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WOR K OUTS J zandjandQ ?and Td Date at left of horses name is last workout. Letters following time indicate: ; b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type i SUNDAY, APRIL 21 DALLAS. "Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 12 Bwn Slipper :41 h 2-22 Friend John. :41 b 4- 18 Benares :40 h 4-11 Tahira .-38h 4-18 Cines Tango :37 d 4-17 Valise :39h 4-17Euledes :38 h 3-13 Virbet :40 h 4-llFgate Bird. :43 b One-Half Mile. 4-17Amscray ... :52 h Miss Wynona :50 b 4-18 Acrobatic .. :51 h 4-14 Mlla Agnes. :51h 4-llCherapp :52b 4-18 Marylitch ..:55 b 3- 23 Cfs Melody. :53b 4-13 Malimou ... :56 b 4- 20 Hot Shot... :51 h 4-13 Patsy H :49h Katherine R. :50b 4-18 Scotch Tom. :50h 4-16 Marooned . . :51 b 4-18 Vonnie :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-13Baldy 1:10 b 4-19 First General! :03h 4-7 Congenial ..1:07 b 4-16 Ruth Jelinekl:07 h 4-11 Donna Jamesl:05 b 4-18 Ttle Ginny.l.-06 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-9 Col. Hatfieldl:18b 4-20 Ricky Jane1:18 b 3- 15 Green Lotus. 1:29 b 4-13 Shady Gatc.l:20b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4- 20 Al Green.... 1:33 h 4-17 Plucky Babyl:33b One Mile. 4-20 Biff ...1:43 b 4-18Finnic .....1:48 b Marooned was breezing. Maxcella Agnes worked well in hand. Scotch Tom looks good. First General worked well. Katherine R. likes this track. Plucky Baby is fit and ready. Biff was driving in his good work. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-18 Bck Grouse. :35h 4-18 Flasg Colors :35h Cnt Arthur. :35h Or.e-Half Mile. Ambr Gleam :51h 4-18 Chancing . . :50 h 4-20 Crete :51-3h 4-17 Sandy Beach :48 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-18Ajaccio l:02h 4-17 Mario 1:Mh Three-Quarters Mile. 4-18 Blck Buddy1:14h 4-19 Hindu Queenl:15h 4-18 Bonanza ...l:14h 4-18 Idle Victory.l:17h 4-18 Captn Argo. 1:18 b 4-17Marg Homel:15 h Doorkeeper 1:18 h Our Rcigh..l:16 h 4-9 Deputation .1:19 b 4-19 Pompegret .1:19 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-20 Apprehend .1:31 h One Mile. 3-17 Cantine Lassl:44vsh ALAMO DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track heavy; "dogs" up Three-Eighths Mile. 3-23 Brilliant Son :4Cb 3-20Sarazen II.. :43 d Cn Princess :43 b 3-26 Sir Kai..... :42b 3-1 Jerry W.... :43b 3-1 W. G. Bmn :44 b 3-3 Miss Bane.. :41b One-Half Mile. 3-26 Benedict T.. :56 b Five-Eiahtbs Mile. 2- 20 Little Reigh.l:07b Three-Quarters Mile. 3- 1 Daudet 1:24 b 3-9 My Wish....l:2644b 3- 19 Ly Tchilla.l:27 b One Mile. 4- 19 War Piano.. 1:56 b DOUGLAS PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-17 Almaha . . . . :40 h 4-17 Hour Lady. . :37 h Bonnie D... :40 h 4-19 First Try... :37 h 4-18 Blackthorn . :37 h 4-18 Jaz Age :38h Drhio :37h 4-14 Ly Starhcad :43 h Dcbacke . . . :44 h 4-14 Ly Thirteen :43 h 4-20 Golden Reel. :37 h 4-18 Rolanda .... :38b 4-15 Hmble Issue :39h Zsar :37h One-Half Mile. 4-17 Bug Billows :54 h 4-17 Transformed :52 h 4-16 Short Hand. :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-18 Isaiah 1:01h 4-20 Foggy Night. l:02h 4-8 Speed Queenl:08 h 4-18 Shepd Boy..l:12b Three-Qucrters Mile. 4-18 Judge Leer..1:18h Knigts Hopel:19h One Mile. 4-18 Beefsteak ..l:51h 4-17 Our Trouble. 