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" WSSPiHHrffKl B,G RED 0.60, LOST B m.M mM P2H 9 1 fl l Tuesdays Parlay: lil 9 3 1 3 I 1 1 ESSENTIAL, .80, WON If Iand V9 IBI lillij GAMBADO, .20, .20, 2ND JMJtJKULaStM Mondays Parlay: For Years a "Menace" to the "Bookies" DIXIANA ENTRY, 0.94, WON Ask Any "Old Timer"-Hell Tell You GAILLARDIA, 1.70, 3RD IT IT ALWAYS PAYS TO GET THE BEST GOOD INFO costs plenty but ifs worth it and any "FIELD FOLLOWER" will testify that NO TIME, TROUBLE OR EXPENSE is spared to give them LIMIT PRICED WINNERS. I never resort to handicapping, systems or guessing. You pay for REAL INSD3E "DOPE" when youre with me and thats EXACTLY WHAT YOU GET ! START WITH ME TODAY AND BE CONVINCED ! DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS, DAILY! City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 0596 for messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay ! ! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, III. INCREASE YOUR WINNINGS BY USING THE WALLINGFORD WAY METHOD GET YOUR COPY TODAY! The following is a partial list of recent winners picked by the Wallingford Way method: AUTHORITY, 2.90, WON MRS. LET, 13.90, WON liADY GIBSON, 11.40, WON ELIZABETH FOX, 9.20, WON MY BOSS, 9.04, WON SNAPLOCK, 8.86, WON ELEGY, 830, WON BALD CREST, 7.40, WON BARKANTINE, 6.96, WON TIMOROUS, 5.36, WON AL GREEN, 3.60, WON You Can Select Winners at Long Odds And the Price Is Only .50 PLEASE DO NOT SEND STAMPS The Wallingford Way has been tested by experts and has proven itself highly valuable to the turf fan. Regardless of what method you use, WALLINGFORD WAY will prove a valuable asset to any player because it will steer you away from races in which anything can happen. The method will point out comparatively few plays each day, but those it has pointed out, have shown a high winning percentage. SEND YOUR ORDER TO WEEKLY RACING GUIDE 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. PARLAYGRAPH FORMERLY PRICED AT REDUCED TO 50 CENTS The following is a part of the Graph taken from the chart showing the simple and brief manner in which a parlay can be "figured with its help: I -JO l-IO 1-28 l-S 1-4 1-10 7- VS .a ai a a m a a JOO M0 ICS 110 US l IS 130 US li t-a 210 ias no us iz m m ix ii id 220 IM US 121 lit IS 137 14 141 IjA 1-29 230 IIS l20 126 in 138 14 l ISS 151 V IS M 120 126 132 131 144 ISO 156 162 13 M 250 I2S 11 137 143 150 IS6 M2 l ITS f 260 130 136 14 149 IS6 K2 169 175 K2 I 7-20 270 135 141 1 155 162 la 175 It2 ! 25 280 140 147 IS4 161 WS ITS 112 1 I5J MB 290 4S 152 159 166 174 III Mt l TM 1-2 300 ISO 157 165 172 M0 U7 15 202 2l 11-20 31C ISS 162 170 176 IS6 l 201 2 Ztl 3-5 320 160 13 176 IM 192 200 XX 216 224 13-20 330 165 in III 119 196 206, jJT? 222 23U I K MO 170 178 187 195 204 J2 flT 229 238V 3- 4 350 ITS 183 192 201 218 227 236 24s 4- 5 160 180 189 198 MJ 216 225 234 24 252 f 17-20 370 185 194 203, 2I2 222 231 24C 249 259 9-10 380 190 199 and 218 228 2H 247 -256 266 7MB 390 195 TfC 214 224 24 24 253 26 273 V 400 210 220 230 2 250 281 270 HD Xjpy Example: If you played a two-horse parlay and one paid .30 and the other .60 ; in the .00 mutuels, or 13-20 and 3-10 in the oral betting, the exact pay-off would be .14 for .00. All that is needed to find the ; ! correct amount of any parlay is to simply find where the prices paid by the horses , played meet. We Have a Limited Supply on Hand to Offer at the Above Price SEND FOR YOUR COPY TODAY WZZKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly 21 Plymouth Court Chicago, HI. tW l J IV IV IX DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR THURSDAY: HAWTH0R N E E-24-25-25-19. CONEY