6th Belmont, Daily Racing Form, 1934-05-23

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btn rSelmont Purse 900 3YearOIds and Upward Claiming Jack 1 Mile High May 24 1930 135 4 110 110NOTE NOTE Claiming price 1500 if for 2000 3 Ibs extra 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 117 Ibs Nonwinners of two races since April 15 allowed 3 Ibs one race since then or two in 1934 5 Ibs Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horse TrackWt Time AgeToday Price 94561 Integrity Hia 114 137 5 115X 2000 94606 Jesting Rkm 106 140 4 110X 2000 946061 God OWar Hia 110 140 3 105X 1500 150094425Miss 94425Miss Snow Sar 102 140 4 102 1500 94425 Murmuring 3100X2000 944643 Black Falcon M 3 105X 2000 Index Best at Distance Wt Claim ClaimNo No Horsa Track Wt Tim AgeToday Price 94561 Source Circle Lrl 105 142 3 105X 2000 94606 Aubyi Boy M 3 105 2000 94230 Front Lrl 108 142 3105X2000 94740 No Doubt Bel 105J141 3108X2000 94425 Xandra Bel 102 138 4 112X 2000 Integrity X 11 Ch 9 5 by Fair Play Ruthenia by Lemberg LembergMav Mav 9 Jam 58 l02ft 1LtJ Trainer H Jacobs Owner B B Stable StableDate Date Trk D Time Con Odd Wt St 5i Str FiuJockej PPCIrceSts Best Company fa fa1734tBel 1734tBel 1fg 145 ft 115 111 3 1 I1 1 LbergerE1 2000 6 MajGenal 109SCircle 106 Pelhaml08 Ma Ma1234tJam 1234tJam 1 147 ft 135 114 4 3 31 2 LynchJ4 2000 5 Pardee 107 Rego 108 Yap 104 Apt2734cJam 1 148 ft 41 113 1 1 lu 1 RoscnJ1 2000 5 MGcneral 120PBonollORDurbarll7 Apd434TBow 1 148 ft 2 1122 1 Tl Ti MauroF1 1500 7 Rishi 102GenLejne 117GrdHopesll7 Marl434lH5a 1 137 ft 85 104 4 2 21 2i LbergerE 1200 8 Mannerisml09YgJohnl09BaItsar 109 Mac Hia J 123 ft 165 111 454 4si WhbleyR 2000 8 BlimP115BhtBubblel06 D3stribute 103 Mat 8344Hia 1 1 6 ft 31 114 554 3s WholeyR1 2000 7 MyPfchasel09Pardcell4FrlyWild 114 J nrts 1st and 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1933 record 33 789 4570 1934 record 12 321 2200 2200Jesting Jesting X f B i 4 by Snob II Juvenescence by Junior JuniorMav Mav 2 Bel 58 101 ft LL J Trainer F White Owner P S P Randolnh RandolnhMj Mj 18343Bel 1 125 ft 185 110 5 1 Ti I2 CoucciS 1500 13 God oWarl06RkPointll2Euclid 110 May 834Jam 112 It 5 112 3 3 34 451 HunterJ1 2500 5ThePelicanll9Ptdenll5WestMn 114 May 4344Jam 3 1J3 m 21 1108 1 I4 1s HunterJ 1500 8 CrlettellSMissSnowlllMt deMic 110 Ap 2734Jam g 113 ft 20 113 5 5 54 6 GilbertJ1 2000 6THeatnll3Imprtul08DouglasF 105 Decl8334CT 1 105 hy 1710 110 2 3 34i 3s MerrittR 2500 5 Dornoch 110Vacillatell2EHeraId 110 Dec 8334CT 6 f 122 ft 11 105 6 5 55i 5 J MerrittR2 1500 10 Silverdale 115MhStepll5Vacillate 112 Oct 23Rkm 5 fl06 gd310 1031 1 Il P WestropeJ1 1250 