1:48h First Try and Golden Reel were in company, working from the three-eighths pole. Judge Leer went handily. Isaiah and Foggy Night went together. ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. l-19AguiIa :41 b 4-18 Sadie F :39h 4-18 Contess Ann :42 b One-Half Mile. 4-13 Cold Spill... :56 b 4-18 Toano :54 b 4-13 Scircle Blaze :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-14 Cster Bluesl:03h One Mile. 4-20 Hokuao 1:45 h 4-18 Whoa Back l:57b AQUEDUCT, feather clear; track fast Three-Eiqhths Mile. 4-19 Dont Blush.. :40 h Ted Husing.. :38 h 3- 7 Morpluck ... :37h 4-17 Toney Fastep :38 h 4- 19 Miss Firefly. :38 h One-Half Mile. 4 16 Blue Bubble. :54 h Seven-Eighths Mile. -4-17Carsono ....1:33 h One Mile. 4-17 W.-in-Chry l:43d JAMAICA. .eather clear; track fast Three-Eignths Mile. 4-19 Bdwy Bill . :39 b 4-17 Uncle Billy. . :39 b O-e-Half Mile. 4-19 John Werring :48d 4-19 Wged Flight :50d 4-19 Star Fire ... . :53b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-18 Fred Almy ..1:02 d 4-18"Wee Tune. . .l:03h 4-20 Grainger ...1:02 d Three-Quarters Mile. 4-14 Evangelist . .l:17d 4-19 Queen Vic . .1:18 d 4-19 Exhibit ....1:15 d ....... ...... .a One Mile. 4-18 BThemstar l:46h 4-17ullo 1:55 b 4-19 Desert Sandsl:44 d 4-19 Rhodesia . . .1:43 d 4-18 High Image .1:46 h 4-19 Volta Maid. .1:41d HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Arctic Land. :35h 4-17 Inferno Lad. :37 h 4-19 Brown Twig. :39 b Loch Leven. :36d 4-16 Enthusiasm.. :37 b Small Devil.. :36h Flwer Show :367 One-Half Mile. 4-17Alads Dream :50 h 4-18 James City.. :49 h Abts Nymph :50 h Ld Baltime :50h Baby Sister. :53 h 3-13 Old Judge... :54 h 4-17 Bostn Brook :49d Old Dominion :50 d 4-15 Character... :50 h Svvagrstick. . :51 d Crackentour. :50d 4-12 Sparky :54 b Candimate . . :49h 4-13 Star Porter. . :52 b Cdy Prince. :49h Sun Camp... :50 h Contr Circle :52 b 3-16 Super Ultra. :49h 3-19 Fervid ..... :50 d 4-20 Smear :50 d 3- 18 Grand Slam. :51 h 4-15 Some Good.. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 18 Dark Law... 1:03 h 4-17 RoyI Balladl:05 h 4-19 01amay l:03h 4-19 S Up Away. ..l:03h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-15Blesd Againl:19b 4-15 Pcncader ...1:18 h 4-18 Last Time.. .1:15 h 4-20 War Generally h One Mile. Bannos ....1:45 h 4-13 Flag Mamiel:45 h 4-20 Blind Brookl:47 h 4-18 Hereward. . l:45d 4-13Chatmoss ..1:45 h 4-1 Hpy Easter.l:46h CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-18 Athanette .. :37 b 4-18 Mil :36 h 4-10 Bon Centime :36d 4-18 Mid Vtorian :39 b 3- 12 Betwn Bells :36 d 4-17 Miss Wise. . . :3Sb 4- 18 Beau Monde. :40 b 2-20 Moa :38b 4-17 Ben Bernie. . :39 b 4-18 Omar Nassa. :36b 3- 12Brdvay Lad :36 h 4-19 Our Bettie.. :41 b Cold Turkey. :39 b 4-17 Princess Octa :41 b 4- 16 Gee Gee ... :38 h 4-17 Peacock Blue :36d 