untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1935-05-24


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$ $ YESTERDAYS "SMASHING" PARLAY f SLIP KNOT, 2.44, WON 1 CATWALK; , hB7.82, WON BIG DOINGS TODAY . j "DONT GAMBLE." Get on the RIGHT PATH of BEATING the racing game by DEALING with ONE i WHO KNOWS. After the results of TWO "PARTICULAR EVENTS" at AURORA become OFFICIAL, a lot of BOOKMAKERS will be looking for a NEW WAY to make a LIVING. BE SURE TO GET$ $. . jj TERMS, $ J, DAILY. Out-of-towners, remit by wire and receive prompt reply. City players, call in person or phone DEARBORN 36103629 and ... will rush parlay . to . you in plain sealed envelope " no charge for messenger service. SAM CLARK, 127 North Dearborn St., Suite 1435-37, Chicago, HI. Write for sample copy of my turf ratings Cameron and Co. NO TELEGRAMS NO EXPENSE HORSES RELEASED BY CODE DAILY PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE J i " YESTERDAYS ROCKINGHAM CODE PARLAY: CANDY MAID, 0.30, WON , GENTLE KNIGHT, $ 8.10, WON Send J5 and get a code card, good for six days service. Get Camerons win parlays each day. This is ! the same high grade service that caused such a sensation last year and we are out to duplicate that success. Start today. Send and we will rush a code card to you. Telegrams sent only if requested. Subscribe at once. TODAYS ROCKINGHAM CODE PARLAY: BOOTS 17-39-28-26. BLINKERS 74-53-51-77. CAMERON and CO., Suite 808166 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago, III. , T. M. Ferguson TURF COMMISSIONER PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE iT TWO HORSES DAILY AND NOTHING ELSE -B No Parlay Released Yesterday for Obvious Reasons WEDNESDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: PRINCE RENO, 0.50, WON GRATTAN. LOST MY SERVICE IS FOR THE PLAYER ALWAYS SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND LEARN THE MEANING OF PLAYING LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION NO GUESSWORK Wr TWO BIG-PRICED WINNERS TODAY -HB IT GETAWAY PARLAY AT AURORA 0 TO p Subscribe today. Do not miss these two probable winners at Aurora." These, two Getaway Releases look like "as good as in." Don!t wait for results .to be published. Get these -tw.o probable winners. All subscribers are advised to go the limit. Win parlay straight win parlay. jUT- This Concern Is Absolutely 100 Per Cent for the PJayer "Tpg THE RACING GAME CAN BE BEATEN -g Out-of-town clients, remit vvia Western Union or Postal Telegraph for six days service. Two horses a day. Same as advertised. OFFICE OPEN FROM 9 .A..M. TO 5 P3 M, . ...... .... . T. M. FERGUSON,-1472 Broadway, Room 717, New York, N. Y. Free! Free! Free! One.- of the greatest books on System Play ever written is yours for the asking. It has never sold for less than ?5 yet you may have it now, while the remaining copies last, for absolutely nothing. The author ELLWOOD TANSEY Recognized the World Over as Americas Leading Authority on Racing Systems, In Co-operation with the Turfs Smartest Magazine POST TIME MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE TREATISE THERE ARE EXACTLY 750 COPIES OF ELLWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM AND BETTING METHOD AVAILABLE All you need do to receive your free copy is to send in one years subscription to POST TIME. The price, for twelve issues of POST TIME is .50. When the 750 copies of the book are exhausted, there will be none available at any price, so get yours today,, while there is still time. SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR YOUR YEARS SUBSCRIPTION, AND MR. TANSEYS VALUABLE BOOK, HANDSOMELY BOUND, WILL BE MAILED PREPAD3 TO YOU IMMEDIATELY ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT DEPARTMENT R-5 v CHICAGO. ILL. SYSTOLOGY WONDER BOOK OF TURF SYSTEMS IT COSTS ONLY THE COUPON BELOW IS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE . . - - i. - PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. G. Q. 443 Plymouth Ct, Chicago, 111.: Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . NAME.. I ADDRESS. . I CITY :c... STATE...... i - - jgYQ-p pEEDIWCpYOUR "BOOKlH . WIN WITH FIELDS PARLAYS J TfJfS TrIal PSl,tiVely Convi"n YU Tha Wednesdays Parlay: i Tuesdays Parlay: ! JERSUADER, 1.00, WON WEE WINK, 0.70, WON. .UCK PIECE, 0.90, WON I NAN Dl, 3,60, LOST? 1 CONSISTENT WINNING INFORMATION . Thats what makes "FIELD" the outstanding: TURF INFORMANT in AMERICA LNYONE can stumble over a WINNER now and then BUT THE BEST PROOF 19 30ING IT DAY IN AND DAT OUT. v "MR. PLAYER" CAN YOU USE 00 TODAY ? ? ? Ml you need is a BET on my PARLAY today to WIN YOURSELF 00 Now, lets gof "GETAWAY" PARLAY TODAY AT AURORA "I KNOW PLENTY"-! W DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRIBE NOW! TERMS, DAILY! -"38 City clients, call In person or phone FRANKLIN 3134 for messenger service abj iolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union? Service wired by fast telegram. No delay! