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OMAHA STARTER SATURDAY Triple Crown Winner to Tackle Older Opponents in Brooklyn Handicap Woodwards Great Colt to Battle With King Saxon Discovery Only Ona and Other Stars in Famous Race NEW YORK N Y June 20 The pros ¬ pects are good for at least seven horses going to the post in the old Brooklyn Handi ¬ cap at Aqueduct Saturday A greater num ¬ ber of the eligibles have been training for the 10000 prize but on what has been shown the seven chosen appear best quali field for the mile and a furlong gallop gallopThose Those expected to answer the call to the post are Pat Knebelkamps King Saxon William Woodwards champion threeyear old Omaha Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilts Dis ¬ covery Mrs Deering Howes Only One Shel ¬ by Burchs Thursday Brookmeade Stables Good Goods and the Maemere Farms Co equel Besides Coequel her stablemates W Grahams Kievex and the Maemere Farms Somebody have been training nicely and Phillips may decide to send more than one for the running runningIt It is natural that principal interest in the running of this old weekend feature is in the meeting of King Saxon and Omaha The fouryearold is required to give Omaha a pound while the son of Gallant Fox gives away weight to each of the other starters The question between the pair is that of dis ¬ tance Some doubt is expressed of King Saxon being able to carry his great speed for such a distance while other good judges doubt if Omaha will be able to run him down over such a route though it is conceded the winner of the Kentucky Derby Preakness and Belmont Stakes would beat the son of Saxon over a greater distance distanceDiscovery Discovery has failed utterly to race up to expectations this year but the son of Dis ¬ play has shown good trials for the Brook ¬ lyn and if he runs kindly he surely would be a real contender Then it is agreed that Thursday has a royal chance among the light weights weightsCoequel Coequel never was better than at present and she has shown that she is capable of carrying her speed a bit farther this year Only One has been a consistent performer in all of his big engagements and Good Goods has shown some worthy trials trialsIt It is unfortunate that the rainy weather this week did not give the trainers a full opportunity with their candidates but most of the good ones are seasoned and ready for the question