4-18 Golden Beam :37h 4-17 Parade Step. :39 b 4-18 Hidden Dust :36h Raymond .. :36d 4-19 Hal Image.. :37 b 4-19 Rcttef :36h 4-19 Holl Image.. :3975b 3-20 Ruths Hope. :38b 4-10 Insulated ... :36h 4-17 Riff :36 h 4-16 Jocks Image. :39b Silver Cackle :37 b 4-18Kapado .... :37h 4-18 Sasquatch .. :36 h 4-10 Lancewood . :354id 4-18 Tabitha .... :38b 4-10 Myriad :36d 4-18 Tiger Claw.. :36 h 4-18 Mouse Trap. :40 b White Top. . :40 b Miss Lizzie. . :36 d 4-16 Which Image :37b 4-18 Mary Scibert :38b One-Half Mile. 2- 15 Aunt Myrtle. :54b 4-17 Grey Jack.. . :484id 4-17AHene B.... :4975h 4-17 Jockwell ... :49 d 4-19 Busy Jay... :52b 4-17 Miss Subway :49h 4-15 Black Hbrow :58 b 4-16 Memory Lad :52h Chiltex :52b 4-17 Miss Spider. :50h Downinfront. :494id 4-18 Mate Tea... :49d 4-18 Glastonbury. :49 b Noreda :48b 4-18 Grn and Red :50d Five Eiqhths Milo 4-19 Bellfounder .WAVah 4-17 L. B. Wilsonl:06b 4-18 Best Bid....l:0145d 4-18 Senoj l:07h 4-18 Chief Chkee.1:01h 4-17 Tommy B... 1:04 b 4-18 Lady Gibson. 1:06 b 4-19 Upon l:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-18 Black River.l:154id 4-18 Nassa Alone.l:18h 4-18 Cherkee Redl:19b 4-18 Nasslyn ....1:18 b 4-17 Empress Wu.l:16 b 4-18 Our Chance. l:187h 4-17 Exponent ...l:16b 4-18 Paradisical .1:16 b 4-18Fogarty ....l:22b 4-18 Prince Vic..l:18b 4-17 Frch Prcessl:16b 4-18 Py Lehmannl:17h 4-17 Golden Boy.l:16 d 4-18 Prince Fluz.l:19h 4-18 H. MacTavhl:16h 4-17 Ripper l:15d 4-17 Homer L....l:17b 4-18 Safe and Sdl:154ih 4-9 Hour Zev...l:17b 4-18 Silver Sickle.l:15d 4-18 Julia Irene.. l:22b 4-18 Squall l:17b 4-18 Ldy Flindersl:18 b 4-19 Star Bud... 1:20 d 4-17Maners Manl:15b 4-17 Wagwood ..l:17b 4-18 Master Beau.l:20 h 4-18 Yantis 1:19Kb 4-18 Mry Go Rd.l:17b Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-18Sherron ....l:36b 4-18 Tabora l:31b 4-18Lynvctc l:31b 4-18 Weston ....1:28h One Mile. 4-18 Chance Sun.l:4145h 4-18 Pot au Bms.1:41Jh 4-17Foxiana ....1:47 b 4-18 St. Bernard.l:43b 4-19 Jump Off. . .l:49h 4-18 Shoeless Joe.l:464ib 4-18Marynell ...1:48 b 4-18 Silversmith .l:41b Black Highbrow was under light pressure. Grey Jack and Jockwell showed speed together. Chief Cherokee is training well. Black River and Silver Sickle had good early speed, going the half-mile in :47 together. Weston went a good seven-eighths and galloped out a mile and a quarter in 2:15. Pot au Bromos ran out badly and pulled up lame. St. Bernard was only breezing in his impressive work. Fiji is ready. Chance Sun worked with Silversmith and galloped out a mile and one-eighth in 1:57. TANFORAN. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3- 23 Bubng Mate :39b 2-7 Nappus .... :37b 2- 3 Notify :37 b 3-28 Sue Grafton. :38b One-Hslf Mile. 4- 9 Joe Sam 1 b 4-6 Oriley ..... :51b Miss Sterling :53b 4-2 Panic Blues. :52b Mphis Lass. :50b Sir Rose.... :50b 3- 28 Melody Lane :50b 4-3 Spicate .... :52b Five-Eighths Mile. 3- 16 Aggie Star..l:04b 3-4 Gateway ...l:04Jb 4- 4 Al Jolson...l:04andb 4-8 Liqueur ....l:04b 4-18 Cmanchita .l:0546b Th1 e-Quarters Mile. 3-29 Arson l:16h 4-18 Risky Miss. .l:16h 3- 27 Bedo l:18b 3-31 Teenya ....1:19 b 4- 18 Bck Forest. 