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 708, Chicago, 111. J, J. J. DESMOND "WORLDS LEADING TURF INFORMANT" . IVMfith ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL OFFER. ?3 PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE-! YESTERDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: STAROGAN, .10, WON ABSTAIN, .44, LOST WT 00 TO 0 15TH ANNIVERSARY probable WIN parlay rwk DO NOT FAIL TO SUBSCRIBE TODAY TWO PROBABLE WINNERS f DO BUSINESS WITH A RELIABLE AND HONORABLE TURF COMMISSIONER OF YEARS STANDING Out-of-town clients, wire via Western Union or Postal Telegraph for six days service. Two horses ft day, same as advertised. Prompt service assured. OFFICE OPEN 9 A. M. TO 4 P M. 5 J. J. DESMOND, 1165 Broadway Occupying Entire Third Floor, New York City, N. Y J. J. HANLEY . KNOWN WHEREVER HORSES RUN " YESTERDAYS TWO HORSES: ANA X., 6.60, WON KNIGHTS HOPE, $ 4.40, WON AND PLAYERS, THATS JUST A BEGINNING MY CONNECTIONS INFORM ME THAT THIS MEETING WILL BE THE BIGGEST AND f BEST WE EVER HAD 100-1 L.I,MI.T WIN PARLAY TODAY 100-1 Fridays horses come from the same connections. Both MUST WIN or they will forfeit large bonusy GET YOURS. GET ME? TERMS DAILY DETROIT PLAYERS, ATTENTION: Call in person or phone CHERRY 2554 for messenger service, OUT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, wire. Office open 9 a. m. till 2 p. m. J. J. HANLEY, 5 West Lamed St., Detroit, Mich. SEND FOR FREE COPY OF MY TURF REPORTS ItfTELreMi NOW ONLY 10 CENTS -W2 . o- NAUTCH, 90, WON "Reading: the Stars" Selection HIGHEST POINT, .30, WON Regrens Rockingham Pay-Off Horse The Pointed-Out Horsesol the Daily Telegraph are the safest bets " , that a horse player can make. Each horse selected is a live one which is up to a winning performance. They click every day. The "Reading -the Stars" column gave another winner Wednesday, this release being NAUTCH, which paid .90 for . The racing public is marveling at the consistency with which this column has been selecting winners. It has been giving winners every day in the week. Better start at once and take advantage of this new system of getting winners. Regrens Pay-Off Horses at Rockingham and Woodbine went over, these selections being HIGHEST POINT, .30, and GAY SYMPATHY, .00. Regrens Special was DEEDLE, which entered the winners circle in the last event at Woodbine Park. Regren continued his winning streak at Woodbine Park when he picked five winners at that oval. This handicapper has selected six- . teen winners at this track in four days racing, giving him an average of four winners per day. Take a look at Wednesdays "Pink Sheet" winners at Woodbine: . MOMIJI, Regren Tip, 7.50, WON SWANSEA, McCarty Tip, 14.10, WON HIGH FLAG, Regren-McCarty Tip, 9.35, WON MARANOT, Regren-Bassett-McCarty Tip, 4.95, WON . GAY SYMPATHY, Regren-Bassett-McCarty Tip, 4.00, WON DEEDIE, Regren-Bassett Tip, 2.40, WON ! And Give a Look at These Rockingham Park Winners: BACHELOR DINNER, McCarty Tip, 5.80, WON . PAR VALUE, Bassett Tip. - 9.60 WON". . POSTSCRIPT, Regren-McCarty Tip, 8.30, WON MASKED GAL, McCartyJTip, 7.70, WON HIGHEST POINT, Regren Tip, 4.30, WON No horse player will go wrong playing selections like these, yet : "Pink Sheet" readers have winners like the above every day in the. week. You get the best of everything in the "Pink" Selections, Prices, Workouts, Specials, etc. FRIDAYS TWO FREE CODES: ROCKINGHAM Brown-93-95-88. DETROIT Gray-77-82-99. j To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" ! J CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH : ; m PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL, .50 per Month by First Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mail v a- ,. -:- ADVERTISE IN DAILY - RACING FORM -:- , . VI. 1 i 4 V it...

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935052401/drf1935052401_35_1
Local Identifier: drf1935052401_35_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800