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NAKRAGANSETT PARK THE DAILY DOUBLE ON THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST AND THIRD RACES AT NARRAGANSETT PARK THURSDAY PAID 6880 FOR 2 PAWTUCKET R I THURSDAY JUNE 20 1935 Narragansett Park 1 mile Second day Narragansctt Racing Association Summer meeting of 16 days Bahr Stall Gate used Weather drizzly Steward representing Rhode Island State Racing Commission B L Cooke Stewards S C Nuckols C B Stickney and H Reynolds Judges B Holmes V Treanor and H Stringer Starter H Morrissey Racing Secretary P Horgan Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse date track rccprd age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds 7 pounds 10 pounds FIRST RACE 58 MILE Pantoufle Aug 28 1934 100 2 112 Purse 1000 2year olds Maidfins dolts nnil fiftlflinps flaimiTip Wfllfrfif IIS Ihc fflaimin r price 2500 if for less 1 Ibs allowed for each 100 to 2000 June2035Nar Net Yaue to winner 750 second 150 third 70 fourth 30 Index Horses EqtA Vt 1PSt Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 12531 SAMBO JONES wullO 1 9 9wl5 9i 6l 5i 1 WallN P B Codd 1130100 1130100lli 11956 ABSCONDER wl5 2 2 2w lli lh lh 2k WintersM Branncastle Farm Stable 410100 116682 ONUS w 105 11 5 5wllO 3 HowellR H Kane KaneJ 400100 12531 SIR ROLLIE wllO 12 10 10WB105 4 Pollard J J L Johnston 390100 12531IRISH HERO WB105 4 6 6WBllO 51 HanfordC H T Archibald 1460100 11664ARGOAN WBllO 5 4 6h ReidC H P Motcalf 1920100 J2212 STUMPTOWN w 110 6 11 114 92 7nk nk CorbettC Mrs J Howard 2475100 12525 DOUBLE FINESSE wn 110 7 12 12 12 10 8 SmockF Brookmeadc Stable StableStoutJ 1800100 12123 JOY FLAG w 110 81 72 U2 92 9 StoutJ StoutJ120423SKY J P Cooper CooperBetheU 11875100 120423SKY PIRATE wsllO 10 3 44 5 S IO4 BetheU BetheUU587 J W Y Martin MartinSullivan 475100 U587 BLOND JESTER wllO 3 7 Snkiflnkna IP Sullivan J Mrs S H Fairbanks 6430100 10465 ATTAUQUECHEE w 110 9 8 102 72 12 12 StcffcnE K E Hitt 3130100 3130100Time Time 25 50 103 Track heavy S2 HUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKINa ODDS SAMBO JONES 2460 1210 690 1130 100 505 100 245 100 100ABSCONDER ABSCONDER 500 380 150 100 90 100 100ONUS ONUS 390 95 100 100Winner Winner B tj by Tall Timber Naharanna by Sea Lord or Fitz Herbert trained by P B Codd bred by Messrs T G C G Herring Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 231 AT POST 4 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameSAMBO SAMBO JONES in close quarters in the run through the back stretch obtained clear sailing on the inside after rounding the far turn moved up fast raced to the outside in the stretch and closed with a rush ABSCONDER showed good speed withstood determined opposition from IRISH HERO and just failed to with ¬ stand the winner ONUS restrained early closed gamely SIR ROLLIE closed a big gap IRISH HERO hard ridden in an attempt to get to the front tired in the last threesixteenths ARGOAN up with the pace early was unable to maintain a forward position and was placed under pressure in the last fivcrsixtcenths fivcrsixtcenthsScratched Scratched 12405 Abbotsford 110 12043 Black Scout 115 10899 Light Weight 105 SECOND RACE 34 MILE Time Supply Oct 9 1934 110 3 108 Purse 1000 3 t Q S G yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming 3yearolds 115 Ibs older A OJLO 118 Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 June2035Nar to 1200 Net value to winner 750 second 150 tlird 70 fourth 30 Index Horses EqtA Wt I P St Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 104202RED ENSIGN wn3118 59 71 52 22 I2 CorbettC J Howard 120100 12306 JOEMAC wn3107 16 5l 42 1 2s SeaboG F White 1210100 1210100121303BEFITTING 121303BEFITTING WB3104 2 5 32 3nk 52 32 StoutJ H Dongan 460100 11750 ORIFICE WB3110 4 7 6 6 62 41 PollardJ Araho Stable 2660100 09797 HAPPY INVER WB 4 110 7 1 2 21 4 54 