Daily Racing Form Charts: Thistle Down, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-21


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THISTLE DOWN NO CORRECT COMBINATION SOLD ON DAILY DOUBLE POOL SPLIT HOLDER OF j CHARLIE RECEIVED 1620 DONPA 3480 j CLEVELAND OHIO THURSDAY JUNE 20 1935 Thistle Down Park 1 mile Fourth day Thistle Down Jockey Club Summer meeting of 18 dys Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Stewards J T Ireland J A King and H Allshouse Judges R A Leigh C C Campeau and C Abbo Starter G R Wingfield Racing Sccretarj R A Leigh Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of ach race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 1 MILE AND 40 YARDS Madwind July 16 1932 140 3 101 I Q A A 3Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of a race i O iU since April 1 3yearolds 108 Ibs older 114 Ibs Nonwinners in 1935 June2035Tdn allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 500 500Net Net value to winner 3310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St l Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 12080 ELIZABETH FOX WB 6 106 3 2 21 43 42 1 14 DyerJ W H Fritz 1430100 1430100126492SILVER 126492SILVER BLUE w3109 8 7 6 64 52 5 2 BakretteW H M Martin 180100 180100121612SUN 121612SUN MATE w 4 107 6 4 3 34 4 4 3 ManifoldH I J Collins 260100 12569 OATEN WB 7 114 5 6 42 2h 2h 2 4 Martinez Mrs E B Shipp 540100 540100127513GNOMNIE 127513GNOMNIE WB 4 111 7 5 I2 1 3 3 51 TurnerL B Hernandez 550100 12645 MISS SUBTLE w 3 100 2 3 52 5 62 6 6 LangW F Booker 5670100 567010012564BROWN 12564BROWN ADMIRAL WB 8 109 1 1 7 8 76 7 7 BradshawW Mrs E E Watson 1830100 10346 HORATIO HUGH WB 4 111 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 EdwardiD H Johnson 1290100 1290100Time Time 24 48 114 140 143 Track good 2 HUTTTEIS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS s sELIZABETH ELIZABETH FOX 3060 1080 420 1430 100 440 100 110 100 100SILVER SILVER BLUE 320 260 60 100 30 100 100SUN SUN MATE 260 30 100 100Winner Winner Br m by Mount Beacon Golden Thistle by Flittergold trained by V Carmichael bred by Mr C E Hamilton Winner entered to ba claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 232 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingELIZABETH ELIZABETH FOX raced gamely entering the stretch and closed courageously SILVER BLUE worked her way up on the outside and finished strongly SUN MATE raced on the outside and showed in front ncaring the stretch raced extremely wide but held on well OATEN tired in the final test as did GNOMNIE GNOMNIEScratched Scratched 12157 Traumagne 109 109Overweight Overweight Silver Blue 1 pound Sun Mate 1 Gnomnie 5 SECOND RACE THISTLE DOWN COURSE 80 Feet Less Than 5 12 Furlongs Mor OOxf fl heart Aug 22 1934 104 6 106 Purse 400 3yearolds and upward JL rOTbIL Claiming Nonwinners of two races in 1935 3yearolds 109 Ibs older June2035Tdn 114 IDS Claiming price 500 Net value to winner 310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Wt PP St A Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equtr Odds Strt 12338 CHARLIE w w71l4 7 114 6 5 511879LONG 3 I1 I1 li ManifoldH C Bunte BunteWB 1320100 11879LONG JOHN WB ws5109 5 109 3 4 4i 41 34 2 LangW J Bronnenberg Bronnenbergw 810100 12747 VERITAS w 4 104 12 3 2nk2J 2h 3 LeonardJ A W Getz GetzWB 1550100 12565 JUST MARIE WB 3 104 10 1 82 7 5nk 4 DyerJ P F Stoltz StoltzWB 4870100 4870100e 11782 BELLE DELIGHT WB 5 109 4 2 H 34 41 5h WrayJ Mrs A McEnd McEndWB e 920100 12339 GAME WB WB5104 5 104 U 8 8119873WHOA V2 6nk 7i 6 BradshawW Mrs F Stafford StaffordWB3111 300100 119873WHOA BACK wsSlll 7 76 6 6125653THELMA 51 5i 64 7U TurnerL G Price 200100 125653THELMA L w 8 109 8 7 7 83 8 81 EdwardsD E D Slavin 1290100 1290100is 12157 PRINCESS WRACKws 4 113 9 9 912565OUR 9 94 92 92 DavisJ Mrs M V Jenkins is 11540100 1154010012565OUR 