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RIVERSIDE PARK The Daily Double on the Winners of the First and Third Races I at Riverside Park Tuesday Paid 6540 for 2 KANSAS CITY MO TUESDAY MAY 22 1934 Riverside Park 1 mile Third day Riverside Park Jockey Clrb Sprirg meeting of 25 or more days iuctt Stall Gate used Weather clear Presiding Steward E K Thornton Judges M H Morrison and G D Murphy Starter A McKnight Racing Secretary W P Kyne Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 330 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record aga of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds A COO FIRST RACE 34 Mile Mueller Qtt 14 1933 111 4 112 purse 400 3year v thirdMay2234RP tOOCJ olds and upward Maidens Claiming Net value to winner 280 second 80 third May2234RP 549 Claiming price 1000 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 800 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt H Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 94701 MISS SAINT JO ws7109 3 3 15 I2 I2 15 BrownW Elliott Axe AxeSP 610100 94698MACK PARK w 8 110 10 1 25 2 22 22 JulianG SP Delk DelkSan 350100 94138DONO w3 94 55 85 72 5 35 StuckiK San Angelo Stabla StablaH i 580100 93015 MISS BYRD w5110 3 6 6WB4105 5 64 4l 42 CarterJ H B OKcefe OKcefeJ 2340100 94262STORM PRINCESS WB4105 4 4 42 4i 3k 54 HardyG J Finn FinnE 340100 89521 JIM NED w3104 1 7 6 8l 72 65 TiceF TiceF3l E E Porterfield PorterfieldJ 530100 94701 NERVOUS LADY w4109 7 2 3l 31 6 7l ShindleC J A Dunbar DunbarJ 2380100 93737 KATIE L S WB6106 WB 6 106 2 9 75 5 85 8k MoadowsF J Lessert LessertH 2760100 BLANCHE A w5110 6 68 8 9l 9 9 9 ° BaltimreR H Ray burn burnD 690100 71730 DUMPS w5113 910 10 10 10 10 KellyJR KellyJRTime D Invin 3970100 Time 24 M 115 Track fast 2 DONATIONS PAID v OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MISS SAINT JO 1420 560 400 610 100 180 100 100 100 JACK PARK 400 300 100 100 50 100 DONO 420 110 100 Winner B rn by Light o m Life Nashotah by Meelick trained by O L Elliott bred yb Mr J Jv Bulmer Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 240 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow for all but Dumps Won driving second and third the same sameMISS MISS SAINT JO hustled into the lead at once saved ground all the way but was tiring at the end JACK PARK prominent all the way was gaining on the winner DONO forced to race wide all the way finished gamely MISS BYRD was in close quarters STORM PRINCESS and NERVOUS LADY tired DUMPS began slowly slowlyOverweight Overweight Miss Saint Jo 3 pounds Jack Park 4 Jim Ned 1 Nervous Lady 1 Blanche A 2 Dumps 5 CfcIQf A SECOND RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile Moane Keala June 3 valueMay2234RP tfdbOyfcV 1933 107 5 107 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value May2234RP to winner 280 second 80 third 40 Claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt 94204BEIGE WB6115 3 2 15 I2 1 I4 SykesD D Christian 200100 89584CARUS CLARUS WB5106 8 5 5w8104 64 45 25 24 EdwardsD EdwardsD4rt R E Spicer 730100 88649THE MISS w8104 4 4 4rt 3k 44 31 StuckiK StuckiK3k R I Hustin 2920100 9470nVINGO WB7111 2 1 3k 55 52 45 BaltimreR F F Burrell 480100 94701 GALE WAY WB3105 1 6 6w4104 25 225 3l 5 MeadowsF G Osborne 160100 93092TUSSLE w4104 5 8 75 7 62 64 MachadoL W Tittle 1480100 94700BLOKI WB4110 6 7 7w4111 8 8 8 72 JulianG Midwest Stable 2740100 89352 LIVE RIGHT w4111 7 3 5 6k 71 8 BrownW Sanders Fowler 2360100 Time 23 48 111 Track fast 2 DONATIONS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD BEIGE 600 340 280 200 100 70 100 40 100 100CARUS CARUS CLARUS 620 440 210 100 120 100 100THE THE MISS 800 300 100 100Winner Winner B g by Tryster Nutbrown Maid by Stalwart trained by D Christian bred by Mr R M Eastman Winner entered to be claimed for 600 WENT TO POST 307 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingBEIGE BEIGE showing the most speed took command soon after the start and won handily CARUS CLARUS went to the outside entering the stretch and ffnished well THE MISS was a factor throughout WINGO came again in the stretch GALE WAY saved ground but tired badly badlyOverweight Overweight Bloki 1 pound QzlSztl THIRD