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J FIRST OF SARATOGA SALES Yearlings, Brood Mares and Weanlings Make Up Offering. Thirty-Two Head Bring 5,800, Average of ,431 Brood Mare The Beasel Realizes Top Trice of ,000. SARATOGA SPRINGS, N. Y., Aug. 9. The inaugural sale of the year was held Tuesday evening at the Union Avenue sales paddock under the auspices of the Fasig-Tipton Co. Consignments from Victor Emanuel, Herbert Pulitzer and others were offered. The weather was cool -and threatening, hut a surprisingly large crowd journeyed to the ring to attend the sale. Thirty-two head were disposed of for a grand total of 5,-800 or an average of ,431 each. The Emanuel offerings consisted of yearlings, brood mares and weanlings, which were sold with their dams. Bidding on the choice lots was brisk and spirited, and the star of the sales was the Sunspot mare, The Beasel. This young mare, in foal to Victorian, was the object of spirited bidding, with Warren Wright, the Chicago sportsman, pitting his Tvealth against the Brookmeade Stable of Mrs. Dodge Sloane, represented by the veteran Bob Smith. The Beasel, a successful race mare of a few seasons back, went to the Calumet establishment of Warren Wright on his bid of ,000. Mrs. Sloane, while somewhat disappointed in failing to secure The Beasel, secured Mul-tiflora, a daughter of Pennant and Polyan-tha, for ,000. Bidding on this mare was also brisk. She had a foal at her side by Blue Larkspur. The Brookmeade Stable added another well-bred mare to its ranks when imported Queen Herod was purchased from the Pulitzer consignment for ,300. William H. Gallagher, who has been identified with racing for several years, purchased several brood mares, which will be used as the nucleus of a nursery. He purchased imported Leap Year Girl for 00, Daunt for ,300, and Starella for 00. The yearlings realized ,900, with Shot Gun and Prosecutor dividing honors for top prices. Shot Gun, an imported son of Teddy, was purchased by the Calumet Stable for ,000, while W. H. Gallagher paid a like amount for Prosecutor. The following is a summary of the sale? PROPERTY OF VICTOR EMANUEL: Yearlings Horse. Color and Sex. Buyer. Amt. Imp. Fluke, gr. f, by Duncan Gray imp. Leap Year Girl; W- S. Kilmer. .$ 500 High Hand, ch. f, by Genie High Spade; S. Littner. 700 Prosecutor, b. c, by Zev Daunt; W. H. Gallagher 2,000 Red Cap, ch. c, by The Porter Slow . and Easy; W. H. Gallagher 1,000 Sheratan, b. c, by The Porter-Star- ella; S. T. Waggoner 700 Imp. Shot Gun, b. c, by imp. Teddy Why Marry; Calumet Farm. ... 2",000 Brood Mares: Budara, b. m, by The Finn Buda, and foal by Le Voleur; F. Johnson $ 1,100 Daunt, ch. m, by Lucullite Dauntless, and foal by Zev; W. H. Gallagher. . . 2,300 Dustaway, b. m, by Whisk Broom U. Playcany, and foal by Whichone; T.Piatt 900 Miss Fortune, b. m, by imp. All Gold Sticking, and foal by The Porter; S. T. Waggoner 1,100 Imp. Leap Year Girl, blk. m, by Val- ens Happy Girl; W. H. Gallagher. 500 Multiflora, b. m, by Pennant Polyan-tha, and foal by Blue Larkspur; Brookmeade Stable 7,000 Imp. Nought, b. m, by Amandis Nonpareil, and foal by Gainsborough; T. Cassidy 1,300 Slow and Easy, ch. m, by Colin imp. Shyness, and foal by Crusader; Calumet Farm 6,000 Starella, ch. m, by imp. Star Shoot Pamela, and foal by Morvich; W. H. Gallagher 500 Talisman, b. m, by Colin Pocket-piece; Llangollen. Farm 1,200 The Beasel, b. m, by Sunspot imp. Antipodes; Calumet Farm 8,000 Toney Princess, br. m, by Black Toney Brown Princess; T. H. McCreery. 1,600 Totals 26 8,400 Average 1,477 PROPERT OF HERBERT PULITZER: Stallion: Horse. Color and Sex. Buyer. Amt. Imp. Cohort, b. s, by Grand Parade Tetrabbazia; H. N. Davis $ 900 Yearling: Ch. c, by Chance Play imp. Queen Herod; Brookmeade Stable ,500 Brood Mares: Emancipate, ch. m, by Upset Henrietta Thorpe; H. N. Davis $ 150 Moony, b. m, by Mad Hatter Constellation, and foal by Cohort; T. Piatt. 550 Imp. Queen Herod, ch. m, by Tetra-tema Reine de Neige; Brookmeade Stable 4,300 . Totals 6 ! .,400 Average .,233