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DETROIT THE DAILY DOUBLE ON THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND RACES AT DETROIT THURSDAY PAID 9930 FOR 2 fROIT MICH THURSDAY JUNE 20 1935 Fair Grounds 1 mile Twentyfiftli day Detroit Racin Racine Association Spring meeting of 39 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather cloudy Steward representing Micliigan State Racing Commission J S Young Stewards of Meeting J A Murphy W A Quigley and C E Lehr Judges J F Gallagher J Carey and C F Henry Starter E Thomas Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 230 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 5 12 FUBLONGS Miney Myerson May 21 1934 105 ft 110 Purse 12824 8C ° 3 yearol ls Maidens Claiming Weight 115 Ibs Claiming price priceJune2035Det June2035Det Net vaue to winner 500 second 175 third 75 fourth 50 Inder Hottea Str Fin Jockeya EqulT Odds Strt 08614 HASTEMOND WB112 4 3 15 16 1C 16 HardyL I J Collins 370100 370100WB 11391 BARSAC WB 115 10 2 4h 4i 22 21 GrossE B J Thuring 4160100 4160100WB112 11084 HOUSE AFIRE WB112 39 fci 52 42 3 CheathamR Mrs G Kresnbiel 920100 920100wull5 12234 PERFECT ONE wull5 28 7 6 5 41 CraigA J D Weil 250100 11084 IMPERIAL HIGH WB 112 57 92 Bh 73 52 CarrollVV Imperial Farms Stable i590100 12322 JOAN W w12 81 2 21 3 6i SmithG J Jones 320100 12322 MR ERIN wl5 6 4 3 3 62 2 ThorntonB Tranquility Farm Stable 24640100 12550 TRANSFORMED wB112 16 5 74 9 8 MillerG I Kort 3050100 11391 QUICK DECISION WB 115 11 11 102 105 8 9 SummersD JRRyan t RHYTHMICAL wl5 710 11 11 11 10 HorvathK J F Adams Jr 6140100 12322 1800100tMutuel GOVERNOR BILL w 115 9 5 8 9h 10 11 DabsonH Mrs H Dattncr 1800100 tMutuel field Time 24 49 102 1093 Track slow ODDHASTEMOND 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKIHG ODD HASTEMOND 100BARSAC 940 760 300 370 100 280 100 50 100 BARSAC 100HOUSE 2740 1120 1270 100 460 100 HOUSE AFIRE 500 150 100 Winner 100Winner B f by Haste Diamond by Fair Play trained by A Miller bred by Mr E K Thomas Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 231J AT POST 7 minutes minutesStart Start drivingHASTEMOND good and slow Won easily second and third driving HASTEMOND sprinted into a long load in the opening threesixteenths was nursed along thereafter and won easily BARSAC well up from the start responded fast in the stretch and finished well HOUSE AFIRE avay well but forced back soon afterward saved ground while racing forwardly and closed strongly PERFECT ONE had no mishaps IMPERIAL HIGH made up ground JOAN W used up forcing the pace quit under pressure QUICK DECISION was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 12234 Miss Shirley 112 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 101 101t 1935JL t OOOtC Ftirse 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners in 1935 1000June2035Det JL OAlO Weight 112 Ibs Claiming price 1000 June2035Det Net value to winner 5500 second 175 third 75 fourth 50 Index Horses E itA Wt IT St Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 12547CEYLON WB 4 107 1 6 2 22 1 Ink StevensonC Mrs A M Creech Creech126282HASTY 460100 126282HASTY BELLE wB4107 2 3 14 in 24 2H CalvertM F Baker 260100 12324KALOLA wn5102 3 5 5125482COMMANDMAN 3h 3h 3 3h MojenaC Miss B Knight 430100 125482COMMANDMAN wn6112 4 7 41 42 43 44 SmithFA L F Anderson 290100 290100j 12421 