 BrcnnanT Christian flg lS SS vSmS WBH2 l 6 8 91 5 4kBvnL Mrs J Bronnenberg 2040-100 85313 MONNIE w 6 102 2 7 6" 8" 8s 5 HankaW Battle Ax Stable fiM im 85315 WESTYS ROSE w 4 108 1 11 10V104 71 6 OsborneH J H Smith eSlOO 82925 ANNE ARUNDEL wb5107 8 5 4l 3! 2 74 CreeseR C R AHen 260100 SbSSt? llZ 3k 2k 6 8 SylvesterJ Mrf jiaHnski 16 S-Z S norESEAPPv WSJS,J1 7 5 94 92 CooperRG PM Sturm 3240-100 85114 DOCTOR HAPPY w 4 112 10 9 11 11 11 lO SerioJ B Suhr 85382 JUNE BOURBON w3 102 9 4 21 7-k10 11 KleinR Mrs J Newhouse f tMutuel field. . Time, :23, :49, 1:17. Track heavy. CHI n RflV Tf 2MUTP? AP OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS a"liSa!0Y..;::v.;v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v 5i1S 200-100 JtZ LUCKY PROSPERO Odd ..""i: S 2 rrv g b Dnbyne-Chloe D by Ormondale trained by D. P. Veneziano; bred by Messrs. T T. B. and J. S. Young. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO P0ST-2.-21. AT POST-11 minutes. Start fair and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. CHLO BOY began slowly but closed strongly on the extreme outside in the best going throueh the stretch FREE HELEN into defeat !nd helf safe TthfenndaWL BRB,0N andu the balance, SIS ! XP-S "o "VCd mUChl 107;S84at21he ffitfSS? KftS : 9Round Up. Overweight Alamae, 1 pound ; Westys Rose, 1. Corrected weight Lucky Prospero, 108. 85541 SEC?!? "ft?""?-4 MiIe; ad.y Wenifee, Aug. 5, 1933-1 :11-5-105:r"Pu7se30o! Aug.-9-33.Tdn c7aiSg Clam,n9- Net Value to winner 5225 second- 0! h"d, 525, price, 58G0. index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Vi Str Fin 4ockeys Owners Egnlv. Odds Strt 85191 OGEE 3 107 12 1 2k Is w 1 Is WilsonL E E Keeler 500 100 85317 MIKE REYNOLDS w3 107 3 2 31 2 21 21 WilsonT Airs J B Meeker 2040100 233IRT 4 108! 9 12 8 7! 4! 3- FerminA "j BrooIs S lOO 85331POMPEIA wb 4 107 4 4 4" 41 3" 4k KleinR G P Gallaeher 160100 85438SETHS QUEEN wb6110 7 7 6! 5k 51 51 Clancy M D Irwin iSo X?r BILLY w 3 108 1 8 9! 9 6! 64 OsborneH WI N wmarch SZ 84805 oonc NO MISTAKE wb 3 107 2 9 7" 8J 81 71! LakeL Eskav Stabte m SSSSSt 5, S S S 8! JaCbSj J wayrnrb,e SISo 85137 MENTAL STORM w 4 107 6 10 IV IV 11 ll5 ErwinS W H Roberts 5 85TSSNLAD r3WytU B12,12 CwleyJ Evergreen Stock Farm Sta 4260-10O tMutuel field. Time, :23, :48, 1:16. Track heavy. orrF LMUT?S PAJD OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MIKE REYNOLD.; "- S12 Hl $ HI 50-100 37-100 22 SSATFanddf 12-60 S 530-100 ?SS!SS by jErsfts, ,,sa Sand trained by j-w- Frye s-bred WENT TO POST 3:00. AT POST 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. OGEE displayed good speed throughout and held the race safe all through the stretch. MIKE REYNOLDS a keen factor from the start, held on well. TRYABIT closed much ground, came fast in the last quarteVTnd Kadi pmNCEvnTTA" " ""n IF"1? QUE ShWed f eor- FAIR BILLY gained stumbled after rounding the far turn, losing much ground FIRST ACT quit BISwSStandA, 112; 85314 CryStal Spear 107- 85250 Bty. 107;; Overweight Tryabit, 1 pounds; Fair Billy, 1. Corrected weight Fair Billy, 107; No Mistake, 107. 85542 THIRD RACE 3-4 Mile. Lady Menifee, Aug. 5, 19331 :1 1 5 1 05. Purse 00 3- Aug79.33.Tdr SJ3g Jrnice,U00d Caimin9 VaUe t0 SeC0"d 0; thid 25 Iadex Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Egniv. Odds Strt 84478;ADORLAND w 3 97 2 3 VI V V V HankaW Mrs A R Smith 210 100 85378 KING HALMA w8 107 9 6 2 2 21! 