6 Mecat HOSandRunner 109Quorum 109 1933 record 14 415 2535 1934 record 4 200 1225 1225God God OWar X 1 C Ch c 3 by War Whoop Lightning by Thunderer ThundererMav Mav 22 Bel 12 49 = Aft J lt Trainer G Strate Owner R C Winmill WinmillWa Wa Wa1834IBel 1834IBel 1 125 ft 12 1061 6 2 21 21 WrightWD1 1500 13 Jesting 110 RkPoint 112 Euclid 110 Api20347HdG I10 148 m 4910 1061 3 2 2Ji SagcPJ 2000 4 HoneysweetlllBiff 109Kiltamond 104 104Apd6341HdG Apd6341HdG 2 114 m 24 110 4 3 57i 6 RenickJ1 1500 8 Watersetl05BlueFoaml08TriHim 108 Mac31345Trp 112 ft 91 1101 4 3 33 3Ji LutherT5 1000 10 BagKnightll6MarevelllPRyon 103 MaiSe Trp 5ifl5ft 31 111 6 4 51 5st LutherT1 1000 9 DornochllSSggHrtlOSUppercut 108 Feb2334Hia 1 139 ft 19 109 1 5 7 7 SchutteH1 1200 8 Escadronll2Grayback HONourrice 99 FebL2134Hia 11 5 ft 12 105 7 7 7 6J SchutteH1 1200 9 AuntFlor 102GenLejeunell3MeloyllO 1933 record 19 1 1 3 715 1934 record 14 1 3 1 735 735Miss Miss SllOW 1 09 Gr f 4 bv Eternal Eaton Girl by Kildare II IIMav Mav 22 AQU 78 l35ft JV i Trainer F J Kearns Owner F J Kearns Mayl434Jam KearnsMayl434Jam 105J 1 147 ft 135 105 1 2 32 3J RoscnJ1 1500 6 Xandral07BanLathll6Mit deMie 105 J 8345Jam 1 145 ft 115 112 3 1 I1 34 HunterJ1 1500 6 Mint deMie06Yap 105DontBlush 114 May 114May 434Jam 5 115 m 135 111 1 4 481 3s PernaC2 1800 8 JcstingllOCurIettcll5Mint de Mie 110 May 110May l34Jam 2 112 ft 3 113 1 1 1 I1 WallsP3 1200 8 Marevell3IdIeStefenll3Espernto 107 Oct24331Emp 107Oct24331Emp le 145 si 411002111 21 HarbortO1 1000 10 WaterwaylllCcntorLanel08PBud 104 Oct2133JEmp 104Oct2133JEmp 5Jf 109 ft 135 103 4 4 34 3s ThurberH 1500 9 Capitalist 107PIayingOn 1060riley 108 Octl833Emp 108Octl833Emp 5Jf 110 m 12 101 2 3 421 41 HarbortO4 1500 6 EgeticBoyl05Dornochl08Quorum 116 1933 record 16 442 2300 1934 record 4 1 0 3 800 800Murmuring Murmuring X 1 00 Br f 3f b Mad Hatter Coquetry by Chicle ChicleMav Mav 22 Aau 12 49ft VU Trainer J Hogan Owner Ascot Stable Mayl4b46Jam StableMayl4b46Jam l V 147 ft 7 105 3 5 5s 6 JacobsJ2 2000 6 Xandral07BanLath 116MissSnow 105 APr3034JJam 105APr3034JJam 1 145 ft 8 106 2 3 2h 1 HaasL1 1500 5 LoftyLadyl07DtBlushl05MDvan 102 102Apt2034HdG Apt2034HdG 3 116 m 14 101 3 4 5i 41 HunterJ2 1200 7 MyBossll8TexasTmy 113BEIect 108 ApdO344Bow 108ApdO344Bow 5 113 ft 68 1081 6 6 6 6 LowryJ1 Allw 6 Piety HOPreccpt 107SpoiItBeauty 107 107Nov24334Bow Nov24334Bow = 114 ft 16f 10411 12 91 9 3 BalaskiL 1800 12 Mt deMiel04HkMothl09APPotox 101 101Kov21331Bow Kov21331Bow J 114 ft 14 10610 11 10 7 LowryJ 1500 12 EasiestWay 107Sequoia 114Goofusl07 114Goofusl07No No 7335Pim i 115 hy 13 116 8 9 81 71 BalaskiL1 Allw 9 Bt byTestU6Precept 