RED MOUNTAIN w 8 112 8 2 85 74 7 5 MattioliJ Hastings Little j 710100 12421 STOCK MARKET WB 8 112 7 8 812324BABY 64 5i 5 61 BurnsG Oak Tree Stable 1370100 12324BABY BANE w6102 9 1 72 52 fch 710 BrysonJ E Drillon Drillon5h 3850100 12628 WIND SONG wn407 6 4 5h 88 8i 810 ° 83 TurkC M F Kclller 14080100 12633 ADROIT ADARE wU2 5 59 9 9999 SummersD Arcadia Ridge Farm Sta 16560100 Time 24 49 115 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKIKG ODDS CEYLON 1120 480 300 460 100 140 100 60 100 100HASTY HASTY BELLE 540 300 170 100 50 100 100KALOLA KALOLA 320 60 100 100Winner Winner B g by Chance Shot Franconia by Sweep trained by M Parke bred by Mr J E Widener Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 305 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameCEYLON CEYLON suddenly improved and under light urging while forcing the pace came over on HASTY BELLE when reaching the lead in the stretch and won drawing away The latter hustled into a clear lead in the opening quarter responded to strong pressure when challenged was shuffled back when the winner bore over in the stretch and gave way thereafter KALOLA a strong factor from the start and on the outside failed to menace the leaders but outfinished COMMANDMAN the latter raced evenly RED MOUNTAIN made up some ground groundScratched Scratched 12628 Mint Bud 102 12632 Donee 112 THIRD RACE 58 MILE Trj Sympathy May 29 1934 59 2 109 Purse 800 2year OOOf olds Allowances June2035Det Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 fr jjn jociCj8 EqulT Odds Strt 12322 JACKFULL wl2 95 1 I1 1 HardyL Aldrich Winans 350100 12139 WEDGE LAD wull5 32 2 42 2h 22 WeirF C F Hocklcy 330100 330100MY MY KIN w 107 58 31 2 34 33 DabsonH L J Marks 1720100 1720100120592C 120592C W HAY w 115 76 4 31 43 4 SmithG Tranquility Farm Stable 190100 12420 BRILLIANT LIGHT WB 115 1 7 9 82 51 54 BurnsG Odessa Farms Stable 720100 720100MANNERLY MANNERLY w 110 23 71 6 6J 6 RichardA L J Marks 09909 PIPES PAL wllO 69 8 7 72 V CraigA Northland Farms Stable 5860100 12322 MEMANA WB 107 81 52 54 84 83 MgomeryR Huntington Stable 9100100 910010010002GALANORA 10002GALANORA w 112 4 4 6 9 9 9 MooreET Mrs E Hatton 1740100 fCoupIed as L J Marks entrv entrvTime Time 24 48 102 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS JACKFULL 900 480 300 350 100 140 100 50 100 100WEDGE WEDGE LAD 580 400 190 100 100 100 100L L J MARKS ENTRY 320 60 100 100Winner Winner Ch f by Jack High Alert by Trompe la Mort trained by J Winans bred by Mr J E Widener WidenerWENT WENT TO POST 331J AT POST minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameJACKFULL JACKFULL away slowly but well handled took command during the opening eighth was unable to draw drawclear clear responded to strong urging in the stretch and withstood WEDGE LAD The latter well up from the thestart start but shuffled back at the far turn saved ground thereafter but weakened near the end MY KIN KINraced raced greenly but showed a brilliant effort C W HAY weakened after improving his position BRILLIANT LIGHT made up ground MANNERLY was outrun MEMANA quit FOURTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 101 g f Qf rT Purse 800 3yearolds Claiming Nonwinners of a race of 400 since JL O f 4 May 22 Weight 116 Ibs Nonwinners since May 22 allowed 3 Ibs since June2035Det March 15 5 Ibs in 1935 8 Ibs Claiming price 1500 if