MartinR A Barklie 4355100 435510012044BROMIDE 12044BROMIDE wB3103 3 3 Ink lh 3nk 61 HanfordC P Kandell 455100 09741 TRANSPARENT WB 3 107 8 4 84 8 h 7 SmockF Brookmeade Stable 3990100 09380 ONWARD WB 3 107 9 8 9 9 9 8k LynchJ C T Grayson 795100 12225 YANKEE PRINCE WB 3 109 62 4 72 8 ° k 9 SageP C W Phelan 2810100 2810100Time Time 24 4B 116 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS RED ENSIGN 440 S 330 250 120 100 65 100 25 100 100JOEMAC JOEMAC 850 490 325 100 145 100 100BEFITTING BEFITTING 320 60 100 100Winner Winner Ch g by Cynic Char Lady by Campfire trained by J Howard bred by Mrs M Koerner Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT TO POST 305 AT POST H minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving drivingRED RED ENSIGN handled confidently1 worked his way up steadily leaving the back stretch after racing on the outside raced through on the inside saving ground at the stretch head when the leaders raced wide and drew out steadily in the last sixteenth JOEMAC restrained early worked his way up gradually came over to the rail after straightening into the stretch but was no match for the winner in the drive BEFITTING raced well placed all the way despite losing ground at the stretch turn ORIFICE was unable to reach the leader BROMIDE and HAPPY INVER showed the most speed for a half mile racing each other into defeat defeatScratched Scratched 12307 Wee Broom 107 107Overweight Overweight Red Ensign 3 Befitting 2 Happy Invcr 2 Yankee Prince 2 Corrected weight Yankee Prince 109 THIRD RACE 3i MILE Time Supply Oct 9 1934 110 3 108 Purse 1000 3 t Q I O yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming 3yearolds 115 Ibs older JL iaJLJy 118 Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 June2035Nar to 1200 Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 70 fourth 30 Index Horses EqtA AVt PI St 34 Str Fin Jockeys Equlv Odds Strt 10318 INDELIBLE w3115 2 2 12 I4 I5 H FallonL A G Vanderbilt 75100 7510012130CAPPOQUIN 12130CAPPOQUIN WB 5 105 7 1 64 5 24 24 HaywardR W C Weant 835100 12306 SUN CLOTHING WB4105 6 8 7 61 4 34 StaffordC G S Harrison Jr 1135100 113510009380HOT 09380HOT GRIDDLE WB 3 110 4 6 5 k 7 3 4 ReidC H P Metcalf 2810100 2810100123063NERVY 123063NERVY NELLA w3109 5 3 3h 31 52 55 BetheU J W Y Martin 510100 12044 ROYAL LINEAGE wn3105 84 2 2 6 64 SchutteH R W Collins 910100 91010011750DARK 11750DARK DREAMER WB 3 110 1 5 42 44 7 712 DeeringJ Miss H Hughes 3660100 3660100TEMPERATE TEMPERATE Wfl3110 37 8888 PascumaA Miss M Powers 2810100 2810100Time Time 24 48 116 Track heavy 52 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS INDELIBLE S 350 S 270 250 75 100 35 100 25 100 100CAPPOQUIH CAPPOQUIH 480 340 140 100 70 100 100SUN SUN CLOTHING 490 145 100 100Winner Winner Cli g by Infinite Karo by Theo Cook trained by J H Stotlor bred by Mr W B Miller Winner entered to be claimed for 2000 2000WENT WENT tO POST 335 AT POST 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameINDELIBLE INDELIBLE went to the front in the opening strides drew away into a long lead but weakening inside the last eighth was placed under punishment to hold CAPPOQUIN safe The latter worked his way up gradually and closed with a rush in the stretch SUN CLOTHING outpaced early came willingly in the stretch drive HOT GRIDDLE was unable to reach the leaders NERVY NELLA hard ridden in the first threeeighths tired thereafter ROYAL LINEAGE moved up on the outside followed the pace closest for the first half mile and tired thereafter thereafterScratched Scratched 12130 Plug Ugly 107 12307 Opposition 102 11960 Slay Boy 107 107Overweight Overweight Hot Griddle 5 pounds Nervy Nclla 3 Royal Lineage 3 Dark Dreamer 3 FOURTH RACE 58 MILE Pantoufle Aug 28 1934 100 2 112 Purse 1200 2 I Q dfc yearolds Claiming Weight 115 Ibs Winners since May 22 2 Ibs extra JL fclO Vr for