2" JulianG B Bagley 1880 100 JS2 R SHINE W6112 3 4 4i 31 m 3 Sylvester! R J Moore SlOO 85439 SPOT POT w 3 102 12 9 9l 8 6l 4" KleinR Mrs S A Ketchell 820-100 85114TARPON w5 107 8 2 5 4 4! 5 HaberR B Ifcrnand 7890-100 84735JOF w 10 112 10 1 6" 7 8" 6" McAIsterD Mrs I Bartholomew i 85115RUNANWIN w 4 103 7 8 8! 6 5! 71 TiceF Mrs H G Hyde 1040-100 85378-TINY WRACK . w 4 105 6 7 7! 91 9 8" MillsC E J Dunn 8420-100 85380CHIEFS GYPSY w 4 107 11 12 1110110 9 KellyJ W A Kempf 85114 LUGEN LUGGAGE w 3 107 1 10 10lll5 11s 10! TaylorW A Castin 4890-100 85437THOMAS SETH w6 107 4 5 3! 5 7" 11" DayJ Nugent Bros 740-100 85380 BRIGHT FLAG w 6 112 511 12 12 12 12 JamesC Mrs C Silvernail 16760-100 tMutuel field. Time, :23?. :48l. 1:16. Track heavy. AnrniAun TfL1"? PAP,1 OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS J?MruAiMA -20 -80 5 340 210-100 90-100 70-100 S!!S.ohrshime ::::::::::::::::::: 1DJ0 JS 440-100 . SzlS Winner Ch. f, by Pondoland Adorable II., by Sardanapale trained by A. B. Jessop; bred by Mr R B Strassburger. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:33. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. WCnt into the ,ead lulck,y and wel1 rated in front to the stretch, drew away decisively. t-tm?.1?0 KING HALMA raced into contention in the first eighth, but tired at the finish. RAIN OR SHINE was never far back and finished stoutly. SPOT POT closed a big gap on the outside. TARPON raced evenly THOMAS SETH tired, as did the others. 85023 Transfix 102 ! 85381 Marbl Girl, 102;. 85313 Panzola, 107? ir-iS?raiCrclb-rtyiAc,,:li!2! Kilmolash, 112; 84800 Spring Bud, 102. Overweight Runanwin, 1 pound. Corrected weight Bright Flag, 112. 85543 FOURTH RACE-3-4 Mile. Lady Menifee Aug. 5 933-1 :11-5-105. Kcllendel? Aug.9-33-i?n 2?Sd, S70? ttlrdSo. 3-yeai"oIds and uPW"d. Net value to winner 00; Index norses DqtA WtPPSt Ji Str Fin Tockeys Owners KMI,!V ii.uis Strt 85382JMANNERS wb 4 108 6 1 l1! I1 V 1" HendrksL J H Downing 290-100 849763NELL KUHLMAN w 4 108 5 4 4! 3 34 2J! DupuyJ W F Lutz 240 100 85066FLO M. w 4 108 1 2 2s 21! 2! 3" CreeseR R Barnett 620-100 85022JSTANDOUT wb 3 1061 4 5 6 54 4 4U JudyJ S S Friedlein - 300-100 82772 INFERNO LAD wb 5 104 2 3 3l 45 54 5 SylvesterJ J Salinski 1240-100 79530 THREE DAGGERS w 3 .98 3 6 5s 6 6 6 HankaW E K Bryson 910-100 Time, :23J. :47. 1:15. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MANNERS $ 7.80 $ 3.20 $ 2.40 290100 60100 20100 NELL KUHLMAN 3.20 2.20 60-100 10-100 FLO M. 2.80 40108 Winner B. g, by Lovely Manners Beulah Stone, by Vandergrift trained by J. H. Downinc: bred by Messrs. J. L. Holton and Sons. s . - J WENT TO POST 4:01. AT POST 2 minutes. ... : - . Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. , , - r ANNERS showed the most speed throughout, buf tired and barely lasted. NELL KUHLMAN closed ly on the outside in the best going and finished very fast. FLO M. raced in the heaviest "going on side in the stretch and tired. STANDOUT came strongly on the outside in the stretch. INFERNO LAD tired after showing good form. Scratched 85383 Baigdora, 106; 85382 Ninera, 100. Overweight Standout, 1 pounds; Inferno Lad, 2. RKZAi. "FTH RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards. Madwind, July 16, 1932 1:40 3 101. Purse OUOrtrt 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; Aug-933-Tdn third, 5. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtlP St Y Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 85378 PORTAM wb 4 112 5 10 81 41 2l 1 1 SylvesterJ I S Shafer 80-100 85383 LAST BID w 3 103 11 5 2l 21 1" 2 2 DayJ W F Hynes 350-100 84803SCHATTER BLACK wb 7 104 6 4 1 1 3s 3 31 RollinsC C Bello 390-100 85317 IVAN W. w 4 112 8 6 31 31 41! 41! 41 BrownL F L Everitt 85379 EAR FULL w5112 9 3 91 61 5 5s 5s CooperRG McMullen and Bowler 4960-100 84802 BESSIE LITTLE w 4 107 311101 71 6" 61 G SylviaE L Fehr 10240-100 85193 NOIRETTE w 7 107 7 9 11 101 91 71 7 JamesC Miss A Shearer t 85313 STAR ROYAL w 4 112 4 8 51 51 81 8s 8 ComptonC Miss A Robinson 7460-100 85437 CLOIRADO wb 4 111 2 2 6k 8l 7"1 91 j 9 LeBlancN N A McNamer 1540-100 84654 SUNSET w 7 112 1 1 41 91010 105 FerminA Lakewood Stable 3260-100 85313 EVELYN L. wb 7 107 10 7 71 11 11 11 11 ErwinS F Turner 4860-100 tMutuel field. Time, :24, :49, 1:17, 1:44, 1:47. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS: . PORTAM .60 .80 $ 2.40 80100 40100 20100 LAST BID .. 3.20 2.60 60100 30-100 CHATTER BLACK Field 2.40 20100 Winner Ch. c, by The Porter Amaryllis, by Star Hawk trained by I. S. Shafer; bred by Mr. B. OF. Randolph. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:28. AT POST 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third the same. PORTAM, crowded back going to the first turn, moved up strongly on the back stretch and, taking the lead in the stretch, drew away decisively in. the last eighth. LAST BID, a strong factor throughout, was much the best of the others. CHATTER BLACK showed speed, but tired. IVAN W. had no mishaps. EAR FULL met early interference, but easily disposed of the others. Scratched 85193Crowned Head, 112; 85442 Letalone, 107; 85379The Southerner, 107; 85192 Tchadex, 102; 85317 Helens Alibi, 107; 85380 Justa Flapper, 105; 85442 The Miss, 107. Overweight Last Bid, 1 pound; Chatter Black, 2; Cloirado, 4. Corrected weight Portam, 112. - QKKAK SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards. Madwind, July 16, 1932 1:404 3 101. Purse OtftfrttJ 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 0; Aug.-9-33-Tdn third, 5. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA WtTPSt i Str Fin Jot-keys ..ers Equiv. Odds Strt 85316MUTUAL FRIEND wb 6 112 4 1 1 l4 T Is l4 DewainS J M Overly 130-100 84798DEJA w 4 97 7 3 21 2 21 21 21UacobsJ Mrs G W Norris 820-100 85252CRASHER w 8 112 3 2 31 34 34 35 3C FowlerT W S Sweeney 450-100 85025 DUNAIR wb 3 109 6 10 8 61 41! 4 41 TrberioN G C Berger 400-100 84552PRINCE PEBBLES w 3 102 12 12 101 81 71 8s 51 TaylorD C Boose 3210-100 84731TABBY wb 3 100 10 7 61 71 61 51 61! HaberR A Thomas 2130-100 84971FAST COLORS w 3 102 9 9 71 91 91 71 7 KingJ P T Chinn 843611LAST HOUR w 5 107 5 5 5 5k 8 6k 8l WhitacreL Mrs L H Silver 1570-100 85379 TENANT wb 6 112 8 4 4l 41! 51 9 9 MunozF Mrs M Barr r 85437SOLUS w 6 107 11 11 91 101 10 10 10 KellyEJ Mrs H G Knott 4870-100 85023 BEAUTY BRIDE wb 4 107 2 8 IP 11 11 11 ll1! MartinJ B Overcast 5220-100 85438 NANCY CLOI wb 4 103 1 612 12 12 12 12 DayJ W M Cain 4730-100 tMutuel field. Time, :Uys, :49, 1:154. 