for less 2 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 1200 Net value to winner 625 second 100 tnird 50 fourth 25 Index Horses EqtA AVt PlSt Str Fin Jockeys EqulT Odds Strt 116903MY PETER w08 6 69 9 9123232THISTLE 7h 34 34 14 SummersD G T Williams WilliamswsllO 590100 123232THISTLE JOCK wsllO 5 55 5 34 5 2h 23 WhittakcrR L J Sandrock Sandrockw 440100 09852 ADAMS EVE w w03 103 2 4 21 14 lh 3h CalvertM J F Adams Jr JrWB104 800100 11972 IMPERIAL BETSY WB WB104 104 3 37 7 4h 6 5h 41 CraigA R A Connell Jr JrwsllO 420100 11686 LEVI COOKE wullO 7 71 1 52 21 4h 5h HardyL L Lacascio LacascioWB 390100 12422 HUSKY LASS WB 114 4 48 8 61 810 63 63 MannF Mrs F Gilpirt Gilpirtw03 2480100 04672 EMPRESS WU w w03 103 9 2 85 72 7h 73 SmithFA I J Collins CollinsWB103 460100 11480 SUN LURE WB WB103 103 1 16 6 lh 4l 8 85 MmeryR J Kosinsky Kosinskyw 2760100 12629 BIG TORCH w 102 8 10 10MAD 10 10 10 94 TurkC Mrs C Van Dusen DusenwnlOSlO i 3740100 MAD AIR wnlOS wnlOSlO 10 3 93 9h 9410 DabsonH L J Marks 7570100 Time 24 49 115 Track slow 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOO BOOKING ODDS MY PETER 1380 620 420 590 100 210 1 100 110 100 100THISTLE THISTLE JOCK 760 400 280 1 100 100 100 100ADAMS ADAMS EVE 460 130 100 100Winner Winner B g by Peter Hastings Margaret 0 by Marathon trained by J P Headley bred by Mr H C Ragan Winner entered to be claimed for 1500 1500WENT WENT TO POST 402 AT POST 3 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMY MY PETER away slowly worked his way forward steadily responded to strong handling ncaring the final threeeighths was forced to the outside for the drive but reached the lead in the last stages and won drawing away THISTLE JOCK never far back and forced wide at the far turn was put to strong urging when clear came to the inside for the drive and finished strongly ADAMS EVE disposed of SUN LURE after fivesixteenths drew clear under good urging but failed to withstand the leaders IMPERIAL BETSY had no mishaps LEVI COOKE under strong restraint for fivesixteenths moved up determinedly when called upon but quit under pressure HUSKY LASS was outrun EMPRESS WU showed nothing nothingScratched Scratched 12058 Thistle Ray 102 102Overweight Overweight Thistle Jock 1 pound Imperial Betsy 1 Husky Lass 3 FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Out of Chute Trumpery June 16 1934 110 3 101 t JQOC Purse 800 4yearolds and upward Claiming Weight 116 Ibs Non JL JLferfC7 ferfC7 o winners of two races since May 22 allowed 3 Ibs one race since that June2035Det date 7 Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for 1750 allowed 3 Ibs IbsNet Net value to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 25 Index Horses Str Tin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 12141MERRY COLINE w5106 7 J 3 21 21 In MojenaC Mrs H Torricntc 250100 11604AUNT FLOR WB4111 6 2 lh l in 22 MattioliJ Mrs S Orr 390100 11863 MAX WAY wu4113 2 7 63 4U 3h 3n CraigA Mrs C Winters 1240100 121453NIGHTS END wn4109 84 71 6 53 4 DabsonH H A Allen Allenwu5109 1020100 12630 CAPITALIST wu5109 15 42 3i 44 53 MmcryR F H Carpenter CarpenterwB4110 260100 12K5 BROADSTEP wB4110 53 5 S2 63 6 RichardA A Castin CastinwaSUO 2860100 12630 SILVERETTE waSUO 4 8 8 8 7 7 HardyL E E Watts Wattsw 10246GENE D w 4 104 3 6 2 73 8 8 StevsonC E Drillon 23 48 114 Truck slow 82 jaUTUFLS PAID r OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS MERRY CAROLINE 700 380 260 250 100 90 100 30 100 100AUNT AUNT FLOR 400 300 100 100 60 100 100MAX MAX WAY 460 130 100 100Winner Winner Ch m by Carlaris Merry Time by High Time trained by H Torriente bred by Mr W T Anderson Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WErST WErST TO POST 429 AT POST 3J minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameMERRY MERRY CAROLINE badly ridden and taken back repeatedly for threeeighths responded well when put to mild urging in the stretch and just reached the front AUNT FLOR took command soon after the startr was under steadying restraint while setting the pace and was not persevered with when threatened MAX WAY worked his way forwardly at a loss of ground but held on well NIGHTS END made up ground CAPITALIST savcd for threeeighths tired after improving his position GENE D quit quitOverweight Overweight Broadstep 4 pounds SilverettC 2 2Corrected Corrected weight Max Way 113 SIXTH RACE 1 MILE Eif Lock May 21 1934 137 3 89 12 Purse 800 3year OQ O ° s an upward Allowances Grade D DJune2035Dct June2035Dct Nct value to whiner 625 second 160 third 50 fourth 25 index jiorses IA vt ri sc t nirrm Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 22383GREYGLADE WB 4102 4 5 43 1 1 11 I2 TurkC J Whyte 100100 2060 HOGANS FOX WB 3 103 1 3 lx 23 25 2 + 2 BurnsG Oak Tree Stablt 340100 34010012KOHYMARQUE 12KOHYMARQUE w3 97 5 2 54 5l 3 43 34 JohnsonJ J Hill 1030100 103010012863MARCELLA 12863MARCELLA H w 4 107 6 6 6 6 4 3h 41 MgomeryR J Kovinsky 1050100 0764 RESPECT WB 4 117 2 4 3i 4h 53 5 5 CraigA C N Mooney 460100 46010012140DEER 12140DEER FLY w3102 3 1 2 3i 6 6 6 ThorntonC R E Cooper 3010100 3010100Time Time 25 50 116 142 Track slow 2 MUIUZLS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS GREYGLADE 400 300 240 100 100 50 100 20 100 100HOGANS HOGANS FOX 360 2CO 80 100 30 100 100HYMARQUE HYMARQUE 320 60 100 100Winner Winner Rn f by Sir Greysteel White Glad by White Eagle trained by J Whyte bred by Mr S W Labrot LabrotWENT WENT TO POST 457 AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving GREYGLADE saved for threeeighths responded fast when called upon drew away under good urging blocked HOGANS FOX at the stretch turn drew away thereafter and won with something left The latter took command soon after the start gave way to the winner came again nearing the final quarter was forced to be eased up when GREYGLADE was steered to the inside entering the stretch and tired in the drive HYMARQUE had no mishaps MARCELLA H weakened after improving her position at a loss of grounds RESPECT and DEER FLY quit quitOverweight Overweight Deer Fly 2 pounds SEVENTH RACE 1 116 MILES Thoraasville May 17 1934 1 44 3 107 Purse 800 f QQA 3yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two races in 1935 JL OOV 3yearolds 105 Ibs older 115 Ibs Nonwinners in 1935 allowed 4 Ibs June2C35Det Claiming price 1000 Net value to winner 500 second 175 third 75 fourth 50 itA Wt PI St 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 12633MESTING QUEEN w4109 5 3 4 4 2 Hi In GonzalcsJ A Banera 890100 12632CELIBA WB WB4105 4 105 1 1 112427EVELINE 21 2h lh 24 22i StevsonC Lone Star Stable 440100 12427EVELINE F w8102 6 6 6125542REVERBERATE 3k 3 31 31 31 MojenaC E Johnson 760100 125542REVERBERATE WB7110 4 7 5X 51 4 DabsonH H R