12565OUR SHIP WB4109 5 511 11 102 103 10 106 PolkF C Mitchell 1880100 12644 INGRESS WB 3 109 1 10 II3 11 11 = II3 BoganskiW Mrs F Hudson t 12569 CANTICLE WB 4 109 2 12 12 12 12 12 BurgerN B N Grason t ttMutucl tMutucl field Time 23 48 105 Track good 2 MXJTTJELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS CHARLIE 2840 1060 780 1320 100 430 100 290 100 100LONG LONG JOHN 760 C20 280 100 210 100 100VERITAS VERITAS 1020 410 100 100Winner Winner B g by Master Charlie Margaret Hampson by Nasturtium trained by J Breckenridgc bred by Mr C Nuckols Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 303 AT POST H minutes minutesStart drivingCHARLIE Start good and slow Won ridden out second and third driving CHARLIE displayed good speed throughout and held the race safe in the stretch despite bearing out slightly nearing the finish LONG JOHN worked his way up next to the inner rail in the stretch and finished strongly VERITAS a forward factor throughout held on well JUST MARIE closed ground BELLE DELIGHT finished strongly GAME raced evenly WHOA BACK raced in close quarters much of the trip Scratched tripScratched 12252 Cotton Patch 109 126452WiId Daughter 104 12569 Bellona 104 124363Brilliant Miss 99 12442 Howtiz 114 Overweight Whoa Back 2 pounds Princess Wrack 4 4Corrected Corrected weight Princess Wrack 109 THIRD RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Heavy Su ar Aug 29 1934 110 5 110 OCI O Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming 3yearolds 109 109oPc 500June2035Tdn oPc j lbs older 114 lbs Claiming price 500 June2035Tdn Net value to winner 310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Str FJn Jockeys Kqulv Odds Strt 12076DONPA w9113 5 7 7WB 8h 51 2 Ink SopcrE R V Parrish fl280100 KYOTO KYOTO124362BUSY WB 5 109 10 1 1WB3109 14 14 I2 2 DyerJ E W Warner 750100 124362BUSY LAD WB3109 9 2 2WB3104 22 2 3h 3 LeylandJ Myers Bethell Bethell5h 170100 11775 GHANA WB3104 1 8 5h 34 41 44 WestH M Marmarstein Marmarstein9i 880100 12252 SWEET PEARL WB3106 6 9 9i i 52 54 BurgerN Mrs A McEndree 10793 FAIR SARA w 4 109 8 3 312436PAYALL 3 4h 61 61 ManifoldH J Bronnenberg 12436PAYALL WB wa3 3 99 2 210 10 II2 102 h 7k LangW H Herendeen 12438 BLON STAR w 3 109 11 4 4 6 81 8 Clemons ClemonsR Newport Stable 910100 12252 HILDURS REASNwn 4 113 4 6 6 82 93 93 MartinTP Mrs J Wagner 1300100 1300100SINGLE SINGLE SPOT w 3 104 12 5 i 9 102 10 KleinR H Otto 2030100 12563 SOLETTE w3104 712 12 12 111 114 FredericksJ Bonnell Conlcy 820100 82010001703SWANKY 01703SWANKY BAGGEwB 4 104 3 11 102 U3 12 12 BradshawW W H Roberts t tMutucl field Time 23 48 115 Track good 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS DONPA Field 2760 720 340 1280 100 260 100 70 100 KYOTO 100KYOTO 860 380 330 100 90 100 BUSY 100BUSY LAD 300 50 100 100Winner Winner B g by Assagai Go by Ballot trained by R V Parrish bred by Mr S H Vclic Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 331 AT POST2J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameDONPA DONPA steadily improved his position and came strongly in the run home and got up in game fashion in the last few yards KYOTO displayed the most speed from the start but hung in the final drive BUSY LAD raced iorwardly throughout and finished courageously GHANA was bumped during the stretch run when a sixteenth out but held on fairly well SWEET PEARL saved ground at the stretch turn FAIR SARA was interfered with by BUSY LAD shortly after the start and showed early speed but tired tiredScratched Scratched 12256 Buddys Choice 104 12438 Sweeping Grass 109 12076 Disobey 104 104Overweight Overweight Donpa 4 pounds Sweet Pearl 2 Hildurs Reason 4 FOURTH RACE 1 MILE AND 40 YARDS Madwind July 16 1932 140 allowedJune2G35Tdn i 10 r TJ in 1935 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 115 Ibs Nonwinners in 1935 allowed June2G35Tdn 4 