each race won Nonwinners since April 24 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming June2035Nar price 4000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 3500 Net value to winner 900 second 180 third 85 fourth 35 Index Horses Vi Str Fin JbcKeys1 Equiv Odds Strt 12309HAROLDS WAY w09 31 H H Ink in StaffordC D J McAuliffe 12309 PRETTY PATRICIA WB 104 24 4 2 2 V PascumaA H C Riddle 440100 12212 TREBOR wnll4 43 2 3 ° 38 33 SmockF G G Smith 245100 245100C99393BARNSLEY C99393BARNSLEY w 112 5 5 5 5 5 4 LaidleyO H H Brown 1310100 131010008960BE 08960BE JUST w 99 1 2 3 43 4 5 KnisloyR Mrs E Trucman 1875100 1875100Time Time 24 48 102 Track heavy 52 MUIUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HAROLDS WAY 380 260 220 90 100 30 100 10 100 100PRETTY PRETTY PATRICIA 370 230 85 100 15 100 100TREBOR TREBOR 230 15 100 100Winner Winner Br g by Monks Way Goodhart by Glcncairn trained by D J McAuliffe bred byMessrs F Bohannon Jr and J L Kitchen Winner entered to bo claimed for 3500 3500WENT WENT TO POST 410 AT POST 5 minutes minutesStart Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same sameHAROLDS HAROLDS WAY hustled to the front at once drew clear in the opening eighth was rated along in front and fought it out courageously with PRETTY PATRICIA the entire length of the stretch PRETTY PATRICIA moved up steadily on the inside leaving the back stretch and fought it out with the winner just failing to get up TREBOR in closest attendance of the pace early was unable to keep up in the closing fivesixteenths BARNSLEY was never a factor though going stoutly in the closing stages BE JUST had brief early speed speedScratched Scratched 12045 Deliberate 112 FIFTH RACE 34 MILE Time Supply Oct 9 1934 110 3 108 Purse 1200 3 t OGOtf yearolds Claiming Weight 115 Ibs Winners since May 22 3 Ibs extra JL O JL for each race won Nonwinners since April 24 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming June2035Nar price 3000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 2500 Net value to winner 900 second 180 third 85 fourth 35 Index Horses KqtA Wt PP St i if Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equlv Odds Strt 12311 PARADUN wnl04 3 4 24 21 24 12 HowellR J U Gratton 420100 420100111762ALBUQUERQUE 111762ALBUQUERQUE WB 1121 1 I2 Ji 1J 2 CorbetlC J iHowafd I 120100 120100U1832 U1832 FAKE j w 102 6 3 3U 3 32A 3i HanfordC v Golden Rod Stabla 230100 11379 DIGNITARY wl3 2 6 4445 41 4h StoutJ F S Pag 2065100 03805 METTLE w 109 7 2 77 52 53 PollardJ R Curran 3315100 042153TREASURY KEY w 105 5 7 5i 6J 7 64 PascumaA H C Riddle 2070100 11590 ALWINTOUR w02 45 61 5 6 7 KnisleyR Mrs E Trueman 1890100 1890100Time Time 24 48 115 Track heavy 52 MUTUELS PAID t OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PARADUN V 1040 410 240 420 100 105 100 20 100 100ALBUQUERQUE ALBUQUERQUE i 340 230 70 100 15 100 100FAKE FAKE 230 15 100 100Vinncr Vinncr Ch f by Dunlin Parade by Trap Rock trained by W Irvine bred by Mr P M Walker Winner entered to be claimed for 2600 WENT TO POST 440 AT POST f minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving drivingPARADUN PARADUN followed in closest attendance of the pace established by ALBUQUERQUE wore down tia latter after passing the eighthpost and drew out steadily for the remainder of the way ALBUQUERQUE went to the front at once drew clear in the first few strides and rated along under slight restraint was linablo to cope with the bid of the winner throughthe stretch FAKE well placed all the way continued with good energy to the close DIGNITARY moved up gamely in the run through the back stretch though unable to improve his position in the drive METTLE made up some ground after trailing for the opening half mile mileOverweight Overweight Mettle 2 pounds Treasury Key 1 SIXTH RACE 1 116 MILES Top Bow Oct 20 1934 143 3 105 Purse 1200 