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WOR KOUTSj afNf -ttandand I Arwv vw -tssandTv Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, b reexlng; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; n, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown In Black Face Type Am WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9 HAWTHORNE. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7-22 Ata Ormont :37h 8-1 King Pin.... :40 b 7- 25 Broomshot . :36 d 8-6 Kildee Mary. :37 h 8- 6 Boy Crazy.. :37 h 7-30 Leonic :38b 6- 16 Black Peter. :38b 8-4 March King. :37 h " 8-6 Btling Knit :37 h 8-6 Mr. Sponge.. :39 b 8-7 Dawnchild .. :35b 8-6 Monks Star. :35h 7- 26 Dusky Lass. :37 h 8-7 Portmanteau. :37 h 8- 7 Don Leon... :36h 8-1 Porteuse ... :36d 7- 31 George Jr... :38b 8-5 Peace Lady.. :37 h 8- 4 Glastonbury :37h 7-31 Spey Charlie :39b 7-20 Gala Flight.. :38 b 8-7 Swiftsport .. :37b 7- 30Hambora ... :36 h 8-5 Sylvia :36h 8- 8 Ida S :36andh Siclette .... :36 h 8-3 Jens Son.... :37h 8-2 Volta Maid.. :38b One-Half Mile. 8-2 Aida Marie.. :49h 8-6 Madwind ... :50b 8-7 Blameless .. :49h 8-7 Mintogee ... :51b 8-6 Cantie :50h 8-5 Nth Shadow :51b 7- 26 Double Date. :50 b 8-6 Peedeeque .. :52 b 8- 6 Dowagiac ... :50h 8-4 Replevin ... :51 b 8-3 Fighting Bob :48h 8-3 Resisting ... :51 b 5- 12 Gallop Along 1 h 8-7 Se a. Sound :53b 7- 18 Hss Wonder :49h 8-1 Tarn :51 h 6- 20 High Power. :51h 8-6 Wites Night :49 h 8- 3 Karl Eitel... :51b Five-Eighths Mile. 8-8 Alpers 1:04 b 8-8 Meloy ......1:04 b 8-4 Ashen 1:07 b 8-4 Mayrcen ...l:02d 8-8 Bck Sumnerl:02 d 8-7 Old Judge.. .l:03b 6- 28 Buty Secretl:08b 8-6 Ping Coates.l:02h " 7- 4 Boston Kittyl:08 b 8-4 Pr. a. Poetry1:0l d 7- 31 Capt. Logan.l:03b 8-4 Plucky Play.l:04b 8- 7 Dr. Parker. .1:04 h 7-31 Ryal Guincal:04hN 8-2 Even Play... 1.-05 b 8-6 Rocky News. l:03b 8-7 Foxiana l:02h 8-5 Reconnoiter 1:07 b 8-8 Greenwald ..l:05b 8-5 Sweet Va...l:04h 7- 20Hosain 1:07 b 8-4 Topple 1:05 b 8- 6 My Boss....l:08b 8-6 Victorium ..1:05 b 7- 16Minton 1:10 b 8-7 Zelleen ....l:03d 8- 6 Mata Hari.. .l:02b Three-Quarters Mile. 8-6 Cuirassier ..151 b 7-25 Olive Sabathl:18 b 8-8 Chley Brucel:21b 8-2 Over Shady.l:21 b 8-5 Colonel Sam.lOiih and4 Portcodine ..1:20 b 8-1 Dr. Freelandl:20 b 7-4 Saunter ....l:18b 8-3 Disaster ....1-21 b 8-6 Sherab 1:17 b 8-6 Drombo 1:15 h 8-3 Seths Ballotl:24b 8-1 Espinaca ...1:16 h 7-21 St. Nazaire.a:18 b 8-2 Hydsar l:18b 7-18 Saint Louis. l:17h 8-6 Little Patriotl:17 h 8-4 Tweeny ....1:20 b 8-6 Miss Marr...l:16h 7-31 Water Port.. 1:18 b 7- 21 No More....ld7b Seven-Eighths Mile. 8- 8 Caius l:31h 8-7 Silent Shot.. 1:30 h 8-7 Finnic l:30:h One Mile. 7-31 At Top l:47b 8-4 Lady Dean.. 1:45 h 7- 28Esseff l:46b 8-3 Prs Camelial:44h 8- 4 Evergold ...1:45 d 8-6 Rocky Way.. l:53b 8-7 Indn Runnerl:45 b 7-22 Sizzling ....l:443h . 