ibs Claiming price 500 500Net Net value to winner 310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Index Horses Vt Vi si Str Fin Jockeys Eqniv vdds Strt 125692ASTUTE 450100126462TRY WB6U5 7 4 41 2i H 14 11 KloinR E Fowell 450100 126462TRY 1101001216FMISS KING wn5111 5 3 V JU 22 23 2 TurncrL Mrs H G Woods 110100 1216FMISS ALPHONSO vn3105 2 8 i 52 5U 3 32 WestH A Crcmcn 1020100 1020100125693CLARE 125693CLARE EEE WB 6 110 1 1 3 i 4 3 4nU 4g ShawT J Shakespeare 1870100 12344 RUFFDAY ra4115 4 2 21 3i 41 52 51 TildcnR F Scremba 910100 12155 DON TASKER w 6 115 8 6 C3 C3 6 1 EdwardsD T McCarthy 920100 12569 SAN GAFF wB4115 9 7 5h 6 72 6t 2 DycrJ E D Slavin 1940100 12569 BERT LAHR WB 4 115 3 9 9 9 81 8 83 LcylandJ R Engleton 1550100 12439 DIVING BEAUTY wn3101 6 5 6 7i 9 9 9 Leonard J B N Grason 5330100 5330100Time Time 24 43 113 139 143J Track good 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS ASTUTE 100TRY 1100 380 400 450 100 90 100 100 100 TRY 100MISS KING 260 280 30 100 40 100 MISS ALPHOiJSO 600 200 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Wise Counsellor Lady Brown by Playfellow trained by R Leach bred by Mr S B Mason Winner entered to be claimed for 500 500WENT WENT TO POST 400 AT POST minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won handily second and third the same sameASTUTE ASTUTE took command after rounding the far turn and held the race safe all through the stretch TRY KING had no mishaps and finished tiring MISS ALPHONSO worked her way up on the outside and finished strongly CLARE BEE ran an even race RUFFDAY weakened steadily after showing early speed The others were outrun throughout throughoutOverweight Overweight poundCarrocted Try King 1 pound Carrocted weight Astute 115 Ruffday 115 FIFTH RACE 1 MILE AND 40 YARDS Madwind July 1C 1932 140 3 101 I RAd rse 500 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearolds 112 ibs older i oJRiSi 11S lbs Nonwinners since May 29 allowed 3 Ibs since April 3 6 Ibs Junezco5Tdn Claiming prica 1000 if for 8KO allowed 5 Ibs if for 700 7 Ibs Net value to winner 390 second 70 third 30 fourth 10 Vj Str Kin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 11699 OH DAVE wn 6 112 1 1 14 I3 14 15 is DyorJ Mrs j c Gillcm Gillcmw5110 660100 12648 = REX REGENT w5110 566 31 22 22 2 ClemonsR H H Chopin 430100 990100121602DODIODO 12749 PRECIOUS KING w4113 3 2 3 6 544432 DavisJ Mrs M Hiitt 990100 121602DODIODO vn5118 6 5 5l 4 4i 3 42 EdwardsD M Matuszewski 230100 12567 1150100123432NISIA CHARLIE DAWN wnSlll 2 3 24 2 3 52 54 TurncrL B Hernandez 1150100 123432NISIA w7113 4 4 4 51 6 6 6 KleinR V H McMullcn 200100 Time 23 46 112 137 141 Track fast SS MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS OH 100REX DAVE 1520 720 500 660 100 260 100 150 100 100PRECIOUS REX REGENT 500 340 150 100 70 100 PRECIOUS KING 480 140 100 100Winner Winner B g by Barcolo Hazel Parrish by Hessian trained by W D Ghamberlin bred by Messrs Lair Parrish Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000VVEiJT VVEiJT TO POST 428 OFF AT ONCE ONCEStart Start handilyOH good and slow Vron easily second and third handily OH DAVE much the best never left the issue in doubt REX REGENT moved up next to the inner rail at the far turn and held the others safe PRECIOUS KING dosed resolutely on the outside in the run home DODIODO moved into contention at the stretch turn but was tiring at the finish CHARLIE DAWN quit NISIA hard ridden could not keep up upScratched Scratched 12648Bob Weidel 111 111Overweight Overweight Precious King 2 pounds Charlie Dawn 5 5Corrected Corrected weight Dodiodo 118 Nisia 113 SIXTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Heavy Sugar Aug 29 1934 110 5 110 Nonwinners of two races since May 24 allowed 4 Ibs ono race June2035Tdn 7 ibs Claiming price 1000 if for 800 allowed 4 