116Bronzed 116 1933 record 16 143 1000 1934 record 4 1 0 0 625 625Black Black Falcon X 10 Blk 9 3 M b Omar Khayyam Noralator by Eliminator EliminatorMav Mav 22 Bel 12 52ft LUJ Trainer J P Jones Owner Mrs L Viau ViauMayl534aJam Mayl534aJam 2 113 gd 15 115 2 3 3 31 MalleyT1 Maid 7 WeBirdll5JohnsByll5WdReighll5 May WeBirdll5JohnsByll5WdReighll5May 734Pim lo 145 ft 165 105 6 3 3s 31 JaccbsJ1 2500 10 Leonie 100 Creaky 112SkimaIong 110 May 110May 2341Pim I10 145 ft 7 110 3 7 8s 7i PorterE Maid 9 RhadjnsllS FirerkllOBrsFlying 110 110Apt2534HdG Apt2534HdG 5J f 106 ft 6 110 9 8 42 4l PorterE Maid 12 Accent 113 WhiteBird 110 Gitapp 110 110Aptl6344HdG 116Vw Aptl6344HdG 2 114 m 10 116 2 5 S4 31 MalleyT8 Maid 10 MnGIorylieRdTablelieNtSpre 116 Vw 118Oct2333Lrl l332Pim 2 115 ft 4310 118 6 6 741 l WallsP Maid 12 Pompestian HBBeShy 118RcckX 118 Oct2333Lrl 5 f 107 ft 6 115 7 7 32 34 SteffenE Maid U BrnJack llSKt ofOld 115Smoke 115 1933 record 11 0 1 1 175 1934 record 5 0 0 3 200 200Source Source BeyMav Circle X 1 0 B f 3 by Sun Circle Source by Ali Bey Mav 15 Bel 38 37sl LV7t Trainer J B Belk Owner J B Belk BelkMayl734 Mayl734 Bel 1 1 = 45 ft 12 10611 4 3 3 CruzH 2000 6 IntegritylllMajGenl 109Pelham 108 108May May 934Pim 1 147 It 6 103 1 2 21 21 JacobsJ 1200 8IdleAlongl03MnTimesl0701dField 117 117May May 334sP3m 149 m 6 103 6 1 2k 2 LbergerE 1200 8 BanLathll5LStokesll8BarPete 120 120Apr3034P5m Apr3034P5m I7el46 ft 14 1044 2 21 31 MauroF 1500 8 Aske 114DawnchiId 102KiItamnd 107 107ApE2434THdG ApE2434THdG Itls 148 si 81 105 2 4 41 5M CruzH 1500 6 K5ItamdlOOLitStoksll8GrHops 116 116Apd934THdG Apd934THdG 1 148 m 54 100 2 7 4J 1 HainesG1 1000 7 Barkantinel04Peedeeque HOChips 101 101Aptl3344Bow Aptl3344Bow 5J f 1K8 ft 156 110 3 4 6s 61 CruzH Maid 10 TheTrmvirll5WhBirdll5JkLw 115 1933 record 13 0 0 1 75 1934 record 7 1 2 975 975AubjS AubjS Boy 10 Ch c 3 M by Infinite Fury by Hourless HourlessMav Mav 21 Bel 1m l50ed JVJ Trainer P Beiber Owner P Beiber BeiberMayl834Bel Mayl834Bel J 125 ft 30 106 5 6 6s 7 RenickS 1500 13 JestigllOGod oWarl06 RkPoint 112 112Mayl4344Jam Mayl4344Jam 2113 ft 30 112 8 3 31 4s RenickS 1500 10 Leroline 106 Walda 108 Union 113 113May May 9342Jam 1 113 ft 50 116 4 11 11 11 RenickS11 Maid 11 Polycletus 116OnHand 112Hustle 116 116Sepll333Bel Sepll333Bel 2 112 ft 41 108 4 4 6 J 8s MalleyT1 150010 LittleCorporal 107Cygnil04Georgianl20 Sep 107Cygnil04Georgianl20Sep 533B l 3 113 ft 30 112 6 5 6 51 Malleyl 1500 6 SarnMaidl07BrleBrooml07Pinbd 110 110Au52433 Au52433 Sar f 115 sy 100 115 10 10 1025 1030 LutherT Maid 10 OnlyOnell5WwKingll5S5rThms 115 115Ausl933 Ausl933 Sar 5Jfl07m 100 116 8 11 II10 II13 