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THREE-YEAR-OLDS OF 1935 . . Today Rated as Best of the C. V. Whitney Representatives for Honors in Three-Year-Old Division Well Qualif ied to Uphold Traditions of Noted Stable Editors NoteThis is the eighteenth of a series of articles covering the three-year-olds of 1935, their racing credentials as juveniles and prospects during the current year. Owner, C. V. Whitney. Breeder, C. V. Whitney. Trainer, T. J. Healey. r f Spearmint S Carbine o fChicle Maid of the Mint r - , Lady Hamburg TJ. Hamburg o J Lady Frivoles .. I . ,.. . - f Ben Brush f Ben Brush L Flying Witch J Elf 8 t Fly by Night H. J Peter Pan Dazzling ; f Persimmon 5 St. Simon Prince Palatine - . Perdita U. j I Lady Lightfoot 1 Isinglass o g - - . I Glare o i IS , f Broomstick 5 Ben Brush l Matinee r , j Eif Audience Sir Dixon Sallie McClelland . Sts. 1st 2d. 3d. Unp. Von. 1934 record ,. 7 1. 2 1 3 ,455 By NORRIS ROYDEN. With interest in the doings of the three-year-olds mounting steadily these days, it appears appropriate this series has reached, in its alphabetical course, the simply named Today, a bay colt by Whichone, from After, which probably will prove C. V. Whitneys best candidate for seasons honors in this division. Today has begun his quest for recognition in auspicious fashion and more will be heard of him later if he lives up to the promise revealed in his campaign as a two-year-old. Today did comparatively little racing last year, scoring only one victory and that in a maiden event, but he was always accounted a good colt and displayed excellent efforts in each of his six other engagements,