untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-21


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STOP FEEDING YOUR BOOKIE THE ORIGlNALVitoARLAY KING WIN tylTH FIEl S PARLAYSV PARLAYSVOne One Tiriafwill PositivelyConvince You hat hatYtou Ytou Cant Go Wrong EL Thursday V Washington Tarlay BANDALORE 1670 WO N NALBERT ALBERT D 602 WON WONIt It is NO SURPRISE when my PARLAY wins Remember IM at the scene of action and KNOW WHATS WHAT Dont try to PICK EM yourselfi IT CANT BE DONE You can BREAK the Bank of England doing it Dont Gamble Play the Game Safe Follow One Who Knows pil MR PLAYER CAN YOU USE 100 TODAY Tpffi FRIDAY SHOOT THE WORKS WIN ONLY Thats just the expression used by my connections about the TWO GOOD THINGS they are going to cut loose today I cant make public all the details but take my word for it YOU NEVER BET ON TWO SURER WINNERS IN YOUR LIFEW LIFEWW W DONT HESITATE SUBSCRIBE NOW TERMS 3 DAILY m City clients call in person or phone FRANKLIN 3134 for messenger service ab ¬ solutely no charge Outoftown clients wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union Service wired by fast telegram No delay delayJACK JACK FIELD 35 South Dearborn St Room 708 Chicago III

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935062101/drf1935062101_39_2
Local Identifier: drf1935062101_39_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800