f OQOO 3yearolds and upward Claiming 3yearplds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs JL O i Winners since May 22 8 Ibs extra for each race won Nonwinners since June2035Nar April 24 allowed 3 Ibs Claiming price 2000 if for less 1 Ib allowed for each 100 to 1500 Net value to winner 900 second 1180 third 85 fourth 35 Index Horses EqtA Wt IT St Str Fin Jockey Equlr Odds Strt 12410 HONEYSWEET WB4117 1 1 1 14 I2 I2 lh HanfordC J U Gratton 300100 12048ALADDINS DREAMWB5113 5 6 6 61 54 4 Q FelsB H Neusteter 255100 12128POPO WB5107 2 4 33 34 34 33 33 StaffordC D J McAuliffa 995100 995100123122POCKET 123122POCKET WB3109 6 3 2 21 2 2 4 SageP Mrs P Shaw 410100 12128 BIG SHOW WB 4 114 4 2 43 45 4i 55 5 FallonL L A Brusie 1900100 12537 MADWIND WB6115 7 7 7 5i 64 6s 6 HowolIR B B Stable 835100 09944 ADOBE POST ws6115 3 5 5 7 7 7 7 LaidleyO H H Brown 605100 Time 25 50J 115 144 150 Track heavy 2 MUIUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS HONEYSWEET 800 370 280 300 100 85 100 40 100 100ALADDINS ALADDINS DREAM 4tO 320 105 100 60 100 100POPO POPO 105rlOOWinner 410 105rlOO Winner Br c by Abbots Nymph Mazzie by Tryster trained by W Irvine bred by Mr H P Motcalf WENT TO POST 506 AT POST 2 minutes Start good and slow for all but Madwind Won driving second and third the same sameHONEYSVEET HONEYSVEET went to the front at once when clear straightened out on the back stretch and rated along under slight restraint just held on long enough to stall off ALADDINS DREAM The latter slow to begin began moving up after reaching the far turn came to the outside at the stretch head then went to the inside after passing the eighth post and closing fast would probably have been the winner in another stride POPO restrained in near attendance of the pace held on willingly in the drive POCKET followed the early pace closest weakening in the last eighth BIG SHOW was unable to reach the leaders when called upon ADOBE POST was never prominent prominentScratched Scratched 12128sPrimute 112 11755 Hoops 108 11959 Free 106 11755 Our Justice 109 114831 Bull Market 102 Overweight Pocket lj pounds SEVENTH RACE 1 18 MILES Hadagal Aug 25 1934 150 3 120 Purse 1000 3 t OQOO yearolds and upward Claiming Nonwinners of two races since May 22 JL O fO 3yearolds 110 Ibs older 118 Ibs Nonwinners since May 22 allowed 3 June2035Nar ibs since April 24 5 Ibs Claiming price 1200 Net value to winner 750 second 150 third 70 fourth 30 Index Horses EqtAWt PPSt y Str Fin Jockeys Eauiv Odds Strt 11756TOP HIGH 1WB4113 1 3 22 21 23 H 14 HowellR Miss A Doris 250100 250100122243MANTADOS 122243MANTADOS wn3105 4 1 I5 1 lh 2 2 WallN W H Partridge 225100 11675 TRICKLING WB 3 105 3 4 3 ° k Z 35 3 3 SchutteH Mrs S H Fairbanks 2585100 25851001241PZEMBLA 1241PZEMBLA w 6 105 5 5 5 4 = 45 4 4 StaffordC Miss B Bowman 485100 12225 MOMO w5113 2 2 4 5 5 5 5 FallonL G Hanna 215100 215100Time Time 25 50 116 142 157 Track heavy 2 MUTUELS PAID OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD TOP HIGH 700 340 260 250 100 70 100 30 100 100MANTADOS MANTADOS 320 270 60 100 35 100 100TRICKLING TRICKLING 450 125 100 100Winner Winner B g by Sun Briar On Top by Ultimus trained by H L Campbell bred by Mr W S Kilmer Winner entered to be claimed for 1200 1200WENT WENT TO PQST SB AT POST 1 minute minuteStart drivingTOP Start good and slow Won easily second and third driving TOP HIGH under stout restraint while following the pace took command in the stretch and drew out in the closing eighth MANTADOS took command at once drew clear and rated along in front held on well though no match for the winner TRICKLING made a determined effort after passing the halfmile post moved up briefly but was unable to reach the leaders ZEMBLA made up some ground MOMO was never a factor Scratched factorScratched 12312 Raycart 105 105Overweight Overweight Trickling 5 pounds