1st Oma, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-21

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USE POST POSITIONS FOR FREE TELEPHONE RESULTS ENTRIES APPEAR ELSEWHERE IN THIS ISSUE 1 AS f Omi 5 12 FURLONGS Centimeter June 16 1927 105 9 112 Purse 100 ic 3yearolds and upward Foaled in Nebraska Claiming Nonvinners since May 29 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Claiming price 600 600Scratches Scratches are shown In Past Performances but in all cases only the latest with ¬ drawal being indicated indicatedThe The past performances of the horses entered in this race together with latest work ¬ out and racing record for this and previous year yearLittle Little Hank X 1 1 O Ch g 5 M by Bourbon Beau Lady Beach by Rex Beach BeachJune 15 X A ° Trainer E A Wallace June Oma 34120ft Owner R H McCrosson Ilnl ITk Dis Time Con Odds Wt Si Sir F nJnrfci v IMll ive Sts Hest Company JunlBSS CompanyJunlBSS Oma 3 117 hy 8 113 3 3 53 2 ° k GrillF3 600 7 CnelBB113NCIarkl08VBanqt 113 113Starts Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won Starts 1st 2nd 3rd Won 1935 record 1 0 1 0 60 Yilla Banquet 11 B m 6 M by Banquet Villey Pearl by Buckler CooperJualSSSOma JJO Trainer C W Cooper Owner J W Cooper JualSSSOma 3117 hy 24 113 1 4 42 433 NachelJ2 600 7 CneIBB113LlcHankll3NCIark 108 Jua SSOma 5 f 107 ft 11 110 635 ° 6 MillcrS5 800 6 ItsKecnll2AvHeart 107NaClark 107 1935 record 2 0 0 0 15 15Bessie Bessie Banquet 10 c1 M by Banquet Bourbon June by Bourbon Beau BeauJune June 14 Oma 38 36ft A tJ TraJPer 0 Hall Owner 0 Hall HallJual535iOma Jual535iOma 3 112 ft 6 100 2 3 32 5 GrayA7 600 8 ArvHeartl07BrtVanl07SnBrsh 107 107JualO JualO Oma 5 fl08gd lOf 100 5 5 7G 7G McrrittRS 600 11 SvstHctl07BertVanl07SnBrush 107 107May29352RP May29352RP 5iflllgd 24 98 3 7 65i 612 JorgsnG8 500 9 Wild Iris 108 Tuneful 97 Elko 111 1935 record 3 3Prince Prince Peacock 1 1 Q B g 4 M by Sangrado Fairys Message by Senella JUIIP 13Oma 12 50 J r Reed Ownsr P Reed ReedJualSSS JualSSS JualSSSma ma 3 112 ft 13 108 7 6 5S 43 EthortnO2 600 8 ArwHeartl07BrtVanl07SnBrsh 107 107Jual334sRP Jual334sRP 3 114 ft 14 108 9 8 65i 64i ShindlcC6 600 12 Tcrcsina 105Drakil 108JaneBruce 102 1934 record 1 1935 record 1 0 0 0 S 15 Ester Wheel 1 AC Br m 9 by Balance Wheel Burlington Bab b by Ancestors JlO Trainer C Van Scoy Owner VV H Van Scoy 12 108 4 2 43 4 RifeF3 600 8 BtVan 113HeIadol08San Brush 113 JuaSSSOma 5 fl08ft fl08ftJua 43 108 2 1 43 915 NachelJS 600 10 BudSmithl07AHoart 107SvHeartl02 Jua 4352Oma 5 f 113 hy hyJim 29 94 2 2 42 4 RifeF 800 8 AlbCrtaB106ArvHcart lOlSanflo 106 Jim 932 fc 112 ft ftMay25327RP 72 109 1025 VarleyW 600 10 Leadcrl09Infinitus 108GlmgStar 112 May25327RP fc 112 ft ftSep 79 107 922 DayK 800 10 EndIringl07LaBcltel06OKkpoo 108 Sep 731PP 1 100 ft ftBald 24 105 7U MattioliJ 500 9 Ninottol02QnBessielllKtheCnin 118 1935 record 3 0 0 0 30 Bald Eagle mCh h 8 M by Banquet Nellie Moore by Racemore EagleFirst Trdner H B Snyder Owner H B Snyder First start I Sailflo 1 1 J Ch g 4 M by Sangrado Bebe Flowers by King Gorin Trainer R C Gilmore Owner R C Gilmore GilmoreJun Jun 835 Oma 5U 108 ft 12 112 9 8 109 1021 SlamcyF9 600 10 BudSmithl07AHeart 107SwHeartl02 Jua 4352Oma 5 f 113 hy 8 106 4 1 24 312 Siameypa 800 8 AlbtaB106ArwHeartl01ErWhecl 94 1935 record 2 0 0 1 25 Tammy Le I J Q Ch g 6 M by Le Dinosaure Tambian by Irish Exile ExileJune June 19 Oma 58 l094fsl 1O Trainer V Preuss Owner V Preuss Sr SrJualOSSOma JualOSSOma 5if l08gd 425 10710 10 101C1011 PreussV6 600 11 SwstHetl07BertVanl07SnBrush 107 Jua 43520ma 5 f 113 hr 104 8 8 811 830 PreussV2 800 8 AlbertaB106ArVHeart lOlSanflo 106 1933 record 2 Ie Karonga mCh g 6 M by Le Dinosaure Karonga by Runnymede June 14 Oma 58 l04ft l04ftJual835iOma Trainer F Derby Owner H Ncllor Jual835iOma 3117 hy 19 19Jua 118 4 2 2i 5G Bouchorjs 600 7 CnelCBllSLleHankllSNClark 108 Jua BSS BSSma ma 5 f 103 ft 49 49Jua 1075 6 6 ii KurinecF2 600 10 BudSmithl07AHeart 107SwHeartl02 Jua 4352Oma 5A f 113 hy 25 25Oct2434cDaI 108 7 6 58 520 NachclJ1 800 8 AlbertaB106ArwHeart lOlSanflo 106 Oct2434cDaI 1140 ft 48 48Octl834Dal I 111 9 8 9 10SI KellyJR 500 10 Brig oPcelllDrcGoa 113Yarrowlll Octl834Dal 3 114 ft 92 92Octl534Dal 107 7 8 8J 7 1 StaffordC5 500 8 ThtIeDkl09GayFIiesl07BoPce 112 Octl534Dal a 1 102 si 14 10710 9 10 8 ChandlerM19 1000 10 Espa S 109 Britlon 103 Cicero 111 1934 record 3 3Our 1935 1935record record 3 3I Our Spot I I O Ch h 5 M by Tangara Bertha Skilful by The Cub SpotFirst JJO Trainer W M Anderson Owner W M Anderson First start

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1935062101/drf1935062101_32_2
Local Identifier: drf1935062101_32_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800