1:15b 3-1 T. Triumvir.l:16b 4-14 Enigmatic ..l:19b 4-11 Uncle Hyde.l:18 b One Mile. 3-31 Dundreary .l:48b Span. Knight1:45h Notify could have gone faster. Nappus acted more kindly to his work. Joe Sam was hard held. Melody Lane and Sir Rose went together evenly. Memphis Lass was slightly restrained. Gateways was pulling to Liqueur. Al Jolson appeared a trifle sore. . Carmanchita was snugged slightly. Black Forest was well in hand. Arson was well rated. Risky Miss could have gone faster. Spanish Knight was snugged all the -way. MONDAY, APRIL 22 DOUGLAS PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-19 Crimson .... :38h 4-19 Irish Rose... :39h Coflier :40 h 4-16 Mature :39h 4-17 Frch Knight :36h 4-18 Pd Princess. :39h 4-19 Fern Memm :434,Sh 4-16 Sis Blaze.... :39h 4-17 Gray Ethel.. :36j3h 4-19 Snshine Boy :39h 4-19 Impatient .. :38 h One-Half Mile. 4-19 Baby Stare.. :51 h 4-18 Mad Career.. :53 h 4-18Cynara :53h Prince Doo.. :52 h 4-18Conna :53 h 4-11 Projectile ... :54 h 4-18 Green :52 h 4-18 Umbierc .... :52 h 4-18 Little Brook. :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 3- 5- Lady Laura. 1:06 h 4-19 Mary Terry.l:08h 4- 20 My Blaze.... 1:07 b 4-19 Novetle .....l:08h Three-QuartPr- lyTile. 4-18 Bunny C....l:21h 4-19 Meys Luck.l:17 h 4-19 Charlie Jr...l:174ih 4-18 Mt. Hood.. .1:24 h 3- 17 D. Shamrockl:18b 4-19 No Change. .l:18h 4- 19 Johnny 0...1:17d 1-6 Radiation ..1:20 h 4-19 Lady Pal.... 1:17 h 4-18 Screen l:19h Marks Girl..l:18d One Mile. 4-19 Csclor Cranel:45h . 4-19 Open Hearth1:45 h 4-19Campagna ..1:52 h 4-20 St DAraourl:47h French Knight and Gray Ethel showed speed from the three-eighths pole. Murpheys Luck and Lady Pal tired in their work. My Blaze was only breezing. Open Hearth worked a nice mile. Charlie Jr. and Johnny O. were in company. ALAMO DOWNS. Weather cloudy; track good Three-Eighths Mia 3-17 Daisy Bane. :42 b 3-21 Robert S... :38b 3-12 Little Gertie :40andb 3-7 Sad Knight. :39h 3- 15 Natamemor. :39 h 3-16 Synopsis ... :38 h Nellie Bane. :40b 3-4 Top Girl.... :41 b One-Half Mile. 4- 16Broadsie ... :52 b 3-17 Montmary . :50h 4-15 Bally Wise.. :52 b 1-31 Sir Emerson :52 b 1-26 Cheka :53b 3-18 Slie Bourld :5025h 4-16 Ly Bn Bud :52 b 3-18 Three :52 b 4-18Lgal Gamble :50h Five-Eighths Mile. 3- 20Brillnt Pal.l:04b 4-18 Texas Moon.lK3 h Foxy Mary. .1:04 b 4-12 Texas Maid. 1KB h 4- 12 Miss Kiev... 1:04 b 4-16 Uncon Goldl:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. 3-23 Hannh Annel:20b 4-21 Sir Kai l:18b 3-20 Iago 1:18 b 3-28 Scythe l:18b 3-2 Pricels Missl:19 b One Mile. 1- 6 Austerlitz II.1:452b 3-11 Play Shoot.. 