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TERMS, DAILY I have riddea for some of the most prominent lUlitu on the track. Among my Intimate friends are owners, trainers and jockeys who are winning races every day. I know them and their methods. That Is why my identity must not become known. . _ YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: «.«, ~ CAPTAIN RED, .78, WON TWO TRICKS, .20, LOST TWO HORSES GOING TODAY The advice on these two horses comes exceptionally strong, and we want all readers to subscribe and take full advantage of them. We expect LONG PRICES on each of these horses and we regard these results as foregone conclusions. By all means, have a strong play down. WIRE YOUR SUBSCRIPTION . Clty c"«n- •* at of*"*- Out-of-town clients, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. Please make all remittances to address below THE M-J CO. 140 North Dearborn Street Suite 1106, Chicago, III. FOR SALE AT ALL N-EWSSTANDS New Weekly Out— 35 Cents TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT: Tag-Fog-Gag-Lap-Red. 5 FflEE SPECIAL ARLINGTON: Tee-Caw-Jog-Lap-Gag. All set for the Arlington Classic, and word has s be«* received to get down strong. OCCASIONAL CODE: ROCKINGHAM: Tow-Jam-Way-Cul-Rag. Comes as a Special Good Thing, and the connections say she cant miss. For this one, get the New v Issue of the Master Clockers Code Card, good for r one week. Price, . For sale at all newsstands. LAST WEEKS TOP HORSE: OSCILLATION, $ 9.66, WON I OTHER WINNERS: BACK LOG, 9.82, WON CATINO, 0.60, WON | STAR PORTER, 0.70, WON CRACKLE, 5.60, WON RH0DIUS, 2.80, WON j MISS MOROCCO, 1.00, WON PLAYING ON, 1 JO, WON I And many other winners, and right off the bat the New Weekly Top Horse: BLACK HAND, 5.60, WON F So be sure and get the New Issue of the WEEKLY MASTER CLOCKER 35 CENTS, FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS • TURF LIGHT , ALL STANDS— 15 CENTS Use issue of July 21 to decipher code. First New York— Abuse-Anvil-Abroad-Apron. Bi Monthly cards, . out today. Ask dealer or Box 66, General Post Office, New York. CARD CODE: Sixth New Yorlc— 22-14-19-26. MARTIE FLYNN, 6.02, WON Top Liner in issue on sale now. TURF LIGHT Ml WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY .„..!/,, 1/ g "ilia 1 T WH-IH ■ ■ T 7 Tv , DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day — In Code Form i PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE J BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR SATURDAY-DETROIT— A-1 1-26-14-1. I ARLINGTON— K 14-17-13-21. WM. BURKE KELLY 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL _ E1 ■ i ■ — — — — RADTKES SPECIALS TWO HORSES DAILY ! DAILY— IN ADVANCE CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Direct Connection With Racing Interests for 25 Years THURSDAYS TWO HORSES: MUMSIE, |«.30, WON «• SOME POMP, S4.06, WON - ADDRESS— g Room 406— T23 W. Madison St. Chicago, III. Phone Randolph 4780 ■ Subscribe for Daily Racing Form s v r I | j w 1 *JL J * ,1 Arz if% weekly-it doesf£25*3p*jB F not contain a lotJ8**Bl ■ Original of the above letter on file for inspection. Profit from A another players experience. "COMPASS" satisfies. Plenty of WINNERS in every issue. Dont wait! BUY IT NOW! I NEW ISSUEklVTil?AjBk COPT £§»£ tYOOTO NOW fopyfo 1. ■■■[■■n.r*nniiprwfw I F • , PERIODICAL 7.10, WON PICKED BY THE FAMOUS ! RADCLIFF RATINGS i Every day these incomparable ratings are picking winners, winners, winners, many of them long shots not given a chance by public handicappers. START USING THEM TODAY i AN EXCLUSIVE FEATURE OF ■ POST TIME Americas Authority on Racing , The Turfs Newest and Best Monthly Magazine | 25 CENTS, AT ALL NEWSSTANDS , i J I ! «• g ■ Weekly Racing Guide FOLLOW GUIDE COMMISSION HOUSE FOLLOW THE GUIDE FOR WINNERS Chicago Readers. Call Wabash 7S76 ■ Readers in the following citiet, call accompanying numbers: Cincinnati, Ohio Mala 4200 New Orleans, La. Main 3678 Men York. Bi. I Bogardas 6900 T San Francisco. Calif. Market 1624 St Louis, Mo Garfield 47*0 Cleveland. Ohio Kenmore 1163 or 1965-J In addition to the above release, other winning services given out by RACING GUIDE are the dail release* of Carmac and Asa Powell. *j 441 TARMACS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: ARLINGTON PARK— Bob-24-31. ASA POWELLS RELEASE FOR SATURDAY: DETROIT- Sam-19-36. FOR CODE BUY ISSUE OF JULY 21 SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL TODAY 55 Per Cent Have Won Over a Period of Six Years ■ TODAYS SECRET SOCIETY SPECIAL IS: PORK— Piano-21-11. b WEEKLY RACING GUIDE w 925 Worlds Greatest Racing Weekly «= Subscription Rate— One Month. .00; Six Months, One Year. 320 East Third Street Cincinnati. Ohio — "—■—— —————— ——— For Free Phone Results Call Wabash 7000 HORSEMANS S WEEKLY 3 ON SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE, 