ISLAND A-23-25-12-16. WM. BURKE KELLY 423 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. PLAY HORSES FOR PROFIT You must select and bet properly to be successful. I will teach you a proven method which should give you an assured income. Write for appointment. ROBERT S. KELLEY Sutherland Hotel, Drexel and 47th St. Chicago, 111. MASTER CLOCKER OCCASIONAL CODE: SARATOGA Tan-Fee-Cat-Owe-Law. THE CHICAGO WEEKLY TURF BULLETIN AND SPORTS RECORD Price 35c On Sale Everywhere Price 35c TODAYS THURSDAYS FREE CODE: HAWTHORNE June-London-Detroit-Detroit. CLOCKERS REVIEW SOLD ON ALL NEWSSTANDS 35c a Copy Todays Free Code: SARATOGA Green-1-22. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: CONEY ISLD: Cap-18-1. CONEY ISLD: Starter-26-4. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY 35 Cents a Copy Sold at All Newsstands TODAYS FREE CODE: HAWTHORNE August-1-2-18-24. ; ; ! , I " WT m ACCLAIMED BY EVERT NEWSPAPER IN THE COUMTKT FOR MY SUCCESS N . M i .t m IB ttR. SULLIVAN now ready again t bookies dot t like it wmcH sir srf OrsJ WHEN "BETTER" INFORMATION IS GIVEN, "SULLIVAN" WELL GIVE IT! YESTERDAYS PARLAY LOST FREE! FREE! TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS! BUT I PROMISE TO REDEEM MYSELF Another sensational Horsemens Special from the TODAY same source that gave us DIVERT, 1.48, WON IT NO WAITING! NO DELAY! NO SUBTERFUGE! W REMEMBER, WE ADVERTISE LOSERS AS WELL AS WINNERS ! I urge all OLD AND NEW "SULLIVAN FOLLOWERS" to be with mc TODAY I I promise to annihilate the "ENEMY BOOKMAKER" TODAY! 9" TODAYS PARLAY SHOULD PAY 0- -W TERMS, S3 A DAY. CHICAGO READERS. Call at our office or phone RANDOLPH 9195 9196. Parlay sent to you with messenger. OUT-OF-TOWN PLAYERS, telegraph at once. J. SULLIVAN, 127 N. Dearborn St. Room 1327, Chicago, Hi. Harvey Ames, Inc. 1674 Broadway, Corner 52nd St., New York, N. Y. TEN DOLLARS TODAY, THURSDAY, AUG. 10 We are anticipating an old-time cleanup at Saratoga today. Rush your subscription to the above address, as we have no agents or representatives anywhere. TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Columbus 5-2428, 5-2422, 5-2415, 5-6760, 5-0995 Daily Telegraph The "Pink Sheet" Price, 15 Cents TWO FREE CODE HORSES WIN BURNING UP, Free Code at Hawthorne, Paid, .46 LONG BIT, Free Code at Coney Island, Paid, 3.80 IWTHE FREE CODE RELEASE is one of the features of Chicago Daily Telegraph service. Two horses are given daily over Wabash 7000 in Chicago. The code is printed daily in this advertisement and the key is found in the "Pink Sheet." LADYKIN, Regrens Best Bet, Paid, .68 WAHMI, Bassetts Coney Island Special, Paid, 5.40 CUSTOMER, Regrens Thistle Down Pay-Off, Paid, 3.80 PUCHERO, Bassetts Saratoga Special, Paid, 3 to 1 THURSDAYS TWO FREE CODES: HAWTHORNE Park-33-22-26. CONEY ISLAND Park-34-36-22. TO DECIPHER FREE CODES BUY A TELEGRAPH CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. per Month by First Class Mail per Month by Air Mail RAY PAXON Worlds Leading Handicapper and Turf Informant WINNERS! WINNERS! WINNERS! That is what Ray Paxon promised during the summer meetings and that is just what he has produced for his hundreds of followers. During the last ten racing days, ending Tuesday, August 8, he has released 50 PER. CENT WINNERS WHERE CAN YOU DUPLICATE THIS. REMARKABLE FEAT FOR SO LOW A COST? It is only made possible through my vast clientele. The new Code Card is now on sale and will continue to pick a large percentage of winners. Send in your dollar .00 today and you will receive two Code Cards, good for the next twelve days service. Dont delay. Many "GOOD THINGS" are scheduled to amble forth