8-7 Jackknife ..l:46h 8-7 Tmy Tickle.l:45h Prose and Poetry showed a good effort. Mata Hari was well in hand. SPORTSMANS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-2 Aliens :39 b 8-7 Morsnuff .. :38h 8-4 Belles Last.. :39h 8-4 Pollys Folly :37h 8-3 Chief Gnimo :38 b Sleepy Boy. :40b 8-6 Longus .... -.40 b 7-25 Wild Child.. :39 b 7- 29 Msh Amulet :38 b One-Half Mile. 8- 6 Lessing .... :52 h 8-7 Wward Lad :53b 8-6 Sydka :52h " Five-Eighths Mile. 8-5 Glen Over... 1:08 b 7-24 Mrn Maidenl:08b Three-Quartjrs Mile. 8-7 Bridgeport .l:26b 8-5 Lerack ....1:19h 8-7 Culloden . . .l:22b j i SARATOGA. Main track. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 8-2 Che Custom :37h 8-6 Omajya .... :37 h 8-6 Con Amore. . :36d 7-26 Pova :Zbh 7- 20 Ebb and Flw :38h 8-5 Political.... :37 h S-6 Earnings ... :37h 8-6 Sickle Pear.. :35d 8- 7 Fair Sickle.. :35d 8-6 Some Pomp.. :37 h Hustle :36 d 8-5 Silk Flag. . . . :36 h 8-7 Jabot :35d 8-6 The Triumvir :37h 8-7 Lynnewood.. :35d One-Half Mile. 7- 17 Brad :49h 8-3 Jeannette . . :51h 8- 7 Black Tyrone :49h 8-7 Lacquer Lady :51h 8-7 Black Bean.. :53 b 8-7 Lynx Eye.... :53 b 8-3 Caesrs Ghost :49 h 8-5 Mayvite .... :49h 8-1 Chicstraw .. :53 b fr-7 Mae Fallon.. :50h 8-6 Chartres .... :49 h 8-7 Mrn Margt :50 h 8-7 Calycanthus :48d 8-5 Mr. Khayam :47d 8-5 Collateral... :53 b 8-7 Nights End.. :50h 8-5 Cassagain ... :50h 8-4 Ncverfadc .. :48h 8-7 Dunbar .... :48 d 8-4 Natl Anthem :49 h 8-7 Esy Come.. :49h 8-7 Observant .. :53b 8-1 Elylee :50h 5-31 Oh Baby.... :52 h 8-5 Fabius :47d 8-3 Pebblestone :50 h 7-17 Fleet Flag... :51 h 8-6 Quel Jeu. ... :49 h 8-4 Fy Feathers. :55 b 8-7 Sir Kai :50h 8-2 Ft Minstrel. :50h 8-7 Scythe :48d 7- 30 Glen Feii :49 h 8-3 Triangular.. :53b 8- 7 Ivanoff :50h 7-27 Volette :51 h " 8-7 Inlander .... :49 h 8-7 Wd-in-Chy :50h 8-6 Irish Wake.. :48d 8-2 Zipalong .... :53 b 8-6 Jack Campbl :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 8-8 Blue Again. .1:03 d 8-6 Pairbypair ..l:03h 8-1 Brn Jack...l:02h 8-5 Persickle ...1:02d Bizzare l:03h 8-8 Ruff Stuff .. .1:03 h 8-8 Bartcg Katel:03h 8-7 Salve 1:03 d 8-7 Dna James. 1:07 b 8-7 Sassafras ...1:05 h 8-6 Crout au Potl:02d 8-7 Terrier 1:03 d 7- 24GagPe 1:04 h 8-7 Xerseise . .. .1:03 d 8- 7 Goose Flesh. 1:05 h . 8-6 Worthgton l:03d 8-8 Gaalvvarrow .l:03d ; - Three-Quarters Mile. 8-7 A-cent l:16h 8-7 Old Baldy. . .l:16h 7- 31 Aubyi Boy... l:19b 8-6 Orphean ....l:15d 8- 7 Comcoma ..1-19 h 8-7 Octaroro ...1:15 d 8-8 Caloric l:15d 8-6 Pinbud 1:20 h 8-2 Distinct 1:21 b 8-7 Roustabout .1:16 h 8-5 Dark Love.. l:16h 8-4 Sir Gareth... 1:19 h 7- 31Dartle 1:21 b 8-7 Sunwood ...M8 h 8- 7 Early Light. l:17h 8-5 Spanish Playl:19 h 8-6 Fighting; Irishl:20 h 8-7 Sainted ....1:16 h 8-3 Kings Minsl 1:16 h 8-7 Time Off ... .1:21 b 6- 16 Miss Careful.l:16 h 8-6 Top Row. . M:15d 8-7 Nocturl Lad 1:21 b 7-10 Trading Postl:20 h One Mile. 7- 27 A La Carte. .l:44h 7-23 Ncgopoli . . .l:45h 8- 7 Bolilee l:45h 8-6 Newgro .1:47 h . 