1:49 b 3- 12 Grt Chance. l:49b HAVRE DE GRACE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 16Bellator .... :38b 4-19 Lone Miss.. :37 h 4-15 Bay Hero... :37h 3-24 Lookabout .. :36h 4-4 Bold Fellow. :37h 4-16 Our Mae.... :36h 4-20 Currants ... :36b 4-17 Pekin :37h 4-10Canrock ... :36 d 4-1 Revonah ... :38b 4-HDcing Cloud :36 h Royal Bird.. :37h 3- 50 Fairisk :36h 4-15 Slipper King :364ib 4- 20 Hot Griddle. :37 h. 4-19 Saxova .... :37 h 4-19 In Step :37 h 4-7 Tranco :36 d 4-20 Irish Hero. . :37h 419 Westy Jior :36b Kings Crier. :37 h 4-20 Westigal .:37h One-Half Mile. 4-15Cantoria ... :5073b 4-16 Noble Spirit. :49d 3-13 Chrysostom. :503sb 4-16 Prince Drake :48h 3-16 Differ ..... :50 h 4-19 Pretty Wise. :50 h Deflate .... :52b 4-20 Ship Execve :53 b 3- 16Goron :50h 4-20 War Glory.. :48h 4- 15 Inscription . :51 d 4-7 Waterset ... :50h 4-19 Justa Tcher :50 h 4-20 War Stripes :48h Five-Eighths Mile. 2- 27 Billy Bee...l.-05 h 4-15 Poop Deck.. 1:02 b Doeskin l:03h Sun Spear. .l:03h 4-4 Hug Again..l:03 b Sunny Homel:03 h 4-17 Kate 1:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-17 Be Mine.... l:15d 4-18 Galomar ...1:19 h 4-20 Blue Zip.... 1:18 h 4-19 Protagonist .l:15h 4-19Boocap ....1:20 h 4-16 Red Badge. .1:17 h Evg Chimesl:21 h 4-15 Sun Abbot.. 1:20 h 4-19 Happy Go..ld6 h 4-2 Tries Wandl:16d 4-20 Hows Chcesl:15d One Mile. 4-19Beyd Doubtl:45 h 4-3 Motley 1:48 b 4-19 Bushman ,.l:46d 4-15 Retribution. l:45h 3- 28Ctry Queenl:467sh 4-19 Sun Apollo. .1:44h War Stripes and War Glory showed a high turn of speed. Sun Apollo went handily. Be Mine was driving. Hows Chances went handily. Poop Deck is improving in his work. Prince Drake has his speed. CHURCHILL DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 18 Bgage Trail :4075b Long Rifle. . :367oh 4-17 Busy Spain.. :40 b 4-19 Miss Joker.. :38b 4-9 Capt. Nadi.. :36d 4-19. Mnight Flyer :36h 4-19 Chauvenet . 8b Peter J. Peel :38b Enimrac :40 b Sob Sister. . . :374Ah 4-19 For Romnce :36 h 4-19 Tennob :3775h Lady Mtrosc :3873b Ycnrac :40 b One-Half Mile. 4-16 Crinoline ... :49h 419 Oh Dave.... :53b 4-19 Dark Hazard :51b 4-21 Sasquatch . . :497sh 4-18 Dusky Dark. :51b 4-20 Supremart . . :50 b Left Wing.. :5l75h 4-19 Sun Boy.... :56b 4-19 Mr. President :51b Thgh Omond :485h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-18Alpan 1:02 d 4-19 No Saint.... l:02h 419 Army Sergt. 1:0373b 4-19 Nhjht Flowerl:07b 4-19 Billy Jones. .l.-0973b 4-18 Pollv Flag. . .l:02h 4-18 Boston Snd.l:0273h 4-19 Pancoast ...lK2h 4-19 Back Log... l:0275h 4-19 Ykee Watersl:03 b 4-19Mukluk ....W2lSd Three-Quitters Mile. 4-18 Al Sat 1:15 d 4-18 Jake Blieden.ld6h 4-19 Brn Witch. l:16b 4-19 Ladv Kiev. .1:18 4-21 Ben Bernie. .l:17h 4-18 Lillian M. K.l:17 d 4-16 Crude 1:20 b 4-19 Lady Gonio.".l:18h Fair Teresa.. 1:15 d 4-18 Mabel Krasa.l:15d 4-18 Honor Her. .1:1575b 4-18 Mah Grant. .1:15 d 4-19 Julia Grant.l:1575h 4-21 Parade Step.l:17?4h 4-18 Joda 1:15 h Seven Eighths Mile. 4-18 Brd Mdows.l:29 h 4-19 5allie Gray .l:2975d 4-19 Likewise ...1:27h One Mile. 4-19 Bobbys Son.l:45d 4-19 Otherwise ..l:44b 4-18 Captain Bill.l:50 b 4-21 Princess Octal:48 b 4-19 Donnahona .l:47b 4-19 Real Jam... 1:47 h 4-19Fclawake ...l:44h 4-18 South Bend.l:48 h 4-18 Good Politianl:44b 4-19 Sora l:43h 4-19Joybird ....l:45b 4-19 Tophorn ...l:45h 4-19 King Gcero.l:434ib Wild Gus...l:45 b 4-18 Lawful Miss.l:44b 4-19 Watersplash l:45b 4-19 Nectarine . . .l:45b 4-21 White Top. ,l:44b Through Omond showed improvement. Back Log and Pancoast were together. Mabel Krasa worked from the barrier. Likewise continues to train well. Bobbys Son tired badly after going three-quarters. King Cicero and Sora worked out of the mile chute. Wild Gus looks and acts well. TANFORAN. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-12 Bill Andy... :3o73h 4-19 Orra :37b 4-12 Buen Tono.. :36b 4-20 Petrina B... :37 b 4-14 Hobnail :36h Plunge Home .-40 b 1- 27Hden Gold, :3975b 4-19 Rosemaid .. :37b 4-3 Imlay :36b 4-10 Sir Ridgway. 0 b One-Half Mile. Barondi .... :53b 4-19 High Tension :50h Bon Shot... :5l75b 4-15 Kent :50b 4-11 Bright Knot :5l75b Five-Eighths Mile. 2- 27 Spud 1:06 b Rosemaid and Orra went together evenly. Bill Andy was hard held. Petrina B. wore outside blinkers and still bore out. Hobnail could have gone faster. Kent was restrained. High Tension was snugged all the way. Spud pulled up sound. ARLINGTON DOWNS. Weather clear; track fast Tnree-Eighths Mile. 4-15Cutie Face., :3875b 4-17 Onrush .... :38b 4-14 Doris B...... :377sh 4-19 Rapid Prince :38 h 4-14 Fairsickle .. :38 b 4-18 Uluniu .... :37h 4-14Hdless Gal. :38 b 4-18 Wise Anne.. :37h 4-7 Handme Hal :40 b One-Half Mile. 4-19 Airy Heiress :5075h 4-17 R. V. Wkle :50h 4-18 Bug Hunter. :51 h 4-19 Jean Brown. :52 b 4-6 Claremont .. :52 b 4-13 Miss Corinne :52 b 4-5 Ccliba :5075h 4-19 Plucky Jack. :49b 4-18 Dorothy B.. :507sh 4-16 Solitary .... :51 b 4-lff Gt of Roses :507sh. 4-19 The Fnkman :49b Five-Eighths Mile. 4-17 Bd Guardianl:05 h 4-17 Drastic Gl..l.-05 h 4-13Creston ....1.-05 h 4-10LtIe Honey.lK5 b 4-19Drtic Waterl:09 h Thrc- " larters Mile. 4-9 Courant ...1:19 h 4-13 Jean Lee. .. .1:18 h 4-13 Judge Peak. 1:18 h 4-16 Olepal l:18h One Mile. 4-21 Counts Annl:49 b 4-11 Irish Image. 1:47 h Miss Corinne and Claremont were together. Heedless Gal and Cutie Face were breezing together. , Rip Van Winkle and Celiba were in company. The Flankman and Plucky Jack were going handily together. DALLAS. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-10 Coya :38 b 4-16 Losing Clon. :37h 4-17 Dorothy Dale :40 b 4-18 Miss Ritz... :36h 4-21 Green Lotus. :367sh 3-16 Miss Chiniqy :354ih 4-21 Hot Shot.... :37h 3-16 Mden Dream :39h 4-14 Heart Balm. :37h 4-9 Mortise .... :38 h 4-lOIndepnt Boy :38 h 4-20 Meany 42 b 4-17 J. Keystone. :35b 4-17 Playsicklc ..:39 b 4-13 Justice B... :38 b 4-9 Quick ...... :36h 4-19 Lucky Child. :38 h 3-25 Tiny Star... :35h One Half Mile. 4-13 Bunty Ann.. :4975h 4-19 Mica Rock.. :52 b 4-12 Borbon Rose :50 h 4-18 Mked Clown :49 h 4-15 Deferred ... :4975h 4-13 Marmara ... :50 b 4-20 Finlet :527sh 4-18 My Ideal. . . . :494ih 3- 27Gracie B.... :50 h 3-27 Odd Blue... :49 b 4- 20 Hy Venture. :52h 4-7 Outremont . :52 b 4-13 Kite :49 h 4-6 Runanwin ..:52 b 4-8 Lady O War :514h 4-19 Tombereau . :527sb Five-Eighths Mile. 4-2lBaIdy .1:06 b 4-17 Shawnee ...l:03h 4-13 Oaten 1:05 b 4-14 Stout Boy. . .1:05 h 4-11 Mked Dhcssl:03?6h 4-19 Thistle Ray..l:03h 4-17 