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j v w SUMMER MEETING W-l H AWTHORN K 1 30 DAYS OF RACING 30 2 SATURDAY, AUGUST 12 1 THE ILLINOIS HANDICAP I ,500 ADDED AND SILVER CUP 1 SPECIAL TRAINS ILLINOIS CENTRAL ! Leave Van Buren St. Station nt 1:10 and 1:30 j except Saturday and Jold Cup Day Special at 12:50. Stops at Twelfth St. and at Halsted 1 going and returning. ROUND TRIP. 50c. L" SERVICE. LOOP TO GRANDSTAND in 30 MIN- I UTES. Fast race specials leave La Salle and I Van Buren at 12:13, 12:55. 1:07. 1:19. 1:31, I making all Loop Etation stops and receiving I I passengers at Marshfield Ave. Regnlar service I at C-mlnute intervals. ROUND TRIP includ- I ing Bus to Grandstand, 40c. 1 RACES START AT 2:15 ! i ADMISSION: I 1 GRANDSTAND. .30 j I State and Federal Tax Included ! j CLUBHOUSE, 50 CENTS ADDITIONAL I ! For Reservations Phone CICERO 3852 Children Under 16 Years of Age Not Admitted j I I I I j I j ! ! I I I I ? I I f I I