8-7 Center Lane.l:43 d 8-7 Pompoleon ..1:48 h 8-3 Georgian . . .l:44d 8-7 Rash Momentl:44 d 8-7 Gusto 1:42 d 8-6 Swatter ....1:42 d 7- 24 Jubilation ..l:43d 7-18 The Doctor.. 1:44 h 8- 8 Keep Out...l:44h 8-7 The Darb. . .l:43h 8-6 Luggage ....l:43d 7-13Sarsita 1:45 h 8-6 Ls Mrymnl:46 h 8-6 Vested Powerl:42d 8-7 Mad Frump.. 1:49. h One and One-Eiqhth Miles. 8-6 Golden Way.1:56 d 8-4 Larranaga ..l:56d Golden Way is at the peak of his form. j i ; - The Darb worked impressively. Neverfade has all his early speed. J Con Amore is right on edge. Mr. Khayyam looks, and acts good. SARATOGA. Oklahoma Training Track. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 7- 8 Happy Sue.. 39 h One-Half Mile. 6- 21 Chatterfol .. :51 h 8-6 Miss Glace.. :51 h 8- 5 Dsky Pcess :52h Riva 31 h 8-3 Flag Boy.... :54 b Wise Acre.. :52 h 7- 13Mayaca .... :52h Mile. 8- 5 Herowin ...1:03h 7-24 "Wrackdale ..1:08 b. 8-5 Jim Robin.. 1:08 e Three-Quarters Mile. .8-8 Bder Knightl:19 h One Mile. 8-7 Did She... .1:50 h 8-4 Dark Secret.1:45h THISTLE DOWN PARK. Weather clear; track muddy Three-Eighths Vile. 7- 19 Belle Delight :38d 3-24 Maxie Binder :39h 8- 2 Crystal Spear :43 b 7-7 Marie Dee... :42 h 7- 28 Dorothy Aln :38 d 7-28 Northn Slip :37d 8- 6 Eighth Hole. 39 h 8-2 Ormdale Jr. :42b 8-5 Exceed :38b 8-2 Our Beauty. :38 h 7- 18 Fair Robert. :38h 8-4 Octavia :38h 8- 6 First Down.. :38h 8-3 Single A.... :40h 7- 30 Golden .X... :38h 8-4 Standout ... :40 b 8- 7 Juggernaut . :38h 8-2 Scope :40b 8-7 Jargon :43 b 7-27 Scotch Nell. . :38h 8-8 LoH Tournt :37d 7-18 Tom Ward.. :40b 7- 14 Mast Lady.. :44 b 8-6 Try Come... :40h One-Half Mile. 8- 6 Billy Nicktier 32 h 8-7 Pridie 33 h Conservator. :55 h 8-3 Peace Dove.. :56b 7- 19 Cliffs Queen :52h Poetic Licse.:54b 8- 4 Dists Signal 37b 7-31 Red Riot.... 30 h 7- 5 Little Pindar 36b 8-3 Rosy Dreams 35 h 8- 5 Lillian Z.... 32 h 8-5 Snowcloud . :52h 7-28Marcelet ... 30 h 8-2 Spanson 35 h 7- 29 Ornge Plume :54h 8-1 Venarock ... 33h 8- 7 Old Pride. . . 35 b 8-8 White Toes. . 34h Five-Eighths Mile. 8-5 Atlas l:05h 8-3 Major Lanpr1:04h 7- 8 Buds Choice. 1:08 h 7-30 Sun Mate...l:05d 8- 6 Butter Beansl:06b 7-31 Science Hill.lK7h 7- 29 Clean Clipperl:05 h 8-6 Swiftie .....1:15 b 8- 6 Chow Mein..lK34d 7-27 Transfix ....lK8b 7- 31 Mentality .. .l:07b 5-11 Val J ldO b Manager Bill.l:06h 7-21 Wingo ......1.08 h Three-Quarters Mile. 8- 5 Adilenos ....l:22b 6-8 Purple Robe.l:19h 8-5 Billy Buford.l:20 h 8-6 Quick Thinrl:21 b 7-29Ninera 1:25 b 8-5 St. Jim 1:19Jh 3-21 Newton ....1:28 b 8-4 Uncle Charlyl:30 b 7- 30PanzoIa ....l:20b Seven-Eighths Mile. 8- 6 Wrench ....l:39h CONEY ISLAND. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths M.le. 8-4 Black Nose.. :37 b 8-5 Harld Hayes :37b 7- 31 Balthasar . . :36h 8-4 Main Plate. . :38 b 8- 5 Diodorius .. :37b 8-5 Manhandle . :37 b 8-6 Fair Duchess :38 b 8-6 Ruth Carr.. :38 b 7-25 Flag Flying. :39 b 7-30 Santerno ... 