Riley 230100 12633 SUN ENVOY WB 5 106 3 2 2126323MT 4 4h 5i RenickS Mrs H R Boyer 1720100 126323MT HOOD WB4111 8 888 8 812554BELL 61 63 63 63 ChthamR Stone Sena 1640100 12554BELL MAN w w4110 4 110 2 4 5h 72 72 7 710 JohnsonJ J F Adams 400100 12628 DONDAY WB6115 7 5 6J 8 8 8 8 CraigA C N Mooney 1500100 Time 24 50 116 143 150 Track slow 52 MUTUELS PAID k OFFICIAL BOOKING ODXIS JESTING QUEEN 1980 820 620 890 100 310 100 210 100 100CELIBA CELIBA 480 340 140 100 70 100 100EVELINE EVELINE F 540 170 100 100Winner Winner Br f by High Time Queen of Jest by Black Jester trained by J Hoskins bred by Mr M L Schwartz Winner entered to be claimed for 1000 1000WENT WENT TO POST 520J AT POST 1 minute minuteStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameJESTING JESTING QUEEN never far back and under steadying restraint for a half mile raced around the leaders responded well in the stretch and won drawing away CELIBA forced the pace under light urging disposed of SUN ENVOY but failed to withstand the winner EVELINE F used up reaching the lead tired in the drive REVERBERATE raced wide while going forwardly came through the field for the drive and finished strongly SUN ENVOY quit BELL MAN was outrun outrunOverweight Overweight Jesting Queen 4 pounds Eveline F 1 Reverberate 110 Sun Envoy 106 EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE Elf Lock May 21 1934 137 3 89 12 Purse 800 3year ° s an uPwai d Allowances Grade E June2035Det Nct vaue to winner 625 second 100 third 50 fourth 2J Str Fin Jockeys Equir Odds Strt 12065 SPARKDALE WB3108 5 i 3 22 2 21 I2 CalvertM Marchant Guyberger 12731LADINO WB 6 117 8 6 7 6 43 3h 24 SmithG S Buckland BucklandWB5110 970100 12065 LUNA MICA WB5110 1 1 I2 I2 11 lh 3 MayT Baseline Stable StableWB 1650100 123263BICHLORIPE WB 5 109 7 4 54 4h 34 43 4 RenickS Mrs G E Lewis Lewisw 240100 123283ALL BAYS w 3 103 4 8 2h 3h 66 6 52 JohnsonJ S S Friedlein 990100 12426 BLIND HILLS WB 9 105 3 2 9 9 9 72 StevensonC T H Hastings 1880100 11770 MYMILSS wn3 103 6 3 42 52 51 5h 72 DabsonH L J Marks 550100 07575 MAPLE HUSSY WB 3 107 2 9 6h i 82 8 BI MillerG E Lutz 1880100 1880100123282PIPING 123282PIPING HOT vv3 99 9 5 8h 81 i 9 9 RitzF Motor City Stable 1030100 1030100Time Time 25 49 1155 1 = 43 Track slow 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS SPARKDALE 100LADING 820 580 500 310 100 190 100 150 100 LADING 980 660 390 100 230 100 100LUNA LUNA 100Winner MICA 740 270 100 Winner B g by Stimulus Precedence by Jim Gaffney trained by A G Marchant bred by Mr W S Threlkeld ThrelkeldWENT WENT TO POST 546 AT POST 2 minutes minutesStart Start drivingSPARKDALE good and slow Won easily second and third driving SPARKDALE a strong factor from the beginning forced the pace under steadying restraint was carried wide entering the stretch responded fast when clear and won easily LADING worked his way forward steadily was slightly impeded in the stretch came fast when clear but was no match for the winner LUNA MICA used up setting the pace carried the winner wide entering the stretch and tired in the driv BICHLO ¬ RIDE had no mishaps ALL BAYS was outrun BLIND HILLS showed nothing MYMISS quit PIPING HOT was outrun outrunScratched Scratched 118683Borsodi 108 11085 Ana X 107 12735 Chips 107 107Overweight Overweight Mymiss 5 pounds Maple Hussy 4 Piping Hot 1 1Corrected Corrected weight Ladino 117