RACE Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile Moane Keala June 3 valueMay2234RP 1 1933 107 5 107 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value May2234RP to winner 280 second 80 third 40 Claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtA WtPPPt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 94261NORWALK WB 5 110 4 1 41 3h T5 I4 SenaT G OKeefe 400100 40010094705GOOGIE 94705GOOGIE w 5 115 57 75 5l 5k 25 AyraudR G Tiller 170100 17010094700SOUTHERN 94700SOUTHERN BEAUTY WB 6 104 82 35 4l 41 3 EdwardsD R E Spicer 250100 94700 BRIGHT FLOWER w 5 113 63 21 22 25 4 KellyJR C L Brown 1760100 176010089580ADELAIDE 89580ADELAIDE N w 5 109 36 lk 1 31 5J5 SummersD A E Rooks 890100 8 71 72 61 NealD L D Lane 1260100 94699 LOOKOUT RING w 8 114 74 6 62 65 7k BaltimoreR F 0 Sanders 2520100 89173 PROFESSOR WB 11 111 25 55 8 8 8 BrownW H Mendenhall 3940100 3940100Time Time 23 47 111 Track fast 52 DONATIONS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS NORWALK 1000 440 300 400 100 120 100 50 100 100GOOGIE GOOGIE 300 280 50 100 40 100 SOUTHERN 100SOUTHERN 100Winner BEAUTY 300 50 100 Winner B g by Beresford Golden Bee by Honey Bee trained by G OKeefe bred in England by Mr P F McCormack Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 332 AT POST minute minuteStart Start drivingNORWALK good and slow Won easily second and third driving NORWALK close to the early leaders took the lead in the stretch and drew away GOOGIE lacked early speed and was forced to race wide all the way but finished well SOUTHERN BEAUTY close up early tired near the finish BRIGHT FLOWER and ADELAIDE N were used up making the pace Corrected paceCorrected weight Lookout Ring 114 FOURTH RACE 34 Mile Mueller Oct 14 1933 111 4 112 Purse 400 3 yearolds Claiming Net value to winner 280 second 80 third 40 Claiming prjcef 800 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir Odds Strt 94700GRECIAN KING WB 107 7 6 64 4 3rt I1 SenaT Wichita Stable Stable88758CLOVINIA 1250100 88758CLOVINIA w08 55 35 21 lk 21 SummersD R Barnett 340100 Higgins89581HOURLESS 94074 = MANHANDLE WB 108 6 3 2 llk 2 3 MachadoL C A Higgins 450100 89581HOURLESS WONDER w 107 3 4 lk 3 42 45 EdwardsD C N Finch 360100 94329 McKinney89473ROCKHURST BLIND CHATTER WB 112 47 82 85 5 55 DupuyM G T McKinney 550100 Stabl94700LUSTY 89473ROCKHURST w05 2 8 7 6 65 6 MeadowsF Summit View Stabl 2520100 94700LUSTY WB 105 19 9 9 71 72 HardyG Mrs C Fisher 1360100 94328 SWEET ROMANCE w 112 91 51 72 9 8k BerghR R A Coward 2370100 94332 CONSERVATOR w 112 StTime 82 4k 5k 81 9 AHenR Rockledge Farm St Stable 500100 Time 23 48 114 Track fast 2 DONATIONS PAID N OFFICIAL BO BOOKING 01 ODDS GRECIAN KING 2700 1080 560 1250 100 440 1 100 180 100 CLOVINIA 420 300 110 1 100 50 100 MANHANDLE 340 70 100 Winner Ch g by Crimper Grecian by Ogden trained by G W Ellis bred by Hambure Place Winner entered to be claimed for 800 WENT TO POST 400 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start poor and slow Won driving second and third the same sameGRECIAN GRECIAN KING well handled moved up fast on the outside entering the stretch and wearing down the leaders drew clear CLOVINIA took a short lead an eighth out but tired MANHANDLE raced HOUR LESS WONDER into defeat then tired HOURLESS WONDER had no mishaps LUSTY and ROCKHURSt began poorly CONSERVATOR tired badly badlyOverweight Overweight Clovinia 3 pounds Rockhurst 2 Sweet Romance 2 olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 350 second 100 third 50 May2234RP Claiming price 1200 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 1000 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners EquiT Odds Strt 94703JANE PACKARD WB 5 105 6 2 44 34 15 I2 HardyG Mrs J C Gillem 210 100 94702FULL 10094702FULL UP WB 5 105 4 1 I1 lk 25 24 StuckiK McCoy Emick 180100 94263KRAKERJAC 18010094263KRAKERJAC wB5108 53 35 44 42 3 AyraudR G Tiller 320100 94347 BETH HOGAN WB 7 110 2 4 225 2 32 45 DupuyM J Eckcrt 1480100 94704CASSADA 148010094704CASSADA w 5 108 3 5 52 52 54 55 SummersD Mrs J L Oelesby 890100 94703 BEN CLOI w 4 112 1 6 6666 NealD G Cruise 1620100 Time 1620100Time 23 47 112 Track fast 52 DONATIONS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING Otmi JANE OtmiJANE