15 CENTS NEW ISSUE OUT TODAY IF ITS WINNERS YOU WANT, THEN YOU MUST BUY HORSEMANS WEEKLY TO GET THEM SOME OF THE WINNERS IN LAST ISSUE: YOUR FLAG, 9.55, WON MEROVECH, 1.50, WON SMUGGLED IN, 2.20, WON SUN MONK, 8.20, WON INFORMAL, 7.40, WON ANGON BRIDGE, 6.00, WON STEEL, 1.40, WON HORSEMANS WEEKLY IS THE BIGGEST SELLING WEEKLY IN AMERICA AND THE REASON IS THAT YOU GET VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY GET THE NEW ISSUE AT ONCE Read how a group of swindlers were foiled in trying to cheat a Texas player. Read some very valuable and interesting articles by Jack Morgan and Jack Daugherty. Also stories by Bill Nolan, and more by our staff dockers, trackmen and experts. ALL THIS IS YOURS FOR ONLY 15 CENTS ,000 WORTH OF INFORMATION IN THIS ISSUE Were you to pay that amount you would not be able to get this much information. i YESTERDAYS EDITORS PARLAY SERVICE: LOFTY LADY, 0.00, WON DUST GIRL, $ 8.64, WON EDITORS PARLAY SERVICE TERMS, DAILY 0 WEEKLY This is the Editors Private Service and we assure you that it is well worth following Subscribe today. TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— March-23-35-41-37. HORSEMANS WEEKLY 20 West Jackson Blvd. Chicago, III. — — i I ! i i ■ TUIjF JNWEEKLr FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS PRICE. 35c I FOLLOW THE GOLD SEAL TO PROSPERITY YESTERDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: LOFTY LADY 0.00, WON THURSDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE: MISS MOROCCO, 1.00, WON WEDNESDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE RHODIUS, 2.80, WON TUESDAYS EDITOR FRANK BRADYS CODE-CANCEL, .40, WON SUBSCRIBE TO EDITOR FRANK j BRADYS SERVICE IS PAYS FOR SIX DAYS— CODES ADVERTISED DAILY This service, consisting strictly of one horse a day, has made lots of money for followers throughout the country, and you, too, can derive the benefits it affords. Subscribe for this one horse service. Send and put yourself in our hands for one week. TODAYS FREE CODE; A R LIN GT0 N— J une-57-54-66-61 . TODAYS CONSENSUS PARLAY: DETROIT— C-19-60-15-64. ARLINGTON— A-66-44-88-19. GOLD SEAL TURF WEEKLY 173 W. Madison St.. Suite 1207 Chicago. III. , | ■ fM?| JOCKEY mfim GG0RY4MALLw*O0D RACING WEEKLY TODAYS FREE CODE: ARLINGTON— Wilson-26-22-52-28. TODAYS SMALLWOOD CODES: D ETROIT— Yello w-44-65-28-44. DETROIT-Mauve-42-1«-10-2l. T *j 441 CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH THE "PINK SHEET" PRICE. 10 CENTS SATURDAYS TWO FREE CODES: EMPIRE CITY— Lavender-54-43-48. ROCKINGHAM— Pwik-49-4«-54. CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. .50 per Month by First Class Mail S7.00 per Month by Air Mail ■ b w 925 «= AT LAST! Here is a System that works. We furnish a list of winners. Not a daily — but a yearly list. Send .00 and we will mail you this svstem for the balance of 1934. PROVE-A-SYSTEM FAIR OAK ST. CHICAGO, ILL. TURF FLASH 25 CENTS— AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 4th Empire— 19-24-31-21. 7th Detroit— 31-28-28-16. 5th Arlington— 23-20-27-36. a 4th Rockingham— 2M7-20-1I. I / I j £PUGLE jLP* RACING WEEKLY ssr"S 4#* LATEST REPORTS FROM THE TRACKS FOR SALE AT ALL STANDS PRICE 35c WEEKLY GET YOUR COPY NOW! LOOK! LOOK! THE NEW ISSUE HAS ALREADY ADVISED: OUR JUSTICE, 2.00, WON INFORMAL, 17.40, WON MERRY CAROLINE, 16.20, WON RHODIUS, 12.80, WON CRAZY JANE, 9.00, WON AND MANY MORE WINNERS We do not give you hundreds of horses where you will find two or three in one rice. The horse* listed in The Bugle are small in number and select plays each and every one of them. CURRENT ISSUES XXX SPECIAL: IMA GREENOCK 2.04, WON Thats the kind of winners that make money for players, and they are yours when you buy THE BUGLE RACING WEEKLY. YESTERDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY. WELL BUILT 2.80, WON ENTHUSIASM $ 7.90, WON THURSDAYS TRACKMANS PARLAY-SPRING FLIGHT, 3.40, WOU ULUNIU, 1.68, WOIS GET THE TRACKMANS PARLAY SERVICE TERMS: Daily— 0 Weekly And these horses are the "pick" of this orginiza tk n. When you subscribe to this service you know that no matter what amount of • money you may paj you will not receive better or more consistent winninj information. If you are looking for a permanent connection to supply you with WINNERS, then subscribe. ■ to this service at once. YESTERDAYS FREE CODE: HOPTOIT 1.60, Lost THURSDAYS FREE CODE: SALAAM, .06, WON TODAYS FREE CODE: DETROIT— G-Red-Gem-Coe-His. TODAYS CLOCKER5S PARLAY: DETROIT— Milwaukee-21 -33-20-32. DETROIT— Omaha-10-8-20-21. THE BUGLE 20 W. JACKSON BLVD. CHICAGO, ILL. a Four Star -TURF WEEKLY-todays FHKr CODE. ARLINGTON— Fur-2S-1 4-36-42. TODAYS TRAINERS ODES: DETROIT— Pink-57-5§-4«-45. ARLlNGTON-Gr«n-53-55-40-52 TODAYS OWNERS CODES- D ETROIT— Red-42-38-43-37 . DETROIT— Green-64-S0-43-W. / ADVERTISE IN DAILY RACING FORM