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DETROIT OFFICIALS NAMED Judge Joseph A. Murphy Completes Staff for Fair Grounds. ."W. R. Norvell Selected as One of Stewards and Sidney Brown Gets Post as Placing Judge. , CICERO, 111., Aug. 9. For the inaugural meeting of the Detroit Racing Association, which will open on Saturday, Sept. 2, Joseph A. Murphy, director of racing and presiding steward, has selected a staff of officials second to none, thereby clinching strict and expert supervision for the sport at this new major course. In addition to judge Murphy, the board of stewards will be composed of Herman P. Conkling and W. R. Norvell, while John Carey, Sidney Brown and Charles F. Henry will serve as placing judges. Roy Dicker-son will be in charge of the starting and Joseph McLennan has been engaged as racing secretary. The duties of clerk of the scales will be looked after by Eugene Bury, who will also serve as an assistant racing secretary and handicapper. Charles McLennan will be acting racing secretary during the absence of his father, who due to secretarial duties at New York and Maryland tracks, will spend only a short time at the Detroit track. All conditions, however, will be written by the senior McLennan. Charles Kenney will serve as one of the patrol judges and will also make a tour of the various tracks in the interest of the Detroit Association prior to the opening of the meeting. The several other officials will be selected within a short time. Starter Dickerson will use the Bahr starting gate for all sports and the gate to be used will be set up a week or ten days before the opening so that it may be used for schooling purposes. Judge Conkling, who has served on many major tracks in the United States and Canada, is serving with judge Murphy at Hawthorne and also fills a like post at Havre de Grace and the New Orleans Fair Grounds. At Pimlico he is one of the placing judges. Judge Conkling will serve at Detroit until the opening of Havre de Grace. The other officials are men of well known reputation for probity and ability and Detroit patrons can feel well assured that their interest will be protected in every manner by this staff of competent officials.