PACKARD 620 360 ZM 10100 80100 40ToO 40ToOKRAKERPJAC KRAKERPJAC KRAKtRJAC 32 ° Ill 6 ° 100 4 ° 100 280 40 1QO rWirniCrTBm by SPanIsh Prince LaipHStky Hanbridge trained by J C Gillem bred by Mr D D Canfield Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 WENT TO POST 432 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingJANE good and slow Won handily second and third driving JANE PACKARD saved early moved up fast on the outside and wearing down the leaders drew clear FULL UP away fast raced BETH HOGAN into defeat but could not withstand the winner KRAKERJAC was unable to keep up early but closed well BETH HOGAN tired CASSADA was outrun BEN CLOI was not a factor Overweight Beth Hogan 2 pounds Cassada 3 Continued on fifteenth pdgej RIVERSIDE PARK PARKContinued Continued from third page Q4K4J SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Mueller Oct 14 1933 111 4 112 Purse 400 3year I 40way Jo n D olds and Pward Claiming Net value to winner 280 second 80 third 40 way ittHr Claiming price 800 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 39523TDRASTIC 36010094203MEDALLION ROSE w 4 107 3 1 1s 11 I1 1i EdwardsD N F Sale 360100 94203MEDALLION 35010093888SAINT AV 3 101 64 21 2s 2l 2J SenaT D L Hickcox 350100 93888SAINT LOUIS w 4 112 5 2 32 31 34 34 BrennanT C Howell 640100 94702 TEXAS KNIGHT w 5 112 1 5 665 41 AllcnR C L Jordan 530100 160100B9527 94699JMORE 53010094699JMORE SPACE WB 5 110 2 6 5 52 6 5k DupuyM R F Coppage 160100 B9527 CHUBBY ROAN w 4 112 4 3 41 41 4 6 Brown W C W Larkin 2960100 2960100Time Time 23 47 113 Track fast fastr r 2 DONATIONS PAID t OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100MEDALLION DRASTIC ROSE 920 420 300 360 100 110 100 50 100 MEDALLION 100SAINT 440 300 120 100 50 100 SAINT LOUIS 320 60 100 Winner 100Winner B g by Drastic Rose of Kildare by Prince Phillip trained by N F Sale bred by Mr T J Pendercast Winner entered to be claimed for 800 800WENT WENT TO POST 504 AT POST 2J minutes minutesStart Start cood and slow for all but More Space Won driving second and third the same DRASTIC sameDRASTIC ROSE away fast shook off MEDALLION on the lower turn and drew away in the drive The latter challenged gamely after going half a mile but was not good enough SAINT LOUIS raced evenly TEXAS tiredScratched KNIGHT and MORE SPACE began slowly CHUBBY ROAN tired Scratched 94702 Little Marcelle 105 105Overweight Overweight Medallion 4 pounds Saint Louis 5 5Corrected Corrected weight More Space 110 fENTH RACE 1 Mile The Choctaw Oct 14 1933 138 7 117 Purse 400 3 yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 280 second 80 third 40 May2234RP Claiming price 600 Index Horses EqtA WtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Diuiv Odds Strt 160100946983MARCELLA 94700 = KAVALRY JACK WB 4 113 6 1 21 52 4 3 I2 KellyJR Mrs E Koehler 160100 946983MARCELLA AGNES WB 8 110 32 3 2 23 lk 21 SykcsD D Christian 390100 94771 LADY EMILY w 6 110 73 I1 11 11 2l 34 DupuyM A C Kort 1740100 94079 SHASTA CHARM w 7 108 1 4 61 6s 64 5 41 HimesE H C Rumagc 3340100 3340100946992RED 946992RED POLLY w 4 110 2 7 52 3h 31 4l 56 BrownW Mrs W T Westrope 150100 94698 LOCKET w 7 109 4 6 4 41 51 f 66 ShindleC Elliott Axe 4390100 94700 AIDA MARIE w 3 104 5 5 7 7 7 7 7 StuckiK C N Finch 1960 ion ionTime Time 24 49 115 142 Track fast 2 DONATIONS PAID N OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS 100MARCELLA KAVALRY JACK 520 300 280 160 100 50 100 40 100 MARCELLA 100LADY AGNES 400 280 100 100 40 100 LADY EMILY 500 150 100 100Winner Winner Ch c by Cyclops Dorothy Diebold by Prince Pal trained by T Fowler bred by Mrs J Diebold Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POST 533 AT POST 1 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameKAVALRY KAVALRY JACK away fast but in close quarters on the back stretch went to the outside in the stretch and finishing fast wore down the leaders and drew clear MARCELLA AGNES forced the early pace took a short lead in the stretch but could not hold the winner LADY EMILY sent into the lead on the first turn held on well in the drive SHASTA CHARM closed well RED POLLY was in close quarters on the back stretch stretchOverweight Overweight Lady Emily 2 pounds Locket L