during the Coney Island meeting and will be released in code to all my followers. Two De Luxe Specials Thursday HAWTHORNE AND CONEY ISLAND Word has reached me from my expert staff at Hawthorne and Coney Isand to the effect that two smart tricks are scheduled for action Thursday, August 10, one at Coney Island, and the other at Hawthorne. Both have received special propping for these engagements and, barring accidents, should win in a common canter. The same price of will prevail for the DE LUXE Specials. When wiring or writing, please ask for DE LUXE Specials, as this is a separate and distinct service from the codes released daily. Send your subscription at once and both horses will be wired you by fast collect telegram about noon on day of race. Remember, six out of the last ten releases have won and have shown a profit of 79.50 on a 0 flat play. Let Paxon show you how to beat the races send your subscription at once and start right in winning. TUESDAYS CODE HORSES: LONG BIT, .80, WON GRAND PRINCE, Ran Third MONDAYS CODE HORSE: BEAVER , .84, WON THURSDAYS TWO FREE CODES: HAWTHORNE Gelding-20-12-20-1. CONEY ISLAND Gelding-2-12-15-15. RAY PAXON 320 East Third St. Suite 401, Cincinnati, Ohio MAN O WAR Code Parlay: HAWTHORNE Sidney-27-35-29-19 and : CONEY ISLAND Melvin-33-41-23-25. Free Code: I HAWTHORNE Jockey-45-34-28-34. Jockey Code: I CONEY ISLAND Parke-41-29-47-29. COMPASS For Sale at All Newsstands 35 Cents i Code Parlay: HAWTHORNE June-44-40-32-28 and j CONEY ISLAND May-26-50-56-46. Free Code: BLUE , , Eddie-48-26-28-36. Clockers Code: CONEY ISLAND Dodge-53-29-57-11. : I I Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HORSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS RACING GUIDE CODE SERVICE THE BEST During the last fifty-seven racing days, ending Monday, August 7, Weekly Racing Guides two Code Services showed a remarkable winning percentage and a fair profit on a flat play. CARMAC, the Mathematical Wonder, gave out forty-nine per cent winners in the fifty-seven days and had seventy-seven per cent in the money. Here is his record: 24 Winners 8 Seconds 5 Thirds 10 Lost 9 Scratched ASA POWELL, known for the many long shots he has released, gave out thirty-eight per cent winners and had eighty per cent in the money. 20 Winners 17 Seconds 6 Thirds 11 Lost 5 Scratched The releases are made in code and appear in . this advertisement daily. The code for deciphering the releases can be found on page 15 Weekly Racing Guide. Readers in the following cities, call accompanying numbers: Chicago Readers, Call Wabash 7124 Cincinnati, Ohio.: Main 4200 New Orleans, La...... Main 367,8 New York, N. Y Bogardus 5900 San Francisco, Calif. Market 1624 St. Louis, Mo Garfield 4739 Cleveland, Ohio Kenmore 1153 or 1965-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the daily releases of Carmac and Asa Powell. CARMACS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: HAWTHORNE Hot-7-48. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR THURSDAY: HAWTH0 R N E Fat-47-56. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF AUGUST 5 WEEKLY RACING GUIDE Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly Subscription Rate One Month, .25; Six Months, IS; One Year, 0. 421 Plymouth Court Chicago, BL CARL BRADY TURF WEEKLY 35c Sold on All Newssands 35c Todays Free Code-HAWTHORNE York-28-42. Todays Code Parlay" HAWTHNE: Black-15-13. CONEY ISLD: Gray-3-8. For Win Parlays, see page 4, Carl Brady. GRANDSTAND TURF WEEKLY FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35c Todays Free Code: HAWTHORNE For-41-42-11-53. TODAYS CODE PARLAY: HAWTHNE: Nail-47-41. CONEY ISLD: Bolt-33-55.