LutherT1 Maid 11 Observant 1160ny0ne 116XerseiseU6 1933 record 4 1934 record 3 0 0 0 25 25Front Front X 1 0 B 9 3 by The Porter Bosporus by Stefan the Great GreatMav Mav 21 Bel 12 49ed JUJ Trainer W J Norton Owner Mrs J H Whitney Mayl5342Jam 3 112 ft 110 SCRATCHED 2000 6GenlA116TheHeathenlllMareve 111 MaylO342Pim 2 113 ft 113 911 6 6EllisG 1800 12MrHydcll3CrymJall2Pnnywise 117 Ape 3344Bow 2 115 si 18 107 4 5 514 5iJonesRs 2000 6 BlkTarget U6 Quickly 106 Parity 108 108Oct30332Lrl Oct30332Lrl 31d3ft 13 1102 6 8J 84i LowryJ 2000 13 HerGoId 105 Tullihoo 107 Sequoia 110 110Oct26333Lrl Oct26333Lrl 1 140 ft 13 108 2 3 59 8 JonesR 1500 12 Patchpktl08Plighai2LCorporal 112 112Ocil9334Lrl Ocil9334Lrl 1 150 hy 7 110 2 6 6 7 JonesR2 1750 9 LCorporal 105SiipKinglllHuppy 108 1933 record 20 321 1900 1934 record 2 2Jfo Jfo Doubt X 1 OR Cn 9 3 by High Time Lady Ambassador by Ambassador IV IVMav Mav 19 Bel 58 Wilt J uo Trainer M Hirsch Owner Mrs P Corning My2134 CorningMy2134 Bel 1 139 ft 20 105 4 3 3 4 HaasL 2000 13 GenlAll PcockAlley 112Dunbar 116 116May May 8342Jam 3 113 Tt 185 108 4 2 21 1 HaasL 1200 7 BrideElectl05Social UOStirredUp 105 105M M 4Jam 3 116 m 6 107 4 2 I1 I1 HaasL8 1200 9 BigBoots 105Pending U6Learoyd 109 109SepSSOTHdG SepSSOTHdG 5ifl 7ft 20 110 711 21 54 CruzH1 2250 13 Prettiousll2Gnomniel08SoeGood 110 110SeP23331HdG SeP23331HdG 5ifl6ft 6f 103 5 3 3 12 MerrittR 2000 14 LaurclMissl06SliprKingll3Topple 113 113Apt24331HdG Apt24331HdG 4 f 4 ft 21 1181010 8 1 MalleyT1 Maid 15 MP rtyll5Fogbndll8KMSnstrel 118 1933 record 3 1934 record 3 200 1375 1375Xandra Xandra X 1 1 O Ch f 4 by Chatterton Merry Princess by Spanish Prince II IIMav Mav 7 Jam 38 39ft 1L 1 Trainer E Christian Owner W Jenkins Jr JrAtorl434Jam Atorl434Jam 1fg 147 ft 5 107 5 3 21 1 LbergerE 1500 6 BanLathll6MissSnowl05MdeMie 105 105May May 834eJam 1 144 ft 5 105 3 2 2 2 CoucciS1 1200 7 MajGenl 117Drususl07BLooney 117 117May May 334Jam 1A 147 sy 8 1081 3 2 2s 3 StoutJ 1500 4 Moralist 112Rego 114Below Cost 115 115Apt3034Jam Apt3034Jam 1A 148 ft 12 111 3 6 6 6 BradyT 1500 7FrBirdll6BillLooney 116MyKky 111 111Apt2434 Apt2434 J Jm m 1 148 ft 4 112 3 3 W 51 GilbertJ 1500 6 Rhodia 117MyKeny 112FrigBird 112 112Api2134Jam Api2134Jam 3 113 ft 50 1141 7 7 541 44 BradyT1 2500 7 Dunbar 117Transen 107Little Lad U7 U7Dec233CT Dec233CT l l O 1 6 104 6 5 61 C4 HendksL 1000 8 LtBrcezelO GdAcrellSjNoMistc 112 1933 1933record record 30 44 A J 2475 1934 1934record record 6 1 1 1 J 975

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1934052301/drf1934052301_22_4
Local Identifier: drf1934052301_22_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800