Pharenough .1:04 h 4-15 Tu-r o War..l:06b 4-19 Shilly Shally.l:04b Three-Quarters Mile. x 4-14Bedight ....1:16 b 4-19 John Bane. .1:18 b 3 26 Coin ..1:19 b 3-28 Miss Glace.. l:16h 4-12 Dtor Happy.l:17h 4-11 Shcratan .. .1:16 b Double Bitt.14 d Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-19Ladino 1:29 h One Mile. 4-19 Black FIash.l:43h Miss Chiniquy and Miss Ritz showed good speed from the barrier. Marmara was breezing. Masked Duchess and Thistle Ray worked well together. My Ideal and Deferred worked handily. Bedight worked well. Shawnee came from the barrier. Black Flash went a good mile. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-19 Capt. Jerry. :38 h 4-20 Flowery :41 h 4-20 Eddie C :35h One-Half Mile. 4-18 Foxy Agnes.. :Wd paIma :53" h 4-20 Nancy C... :55 h 2-28 Pitter Pat... :51H Five-Eighths Mile. Snark l:0375h Three-Quarters Mile. 4-19 Carry 0ver,..l:1675h 4-18 Dasher l:18h 4-19 Cap Pistol... 1:1673d 4-19 Hpy Hunterl:16h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-20Footsure ...l:359sh 4-19 Sengaris ...1:32 d One Mile. 4-21 Dont Blush.. 1:44 d JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Dundrum .. :37 d 4-20 Some Scout. :38- b Hydros .... :40 b 4-20 So High.... ;38 h One-Half Mile. 4-17 Bird Lore... :5275b 4-20 Huge Copy.. :53b 4-20 Bright Flame MYsd 4-19 Jimmy H.... :50h 4-18 Chief A :53 b 4-17 Kissinbug ..:54 b 4-19 Ever True.. :49d 4-20 Moralist ... :50vid 4-13 Gov. Sholtz. :49 d 4-19 Recital .... :49d Five-Ei,hths Mile.. 4-19 Allic Sholtz.l:05 b 4-19 High Treasnl:03d 4-19Balios ....;l:0375h 3-14 La Jta WtelKM h 4-19 Cash Book..l:0375h 4-20 Migrate ....103 h 4-19 Guidg Light.lKB d 4-19 Maidwell ...lk5 b Continued on twentieth page. Continued from seventeenth page. 4-18 Mr. Bill.... 1:03 d 4-21 Star Fire.... 1:06 b 4-19 0ctaroro ..l:03h 4-20 Son o StinSl:03 h 4-19 Pass Up.... 1:02 d 4-18 Zulu Lad...lK3h 3- 1 So Sorry.... 1:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4- 19 Biddy Gal. .1:17 d 4-20 Transcendg 1:17 b One Mile. 4-19 Apprentice .l:43d 4-20Mathias ....1:46 d 4-20 Flying Gypsyl:43d 4-20 Yap 1:46 d BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 4-20Coequel .... :34d 3-16 Marcabala .. :36h 4-18Esposa :34d 4-20 Mantagna .. :347sd 4-20 Good Goodsr :35h 4-20 Okapi :36 h 4-18 Good Gamble -35h 4-20 Pantoufle... :35h 3- 15 Joan D :36h 4-20 Somebody .. :34d 4- 20 Kievex ..... :34d 4-20 Step Miss.. :36 h Lht Brocade :37 h 4-20 Two Bob :Z5h One-Half Mile. 4-19 Berry Patch. :51h 4-18 Polycletus .. :48h Five-Eighths Mile. 4-19 Amusing... 1:00h 4-19 Ladvsman l:02h 4-19Borsa 1:08 h 4-19 Mock TurtleLOl d Croked Lanel:03h 4-20 Mne Chancel:02h 4-19 Clean Out.. .1:01 h 4-14 Ppeys PillarLOl h 4-20 Cavalcade. .1:07 b 4-19 Semaphore. 1:01 h 1-15 Free 1:07 b Three-Quarters Mile. 4-19 Old Story... 1:15 h 4-20 Surveyor ...1:16 h 4-19 Quel Jeu....1:13h 4-20 Synod 1:16 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 4-19 Carbinier 11.1:30 h Ptomn Punchl:30 h 4-20 Hurray ....l:30!i 4-19 Stare 1:30 h One Mile. 4-17 Right Rank.l:44 h