39 b 7-20 French Maid 37 b 7-15 St. Richard. :37b One-Half Mile. 7- 22 Briar Sixty. :50b 7-31 Minnie Belle :49 h 8- 7 Black Comet :50b 8-7 Refund .... 30 u 8-2 Ev. Faithful :50b 8-5 Racketeer .. :51b 8-4 Eleanora M. :51b 4-10 Sweet-Pal . . . :50b 7-22 Hoy 33b 7-21 Shcrty O.... :49h 7-28 George .... :49u 8-6 Spoit Mrvel :50 h 7- 15 Henry Curry 30 b 8-4 Tea Green.. :52 b 8- 2 In High 34 b 8-5 Transverse . :49 h 8-7 Maj. Accidt :51b 7-25 Tommy ..... 35 b 8-7 Marse Chan. 32 b 8-3 Unbelief ... :51b Five-Eighths Mile. 8-8 Busy Office.lKM h 7-25 Marooned ..1:02 b 8-1 Bubbg Btyl:03h 8-2 Polvos Pridel:ll b 7-24Charmion ..l:05b 7-30 Pana Frankal:01h Conasky ...l.-06b 7-29 Sam Patch. .l:02li 7- 29 Caw Caw...l.-02 h 7-17 Sim. Honorsl:02h Dessert ....lK6b 8-5 Thirty. Days. l:03b 8- 6 Donna Woodl.-03b 7-25 Tar Water. .l.-05b 7- 10 Drmy Belle. 1K3 fr 8-6 Try Fair.... lK3h 8- 3 High Clover.l.-05 b 8-6 Voltina ....1:00d 8-7 Just Mrs...lK3d 8-7 Whare .....lKD6b 8-4 Kg Hollisterl:06 b , Three-Quarters Mile. 5 8-6 Big Moment.1:14h 6-7 Ramus 1:18 b I Brown Trap.l:19 b 8-5 Royal Leon.l:18b ? 8-6 Mary Lilly. .l:19b 7-20 Shirley B...l-J5h f 7-31 Norse l:20b 8-7 Sweet One..l:19b 3 7-24Pcock BIue.ld7b One Mile. 8-6 Bob Bates.. 131b 8-6 Nina Louise.l:44h 8-5 Espy B 1:46 b 8-8 Nostaw ....l:44d 3 8-7 Googie 1:41d 7-25 Oakhurst ...1:52 b 7-26 Half Day... 1:45 h 4-11 Ricciardo ..1:42 h-9 8-5 Irene T.....l:46 h 8-5 Scrap Iron..l:47b I 7-23 Kelso l:43h 5 Nostaw worked from the gate. Ricciardo went handily. Voltina was driving. HAMELTON, ONT. i I Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 5 8-4 Candy Pot.. 38 h 8-8 Sweepvale .. :41 b 3 7-21 Dark War. .. :36 h 7-31 Wrley Field. :38 b 3 One-Half Mile. 3 8-5 Ladder .... 31 b 7-3 Nuns Way.. :49 h 3 8-7 Live One... :49 h 7-27 Santa Crest. 31 h 3 Five-Eighths Milr. 7- 18 Court Brflyl:05 h 7-21 JIasque Marl:04 h 8- 7 Feudal Lord.l:02h 7-15 Pper Princcl:04h 6-23 Horometer .1:02 h 7-17Vnary Hourl:04 h 1 7-25 Lucky Lite..l:04b 3 Three-Quarters Mile. 7-13 Herevvard ..1:18 h 8-7 Shady Well. 1:20 h 4 8-5 Kopeck ....1:16 h 7-22 Stormer ....l:21h 9 8-7 King 0Cnorl:25 b 8-5 Young Kittyl:19 h 3 One Mile. ? 8-8 General Toy.l:47 h 8-4 Par Elence.l:47 h CONNAUGHT PARK. 4 Weather clear; track fast I Three-Eighths Mile. 1 8-5 Flr Walker. 39 b 8-5 Royal Quesn 38 b 9 7-25 My Constce 38 b 7-17 Theo. Rochr 39 b 2 8-3 Optical 39 b 8-4 Uvira 38 b 3 One-Half Mile. 8-8 Blk Duchess 31 b 8-8 Shady Rest.. 31 b 8-4 Everthere ... 31 b 8-8 Wee MacGrr 31 b Five-Eighths Mile. i 8-8 Wanderoo ..1:03 h J 1 Thiee-Quarters Mile. 7-7 Count Bruno.l:17 h 8-5 New Sun.... 1:16 h 3 8-5 Disapproved l:17h 8-5 Westys Fox.. 1:17 h b One Mile. i 8-8 Btoh Watersl:47 b 8-5 Style Crner.l:47 b I 7-26 Goeland ... .1:45 h 8-8 Sunchen ....1:44 hi 8-8 Skirt 1:43