1:43. 1:46. Track heavy. , J2 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . MUTUAL FRIEND ....$ 4.60 .80 $ 2.80 130100 40100 40100 DEJA Field ....... 5.40 3.40 170100 70100 CRASHER .-. 3.20 60100 Winner B. g, by Infinite Mercadel, by The Commoner trained by J. G. Angner; bred by Mr. L. C. Young. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 4:56. AT POST 5 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MUTUAL FRIEND, much the best, was never threatened. DEJA held the others safe. CRASHER ran an even race, but could not improve over third position. DUNAIR closed a gap from a slow beginning. PRINCE PEBBLES finished with belated rush on the outside. The others tired. Scratched 85380 Pennant Bearer. 102; 85380 Flying Giblon, 105; 83487 El Galivan, 110; 84296 Lady Sweet, 110; 84156 Back Kick, 99; 84361 Hoosier Prince, 112. Overweight Dunair, 2 pounds; Nancy Cloi, 1. Corrected weight Tenant, 112; Nancy Cloi, 102. QeTBTli SEVENTH RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards. Madwind, July 16, 1932 1:40 3 101. 0.tFJJ Purse 00. 4-year-oldsivand upward. Claiming. Net. value to winner 25; second, Aug.-9-33-Tdn 0; third, 5. Claiming price, 00. Index Horses EqtA -WtlP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 84414 MY DESIRE wb.41083 4 1 11 Is Is SylvesterJ O A Simmons . 1070-100 84807LITTLE TOOTS w 5 103 5 1 31 41 4 3 21 DayJ Nugent Stable 580-100 85117HYPOLUXO wb 7 107 6 5 4k 3l 24 24 3 MartinJ S C Foster 250-100 84807 UNCLE SI w 9 113 11 8 9l 10 84 51 4 ErwinS W H Roberts 85314JSURLY w 5 111 7 2 21 2 31 41! 51 NealE Blue Star Stable . 240-100 841 583PRINCESS DARE w 6 1001 8 3 5l 61 71 7" 61 HaberR B Hernandez 1560-100 85378BOBBIE R. wb 7 104 10 9 8 7U 61 61 71 MauroF E ILMcMahon 9740-100 85317PRISCILLA LEE w 4 109 1 11 10 91 10s 101 81 TrberioN Mrs A J Booker 690-100 85064PATRICIA McKEON w 6 106 4 6 6 5 5l 8i 9l JulianG G W Coffey 1190-100 85189EDDIE LEHMANN w 7 105 9 7 71 84 91! 91 10l KellyJ B Guest t 85384 FAIR JUDGE wb 4 108 12 10 12 12 11 ll4 11s OsborneH W I Newmarch 3210-100 85063 PRINCE ASCOT w 4 107 2 12 ll1 1112 12 12 FrogteDE J E Lewis 7480-100 tMutuel field. Time, :24, :49, 1:15, 1:42, 1:45. Track heavy. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS .. MY DESIRE .... 3.40 .60 $ 4.40 1070100 330100 120100 LITTLE TOOTS Field...... 6.60 3.20 230100 60100 HYPOLUXO 3.20 60100 Winner Ch. f, by Upset Volition, by Von Tromp trained by H. O. Simmons; bred by Le Mar Stock Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 5:25. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MY DESIRE was never in trouble. LITTLE TOOTS closed resolutely in the stretch and outlasted HYPOLUXO. The latter had no mishaps and tired. UNCLE SI closed a big gap in the final half mile. SURLY showed early speed,- but tired. PRINCESS DARE finished resolutely. The others were outrun. Scratched 85189 Zebra, 100; 851931 Beige, 108; 85440 Donate, 111; 85438 Shakitup, 107; 85384 Water Fowl, 108; 85380 Twenty Five Sixty, 103. Overweight Little Toots, 3 pounds: Princess Dare, 3; Bobbie R., 2; Priscilla Lee, 1;. Fair Judge, 1. Corrected weight Fair Judge, 107.