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CRETE STABLE RESERVATIONS Leading Western Strings to Campaign at Lincoln Fields and Washington Park. CICERO, 111., Aug. 9. With an alluring array of features and the value of overnight races up to former standards, Lincoln Fields, the beautiful course of the Lincoln Fields Jockey Club, opening on Labor Day for an autumn meeting of eighteen days, will draw many of the outstanding western horses and. the more fashionable stables. Requests for stable accommodations are reported almost equalling in number those received well in advance of the Lincoln Fields spring meeting, which was one of the mo3t successful of the current Chicago season, and the overflow of horses will be quartered at adjacent Washington Park, whence the scene of local racing shifts from the Crete track. General manager C. Bruce Head and executive director M. J. Winn are pleased with early subscriptions to the Lincoln Fields stakes, which are headed by the ,000 added Lincoln Fields Handicap, and join in predicting large and classy fields for all of the features. The stakes will close on August 15, which is also the final day for nominating to the Washington Park stakes. Distribution of stall application blanks is well under way and badges for horsemen and their employes will be ready possibly a week or ten days before the opening. Horsemen are urged to register their stables promptly and blanks for this purpose are available at Hawthorne and the Chicago office of the Lincoln Fields Jockey Club. While none is of major importance, a number of improvements are being made at Lincoln Fields, and all will be completed before the opening. Superintendent Thomas Young is in charge of this work.