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner 390 second 70 third 30 fourth 10 Index IIors s EqtATVt PI1 St Str Kin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 1234PDARK ROAMER w3103 6 8 ff 5 43 1 DyerJ J E Miller 910100 400100121592FOXY 12440 BUNT Y ANN w3108 4 3 2 24 2 21 EdwardsD M Matuszewski 400100 121592FOXY QUILLER WB 5 112 32 I1 H U 3 ManifoldH Wichita Stable 460100 4601001244FDIAN 1244FDIAN wn4Ul 2 5 44 3 3 4J TurnerL B Hernandez 480100 12079PREFERRED 48010012079PREFERRED w8104 9 7 84 7 6 53 PolkF C Troutt 1320100 13201001244Q2HELL 1244Q2HELL DIVER wi5109 71 3 42 5 6 ClemonsR C W Zanner 380100 12159 METEORIC WB 5 112 1 6 7 81 8J 7k MartinezP D Soddcrs 1010100 12566 ALMADEL JR w 4 109 8 9 999 84 LeylandJ E K Bryson 1150100 115010012566SCOTTY 12566SCOTTY DON WB 4 107 3440100Time 5 4 51 6 7 9 LeonardJ A Getz 3440100 Time 23 46 113 Track fast 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOXINO ODDS DARK ROAMER 2020 1000 500 910 100 400 100 150 100 BUNTY 100BUNTY ANN 440 360 120 100 80 100 FOXY 100FOXY QUILLER 480 140 100 Winner 100Winner Br g by Polroma Fussy Chra by Radford trained by J E Miller bred by Mr J E Miller Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 455 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameDARK DARK ROAMER closed with good courage on the outside of his opposition in the stretch and got up in the closing strides BUNTY ANN always well up held on well at the end FOXY QUILLER weakened during the final test DIAN ran an even race PREFERRED finished with a belated rush HELL DIVER tired after showing early speed speedScratched Scratched 12566 Hamburger Jim 107 107Overweight Overweight Bunty Ann 3 pounds poundsCorrected Corrected weight Foxy Quillcr 112 allowedJune2035Tdn s Nonwinners since May 29 allowed June2035Tdn 5 ibs Claiming price 600 if for S400 allowed 3 Ibs Net value to winner 310 second 55 third 25 fourth 10 Index Horses EqtA Wt PP St 14 Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 125633SPORrG MAUDIEwB 6 106 5 3 24 22 1 = I3 li p0lkF J Oran OranS 600100 12648 POLISHER wsSlll 2 1 S2 3 3421 2h WestH S D Hudson HudsonJ 380100 12443 SIMON wn5116 788 6i 51 3 3i TildenR J Patti 450100 12564MUDGE URBAN WB 5 111 6 5 4 4U 4k 41 44 TurnerL OConnell Smith 430100 11878 MA YREEN w 4 111 1 2 11 1 21 51 5 DyerJ Mrs J C Gillem 910100 12569 LILAC BLOOM WB5108 4 7 545 = 64 6i 6h FredericksJ G Price 520100 12564 SUPERO w4111 8 6 i 8 8 74 2 BalzretteW Monarch Stable 1870100 125643HYKLAS Stable125643HYKLAS wB6104 3 4 63 73 7 8 8 BradshawW L DcLatour DcLatourTime 990100 Time 23 47 113 140 147 Track fast 52 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SPORTING 100POLISHER MAUDIE 1 1400 460 380 600 100 130 100 90 100 100SIMON POLISHER 420 360 110 100 80 100 SIMON 100Winner 300 50 100 Winner Ch m by Raffles Maudie by The Commoner trained by J Money bred by Mr C Morris Winner entered to be claimed for 600 600WENT WENT TO POSt 525 AT POST 2J minutes minutesStart Start drivingSPORTING good and slow Won handily second and third driving SPORTING MAUDIE took the lead at the far turn and held it to the finish POLISHER was doing his best at the end to stall off SIMON The latter closed a big gap and finished strongly JUDGE URBAN raced evenly MAYREEN tired after setting the early pace LILAC BLOOM had no excuse excuseScratched Scratched 12564 Transfix 108 108Overweight Overweight Hyklas 1 pound poundCorrected Corrected weight Simon 116 EIGHTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Heavy Sugar Aug 29 1934 110 5 110 i Q i R 1 Iurse 400 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of a race in JL O3rOi 1935 Weight 113 Ibs Claiming price 500 June2035Tdn DECLARED OFF

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935062101/drf1935062101_10_2
Local Identifier: drf1935062101_10_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800