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WASHINGTON PARK NOTES A census revealed that more than two hundred thoroughbreds are already on the grounds with arrivals from various sections daily dailyAl Al Suprenant Kankakee 111 sportsman has two twoyearolds that he is preparing for racing rt Washington Park The young ¬ sters are Prince Jean and Fil which were recently brought up from the farm farmG G W Kigdon brother of Ross Higdon was an arrival from Texas with Royal Coun ¬ tess Bob Crack Robert L Irish Image Frank C Good Cheer and two juveniles named Bowers and Flo Meadow Ross Hig ¬ don is expected later in the week with two more juveniles and an older racer which he is bringing up from his farm at Tulsa Okla OklaFour Four racers that will race in the colors of Albert Sabath arrived from California The horses are under the supervision of C E Boots Durnell DurnellTen Ten thoroughbreds the property of I Weil arrived from Churchill Downs to be prepared for racing at the Homewood track trackWarren Warren Wrights Calumet Farm stable is the largest quartered at Washington Park at present consisting of fortytwo horses the oldest of which is three years old Train ¬ er F J Kcarns picked up a number of horses at Crlumet Farm in addition to those he had at Churchill Downs for the spring season there thereJockey Jockey Irving Anderson contract rider for Calumet Farm is on the grounds and will do the majority of the stables riding during the Chicago summer and fall seasons seasonsAugust August Sarge Swenke arrived with eight thoroughbreds from California which are the property of A R Born Chicago clothier clothierTed Ted Horning trainer of the horses owned by Mrs F A Carreaud brought in fifteen racers among them War Glory Parmenarch Archduke Gay World Bakerstown Glad Wings and four Time Maker colts coltsFull Full Up which had been turned out at Kansas City during the winter has been taken by D Dunk McDermid and along with Brandon Prince Over Yonder Motley and Count Valient a Reigh Count offspring arrived at Washington Park They are the property of Mrs G H Emick EmickTwentyeight Twentyeight thoroughbreds the property of Mrs E Denemark which was the most successful stable campaigner in Florida dur ¬ ing the winter arrived from Pimlico over the weekend in charge of trainer June Johnson JohnsonJ J J Coughlin Chicago alderman moved the four horses he had at Aurora to Wash ¬ ington Park bringing the total number un ¬ der the care of trainer R E Heffernan to twentytwo head consisting of High Lark Determined Evil Eye Honored Miss Hon ¬ ored Sir Roguish King Roguish Kitty Roguish Polly Miss Chancery O Dolly American Honor Roguish Girl and others othersW W L Duke McCue has five horses which he rested up at Washington Park since the close of the Oaklawn Park meet ¬ ing at Hot Springs They are Little Duke Moretide Walter L Our Patty and Aurora Girl GirlTwentyone Twentyone racers in charge of trainer Bob McGarvey are expected to arrive at Washington Park Tuesday morning from Churchill Downs the property of Mrs Ethel V Mars Milky Way Farm Three horses of the outfit which have been on the grounds for the past few days are Jaw Breaker High Pressure and a twoyearold filly Marcia S SA A G Tarn and the Corsicana Stable outfit were augmented over the weekend with the arrival of eleven from California and eight coming from Corsicana Texas